
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #35

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #35

Sunday, 29 August 2021
Wow quite a couple of birthdays this week including Koga Aoi which no one cared about (say sorry to her, me) and Amamiya Sora which of course, since she has her own YouTube channel now, you can watch her birthday video... which just shows how screwed up production is but in the face of showing her other side which is mostly awkwardness so far just because. Our angel can't always be perfect she gotta be sadist and talk down to us for making her eat blue-coloured food lmao

I know right, we should make ALL idols whatever their most natural character is in the entertainment industry haha and then turns out it's all sadists lol I mean who likes to be acting if they can not do so? That's how you get the YouTuber industry today isn't it

Anyways, Anime time, it's a Sunday, yesterday I bought a lot of things in view of next month's package which will arrive at October probably when I'm fully vaccinated so I can continue to stay at home to open it haha, but hey, at least there's Tomita Miyu in it now. MIYU-CHAN~!! Haha okay let's watch shows and talk music

をニパ Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru.
"If you are worrying about me (Alicia), you don't have to" Yeah okay how old are you again? *laughs* Even if you're seventeen you're still underage
"Is Siesta going to die this week?" has always been my question every episode since the flashback started, but you know, I gotta wonder. And in this week's episode (#TanMoshi08) looks like we aren't quite there yet, as with previous episodes. But, we did get some plot advancement, so let's talk all about it. Yeah, if you realize something was wrong with Alicia I did too so don't worry you aren't being paranoid watching an action series filled with androids where anything can happen. *laughs* Anyways, story. Story goes that Siesta is fine now, but that doesn't mean the city is. People are taken off their hearts once again, and because we learnt that Fuubi-san is literally in Japan now and not where they are which is as I assume is England, which means someone has been shapeshifting again. I would like to put my deductions here but we were hinted of a Chameleon some time ago during the fight with Hel so you may want to put two and two together. Still, Alicia here is persistent in joining in the investigations, but yeah, it's hard isn't it. With Siesta being serious about her job and clearly not wanting anyone to be distracted, clearly Kimizuka is not doing his sidekick job properly and shoving tracking devices up little girls'- (Lolicon! Lolicon! Haha) Anyways, things got real emotional where the trio had to talk to the victim's mother (Aw the victim was such a beautiful woman why) (lol me) More importantly, is what you have to figure out of these investigations. No, not the part where Alicia asked Kimizuka to put the ring on her. *laughs* But yeah, I guess it was a preventive measure he did to try to track Alicia just in case she got lost or you know, started to kill people or something. *wink* So, somehow she was found injured with a police officer who was almost killed... by just guess who it is it's not hard lol, and she landed in hospital only to be found missing in the dead of night. Literally at this point you would have guessed, as the duo manage to appear at the same church even with the fallout earlier on and them questioning themselves about the coincidences of Alicia's appearance. Serious talk though, why do they have to keep on with the conscious bullsh*t? With Nagisa having Siesta's heart, now this? So yeah, spoiler alert, and thanks Chameleon for joining in in spirit because we can't see him anyways, Hel after the fight supposedly lost her memory and has changed form. I mean, Hel got Hel-la cute, I gotta say. *dabs* Haha I know this is a bad joke you can leave now. *laughs* Anyways, that already will put in a lot of assumptions here, because now that we know Alicia and Hel are the same thing just that she has two... hearts... now? I don't know this sounds weird already lol. So yeah, for now let's just assume that Hel has like, multiple forms like those people with split personality syndrome or something I've forgotten the term since I saw a local drama series with the same type of character. Now that'll make sense in a smaller scale where in this investigation we can just zone in at all the clues we know of and IMMEDIATELY deduce Alicia was probably not on their side lol. You figured that out yet? *laughs* So yeah, I guess we're infiltrating SPES headquarters or one of their bases next week, considering the theme songs did not get much love somehow lol. Hmm maybe, maybe Hel before she was 17 was a lovely girl like this, who knows. *silence* Haha cya guys next week.
P.S. "Far-fetched logic is still logic" Hey you know what Alicia, you're right. But you're too cute to join in investigations and die in this series so... *laughs* (Audience: Over like, Siesta?) Ah well, that wasn't my choice lol
P.P.S. "Somehow, I feel like that was my daughter talking to me" Yeah then, why not take Alicia as your daughter? No one here wants her and you just lost a daughter so you can take it lol
[If someone can tell me whether Alicia now has two hearts or one left according to Kimizuka's statement of when she hugged the victim's mother which had the victim's heart... this series is f**ked up, I'll tell you that.]

