
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #21

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #21

Sunday, 23 May 2021
I know this week might be boring, me, but NEXT WEEK haha well it'll still be boring if we're not talking about packages it'll never be as good as last week lol

Welcome back. It has been a week. I may have to work from home, which may be good or not depending on how much you like to do takeaways and/or negotiate food delivery with your family members distracting you from work at home. *laughs* Either way, it's only 2 days for next week so WHO CARES HAHAHAHA okay ask me if I enjoyed next week... next week haha

I see a lot of stuff happening on the Anime official Twitter accounts so let's hope I didn't see too much to be spoiled- Are there TWO new insert songs for "OsaMake"?? lol wtf is their budget

アニメ Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
"I wanted to wait outside (my house), but the neighbours will get suspicious, so I'm keeping it indoors!" Tell me Ryou's dad is going to appear first instead of Ichika haha
OH YEAH the presents thing haha uh oh I almost forgot about this- This is going to go well. *laughs* In this new episode (#KoiKimo08) where "it only took me a second to change my opinion about Valentine's Day" lol Ryou, F**K CHOCOLATES AMIRITE??? Chocolates are so not 2021. *laughs* If you didn't die in the intro where Ichika gives Ryou his Valentine's Day present you are not a man. *laughs* And so Ryou died-ed on the front porch haha Ichika is the best. *laughs* Hey, I would've dropped dead too if I were given a hug. *giggles* Anyways before I get beat up by him haha, there's someone else who wants to get beaten by him lol. Introducing, surprise surprise, Tamaru who was also given chocolates on Valentine's Day by Ichika because you know, Ichika is kind enough to repay him for lending her manga to read and stuff. Hey, it is not easy to find someone (yes, Matsushima) (yes, Ryou haha) to talk this otaku stuff with, trust me. However, Tamaru wants to take this not as a tomo chocolate but a honmei one? (Just putting in definitions for context in case you don't know about Japanese love culture lol) Man, sure, whatever, bro. *laughs* Problem is though, this probably affected Ichika's weak maiden heart (lol) more than she would have thought, because honestly as she said it herself... she doesn't dislike him. Hey, guess who is standing in the way lmao wink wink it's not Ryou. *laughs* (Yeah right it's TOTALLY him haha) Next up, remember Matsushima with a box of chocolates? Man, she is SO SLOW when it comes to the latest news from Ryou the whole company knows about it already lmao. So yeah, she would've noticed thanks to her fellow colleague with the rumours that chocolates aren't Ryou's thing. But then again those women aren't Ryou's thing to be honest haha as even if Matsushima didn't consider an alternate gift like what Ichika did (which was a hug btw lol), she wouldn't have the guts to do it either and more importantly as we see in context, she also worked overtime so didn't had the time to go get something else, and only saw Ryou at the train station to have barely enough time to give him the chocolate she has been holding on since the morning... and they were still separated by the ticket gantry lol. Good luck trying for that hug, I guess. *laughs* Hey guys, tell me you use your bank cards smartphone to tap in and out of your metro now, please. *laughs* (Thanks, Google Pay! Haha) Interestingly, as assertive as Matsushima is at giving these chocolates away (they probably aren't cheap she probably just didn't want to eat it alone lol) Ryou did accept them, unlike the probably dozens of chocolates he rejected since the start of the day lmao. Man, you should've seen the smile on Matsushima's face- Why