
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #07

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #07

Sunday, 14 February 2021
Why spend Valentine's Day with a certain someone when you can just watch a romance Anime and then get sad about how they got laid and you haven't ALRIGHT ME just because you didn't win anything in that DOAXVV gacha doesn't mean you have to shit on everyone haha

Let's talk about lovers day then. The holidays from like, Thursday because I took time off since the boss is not giving it for Chinese New Year (Edit: He gave half day for those who stayed WTF) and considering how many houses can you visit per day? So yeah, it's just a time for me to chill and drink up a whole large cup of iced salted caramel coffee HAHAHAHA ack that one screwed me real hard for most of yesterday tbh

On other news before we proceed, the package is coming together. Got scammed by Animate because they asked for one authorization on TWO purchases though remember I mentioned how I could've waited a week and got both in one order? Oh well, just my luck then, Aoi-chan. *laughs* NOW we can talk about Anime haha

アニメ Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
"It's the perfect time to read sophisticated books I can't get" lol is this how you look cool Dazai? Hahaha what
Okay don't look up what is a sty it's... not great haha in this new episode (#BungouStrayDogsWan05) I guess we're doing school life already ok where were we again? *laughs* Oh yeah, Yamamoto from Anime "JoshiMuda". *laughs* Also, is pudding the solution to kids? Memo memo haha. So, we're talking about a lot of Dazai and I guess specifically Chuuya, it looks like. Because yeah despite totally ignoring who voiced this dude, man is it getting creepy when he has to voice all these... I don't know. Unique situations? *laughs* Of character, I guess, but yeah it's getting creepy, I'm with Dazai haha. Firstly, middle school? Well, they gotta slot that in somewhere, so might as well haha. So, the two were just fighting over how cool they were even though they think they each are, and if you didn't watch "JoshiMuda" and think this is not lame, good on you because my glasses would've shattered to pieces looking at them if not for Mori Ougai and that... other guy which I don't remember from the main series like really I forgot lol. And yeah, pudding be the solution to everything I guess. Next up, shopping habits of Chuuya and Dazai in comparison. Obviously, they despise and probably not understand why the other will buy such stuff (more on Dazai probably haha I've only had to buy bandages ONCE in my life so far lol), so yeah, so much for understanding I guess. But seriously, even if they did sit down and shared what cool shit they bought or sale they participated in, the other probably wouldn't even want to give chance to listen to them. Quite similar to a married couple relationship gone sour imo haha. Lastly, about dogs. Yes, talking about the ones in the shopping trip where they saw the same poster on raising a pack of dogs and they would've helped clear all 10 of them though separately lol, but also this one came from a musical that Chuuya watched. Yeah, start pondering about his life choices haha hey at least he'll get laid because I watch shit like this series lol. Anyways, as hinted by Dazai, Chuuya wants to pick up an innocent abandoned dog on the streets so bad until... he saw Dazai being one. Yes, being a dog. *laughs* Please, laugh at those "you're the dog" jokes from Dazai, because apparently he thinks Chuuya whatever whatever lol, but yeah, Chuuya may want to raise a dog, and probably can't even raise it close enough to Kunikida's level for cats haha, but suffice it to say Dazai's dog dreams aren't going to come true lol what. All in all, kudos for Akutagawa's appearance (twice) in this episode lol he's the MVP this week haha, and man, it might be getting rather dull because we know Chuuya is boring lmao, but hey, still waiting on that Gin or Naomi episode haha okay me
P.S. "You'll get this when I grow big!" And then Dazai's dropping the you too short joke haha ah this is the best
P.P.S. Mori Ougai's approach of growing bigger is great "I'll just pull your tendons out" lol and that's how you joke outside of the original series
[Well since it's Valentine's let's talk about what type of guys you should date]