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"I wonder how long Mother is going to put her hopes on (Bocchan)..." Wait, she does? *laughs*
Wow, different intro? That's good. *laughs* In this new episode of series I keep sh*tting on the intro every week (#ShinigamiBocchan08), let's talk about more people we can sh*t on haha. So firstly let's get right to it, the brother. No, not that brother who has a curse on him. The other one. The one who is SECOND in line to inherit the family head title because his elder brother is not going to be in a position to do so since we don't intend to kill guests via handshake as they arrive lol. The one who has probably been covering for her sister from the mother every SECOND she decides to do her thing and leave for the old mansion which is about a TWO hour trip (Word pun here: Viola meant "jikan" as in hours but he heard as "jinan"). And yes if you can guess it after you've read this far, he's real sensitive about his position in the household, as the SECOND son of the family. *laughs* Okay, bro, we didn't intend to burn you though; You are just super flammable. *laughs* Also, thanks for covering for Viola-chan whenever she misses not the brother and wants to go to the old mansion. (She can't say she's into older men~!! Haha don't hit me pls then again hit me pls lol what) Yeah, for being such a bro, I thank you for taking in all the responsibility that would otherwise fall on your brother's hands, but hey, who says you can't be the head of the household when your brother is MIA at age five? This dude's probably TWO, I think? *laughs* Okay, I'll stop with this lol I get it it's a big joke for everyone in this series anyways, the character differences. What also has character though, is the encounter of Viola with Cuff-san, and yes apparently they haven't seen each other before. Some background story here, she and Zain were working at the circus to blend in as half-witches, and Cuff specifically wants to learn how to write well? Sure, bet you can't write the size of your rack- Anyways (probably "G"?) (lmao) so yeah she decided to hang around, but Viola thought she was a burglar? I mean, you know criminals run or attack immediately after being discovered right? Haha yeah, so that was a thing that the other three witnessed, Viola on top of Cuff. *laughs* And Viola probably got what she wanted when she realized Cuff was with them lol RACK oh Rob please stop teasing her and marry her or something already lmao. Last but not least, and this took quite a chunk of the episode and I think it's also necessary, is the origin story of Alice arriving at the old mansion to work under Bocchan. Hey, we may not know much about Alice's story which I was definitely more interested in, because we know even after Rob told Bocchan to live on and probably got sh*t on every time since you know, it was depressed Bocchan back then, but suffice it to say that Alice living with her aunt isn't any better so she probably chose this route to, you know, give both of them a chance in living, isn't it? Think about it. Other than that, it's just Bocchan rejecting this sexy maid dressed in black (title drop sort of) mostly because he refuses to remember the past they had together, and him probably really worried why would anyone else want to stay in this mansion with him and Rob after he has been LITERALLY KICKED OUT by the mother I would say, and had to live quite a meaningless life in itself. But hey, we have goals now. Be rid of the curse and marry the maid or something, I think. *laughs* But yeah, from cleaning his room within a night when given three days as a threat to kick her out, to complimenting Bocchan every day to cheer him up... I must say the healing of a heart which was also rather broken brings a tear to my eye. Good though, now we truly know why Alice is here as of now, since she, like Bocchan, also desire the wonderful days albeit current circumstances, where they were together. Aw, so sweet, isn't it. Hey, it's hardly any chance people will come to you when you are in your darkest times, especially if you hardly knew of them. Normally people leaveΒ when you are in your darkest times, whatever it is. *giggles* Anyways, great episode this time around, and looks like we have Christmas vows coming, so start doing those marriage vows before Alice gets taken away by Zain or something haha what
[This week's sadist quote from Viola-chan is basically every time she roasts her SECOND brother lol I volunteer to be her onii-chan haha]
P.S."I want to read and write (English) as soon as possible so I can surprise Zain" Wait, so what's the language you are speaking now? Oh so Cuff is illiterate lol ok
P.P.S. "Did she come in unannounced? Well I did so too" lol Viola you don't have to tell anybody when you arrive you are an honorary member of the old mansion
[This SECOND brother is such a trouper he made me forgot this was 3DCG so here's more of him haha]

