
The Twelfth Book Worth of Photos(?): Playing Hard To Get

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The Twelfth Book Worth of Photos(?): Playing Hard To Get

Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Eh, Naobou? I don't mean you're hard to get I meant your live tour goods haha then again you did say you were a shy girl so you might be hard to get anyways so... I want to try though hehe

Yeah, pre-emptive early post, because by my current schedule, we'll only see the next package next year (lol), which isn't wrong, but yeah, this one was an exception since it can't be bundled together. Destination problems, you know. Also, the reason why this is in a separate post. Don't worry, the next package is already in order, it just needs to align like the stars in constellations- Anyways, let's talk about Touyama Nao, yes? I'm actually hyped to talk about this because... because... this is my first time... Haha like no really

Also sorry Minase Inori again this is your birthday today but I'm reviewing someone else's pamphlet- When you sell one I'll be sure to talk about it- Oh I didn't buy it. *laughs* Oops.

Some background story before we start: It's here on its own because of one main reason: it was hard to get. Yes, the title was not clickbait; It literally was my last option. So, in case you don't know of them, I got it through - instead of directly - buying services, who will, as the name states, buy items for you and charge you a small fee for using their services. It's not much, like 500yen or something. Still, I'd like to save that money and also, I got a debit card which can give me better exchange rates instead of the service itself (Buyee, in case you wonder, charges in your closest currency, unless yours is not supported, then in yen) (They are also the ones who got me much stuff over the years, like the Three Books Worth of Photos posters), so I would like to buy everything from this store (7-Eleven Net Shopping) myself and pay in yen until... I can't do it. Apparently, I guess, you may need a Japanese credit card because after I tried my cards and even my sis' credit card which doesn't have a good exchange rate (FYI bank cards do worse than special top-up cards because of flexible exchange rate updating), so yeah, and I want it so bad so... *laughs* And here we are. So, without further ado...

UNBOXING!! Yeah we'll get there

I took this one this morning you know how much I don't want to work today?? lol
(It was in the mailbox so thanks dad)

I opened till here to confirm the contents and I already am disappointed

Because, aside from the pamphlet, they also had a gacha like many other events we know of throughout the year already so refer back if you need to, but here's the list and I wanted the "C level prize" of bromides because if this blog isn't an indication of my obsession of photos of Japanese female voice actresses... *laughs*

But instead...
Not enough space for any B6-sized photos

So yeah, the consolation prize was badges.
And this looks bad because they have the same product IDs...

... and they are the same thing.
Is this the worst gacha I've had just this year alone? Haha *sob*

Wow, age really shows in this shot lol she's only a year older than me
(Some intern at work identified me as 35 so I guess Naobou wins lmao)

Hey, just in time for her anniversary live event this weekend which I'm not going to watch haha

ćƒ‘ćƒ³ćƒ•ćƒ¬ćƒƒćƒˆ Touyama Nao "Special Thanks! Festival" Official Pamphlet

The (extra) topic for this pamphlet is cosplay. *laughs* Okay, it's like Marinka-nation but it's Naobou version where now we get to see what Touyama Nao looks like as not a female voice actress for Anime. Man, I'm so ready... *laughs*

Like, seriously? I'm only interested in the first part hehe

"What if Touyama Nao was NOT a seiyuu...?"

"What if Touyama Nao was a mother..."
(Oooo boy...)

I want to be the father of a penguin lmao
(But seriously though, Naobou?)

"What if Touyama Nao became an idol..."
Wait, aren't you already?
Also, this image just brought me back to the 90s lol

"What if Touyama Nao was a teacher..."
Yes yes megane fetish triggered whatever haha
(She did say she tried to get a teacher certification but failed though)

Oh this is the tai'iku sensei thing
(Man, imagine the sweat in that jersey haha)

"What if Touyama Nao became a dancer..."
It would look similar to this YouTube video she uploaded

If you see on the top right it's not her first time she'sĀ showing off her belly

"What if Touyama Nao became a career woman..."
(In this specific case, she wants to assist seiyuus... if she can't be one haha GUESS NOT!!)

Oh it's the going grocery shopping look!!!- This housewife cosplay is the best hehe

If you zoom in you can see the age on her face- Okay me you like her don't say that

Oh interview with her manager? lol all I see is a penguin

If you have watched her "Nao's Kitchen" series on YouTube (with fan contributed subtitles), this is a special one with her making a cake.. with some help lmao

You should like her being sadded like me too as I loved this tweet

Sorry to those who contributed to the final product and got their face penguin-ed haha

Eh finally someone who made this year relevant by saying they knew her through Anime "KanoKari" RUKA-CHAN!!! Haha also this is for fanclub members you signed up this quick? I'm sorry Inorin lol

"Make your own Naobou paper figure"?? Eh for preservation purposes I'm not tearing off the pages haha

lol the comic
(It's her accidentally adding one gram more sugar, got spotted and licked it up haha this is real apparently?)

So as you can see, the cosplay (lol) is only a small part of it as most of them are interviews and comments about her and her 10 years in the industry, so yeah, I'll read that up later and when I say that it means I'll keep the book and not read again lol.Ā  But I'll do you all and myself a favour by translating the last part of the photobook with her writing on it.

"(I've) been a female voice actress for 10 years.
The happiness, the pains,
They all exist, to become what I am today.
Because it's never me alone,
any time (I'm) always (living) with a strong heart.
Thanks to everyone who have supported me from near or from afar.
From here on,
(I) wish we can continue to come together (and enjoy) these lovely times.
Those flowing memories, the many emotions, let us continue to exchange them!
-Touyama Nao"

*Subject to translation accuracy by Yours Truly

And that shall be it for now. I gotta so watch that weekly livestream with Mikakoshi and Sumipe and talk about how Naobou is nothing like them. *laughs* Okay, Naobou, you are still really adorable in my opinion; I would like you to know that. If you weren't your shy shelf and me not being a Japanese ikemen I wish we were together even with the slight age difference (and in the wrong way, as determined by society), I promise you. I guess I'll see you all the next time probably next year for the next batch then. I, uh, have a feeling more of these pamphlets will come by soon haha I just flashed my card to my colleagues while paying for more of those during lunch today lol haha see ya then

P.S. In contrast to ALL her fans and as I stated in the Wanted List, I liked her from Anime "KONOBI" as Imari Maria, because that bubbly personality totally suits herself in front of the camera, and I love her for that. Haha okay enough fan creeps we're done