アニメ Horimiya
"How long are you going to be here, dad?" Wow that is the most reluctant question for a father EVER lol that's how much they hate you?
"It's cold sweat" Yeah that's how much they don't want Kyousuke to be around lmao I mean look at the mother who rather sit on the floor than the sofa. *laughs* (Yes I know it's courtesy in Japan to sit near the TV to lower the noise produced in a room) In this new episode (#Horimiya06) of "why can't I just have a ding dong with your daughter in your property" lmao... yeah the father's getting a little irritating- Maybe he wants to bond with his future son-in-law? *laughs* Okay, maybe, we don't know, So, story. Well, it's the above, the father being a nuisance in a nutshell lol, but also, probably is his way to finding a way through this son-in-law candidate because you know, all fathers be protective of their daughters, especially this daughter. *laughs* Hey, like father, like daughter, they say. But seriously though, we don't need a "UzaMaid" ripoff haha "UzaDad" lol. So yeah, in the opportunity that the dad gets to make Miyaura sleep in the same room with him (lol not BL I promise you) he then asked very indirectly like how every other dad will lol, about his daughter. Hey, gotta hit that question someday. For Miyamura though, he hit the point so well, I think the dad was satisfied with the answer. Hey, judging a book by its cover is a real Achilles' heel to many, by the way. That's me with idolism lmao I'm so screwed in real life already tbh. Also, you see, dad, "the pros of dating this guy with tattoos and piercings and no friends is no one else will fight for him" says not Hori haha should've asked the daughter for her opinion too while they are at it. But really, give them some couple space, would you, dad? *laughs* And then, Miyamura really screwed up his new image in school. Well, not that he can't get a haircut in summer, but man, you forgot about hiding your piercings and tattoos? *laughs* Then again, it did clear up the weird tension and image the school has so far about the main couple though, saying things equivalent to like some yankee took the beautiful girl in school and stuff haha. Okay, you jealous freaks, so hump a wall or something. *laughs* (*looks at self and cries*) So yeah, got the girls interested in Miyamura for some reason but we know they are going to freak out once they see the tattoos, but not unless you can get around Hori's stares in the distance which instantly lowers the temperature of the classroom lol Hori didn't know you're a snow woman. Next up, we have some Shindou action because why not. His girl won't get any though so whatever haha but she did just take all the good stuff. By that, we meant his newly won bag of sweets of course. But come on, Shindou, we know your bag of (shitty flavour) candies is not as sweet as Miyamura's kiss- Happy Valentine's Day everybody. *laughs* Yeah, gonna do this a couple more times- Happy Valentine's Day. *laughs* Also, this is how you treat your close friends? You give the good ones to your classmates first? Don't call me your bro anymore, bro. *laughs* Anyways, who gives a damn about the guy eating a cheese candy, because a clay one will taste infinitely better HAHAHAHAHA moving on. *laughs* We got a stalker on our hands. *laughs* Okay, joke talk, but it's something like that, so let's talk about the new character Sawada. As expected this new girl, this is the aggressive one. Hey, we haven't really seen any action in this series so far you think we can call this a romance Anime? *laughs* Sadly, her aggression is because of... dear girl Honoka you know this is not an all-girls school right? *laughs* So yeah, a lot of things in her past we don't know, but I think with this episode we should have a good idea to be honest. Firstly, her likely admiration for Hori maybe even sexually but we don't want to know who's wearing the strap-on. *laughs* (Sorry, lesbian porno joke) Interestingly, Miyamura doesn't want to like, let this happen? I don't know. Hori is into women? *laughs* Anyways, it's likely a story that'll never end which is nice because we got something to fall behind to, because now that we have fell down to Sawada's level and we be talking about her... dead brother who looks exactly like Miyamura... bro you be glad your hair will grow back in a few months and she'll stop clinging on to you like she's your imouto lmao. Hey, both are all in the name of love, what gives, right? And Miyamura is being nice to her too (I was totally expecting he'll climb the balcony to open the door to her place though lol, instead of inviting her into his place... Hori-san?), probably to spare himself the trouble to having this b*tch go hot on heels over Hori who technically has been taken at this point. *laughs* But man, did the story get real dark at some point. Moving on from this like for real, we got the weekly "Hori starts to question the lack of Miyamura's moves on her" thing for the episode lol. I mean, because your dad's in the way, man. And that Sawada b*tch too? So you see, it's not that easy. *laughs* He got that kiss though, I will say that much, he nailed that thing real well haha. But you know, Hori, you gotta give this more time. Not like we're rushing to prove to Sawada or the dad that they are a thing... or are we? *giggles* All in all, you know what, Miyamura? I'll be a bro and date this Honoka girl for you- Oh wait. *laughs* Then again, these two might be together in the end, who knows? Now THIS is what I want out of this series haha. Okay, whatever, Anime, you do you. Then again, you can come up with as many people to play around as you like. It's romance Anime man, and unless you're married from Episode 1 *wink* you can do whatever you want haha ok I'm done
[TL:DR; If you laughed at when the one schoolmate talked about Miyamura two-timing Hori with Sawada... hahaha it's too real though that girl is right to assume that with all the rumours going around]
P.S. "We don't have a futon for (Kyousuke); We do have one for Miyamura though" Yes mom you got those priorities right lol
P.P.S. "Follow me (to school) and I'll beat you up" Man Tomacchan I know you have a daughter yourself already but can you beat me up? *laughs* Congrats anyways, Hori's voice actresses is now a mother herself (legit didn't even imagine this day but heck)
[That hallway has just become a great place for good GIFs so I cropped two of them haha]
[Wait wait wait... Mocho is the voice of Sawada?? So wait, this is the how many-th time she's been on a lesbian role? *laughs* Also can we have like a "SawaMiya" ship instead? It's just brocon lol]