をニパ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"She (Milika) is such an easily readable person" Haha Saki-chan I know right
How long are we going to have to deal with embarrassed and maybe tsundere Milika-san? I don't know. I just know all these years of lack of Ayachi in my Anime life has been compensated with this series so far. Very thoroughly. *laughs* In this new episode (#KanoKano09) you know how mind blown is Naoya always to the things around him such that if it were Nazi Germany he'll totally be the Propaganda Minister? Yeah. *laughs* So, uh, what else is new again? *laughs* So, story. Wow, how did this still all happen with one school day is still blowing my mind I thought this happened in a period of like, two weeks or something lol. Anyways, let's talk about what happens for Milika after this whole fiasco. Firstly, about misunderstandings. Yeah, she found out about the "in heat" bullsh*t Saki-chan pumped into this poor dude. Haha seriously bro, do some online research when you're free; It'll help you in the long run. *laughs* So yeah, this was kinda rough to watch even though I must say the reactions are 10/10, having Milika-san go embarrassed to the point she kind of has to explain herself while holding up to the embarrassment on her red af cheeks... this is just the tsundere material I've waited for years haha voiced by a married woman btw. *laughs* Yeah, but Milika-san can't tell Naoya that she likes him even though she's totally into him already since she's that tsundere... this series is great haha totally filled up my empty meter for such action this year alone. *laughs* Anyhow, we thought that like, Milika would be fine here once she knows of Naoya never being able to accept her in any capacity, on how because he has two girlfriends and that, he'll never go out with this MeTuber, but yeah, that is still not stopping her from giving up as far as we have seen these couple of episodes, to say the least. And I guess that's going to be a problem, even till the series ends, I must say. Just a nuisance, but you know, it's a free world and we can't technically arrest her for harassing Naoya I guess. *laughs* We're reaching the stage where if we don't shit on her long enough we WILL NOT let Naoya do the three-timing haha what. *laughs* Okay but serious talk though, no way, like, please don't. *laughs* Sadly, this has not ended on Milika's side because instead of the "I wish him happiness" talk when you know, you have to like give way such that the person you like can find happiness thing especially with two other people lol, Milika rather believes in that she should be THE girlfriend, and talked about how much Naoya has been in her mind ever since he saved her from her father who would swear to delete her online video career blah blah it's hard to make money. *laughs* But Naoya is still flabbergasted at Milika, wondering how even these things can make her fall in love with him. Well, it's pot calling the kettle black here already, with Milika talking about what supposedly is normal for guys to look attractive to them- Guess what I will do none of what Naoya does so I'm with you, girl. *laughs* Yeah, Naoya is a nice guy, I guess. It's hard for anyone to honestly or even in a straightforward manner, say things like "I'll protect you" considering you guys were only classmates- wait, schoolmates haha yeah it's as if you guys don't know each other. But that's the precise problem. Which brings us to the kill. Yep, Rika-chan here did the thing. It's the kiss, way earlier than those two who were witnesses to this in the sports equipment room haha, and man, how many people were sad because of this, you think? *laughs* Saki-chan was probably right in thinking that Naoya probably didn't get aroused (I would though) (Haha), the two girlfriends probably want to kill themselves, and it took so much explanation on Saki-chan's side in order for Naoya to understand that all this while, it really requires a lot more than just the fact that they are girlfriends in name to this dude, to, you know, have an edge compared to Milika-san here, all things considered. But yeah, you get the idea, f**ked up in storytelling as usual, I guess. *laughs* All in all... well Naoya I think you need to research a bit about dating just like Saki-chan did as we saw episodes earlier. *giggles* No really, it'll help. For me who has ZERO EXPERIENCE in anything love-related, I think I still may know how to date someone more than you who has two girlfriends haha. So next week, I guess we're FINALLY going on a date? *laughs* Man, what episode is this, 10 for next week? Okay, dude, whenever you're ready. I'm already blowing up seeing all this emotion overflowing through this series, I'm good with wherever Milika-san will be there anyways so MUAHAHAHAHA ah hey I said it here first *looks at next episode preview* what did I tell you
[TL:DR; Yes Rieri was right Shion-san did say something else other than "SakiSaki" it was "eh" and "nani" lol this series on minor characters man OH NO IT'S WAY MORE THAN THAT SHE HEARD IT uh oh haha]
P.S. "You're pretty messed up to fall in love with a guy who has two girlfriends" Yeah Naoya I know right which character in the right mind would do this- Harem Anime. *laughs*
P.P.S. "I've started to realize how difficult this (two-timing) relationship is" YEAH NO SHIT BRO lol okay we've been burning him for nine episodes I can tune down a bit haha

