
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #25

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #25

Sunday, 20 June 2021
And... it's all coming together haha yes I'm talking about the upcoming package

You know, just last week we were just talking about how it just needs to arrive in time for me to ship all of them out, but now the quantity for "all of them" just doubled. *laughs* Haha hey, I just happen to see what is going up and arranged to pad the order, that's all. Well clearly we don't have to because something new has come up this week to tell me to buy stuff so I can pad the order without resorting to Suruga-ya- Yes somehow I can't stop myself from buying from there again so I did lmao

Since the Anime for this season was premiered one week apart from each other, we're going to see them off one by one, I guess. Well, "OsaMake" will be hitting the new season by then so... remind me to watch "Eden" in two weeks haha ok let's start

をニパ Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
"Then you have to call him (Ryou) back" Haha Ichika's reaction is basically me when I have to call anyone
Man, even your mom forgot how old your dad is. We have more relationship issues than we think. *laughs* "Yeah but what about ten years apart, mom?" Haha man we have some issues. In this final episode of this wonderful romance series with a twist (#KoiKimo12), come on Ichika your mother's sixth sense is already up and kicking and you ask "IF" she knows what you are talking about? Geez. *laughs* So, story I guess but you can already figure out that there is some filler in this so they can end this series gracefully, which is fine to be honest. So, remember the flower viewing last week? Yeah, they used that as the changing point I guess, so now, since Ichika actually has feelings for Ryou, the guy is getting worried if he can even, even ever, take care of her or be with her. Hmm, that's probably something to doubt about, but nonetheless, it's also on Ichika's side because she's getting desperate. So yeah, we have the dude running away and the girl chasing after him. Man, this is exciting. *laughs* On other things, Rio the bestie and the dude's sister, is getting worried. I mean, it's not a problem to be poking into others' affairs considering this affair the ones involved can't even deal with themselves lol don't ask me why, but yeah, as we the truth unveil in front of us, with Ichika telling Rio that she does fancy Ryou at this point which we already know but Masuda ruined it totally last episode lol, he's also here to make sure his buddy wakes up and not keep trying to escape from whatever this relationship has become. Like Ryou mentioned himself, he enjoyed the advances on girls for way too long, but now that it has come back to him, he wants to back off? DUDE, if you backed off like, 12 episodes ago that would've been SWEET haha but seriously though you idiot, not now. *laughs* And even if, if just a little, through their phone call or maybe meeting each other on the streets, we can already see that they miss each other dearly. Well, Ryou did haha Ichika just wants to go on another date with him and he rejected the shit out of her using work. Tsk, who uses work to fend off dates. *laughs* Thank goodness the dad is here in this series as supplementary material means he will hardly care and Ryou did state clearly to him now so I guess he's fine with it as usual haha he has to, but yeah, the series decide to end with the main couple's thoughts in mind instead of choosing to let the other characters be heavily involved because we dealt with those already... maybe except Rio but they did that too by now. So sorry Matsushima and Tamaru, the two want to be with each other. *laughs* The last part was definitely a great ending to an otherwise controversial romance series but you know, Ichika got duped into this real hard so she can't get out of it now so *laughs* All in all, this series has been fantastic. Besides the dad part which I already know will be something at some point but I'm glad it didn't interfere too much with the actual plot, I'm glad this series is as open as it should be, with supporting characters around the main couple, and just a little more spice just because we can afford to make this "disgusting" relationship go south if needed lol. But yeah, dealing with a womanizer and frantic high schooler we do have some sweet drama along the lines, and I think I love that just even in general. Add on with if you didn't know dear Ichika's voice actress has been playing her part in real life (alone probably...?) with her Tweets, and an amazing soundtrack to beat, this is definitely something I will recommend if not for the... traditionally shunned age gap for relationships. I don't care, I take any romance story out of the box so long as it's good but you know, someone's gonna hate that. Man, and I can't even find one lol if I can even get one a decade younger than me today maybe I should just get into it lmao me do not even think about it haha
P.S. "You (Ichika) want to become an adult already?" Yes I want to grow up quick so I can date a guy a decade older than me- Ah. *laughs* "Will you wait until I'm an adult?" What are you saying Ichika-chan you are already an adult I can see your vag-
P.P.S. "A good match for (Ryou)? Who for example?" Well there's Matsushima lmao Rio doesn't know!!!