Update 2021.02.15: Let's get this done and over with so I can do some Bounty Hunting in Red Dead Online haha what the action part is over for the series already right?
アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"Keeping quiet won't help. People normally don't talk to themselves like that" Okay, Hange-san, thanks for revealing my own weirdo- Oh well I am haha
"I know I've never talked to myself before to the mirror" Ah that I don't because I hate my looks. *laughs* In this not-so-funny new episode I suppose (#AttackOnTitan69) we're still on the real talk. Ultimately, to the very talk of war, to what Zeke is really trying to do out of this... let's say tension, between the rest of the world and Paradis. Again, Zeke has ideas, he has laid it out to the people in the island, but that doesn't mean that's the only option. So firstly, we have Hiizuru (I swear my ears are hearing the extra letter and the subs don't have them) and their ambassador whom we have seen some time ago with the Tyburs who probably died in the action couple of episodes ago, but now is in this flashback from 2 years ago. With plenty of circumstances to talk about, they arrived in accordance with Zeke's recommendation for a talk to resolve this world crisis through... capitalism? Yep, remember diplomacy? That's your b*tch once you got the trade agreements signed in. *laughs* Hey, and I don't even study social science or economics. So, after a bunch of talks which failed anyways because these Hiizuru people love money more than anything ie. no love for Titans, they intend to go along with Zeke's plan to try to, uh, create a sort of royal Titan descendant which can save the world after inheriting Zeke's Titan as he expires of his powers? So yes basically, Zeke wants to f**k the heck out of Historia (since she's the only direct royal descendant left) for about 13 years?? Man, that's a way to propose to someone- Happy Valentine's Day everybody. *laughs* But as (Commander) Hange mentioned, yeah by following through as so they will have to sacrifice this current generation (Eren and Historia and everything they have back then) in order to save the Paradis people in the future. Not great of a plan considering I'll legit cry if Historia died, but I think I cried just now just seeing her pregnant... with another dude and it's not even Zeke. *laughs* Man, what a wonderful love story they described in the episode- Happy Valentine's Day everybody. *laughs* Hey, they sure timed it right, what can I say? (And yes, I'm doing these jokes as much as this episode gives them) Anyways, so Hiizuru isn't much of an option now, and that's probably why Eren chose to act on his own accord to you know, balance the current war situation as of that time. It took 2 years, by the way. Well, it took 2 years for the others at Paradis to track him down maybe and also, go along with his plan as we saw a couple of episodes ago. What happened 2 years ago too though, is their discussion of a descendant of Eren's powers. Again I would say, is unless you hate that guy so much and want them to die in exactly 13 years lol (Hey Levi we need to talk haha) but otherwise that's why Eren will never allow his (idiot) (sorry, Jean's not an idiot he's a dork lol) friends to take this baton. However, that's also when the others started questioning Eren's siding when it comes to what happened after that fight we saw recently. That Eren might be on his way to side with Zeke, not that it's his brother, but thinking that it's the only way out. Probably not true, but you know, they gotta let us believe such is so, until Mikasa can't even defend for his long time partner buddy. All in all... this show's getting complicated. Haha hey did I say this was an easy read? I wasn't even one of those reading the manga ending in like a couple more weeks, but man I thought "BLEACH" was trash. *laughs* Okay whatever, because again, it just helps to build suspense so far, and that's kind of irritating to me to be honest. But hey, we did miss a lot of talk ever since we started this final season with just the Marleys, so I think we'll need to get this across somehow. Hey, we did this trash talk for like three seasons already; You're just gonna miss it when it's gone lol Sasha RIP even Eren don't give shit about you now lol cya guys next week we get to see more Gabi and Falco escaping I guess
P.S. "You're the only lost descendant of our nation!" Uh, but just to be clear, Mikasa's not going back though? *laughs* No really, we got enough Historia bullsh*t stories already please don't do this for two more episodes
P.P.S. "I still don't get what is this 'nation' thing" Haha tell this to 17th century England when they were annexing all the lands on this planet lol history joke

