
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #33

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #33

Sunday, 15 August 2021
AAAHHH AHHHH I sometimes wonder if I have taken charge of my life up till now haha hey "Sonny Boy" I can hardly even believe in reality you think I'll believe whatever drama you come up with? *laughs*

As with modern society where I believed there is an alternate solution to everything but apparently not, you probably also didn't believe that this week's post is short but because you didn't notice there was a Monday post so we have enough death for this week already but yeah, "Sonny Boy" had to ruin it. *laughs* Mental death, please. They can't die in that world... or can they? Also, monkeys be dead already so

Okay, Anime time I guess! And new songs... well this week was kinda lacklustre but next week though!! I like how all I remember is Asakura Momo hehe but yea there is more happening next week but let's end this week first, yes?

をニパ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"I wouldn't have thought Milika-san would fall in love with Naoya-kun" I mean, is that surprising though? *laughs*
You see, the best part about getting more girls into liking Naoya is these two will be on more cosplay somehow lol why though? Seriously, why are we letting this man get away with all of this? *laughs* In this new episode (#KanoKano07) where we hope cuteness is all it needs to get a man to stick himself inside of you lmao okay I'll cut this out, looks like we still have a lingering Milika fear in our hands. But before that, let's get some cosplay going shall we? And in case you have no idea about this costume party, let us talk about it briefly since Naoya has to stick in his experience on it anyways lol. Firstly, Saki-chan thought about how it would be possible to make sure Naoya doesn't three-time on her this time around with whatever happened last week with Milika which we are definitely sure Naoya just got himself another target though he's technically refraining from accepting her just because (he already has two girlfriends), and turns out in her trips back home since it's just next door, the mother (who doesn't know of the number of people in Naoya's house right now) suggested dressing up to show off I guess, her slim body and cute smile and stuff I forgot because I'm not her boyfriend lol. Anyways, I guess Saki-chan is going for the "I'll have him for dinner" approach, so- What is that outfit anyways?? *laughs* Bunny girl, we call those, as they are typically represented in casinos, but yeah, definitely got Naoya salivating and also everything else that is cute about Saki-chan haha I get it, you can watch it for yourself but yeah, Saki-chan got real happy the next day because of this. Boob grabbing, I mean. *laughs* Man, imagine a world without Nagisa, these two would have such a wonderful time together. *sigh* Haha anyways,Β Nagisa wondered what happened but she won't be far in finding out the truth, because clearly just like how one would clean up after their mess *wink*, Saki-chan just left her costume in the laundry which isn't done by her so welp. *laughs* And for round two, we have Nagisa in... don't ask me why she brought with her a maid outfit because she can use it someday? Really, how did you even start to buy these- Hey I thought she would consider wearing that "used" bunny girl outfit but I guess not the chest part since it probably wouldn't fit her HAHAHAHAHA, but yeah, it looks like Nagisa is trying to get Naoya to praise her more, is the point. She did get it though, with Naoya demanding she wear such an outfit once a week lol well you gotta make sure the other girlfriend is out for a stroll and only considering of how she did it with Naoya the night before then... *laughs* Anyways, such wonderful times I thought this was the series until Milika showed up, but yeah, as they will have found out about each other's appeals to the guy individually, no doubt this will cause more ruckus when they have to compare their relationship to the guy again, I assume. Last but not least though, we talk about Milika after the protect. *laughs* Long story short, the trio did not know she is called Rika in school lol almost gave her MeTube identity away, and Milika Rika-chan here just wanted to thank Naoya for saving her sub career which might just end up being her actual career because if you have not heard of the life stories of content creators clinging onto shit ad revenue and millions of views with their dear lives go search it online someone will tell you the way. Just... think twice if you want to do so though, just saying. *giggles* And Naoya just can't stop praising her which I must say is waaaaaay too much considering his objective, like other normal guys, is just to reject the girl "and please go find someone else better" type of situation, is not stopping at the compliments, only making girls fall for him more. *silence* Is that how you get girls to fall in love with you? Well too late, me, should've done that in high school. *laughs* All in all, fantastic episode as usual, maybe too much on the cooch if you understand what I meant *looks at bunny girl Saki-chan* but yeah, haha, I like some wholesomeness when two are alone, that's for sure. And Nagisa don't you DARE wear a bunny girl ears plus maid dress in front of your boy I will bleed so bad I will have to ask Waki Azumi to do it haha Ajuju~ Cya guys next week haha
[TL:DR; I wished they put on a poll on their official Twitter to decide whether Saki-chan or Nagisa wins this cosplay competition lmao (Personally I'm pure so Nagisa also she has more chest haha Saki-chan no-)]
P.S. "It's not just the two of us; It's two-timing anyways" Wait, the mom doesn't know?? Haha okay
P.P.S. "Does Naoya-kun have no sex drive?" Yeah mom, probably. *laughs* "How can (he) resist when he's living with such a cute girl?" Yeah I agree mom, especially when there are two. *dabs*
[I think I'm pretty much convinced Sakura Ayane would make of a great girlfriend after two seasons of her playing such a role haha oh okay it's just me]