can't he make every woman who wants to give him chocolates that happy? Haha maybe he just wants supper? *laughs* Then, since this is technically happening on both sides with similar resolutions, is the... less than known fact about Tamaru's confession. Ichika looks sad because she is worried about how she should respond to such a drop, but yeah, people around her are getting concerned. First, her bestie Rio. The Literature Club of newbie seiyuu probably got mistaken about these two lol (hey me don't eat them out you don't even know who they are lmao), but as Rio "confronts" Tamaru about what happened the day before, Tamaru blatantly points out her friend is being too bossy about their relationship which I must say, is about to blossom. *laughs* But Rio is right though: Tamaru told her that he doesn't think that way towards Ichika like, 4 episodes so or something. Damn, someone let me punch the ground or something haha *slams desk* But I guess Tamaru is right? Rio is concerned as a friend, but this is kind of their thing? But again, Ichika doesn't have such a problem so far into her life, so yeah it is concerning. Just like how she has to deal with someone wooing her who is a decade older than her *laughs* Anyways, this also means Tamaru will go against that thing, so good luck I guess haha. Then, we have Ichika with Ryou. I mean, and that's why you don't talk to him every day over the phone, because that'll get the dude worried with just a slight chance of your mood and start appearing near your school so the whole class will know you've been two-timing Tamaru with an old dude- Hey, I'm not the one who came up with this plot, don't blame me. *laughs* Ryou is real persistent in finding out the truth though, but I'm more surprised how they made it up on the spot instead of lingering this for like 10 episodes like those other romance series which I'm not going to reference lol. Ichika still insisted that she deal with her worry herself though, so I guess Ryou can't get the early news about him having to deal with a rival he probably is going to lose to...? But serious talk man, for Ichika it's less like "whether I like Tamaru or not" but more like "I've got one irritating dude I don't need another one" haha ikr. Our dear girl has had enough of men lol Rio is so much nicer to her than these dudes who make her worry more than she should have as a person. *laughs* All in all, this episode man... I know this might just happen? But really, I didn't expect it to still go this smoothly haha no really. And that's why I still think this is the best out of the three I watch this season: It has enough spice to make you like this series just like how Ryou continues to like Ichika every single day haha. Moving forward? I really think Ichika might have to do the thing and try... emphasis on the "try", to get along with Tamaru instead of continuing the line with this persistent stalker lol. How though? I believe it might be hard (and sad of an ending, if any), Ichika might have to really be quite bad to that blondie in order to settle things straight to the extent of even not be friends with Rio which might actually be bad, but all in the name of love? Go away Tamaru stop ruining this happiness haha cya guys next week
[TL:DR; Pick someone your age, bro. *laughs* I have a feeling this will be someone's quote somewhere down the line lol]
P.S. "Uh, what's with those hands?" Me when I want to shake hands with a woman lmao
P.P.S. "The girls seem to be having fun" Yeah no shit don't you know Valentine's is just a day where girls exchange chocolates between themselves?? *laughs* "Yeah bro, we should do the same for White Day too" lol what
[You know why people like Ichika are already taken by the time you like them?? Because of jerks like Tamaru, man!! GET WOKE lol *sob* why]