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Really? As mentioned last week, not much this week. But I am preparing for next week starting from now, padding it with even more new releases because I went for a dig for artists I know and thanks to also YouTube, I get to see it all. So yeah, remember above when I said I had a break? Haha I was thinking of how to clean up Klassic Note and that database I thought would make this management thing easier lol it's not

On news concerning music and not love but it's on Twitter, didn't notice SIX LOUNGE is releasing an album in April so I listened to both their new music videos and man am I hyped already, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's "Mela" music video reached 20 million views considering it's the best song of Klassic Note 2020 (I know, internationally popular songs reach tenfold of these but this is Japan level), I was touched by Cocco's new music video so I'm reviewing her album which comes out next week (yep) unlike Teshima Aoi's new single so that's that, and if you watched Naobou's Valentine's Day livestream on YouTube which isn't archived by the way, Touyama Nao is releasing a concept mini-album in May, with the theme of relaxation and soft singing. I mean, she is hardly that kind of person, and unless you reach the levels of Tomatsu Haruka (back then) or Ueda Reina (right now) I doubt it'll make an impression. Heck, I'll still listen to them though. *laughs*

So, since I'm giving some Cocco-san since like, 5 years ago, besides Cocco's new album we have a lot more including SHE'S new single which I'm not hopeful for but I'll give mainstream as many chances as they need, ClariS' new single for not because of Anime "Hataraku Saibou", and Waki Azumi's 1st full album which if you need a reminder does not have old songs ie. all 10 of them are new. Which one I'm looking forward to the most? I mean, you want to look at what's my wallpaper now? *laughs* I bought her photobook already what more do you want? Good songs, hopefully; Fingers crossed.

Well, I'm done for the week. This week has been great. I mean, half the week of work leave and holidays? You're welcome, life. *laughs* But there's much work ready for me to see to starting tomorrow, so I guess I gotta go back so I can actually enjoy my birthday leave again for this year which is, yes, upcoming Friday. Those two photobooks won't come by by then, but I'll be glad to see it happen across the Internet. You know, notifications and stuff. And things like they didn't prompt me they were charging twice in succession, damn Animate, ending up using my... not so advantageous card for payment. *sigh* Oh well, Ajuju, I sure hope it was worth it. So please, don't spoil them I beg you all, so I can actually... actually... I'm going to dream about her tonight haha. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... uh... uh... go hug your partner and say you love them right now, thank me later. Okay gotta go I need some water real quick since the start of this final paragraph haha bye

P.S. Because I'm going to explode if I don't talk about it, Red Dead Online so far has been a blast. Well, coming in from buying the online version only of course, got enough to purchase the Bounty Hunter license (thought a lot between this and Trader specialist) to now screw with people so that I can catch people in the name of the law. Well, catching unfaithful people killing their significant other is just coincidental for today haha ah hey I haven't experienced that so I don't know