をニパ Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
"Do I look like a guy who spends time in fancy cafes?" lol Yoshida we don't know man your house can be messy but who knows
Oooh boy let's do this I guess. *laughs* In this new episode where I wish I could use my work leave to go confront a woman about her daughter's affairs lmao (#HigeHiro11), sadly I don't have such a problem and I still live with my family so whatever. *laughs* So, you would think this is the episode where we get to see the mother but I guess we did at the end, but there's a lead up so not this week I guess. So, story. Issa has to make drops to his company just because he has to answer to everyone where he has been for the past couple of weeks searching for his sister, so the two get to hang out a bit downtown. Sayu talks a little more about what we already know, but more on how much she isn't even a normie as a student because her mother was such a b*tch, reinforcing that terrible I-should-have-aborted-you mother stereotype in the process but also reminding ourselves how little of a childhood she has had as a kid. Well, probably Yoshida too but he doesn't have a f**ked up mom so go figure. *laughs* Then, we drop by Sayu's school. And yes, if you need to guess, they sneaked in since the sun has set in Hokkaido, and yes we are heading to the rooftop, no surprises there. Why go up there again though? Well I mean, doing this during the day is definitely a bad idea considering we know the whole school probably knows about this, but also, Sayu is just there to confront herself on what has happened that very day. Not that it went smooth, but you know, she just wants to do it, so Yoshida goes along with her, leaving the brother behind. Oh yeah there you go, they changed up the fencing on the roof. Changed "up", get it? Ugh I hate myself haha. Not wrong though, that man if this fencing was this high things would've been different (or you know lock up the rooftop because how many schools allow rooftop access to be a thing) (I don't know btw don't ask me I only have Anime experience), and besides that obvious point because Yuuko could've committed suicide elsewhere anyways, Sayu is still blaming herself because it's as if as her mother said, she... kind of did kill her friend. Well, indirectly, I guess. But serious talk though, Yuuko did what was the easiest way out of the situation at that time. Because come on, we know adults can't deal with this bullying too anyways. Have you seen "Sangatsu no Lion"? It never ends well; It never ends at all. This might be the worst way to end anything, but hey, blame those who can do something about it, isn't it? Not Sayu by the way, but we know she could've at least done something, for example, confront the bullies and let her take the blame. She would've killed herself instead but maybe the mother will feel better- MOVING ON!!! *laughs* (Jesus Christ, me) Well, this is kinda short so I guess I should let you guys enjoy that awkward atmosphere yourself if you have watched it, but suffice it to say and as Yoshida mentioned, it has all passed. The fence has been raised, the news probably died down, and Yuuko probably wanted her to not be bullied for the rest of her school life either. Hey, guess who's sadder now lol I don't even know. But again, maybe it's the lack of sharing experiences here that will break or bust whatever relations there are in this series, especially in the Omigawa family haha. Ugh, so next week, FINALLY the next week and the FINAL EPISODE, it's final boss time!!! *laughs* Hey, I gotta make jokes since this series can't even do shit so excuse me for all this I guess. Now that we got a social worker on our side- I mean come on we know even if Sayu didn't leave house a social worker will appear at some point lol just that we got this story out of it because she ran away from home. *laughs* I'll end this with a warning: Hey Sayu's mom, I'll let you slap Sayu this once for all she has done to upset you. Do it again, and I'll call family abuse hotline AND the cops. Try me. *silence* Cya guys next week. (Yes, call Yoshida to the cops he didn't even do anything sexual do your girl-) (Again, Yaguchi is the one who-)
[The mom's a b*tch and Sayu-chan is cute so more of the latter I guess]
P.S. "You're coming with me?" What are you talking about Sayu-chan he's not here for vacation you know? Though I would argue Hokkaido is a great place to hang out there's that family restaurant you can visit if you want Yoshida *laughs* (Anime joke)