Yes, notice how the thumbnails are three images each? Yeah? It's because- Naoya GO AWAY haha I just wanted to squeeze in more screens lol yeah right

をニパ Sonny Boy
"It's like a luck-based gacha? You'll hit the jackpot eventually; Just keep on trying" Thanks Asakaze, and that is how the mobile gaming world operates now in case you wonder
Yeah, I guess we are still stuck at the point where we are still severely distracted by the fact that everyone thinks Nagara is the one at fault. Haha, I mean, assuming no one lost their memory and the perpetrator is evil... yeah Nagara isn't it. *laughs* In this new episode (#SonnyBoy05) where I finally believe that I've gotten it right this time around in taking sides, that yes, the sensei is totally wrong. So yeah, let her brainwash you for now, because she doesn't know much like the rest of them anyways. Or maybe she does. Let's talk about what happened. So, Aki-sensei appeared on the island, and on the flashback as the student body sit to think about it afterwards, she mentioned a couple of things that will make you doubt otherwise. Firstly, they can't leave the world. Okay, nice joke, and if that is so we might as well end this series now lol. Second, she infers that it cannot be a coincidence in this happening, pointing out that someone already has those superpowers to land them in this alternate world in the first place, namely we have heard statements from Mizuho and the Student Council apparently, but we aren't sure if those were true. Lastly, she claims that Nagara was the cause of everything, in an attempt to leave the real world, and implicating everyone else in it. So yes, this is the bullshit part which, as Nagara himself has no defence for it, will be the best way to divert everyone's attention because every time he talks he can never win against anyone, not even just any innocent classmate who can't do anything but believe in the nonsense right now haha. It's like the thing with Mizuho; it's not that he's not telling the truth, it's that everyone doesn't trust him. Too bad, guys, game over for all of you. But yes, just like how I like to make you think it's over, there is salvation. God is salvation- Okay free thinker me, you can't say that. *laughs* Anyways, let's start doubting. Doubting as to why, Aki-sensei here and apparently along with Asakaze, are the bad guys in this case. I won't say they are the culprits here, but for now in this smaller scope, yes. So firstly, Aki-sensei's words along with what we know so far, even coming in from a doubtful student body including Bill Nye right here haha. So don't trust me also because I'm also second-guessing (remember where we are in the first place, watching an original Anime series) (haha) but suffice it to say that why would anyone trust some bimbo (hey Nozomi haha) who just walked into their world and told them they were wrong without explaining how she appeared in here? That, is still probably, the biggest mystery in itself. Well, at least for this episode or from the previous one. Just this is already a pit hole for lies, if that isn't a good enough hint. Everything else she does though, if you can believe, are traps meant to point down on Nagara and his supposed powers to likely distract everyone in this. So yeah, trust her, I guess. Idiots. *laughs* Next up, is what we know of Nagara himself. In Nagara and his pep talk with Nozomi because we know they are a couple now hehe, Nozomi talks about how he gives up easily, and where she gets all her courage to move forward from. Inherent? Maybe. Absolute? Probably not. But yeah, she isn't exactly wrong, but that's the problem in itself too: Some people lack the willpower to find meaning in their lives for themselves. Read up my terribly written novel series "A Pack of Life" for more information about saving society. I'm not the saviour, Nagara is. *wink* Moving on, which should be the biggest thing here so far, is again, the lack of understanding we have of the rules of this world, and also, the powers they possess. It's like how (sorry for obscure reference but) one can hide their zanpakuto identityΒ to deceive others about their true powers lol I'm sorry I promise I won't do this again, in this case since we have mentioned it's a growing up story just like how I mentioned many times here, is that we have once again misunderstood Nagara's powers once more. He doesn't have the ability to teleport between worlds, because it seems like he can never teleport back to the previous ones as evidenced before. Since his power is named "Escape", he can only escape, guess what, to a new world. Which is probably what will lead us to the ending for this episode, as we see Asakaze teaming up with Aki-sensei to attempt to, you guessed it, get out of his hell scape. Think of this as, if Bill Nye is correct lol, that they probably also cannot reach anywhere since the one who can move to the supposed exit as pointed out by Nozomi, is Nagara right here. So yeah, it's more like they are closer than ever before... but not because of Asakaze. I guess it did come back full circle, huh. Not that I know what this means though. *laughs* I know right, what is with this long write-up. Well, we shall see what those two have up their sleeve, maybe we will really see Nagara in trouble or pain even, but that we shall see how it goes. May not be good news for the lot of them, to say the least. But just like how this series has been going, we don't know.
[TL:DR; "No matter where I go, what power I possess, it always ends up the same" For this series man, think about it.]
P.S. "We have as many tomorrows here as we need" This is as cringe as it's a relief to hear that but hey, I don't know how it feels I'm not stuck in time space lol
P.P.S. "Never trust the words of a big-breasted woman" Yes, I found the quote that'll last for ages to come haha how did they even slot this quote into this series isn't this just referring to the sensei lol also we shouldn't trust words from people who never open their eyes haha looking at you Hoshi (Seriously dude what is with him and his eyes wide open too)
[Hmm... I still don't know what to make of this series, to be honest. Lies are all around to prevent you from believing in the truth, and I still think that Hoshi is like, the devil here making sure no one leaves this game of torture. Hey, prove me wrong in two months, Anime.]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, let's talk quickly about this week because I have ignored a lot of new announcements anyways haha hey not talking about my Twitter feed there is a lot going on YouTube which is just a never-ending hole of content also music so I... don't think I need to click on them right now. Oh, how I ended up with a flood of circle's 15th anniversary album is also because of a YouTube video haha. Ah hey. *laughs* Anyways, that EP-like release of songs written by other artists for them plus an acoustic cover of them covering other people's songs... I only listened to the former and threw away all the good songs so I gave a couple of songs which I did not intend to give, once again, because they sound better overall. Also, UNISON SQUARE GARDEN, I'm that bored of your style already, I rather listen to that vocalist who created his own band XIIX since it has more vibes than whatever you've come up with here lol. Hey, it's a bit touchy but doesn't mean people won't like it. Just, I don't. *laughs* Other than that I did listen to SPYAIR's complete best album worth of 30+ songs at work but did not record of anything notable, probably because I'm not sitting there doing it attentively. *laughs* So yeah, next time, guys. And I'm not going to mention all the songs newbie voice actress (and my new love question mark?) Kanno Mai's recommendations through her Instagram stories just because.