アニメ Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
"Sure, but Asami's coming over too much" Hey Yoshida as long as it's not on you you shouldn't worry- BOOM GOTCHA haha ok me
Really? Is that car parked outside the convenience store with Sayu's dad or something? Call me Detective Shouhei haha okay I know it's not stop telling me haha. In this new episode (#HigeHiro07) where if you have Yoshida's contact number you have officially joined his harem group lol, we have quite some progression this time around so let's get to it! Firstly, about a suspicious car parked outside the convenience store Sayu-chan works at. We will get to that a bit later, but yeah, her past might be creeping up on her by now so... yeah. So firstly firstly, Mishima to Yoshida. It's not like she doesn't understand what is going on between Yoshida and Gotou and Sayu-chan. I guess hearing Gotou out won't help even if it's over lunch, but suffice it to say that Mishima probably thinks all this is getting in the way of her liking him. Like, for real. Mishima just wants a piece of the action, man. (Get it? Man? As in Yoshida? Haha sorry) I swear if Yoshida continues on his harem path at work he's going to get physically slingshot by Mishima across the office lmao mark my words haha. But you see Mishima, even finding out the truth about what Gotou did to talk to Sayu-chan and blah blah blah, Gotou-san here already secured her seat in Yoshida's... heart? *laughs* So she's not that worried. YOU though... *laughs* It really feels like Mishima wants to take the aggressive approach on this poor dude who already got his hands full with women (lol) but you know, this is kind of a special situation which involves literally criminal action that might be liable to be charged in court lmao. But Gotou is right though: As long as Sayu either doesn't leave Yoshida's life OR chooses to be with him further than we think right now, we don't know and may have to wait and see. At some point something bad will happen, and that's when the author will hint to us to take action- Ah. *laughs*  But that won't stop Mishima from taking action though. So next up, dinner's in the way for a movie date. *laughs* Hey, if you watched the episode you will get the idea, but yeah Mishima kinda forced Yoshida to exchange contact information with her because... because... she took an interest in him, is the nicest I will put it. And she told him to the face too. But goddamn that took a while. Yeah, Yoshida, like most other guys, are total idiots until you lay the truth on them which is normally a confession so yeah, thanks for doing this Mishima I almost choked to death on anxiety. *laughs* But hey, I like a jealous Mishima haha she's kinda cute too so I don't know why Yoshida would go for JK and big tits- Oh he's into older women? Never mind. *laughs* Which brings us to what is up next, Sayu digging through Yoshida's treasure trove, while she is cleaning up his house. Thank goodness it's not toys or something because I would be found out (Ah-) lol, but of course Sayu-chan would be keen in looking through his high school graduation album after she landed on him or something haha. (I swear the author be like "what can I do to spice up this volume of manga" lol) Hey, it's basically going steady already if that happened in a romance Anime, don't you know? *laughs* Anyways, Sayu discovered a woman in his past, and it's a senpai, and yeah, they went out together like those relationships people with traditional thinking will reprimand you for lol, but you get the idea Yoshida IS into older women- What did I tell you. *laughs* (Stop teasing him Sayu-chan; You're not in that Anime lol) And then blah blah blah Sayu-chan thinks her case is the same as when he went down on his girl in high school haha what. *laughs* Moving on because that is too cringe even for me lol, Yaguchi helped defend her from... a bad customer. No really, he's not here to buy anything. Yes, it's the one in the car parked outside the convenience store. I know I shouldn't explain this too much, but the name card will explain how Sayu might have a very rich family just like Asami. Ugh, rich people kids problems agin, huh. Hey Asami; looks like you two were made to be good friends. *laughs* All in all... wow that ending. Like really, if that didn't get you, it did get me. Not like as a surprise: We have talked about how much this will happen soon, but as Sayu has mentioned... She doesn't have the liberty to think of when to go back. She HAS to, and it's happening sooner than later. Okay now I can say honeymoon period's over and we might have to go back to her story again. Hey, thanks for the Yoshida story and ex because we don't need more of that already he's got two women behind his back lol we shall see how it goes then. Again, we have NO FREAKING IDEA of what Sayu's family is. She could be lying about her parents not giving a damn all this while, considering the brother's in to find her now. Cya guys next week haha
P.S. Serious talk since Mishima appeared: I really never expect jealous b*tch Ishihara Kaori will trigger me to any extent. This series proved me wrong haha...? *silence* Ask me again in a month hehe
P.P.S. "Are you (Gotou) not worried? She (Sayu) might take him (Yoshida)" Haha yeah Mishima that sounds like a great... joke... Gotou-san? *laughs*