をニパ Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy
"Looks like you can't stay overnight at (Sueharu's); See you then, Kuroha-san" lol Maria-chan with the burn
Oh yeah this one's going to be great haha I know, I know I'm not a fan of Shirokusa OR Sakura Ayane the voice behind her but I think after this week I might. *laughs* (Sueharu mode, activate! lol) In this delightfully blissful episode of nothing but enjoying your at-home hospitalization leave lol (#OsaMake10), but seriously though Shirokusa how did you grow up so well? *laughs* Asking for Maria-chan there. *laughs* Okay, maybe it isn't as blissful as we THOUGHT it would be with all the chest and everything. *laughs* Okay, laughs aside, let's talk about Sueheru's haven he's in now- Okay in his defence? He has always been in a haven I mean come on how many of us are in a harem after we appeared on stage dancing a piece? Seriously, man. *laughs* So, story for the final arc I guess. Yes, I'm into this arc thing already so let me piece it out with Tetsuhiko please. *laughs* So, let's talk about the Heaven Sueharu is in, yes? Well, or the aftermath of the Okinawa trip, whichever precedes the other in this case lol. So, the girls gather at Sueharu's place is the reality he's facing now, because clearly, no one will EVER let Sueharu hang out with (even excluding the maid which we will talk about later) just Shirokusa because that's just a bad idea because "Haru is an idiot and Kachi-san is pretty" lol thanks Kuroha, but as we have seen so far with the trio in an never ending argument, and two of them backing off because reasons mostly on Kuroha's side because the sisters can't even resist this main guy now I can't even... "So I guess I WIN MUAHAHAHA" is probably what's going through Shirokusa's mind right now so *laughs* I guess we'll stick to that lol. Anyways, introducing new character (at this point??) Ooragi which is the student maid alongside Shirokusa it seems, but also as much as she thinks she's a genius for seeing all this through which of course we know she is totally wrong, but she is making sure this other idiot thinks that his first love is just joshing him on the romance part and just doing all of this caretaking because of this incident and out of respect, is the idea. But as expected, Sueharu did catch the bait real bad so I guess she wins lol. Kuroha thinks Sueharu will confess to her again like she's some main character from that other series lmao, and Maria kills high schooler dudes walking into their school for the first time in their school uniform haha oh we moving on now? (I mean, you want to talk about the FOUR Shida sisters? Give me a break haha) Yes, so next up, events at school after that whatever weekend break of a bikini vacation that, if the guys in the class found out I'm pretty sure Sueharu will be wiped out of existence lmao. But still, he's still letting all the girls do advances at him well probably not Kuroha but you get the point, to the extent that they should seriously be stopped by Tetsuhiko so they can talk about their next plan of action on their Gunjou Channel- remember that thing they shot a music video of? *laughs* And lastly because I'm burning through this like the pain on Sueharu's arm probably lol, the plan for this upcoming "final arc". *laughs* Hey, I call the shots here, not you guys. Also, Tetsuhiko calls the shots for whether they have to accept the making of a documentary of Sueharu's life as of now for the profit of the entertainment industry, so yeah, f**k you Sueharu you dumb shit you are going to follow someone's plan somehow. *laughs* I mean, it is a bad idea anyways, and we did get a sequel of whatever drama Sueharu was on before her mother passed away, but yeah, as you can see, his bro is taking all the matters into his own hands and THEN asking him to agree with it. Or not. But looks like from the ending, we might have a reason to let Sueharu agree on this thing. Because besides seeing a clear input for Maria-chan's victory but we won't know what it is until the end, but it looks like the girls gathering around to talk about holding back on perverse perverted sensitive actions to this lucky piece of whatever, they also agreed on somewhat an approach to make Sueharu agree on the documentary plan which is making a true ending to the drama series which ended writing the main guy 6 years after the incident which he coincidentally is in that age now. Man, that's complicated. *laughs* But yeah, I guess we'll have to see who comes out tops this time around. Will the imouto win this time around? (No I meant as in Maria haha) No one's gonna cry though, but someone's going to have the best laugh out of this. Haha I hope it's not me crying I really hope it's not going to be like the earlier arcs please haha *sob*
[Oh you were here to see Sueharu's imaginations? Okay I thought the storytelling was funnier but sure]
P.S. "Haru-niisan is such a ladies' man, aren't you?" YEAH NO SHIT Aoi-chan he got you too though *giggles* Wait Akane why you avoiding him you also got amnesia? *laughs*
P.P.S. "Shiro-chan told me not to get involved in this, but I can hold on no longer!" Oh so you want to join in this harem, dear maid? *laughs*
[More Kuroha I guess because I "suki" her more than Sueharu HAHAHA GOT HIM]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Wow this is quite a week of songs, isn't it? Hey, let's keep this momentum going the rest of the month with one of my ears feeling bad lol haha what. SCANDAL's new single is okay so I gave the thumbs up so we will be talking about how cool MAMI-san was singing her own song which she could've done as a solo career but you know she didn't, Waki Azumi's new single was real meh so don't ask me how many of the four songs I've given giving one is already good enough especially with an attractive music video, thanks to a specific night time livestream which I watched two hours after midnight of Nan-chan talking to members from idol group Pyxis ie. Itou Miku and Toyota Moe (thanks for work from home the next day I guess I stayed up till 2am, a personal record outside of work) and this other band came in for a mini segment so I gave Yoin's new album a listen and it isn't that bad I just literally didn't give the song that aired that time lol, and thanks to Gotch's recommendation on his usual Tweets I gave the song song after listening to Cwondo's 1st album which we will talk about who that is because he's one of the guys of band "No Buses" and if that is a familiar name do not be surprised because it is I just think we can start giving them songs soon. Man, this is quite a paragraph haha but I think I summarized it pretty well