をニパ Sonny Boy
"What if all the (castaways in This World) were like Aki-sensei?" Haha Mizuho you sometimes can make a great joke and I like it
Wow what's the number on that meeting? Yeah, in case you haven't realized, we are reaching a new arc of this series. In this new arc of a series that'll still confuse some of you including me (#SonnyBoy07), if you think whatever world they were in trying to go back to the real world is only "that much", think again. *laughs* Because serious talk, we have been given a clearer picture than we have ever in the history of this series, trust me. I know, you're still troubled about this "world", so let's talk about as much as I understand too which isn't much, but you know, it's "no more than that". *laughs* You think this Japanese phrase will be overused considering it has this many meanings? I won't. Haha but more on that later, we have another story to tell. Story goes that, in the previous episode this student body has realized that, through their adventures of trying to go back to the real world even if it's some years ago, they ended up seeing their real selves during graduation day, way after their current state, some even dead in the future. Problem is here then, is that they saw themselves as a copy of the original, meaning that, they aren't selected to be in the real world time space, if Einstein can help you understand this better. *laughs* Anyways, this as I heard became a pivotal point of this series since a longer promotional video was handed out this week, and we move on to other "worlds" which also feature students who were left adrift, likely because of the same reason. So think about it this way then, if I were to simplify this: Imagine you were the many possibilities of futures you were on now maybe reading this post, and other yous may have done otherwise in this time and space, but you were the definite future. The adrift ones are then the students seen here, with the God or proprietor as the school principal in this case, dumping the responsibility to move between worlds to Nagara.... or Nagata as he is called now because or else anyone who hears his name after that whatever meeting will attempt to kill him in seconds now that everyone knows what his powers are. Still, that doesn't stop him from travelling between worlds, as seen from that one exercise bar in the middle of nowhere on the island. This, took Nagata (yes I'm keeping up with this fake name) into a world of... mining? Where people here are forced to work by moving blocks downwards, wait for it, to build a tower to Heaven. Yes, in case you took longer than Nagata to realize this as I did too haha, it's completely in the wrong direction. Which brings us to the idea of people understanding their super powers earlier than the rest who probably won't consider otherwise or have less useful spells, is that this "Koumori" guy is controlling this specific world using his upside down powers. We'll get to that in a moment, but Nagata was treated like trash, so I guess he does want to get out of it considering what he has seen so far. Compare him to himself Episode 1 or Futatsuboshi here lol that's a long name, who couldn't be much bothered about how the world works, and probably will remind you of how the students on the island had to work in order to trade for stuff to buy from like, Mizuho because she has the ordering powers, remember? So yeah, it's kind of similar just that this one instead of First Kitchen burgers or Yoshinoya beef bowls (lol) it's bugs. Ugh. *laughs* From Futatsuboshi though, we have learnt that there IS an existing like, leadership body around, delegating hosts to different worlds probably doing mundane stuff like this for centuries even thousands of years, run by a Beatnik sort of group of leaders who then determine... I don't know, their next approach? Like, how they want to get rid of this Nagara right now? *laughs* Okay this is quite a write-up so I should conclude soon, but yeah since this is a world of nonsense and fiction (RIP Futatsuboshi getting eaten up by shooting star bugs lol) Nagata quickly learnt of the world's rules, and learnt that working at moving the blocks the other way round would (1) get a lot of attention including the chief directly above worker them because why would you not follow everyone else and (2) get him out of this world by meeting the leadership, and finally, make his way down where the source of truth is. Turns out, it's someone he has been an acquaintance with as a kid, "Koumori" here is using his powers probably as controlled by Beatnik members or any higher entity, to control the population here to, you know, have some purpose in their not lives in building a tower towards Heaven, maybe carrying some treasure along I guess. So yeah, all in all, this is just like other episodes, but we are moving forward regardless. That is all. *laughs* The biggest thing Nagara probably got out of this especially considering that Koumori did cover for him in the meeting to leave him alone instead of judge him at stake, is that he needs to be more determined in this resolution to likely, save everyone from this world. From what though? Labour? Freedom? Association to their original future selves? That, I'm not sure. What I am sure though, is that this series has brought upon many waves of different directions ever since the reveal last week including why is Asakaze still on the island instead of being on that party bus with Aki not sensei lol, but hey, we got more bizarre stories to tell. See you then.
[TL:DR; You think "Nozomi" has motivation to live now that she saw her real self dead? Think about it.]
P.S. "Hey, did you hear? They finally found the guy responsible for this adrift!" Yeah, it's me. *points to self as Nagara* lol
P.P.S. "So (upwards to) Heaven is the way out, but there's treasure (to be taken)? What's the real objective?" Haha I like how the dude's reaction is the "yes" equivalent when given two options lol ah hey it's important man we have to have some money to spend when we're in Heaven
[On other things, remember Hoshi? Yeah, he can't hear the voice in his head anymore, probably meaning that he has detached himself from the proprietor (goddamn this word is hard to type lol) already likely because that dude has got Nagara in his hands now, is probably thinking about other things we still can't fathom. So yeah, what else is new?]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a week for releases, so as promised I'll ignore LuckLife's new song haha okay I did hear it first but I didn't fancy it so oh well. What I did like though is Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new EP and its new songs in a while and I gave a couple of songs besides the third one because they wrote this for a kid if I didn't remember wrongly and I don't think that's sincerity considering I didn't like it so... *laughs* Anyways, probably what took the spotlight was Anime "Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru." Song Collection which featured the theme songs which I gave both but I was surprised the opening theme was so much better than the ending which was such a drag I have reluctantly given, but most importantly, I gave the one Sapphire song Saikawa Yui sang on her live because besides being the one out of three songs which were in full because why would you do more lol why not though, but also I think through my Tweets you may have figured how much I became a simp to Yui-nyan after this week. *laughs* I also chose not to sleep this weekend (which is a bad idea because staying awake next week at work is going to suck lol) and listen to a couple of live performances including SCANDAL's recent 15th anniversary live which also happened on drummer RINA's birthday so happy birthday anyways she turned 30 haha but hey the new song didn't sound great so I'm not planning to review that (lol), and Kitou Akari's live performance is just too good, I know not to give more songs to listen to because I've already exhausted myself in giving just her adorable singing voice. *giggles* Okay I'm done talking about this haha