アニメ Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy
*That Acid Snake music video is amazing* Haha hey I can't come up with a good quote and they say music is a good medium to convey feelings so
Ugh, must we recall this part? I already don't want to know about this sh*t fest haha okay me. In this new episode which hopefully we can move away from the actual sh*t fest that is the entertainment industry (#OsaMake06) and I'm glad one's a subset of another because let's get around this, yes? So, story from last week was someone got amnesia *wink* from the Confession Festival, the video of whatever embarrassing rejection from a confession got into a video online with views that'll get Sueharu into the industry, we visited a prospective entrance into this very industry along with Maria-chan... and the President of that company got dunked on with wine. *laughs* (I'll try not to reveal the truth too much if you want to know skip to the later part of this super long paragraph lol) The guy immediately went for the phone to call the cops as Tetsuhiko tries to beat (his dad) up (oops) (haha) (How? I don't even know) instead of trying to give Sueharu face to recover from this incident because really reputation is at an all time low right now, Shirokusa's dad walked in revealing him as the next prospective customer of a commercial Sueharu and probably Kuroha were likely going to be on, and Maria-chan might have saved the day by... proposing a commercial contest between a major talent company and some high school group with a production level equivalent to whatever you saw two episodes ago lol. I think I know specifically what is bugging me so far. It's this micro level analysis that has to be done with every major event. It's irritating. I see those in every single real life drama I DON'T WANT to see it this obvious and so laid out in an Anime. Like really, it's bad. But I like how Maria-chan had to do all this planning and suggestion just so she can say "of course I'm taking my talent company's side" to Sueharu lol dude you think you getting her this easily? *laughs* So yeah yeah blah blah CM fight or whatever, we know who's going to win anyways, so everyone starts placing their bets on whatever conditions that can satisfy all parties so we get the ending we see... in a moment lol. Like really, from Maria to Shirokusa to those who don't have to put their bets on paper, everyone did something behind the scenes. Which will bring us to the results, I guess. As we can see from Maria-chan's PC at home with her sister lol I don't even want to talk about their past, I wish we get to see a commercial featuring Maria-chan but I guess not, because guess where the production budget for this series went to lmao. I guess they can take this time to make as much bullsh*t as they want, huh. No, not talking about Aquamarine Channel. Talking about Anime production. *laughs* (Haha see? You were the one who got jebaited lol) In a nutshell in case you don't get the hint, it's major talent company's production of a standard commercial meant to promote the product or else how you get the profits, versus a YouTube channel literally extending what they did where Tetsuhiko uploaded that video featuring Sueharu twerking for the world to see lol. And with a hint at the end of the video, a further upload of a music video probably meant to get the kids in likely nailed their win in the coffin. It's not a level of excitement where we stand on stage or whatever because we did that already haha, but I guess we should bring the attention to what Tetsuhiko and Abe-senpai talked about in the end, on who the real winners are. So yeah if you don't think the amnesia is a dumb thing, Kuroha came out tops because she wanted Sueheru to not go back into entertainment considering how much he knows about him as a... wait for it, childhood friend (haha), and Tetsuhiko... let's just say he took the liberty to be friends with Sueharu when he's at his weakest. Really, that idiot doesn't even know...!! *laughs* But Kuroha's cheating is way smaller in scope and more effective thanks to Tetsuhiko's dad ie. the President of that talent company, so yeah, win win. *laughs* Amongst other things, Maria-chan managed to quit her agency just because that's her bet, and guess who's the new transfer student in school. Ugh this Anime is too predictable I can't even. *laughs* All in all... I hope I was wrong about this series being a drag because of the deliberate proceeding of events in general with this story. Maybe it's because there's a lot of history involved, maybe that's how they can get all the characters together with some background to deal with future events which I have no idea what that will be unless you tell me it's Japan politics haha please don't, but you get the idea, everyone is as scheming as you can see, other than pure boy Sueharu apparently lol. But again, it's not going to get me out of this just like how it can't be with Sueharu in a harem now haha, but that aside, we might be at the end of this major arc. If you have followed the drama so far, the point that they have to make things this elaborate is also to get things going, but also maybe, to get this over with so they can actually get to the actual topic of this Anime: the harem. *laughs* Like really, it's no joke now that it's all over. Or maybe I'm wrong we may get more of the micro planning crap again just in other forms. But I hope not, and I wish for this series to move on from this entertainment whatever stuff and really show me what a harem is truly like in an Anime haha. I know I only have "Nagasarete Airantou" in my watch portfolio but you know, it's a good reference lol
[TL:DR; "Tehe!" Haha best summary of this episode from Kuroha lol somehow the author hinting that "childhood friend" on the title may not be just anyone but specifically her who did grow up with Sueharu]
P.S. "I'm nervous, but more than that, I'm excited" Hey Shirokusa stop trying to come in front of Sueharu haha what
P.P.S. "And your results (Kuroha's) can always stay on top the whole time; It's amazing" Yeah Sueharu! While she is trying to have amnesia and acting embarrassed in the commercial and deceiving all of this on you all this while? Man Kuroha YOU are made for the show business not your childhood friend lmao
[Like what Minase Inori mentioned in her radio show, that point that Oonishi Saori can voice Maria-chan this cute while not breaking voice is AMAZING this is the stuff you should get hyped at]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, let's talk about what happened to my music library this week. *laughs* SID's new single is a given at this point though since it's Limited Edition and as with all not Regular Edition releases I will not review them because they want me to buy a keychain along with the CD for twice the price? I'm good haha. DIALOGUE+'s new single is a given because Anime opening theme song and don't worry I didn't give the B-side lol, and wacci's new single probably stole the limelight from all the new songs just because. Well it's not the best I've heard even this month but you know, I could use some emotional songs, and they have them. So I'll take it haha it's for Anime too huh and that's how I can talk to people about this while not being able to talk about how more awesome the B-sides were compared to the topic song haha oh well