On news concerning music and is on Twitter and this week is as much as the above releases this week I must say, THE ORAL CIGARETTES new song is opening theme song for next season Anime and of course digitally releasing end of the month so yay, LuckLife released another live video on YouTube which features their new song back in February (yes they have another song up by next week, listed end of the video), Amamiya Sora's new single cover art is something in itself showing off Ten-chan in all her maturity and it's not blue (whaaaaaat lol), GLIM SPANKY effectively released a digital single(?) which included two new songs which one of them is a cover from DISH if I'm not wrong I just was wrong in giving them a listen lol (hey man, I don't always have the mood to give them, alright?) (the other Tweet is for me, for Apple Music), ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new song is for an upcoming "Boku no Hero Academia" movie (ugh) so yay when's the last song they released lol, I definitely missed the premiere in Niconico(?) but yeah it's on YouTube anyways Takahashi Rie's new music video is animated and it's for her upcoming debut album next week, Horie Yui's new song is releasing on July 1st for Anime and man does the composer "Kiyoshi Ryujin" ring a bell (he probably wrote songs you have heard of), Earphone's new EP is releasing in September as part of their 6th year anniversary and don't ask me why it's a "concept" release because they themselves are a concept lol, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new song has a music video now but well I'm not that keen so see you in the next release then haha, I talked about Gotch's recommendations yesterday and I was bored so I took a listen to them and looks like my life in these few days is going to surround band "No Buses" and their vocalist and guitarist's solo career "Cwondo" both of which I have and will be listening to, and Uesaka Sumire is performing on English-facing national television probably for the first time as she sings popular Anime songs under her name. You guys probably won't get to see it and me too but I have my ways and you should have to so I'm just giving you the tip here so you're welcome. *laughs* Personally just hyped about No Buses personally because besides trying to give them songs from the same reason I did which was from Gotch's Tweets but back then I had zero interest in giving that one songΒ to start them off but now... I guess it's different from everyone else listed her so go figure. Also, I feel bored and weird so this will do very nicely for my mood swings haha

So next week, we are starting the slew of releases which will be flowing into Klassic Note for the rest of the month and probably make my days better at work, besides the obvious talk about them in two paragraphs already which is No Buses' 2nd album, we still have a lot more including vivid undress' new mini-album this was quite a wait but finally I can hear more of them, and Takahashi Rie's debut mini-album and I'm honestly surprised why they didn't give her something else to work with in style because my impression of her singing is through Earphones and it's nothing like her in Anime so I guess we shall find out soon.

And I'll be done for the week. I told myself every week already to go see the doctor, but somehow I know it is rather futile and it'll require a couple of months dedication to just go get the meds just to get this over with temporarily. Yeah. And since I live in a city state with a grey population, as you would expect queueing for Chinese physicians here will take some time, half a day even. Oh well, so face futility again next week then. *sigh* Cya guys next week, and until next time... let's just hope I can still hear out of my right ear by then because we still have a lot of songs to go through haha bye

P.S. Isobe Karin just recently announced her contracting the diseaseΒ yesterday from the recent pandemic, we don't know how serious it is, but seems like she is tested positive from a suspected group and quarantined at home so she can't go to physical events and streams right now like The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls one today (if you know Idolmaster which I do this group had five members and the image only has four so) so I guess that sucks but man, I hope she is well she can still tweet though so that's good haha can we have an Instagram live from our place pretty please (haha)