On news concerning music and is on Twitter and I'm excluding Hololive VTubers from this paragraph because look at next paragraph, Scenarioart released a new song which I must say isn't bad so we might just give it before it lands on a major release, for Amamiya Sora's birthday they have kindly released her THE FIRST TAKE recordings on digital platforms which is nice, Horie Yui's new song for upcoming Anime releasing October actually sounded good from the trailer so I might just be giving this one, Hanazawa Kana's new music video preview is nothing but cute so get hooked on that before the actual full YouTube premiere next month, apparently there's an animation music video for like Anime "Takagi-san" season two ending which was in theme song single of Ohara Yuiko so I won't go through that see what I wrote two years ago lol, Porno Graffitti's new single title is just pure hype even if it's a title, and there's FLOWER FLOWER's recent live digest if anyone wants it lol. Oh, and Part 1 of it is six months ago haha *laughs*

And since there aren't any new releases I'm into next week, I thought I could take this time to review all the Hololive VTuber member songs since they have been pushing those out a lot lately so apart from Hoshimachi Suisei which I intend to give her 1st album end of next month (which by the way she worked hard on ie. paid for the production of it, which is I guess how it works now for them idol VTubers) I also will review the new songs (in no particular order, I'll post links) where I might as well list them properly for our convenience, what I know of them and whether I've listened to them yet:
Tell me if I missed anything and not EN members or those JP ones not listed here because I don't care haha and yes, I am listing out all of them for my convenience in the need that I have to search all of them up to add into a playing queue haha WELCOME TO 2021 BABY!! I'll space these out over the week to listen to as many as I can during work or on commute I guess

Wow, that list above took quite a while, I must say. *laughs* Really, I wished there was a place where the official group will list all these out. Or maybe I don't know where to do it, but seeing that I can't find them easily unless looking at their Twitter accounts... it has not been easy haha. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I may really need to see the doctor I want to hear clearly out of my left ear tbh. *laughs* *sigh* Oh well, if this comes from work it's only just like fixing flooding with poor irrigation systems lol what kind of example is that. Haha take care of yourselves then.

P.S. Something tells me I need to check out this ultimate Anime girlfriend simulator on mobile next month when it comes out HAHA it has many characters from familiar Anime series like "KanoKari" from last year and "KanoKano" from this year too (It's like "Sonic & All-Stars Racing" but it's a dating simulator and Sonic is "KanoKari" lol?)

P.P.S. When you rather listen to city pop in the form of Ueda Reina's new song than Awesome City Club... lol Ueshama~!! Haha argh "scapesheep" is such a good song to dance too I want to see her in a tight skirt dancing in like, club lighting with the composers TECHNOBOYS doing the whistle at the back dressed in suits *thumbs up* We're not getting that isn't it *sob*