
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #02

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #02

Sunday, 10 January 2021
You'll realize the pain when you can never recover the time where you have to take naps but didn't haha it's all those stupid YouTube clips about VTubers lol I gotta stop

Also, if you didn't notice the changes on the home page when you entered, good. Because I don't want you to either that's why they call it code refactoring haha. Which will also explain the lack of need of a redirect to a custom home page because I just literally rewrote the main page. *dabs* Anyways, if you're bored about programming, why not watch Anime? I can talk about them, as little as there are to talk about for now lol

Ah, also also, yes Titans got left out a week I think, and it's not just me. Didn't notice it until I cleared the week thinking I didn't have time to watch it at all and then it turns out there wasn't any anyways haha well we'll get it into this issue lol I really should shift it to next issue instead of adding on tbh

アニメ Horimiya
"I don't really want anyone else to see you like this, Miyamura" OH SHIT THE DROP IS REAL haha this guy's gonna get laid soon I know it
Call him a good teacher, but when they talk about their fetishes remind yourself never to talk to him again. Haha yes that means studying hard so you never have to see his face ever until graduation lol. Also in other hard working lifestyles when you have to deal with realities instead of hanging out and doing nothing... hey, I WISHED I was working that hard lol I just get things easy in the two decades I've been alive. In this new romance series which I'm sitting the fence on (#Horimiya01) we have responsibilities to deal with. Hey, not like there isn't any for everyone alive (you know, responsibility is to not die on your parents before they do), but for Hori-san here, she... might be a supporting pillar of the household. That, is Hori-san's secret. On the other hand, Miyamura-san... we know nothing about him. Well, not like his classmates did, so good luck trying if you want to. But as the titles implies, these two are about to go on a journey we will never forget. Well, I'll see how far I can see this through lol. Anyways, a sudden coincidence lands the main couple on the same place thanks to Hori's little brother Souta (dude you MVP, bringing two people together you be more powerful than the God of Love and Marriage lol), Hori found out that the one nerd who hardly talks to anyone in class is actually dressed up in front of her, basically walking out of the gangster streets. So along the way and mostly because of Souta wanting to see the "cool brother" (lol Souta no~!!), the two get to hang out together more often outside of school, which of course, will gather attention of other classmates who would otherwise not see the unlikely couple. From Ishikawa who actually likes Hori and wants to ask her out thinking this dude got to her first lol, to Yuki-chan who as of now probably wouldn't recognise Miyamura's two forms haha, we have a diverse cast around here waiting for sparks to happen anytime even though it's like 2nd year of high school and this is a totally broken down but functioning electric power plant lmao. All in all, this series might have baited me in with Tomatsu Haruka (since 2008 haha oh "Kannagi" you will be remembered) because just look at the cast man (haha), but you know, I might sit down on this 4-koma series adaptation, who knows? Given that I've seen this before years ago in the original work and didn't hate it, I'm already glad they decided to finally make this animated because so far, it's pretty good. From theme songs (hey Friends) (no the band name is not a joke) to the animation to whatever story to the people in this series and their character development, the first episode definitely showed them all. It might feel short, the dialogues might feel really straightforward without much cut on emotion unless really necessary, but looking at the circumstances I can hang around to see what happens. Sadly, this is not going to take over other romance series which can leave a better impression than this, I would say. But I'll take as many "baka" as I can since "Toradora!" and "Shakugan no Shana" 12 years ago, though. Hori-san, I'm most definitely not going to stop you from saying it haha maybe we'll give this series after all
[TL:DR; MVP Souta-kun because people be flirting in front of his face and HE GIVES NO SHIT haha but really dude you shouldn't because we just wait and see what happens hehe]
P.S. "He's always so gloomy. I bet he's an otaku" Ah, am I not just the best example of that haha hey they say online forums are their fuel and I don't ever use any of those anyways so... gg me haha also not true in Miyamura's case though
P.P.S. "She's always rushing to go home" "I bet she has a boyfriend" Well gg all of us then I'll be dropping this series after this final review lmao
[I clipped too much of Hori-san so here's some of them hehe]