On news concerning music and it's on Twitter which is within my radar because I probably didn't spend enough time to look around and/or even look at YouTube content that is not music lol, if you missed RYTHEM's revival livestream even just the intro it's still on YouTube and it's more exciting than Kuso Iinkai (lol me) but yes RYTHEM is returning under a new label (ie. not Sony Music Japan) which is the one Niitsu Yui was on 2 years ago after she re-branded her solo career under her actual name, TrySail's new music video (preview, as usual) might make me not give the single a listen next month (but as with all Collection Artists because they are I'll still listen to the B-side), Scenarioart suddenly announced a livestream for next week featuring the new five-piece band so let's see what they got now, Asakura Momo's new single is releasing in August for an Anime I'll likely watch but we shall see, Ryououshoku Shakai's sponsored livestream if that is not obvious enough to promote their new song for that one drink is actually great so win win I guess, Primary's yuiko announced their music library is going to be on music subscription services on her (audio only) livestream (which I didn't... listen lol) and it is a surprise considering they are a doujin group which means you can only see them in Comiket as physical CDs but hey thanks anyways, and you can read this Tweet yourself lol yeah it's about the opening and ending theme song singles for Anime "HigeHiro". 

So for next week, I wouldn't even say it's long awaited because Komatsu Mikako's new single is already like a 3 year wait to be honest (Okay maybe 2 years if you count that one song for Anime "Babylon" which I ended up liking it anyways hehe) and Polkadot Stingray's new EP I didn't even know it's happening until like the start of this month? Yeah. *laughs* Oh well, never too late anyways so I'll catch those on time upcoming Wednesday... when there's a public holiday and I have ALL the time to listen to them MUAHAHAHAHA (FINALLY)

And that will be all this week. Man, that was quite a lot, eh? I really wonder why I don't look at this and be amazed at my effort every single week lol. Maybe because now what I do in my free time is taking a toll on what I want to do so much so my sis is interested in the stuff I do? (lol) Which is Klassic Note ironically in case you wonder haha and how automation has slowly changed my... attention span for those things now even just listening to new songs feels like pain, let alone things not Klassic Note which is for example, here. Because how to say, I have been thinking every weekend what I shall do, and somehow it's not grinding mobile games (*sigh*) or catching on livestreams from VTubers and even voice actresses today. I can't believe I say that, but it's tiring. I used to spend so much time and have so much fun playing video games even if it's The Sims 3 (haha yes The Sims 4 sucks blah blah blah)

I'm getting old haha cya guys next week

P.S. As I looked through my older blog posts (like, very old lol), I noticed I talked about what I would put almost every day as my wallpaper every week. But as I didn't notice they were taken from Facebook cached links means that it shows nothing now. *laughs* So yeah, not like I'm going to upload them again, but for next week it's Mikakoshi!! Just because thanks to that Wednesday livestream we get more of her images and her upcoming single of course! I can truthfully say I still like married voice actresses haha ah-

P.P.S. People I want to see release a photobook this year:
[Though I doubt so because considering how hard it is to do photo shoots now but that won't stop me from listing them]

Minase Inori (Please, please)
Oonishi Saori (Man if that were to happen haha)
Ookubo Rumi (No really, I still want to see it it's 10th year already right?) (What if that calendar was a precursor to one? I didn't buy it though uh oh)
Hondo Kaede (Please, I'm doing the seiza already)
Isobe Karin (Man that'll be great though it might be with her idol group "Healer Girls")
Takahashi Rie (I may not dig it but seeing her solo music career and fanclub take off I just might buy it) (Audience: What if it's behind the fanclub paywall?) (Oh damn haha)
Fuchigami Mai (She's still single) (Haha)

And if any of these even happen I'll make sure to get my copy of Kana-chan photobook too hehe *prays* Married women releasing photobooks now is also fine too *laughs*