On news concerning music that is on Twitter and of course on my feed or if I saw it otherwise, THE ORAL CIGARETTES is doing a livestream on next Wednesday this is literally a translated Tweet haha, I don't think I will be listening to Ishihara Kaori's new single with yanaginagi on the lyrics but hey the latter did tell me about it so I guess I'll just mention here lol, LuckLife's new song is releasing end of the month and I swear a formal release is coming soon, if you have watched Naobou's summer vacation livestream with 2 other guests I think I know them Touyama Nao's new single is for Anime due November, Asakura Momo's new song preview is for her upcoming single and I'll talk about it next week anyways so not here, Yogee New Waves' new music video is for their upcoming album and though it's short but it got me in the middle of summer I just say (the end of the chorus is literally good bye in FOUR languages FYI), and finally there are digest videos of Taketatsu Ayana, yanaginagi and Ikimonogakari's recent lives on YouTube. Yes, the last one was Ikimonogakari before it became a two-piece band... Hey remember FINLANDS is now one-piece so *laughs* I'm just glad they are still around man...

So for next week, we have a couple of release coming up hopefully making this month something to remember, long time coming miwa's new single so I hope it's good lol recent ones have not been impressive as in it's overly impressive imo, Asakura Momo's new single because yes I watch Anime "Kanojo mo Kanojo", and I think I will need some time to listen to Ueda Reina's new album if I really want to give her chance. Hey, I'm giving more chances to albums in recent years and I pride myself on it instead of simping on topic songs, so I hope topic songs in the future can continue to entice me to listen and credit songs in future releases. That's the whole point man, we can't just live with the one song. Well, most of you guys are so Klassic Note remains the right to keep silent. *giggles*

This is all, I guess. News that were on Twitter and I can't put in the music part is... we have one good news and one bad one. I guess bad one first huh. Bad news is more on me, the mobile game and my first Japanese one I've played for 5 years which they recently haphazardly celebrated ie. Alternative Girls is declaring its end by October which only made me sadder because (1) fans have noted its impending end especially with the development studio picking up on IDOLY PRIDE's video game two months ago (which I am ironically playing) (ugh I hate myself haha) and (2) I shared my experience with ma bro on how I'm simping on Futon-chan now... *laughs* Good news is, ironically for a doujin manga (depending on how you look at it) but I guess it's ranking tops every time it releases a new volume, "Ganbare Douki-chan" is getting an Anime adaptation!! Didn't expect this honestly, but I did support it by buying FOUR volumes so far and probably will be getting the fifth, so that'll make the author real happy haha. Hey, easy come easy go, I guess. I just... don't feel like being sad.

Like injecting a vaccine into my weak body.

Cya guys next week haha