Update 2021.01.13: I was busy setting up my PC so I can gloriously watch this Anime with that and my NEW MONITOR haha it's so bright why is the minimum brightness so high lol okay we got a great episode ahead of us despite that package having arrived but that'll be for tomorrow so for now so let's get to it!
アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"Aren't you two supposed to be long time friends?" Yeah? NOT UNTIL THAT SHIT BETRAYED US go watch from season two thanks haha
Ah yes, Eren with his hand cut sitting below a residential building facing the stage for the night. We're 100% sure he won't transform into a Titan? *laughs* In this new episode (#AttackOnTitan64) where excitement and danger is literally a freaking time bomb right now, he decides to sit down and have a talk with Reiner, of all people. Just so you know, not Paradiso here by the way, it's damn in the center of Marylean territory. So yesh, story. The calm before the storm. The explanations before we don't have to explain anynmore lol. Like really, there is nothing much to explain. Ah, so history lesson, and also, fact check time. I mean, you think anyone checked? Even those who came back including Reiner would've told a different story but who cares?? Propaganda is at its ultimate here to ensure the wage of war anyways so- Wait, you don't know they are declaring war? But how does the whole Marleyean militrary know? *laughs* Ah okay Will is telling the truth because their family had Titan memories. Anyways, fact check, I guess. Firstly, the told lies. Marley, among many countries and states, fought in wars with the Eldian empire for years and centuries only to keep losing because of their Titan powers being able to reign over humans. Well, not really the case now because they have anti-Titan weapons but back then man. And then, a hero appeared. His name his Helios, and he took care of the King. King of the Titan race, of course. The Eldians retreated, never to be seen again, and the rest of the world were taught about its danger and its constant and eventual rise to eradicate the human race again. Hey, it's like if we lived with dinosaurs you guys ever played a video game called "Ark"? *laughs* Then, Will dropped everyone on the truth. Truth of course is, there is no hero, and the King literally, even without reaching this episode you should recall, surrendered its own people in order to flee into an island with a selected amount of Eldians, and continued live there in peace. How though? That's where Will comes in. *laughs* So, it appears that the Tybur is fully responsible in collaborating with the King to allow this peace to be achieved, like, saving what's left of the race before they get consumed by the rest of the human race maybe. It may not be so back then since the King just wanted to retire, but its descendants surely don't think that is such the case. And I suppose Reiner did come back and report to them, so yes, with respect to season three, Eren took in the Founding Titan powers and along with his Attack Titan powers (title mention) (lol) he would sought to bring an end to the human race, because you know, that's literally it, and I almost forgot the walls of Paradiso are made of Titans too, they mentioned that before. Now, why Eren is here. That is interesting though, because yes from the previous episode, I was as shocked as Reiner himself. So, Eren managed to so far, leave Paradiso by himself I assume leaving everyone else behind since they can't really do much besides using that menuveur gear which will do no shit against literal guns and canons lmao so yeah, Eren's mission here is actually to observe, if you didn't notice. So yeah, he pretended to be an Eldian seeking refuge, got beat up at some point because you are an inferior race (I'm keeping racism to a minimum here to bear with me), met some nice people who will do work for him (hey thanks Falco who is probably dead now and can't stop Gabi from being a Warrior) so that he can get his "contacts" together to, you guessed it, initiate war. I mean, Will is technically doing the same thing, because in his story, he wants the world to unite to stop Eren from, you know, literally summoning Titans to flatten the planet they stand on lol. But as expected, Eren came prepared. Right timing too. Firstly, he is literally in a basement behind the stage where Will stood. How convenient, eh? Then, he has one of the few remaining Titan power Marleys here with him: Reiner. And of course, the next descendant for good measure, and not liek Eren needs to know that since he'll be dead anyways lol. Then, is that one "soldier" who called for all the Warriors (primed with Titan powers already, by the way) and then, slowly but surely, separated them up using traps. Traps small enough they can't transform, and deep enough so they can't human themselves out of there. I wonder who that is, to be honest. Can't recognise from the voice though haha. Last but not least, is Eren unleashing hell upon the audience of guests from different nations waiting to get into the action... and then getting killed immediately lol oh well thanks for participating haha. What an episode, guys, what an episode. What, you think Eren is going to walk out of the basement without a scratch? Them soldiers were already trying to find at least Reiner already man, where else you gonna go but up? *laughs* So looks like next week, the Tybur family is going to start this war fighting. Hey, everyone in the audience is confirmed dead already what do you think? Haha I'm just excited to see this series gain momentum again we had too much peace there Will, just a little too much.
P.S. "Annie is alive. She promised she would come back" Well I've got bad news for you, sir. *sigh*
[TL:DR; I expected an episode of nothing but a declaration of war. Thanks for not disappointing me with the speech, author and prodction team.]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
We're starting the year weak I must say, but hey, I really am not in the mood to listen to songs for now and my work week has been busy, so maybe more next week I guess. Gotta remind myself of that end of month bomb of releases I'm getting so I better get these out of the year. What I did get out of the way though (lol) are Gotch's latest album from last year which isn't that bad so I gave a couple of songs I guess (Iwasaki Ai approves of my tastes haha, from the album), Kumiko's 2nd mini-album which is solo outside of her band Scenarioart if you didn't know who she is and not like this is better than the band I like the latter more, and AOP's new single which I gave up listening real quick so haha. And, for the actual new releases, Natsukawa Shiina's new single isn't that great to begin with so I might only give the topic song which I must say coming from that UNISON SQUARE GARDEN composer is rather disappointing, and SPYAIR's new single is not worth giving so I'm skipping it. That's all. I'll listen to more next week, probably from last year mostly. Oh, and since I watched Anime "Horimiya" and the ending theme which will be Friends' new song and single is good, I might as well listen as I write this post.

On news on the new year regarding music and Twitter because it's my preferred social media platform and not Facebook lol cinema staff, SID's live performance premier on Saturday I hope you have watched that because I did... not watch everything haha I did though, I tried to give Sangatsu no Phantasia's recommendation of SixTONES new song but then found out that they are a boys' group and this song isn't that great so no haha, LuckLife's new single is releasing end of February, Asakura Momo's new live preview is longer now so in case you missed it, and Ryokuoushoku Shakai is releasing a new single early February which you can take a listen on Twitter. Hey, the more songs the merrier, amirite?

So for next week, as mentioned above because we don't have anything new, I'll be digging around for some oldies and hopefully, giving some of them as we go. I'm just getting lazy already at this rate haha

And I'm done. And I guess I'll end my week with some Kohara Konomi's Instagram live because why not she's a really nice voice actress anyways she's also slightly older than me only so Koko-chan I wished we were together lmao. Okay me, go dream about it or send her a comment now or whatever lol. Cya guys next week then, and until then... *sigh* my new PC can only be fetched from on site on weekdays I don't even know I want to get time off just to do this already lol

P.S. And because I can't wait for the next package to arrive and considering how, uh, insignificant this became after doing that one post earlier today, here are some images of Futon-chan's polaroid from last month haha sorry girl I can afford only this much your fan club membership fees are waaaay too high
The special gift bromide that came with buying 3 of these is kind of NSFW so if you aren't satisfied with these there's her Twitter and LINE blog lol