
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #38

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #38

Sunday, 19 September 2021
And... there goes my weekend. I know it has been fast, and I did take work leave on Friday lmao, but hey, when you start working you can never get enough breaks just because. Hey, kids, trust me, you'll miss them so enjoy them when you're still studying without purpose in life. *laughs*

Well, I'm just typing all this life talk because my life has been rough this week. Well, sort of. Mostly the second shot kicking in since Friday night and literally killing me all day on Saturday but at least I know I will be able to do this post on Sunday, so thank goodness. To quote my sis on this case "which is why always take Friday leave (for vaccination)" haha thanks sis. *laughs* Anyways, we can talk about Anime and music now, so let's get to it!

We are sending off Anime starting this week, and I have been tipped a lot about next season's Anime I think I know what to watch already lol, but hey, before that is done, let's clear this bunch, yes?

をニパ Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru.
"If you don't know how to live life, you can walk in line with someone else!" Wise words said here, Kimizuka.
Hey, that's how Kimizuka started out in the... android hunting mystery solving business lol. Unwillingly but he learnt a lot from the famous detective herself, one would say. In this new episode (#TanMoshi11) where I actually forgot Saikawa is on their side now, so yeah, not even spoiler alert tbh, Nagisa didn't die for the cause. Well, more like, we don't have to sacrifice another for the cause. So yeah, story. After a whole lot of talk which should've wrapped up since last week lol, we finally reached Kimizuka's decision upon that ship that has Chameleon on it: he is not gonna let Nagisa die. Yeah of course, she does have Siesta's heart after all. So with Kimizuka's most impressive gun shot in this series lol, he clips the tail in half, sending Nagisa down to the ocean below her... to be honest even if it lands in the sea she should be fine but yeah, Saikawa had to do the more glorious way, by sending like, those firefighter use landing pads to catch Nagisa where she landed lol. Anyways, they are safe, the people on the cruise are probably safe considering help is here, but we're not done yet. To deal with Chameleon who is like, an android, against this sidekick who can't even be half competent in fighting, we gotta believe some help is on the way. We gotta. *laughs* And so comes in Charlotte in a helicopter somehow, driven by Fuubi-san yes the real one haha, in an effort to stop this SPES android from leaving. It didn't go well if you can believe, sending the heli away leaking fuel while also using that fuel to conveniently burn the enemy alive mainly also to reveal his camouflage powers, but the enemy had other plans to deal with this sidekick one on one. Of course, not a great idea, we do not have any more plans left unlike if this is Siesta's heist, which brings us to the real thing. Siesta herself. Remember last time through the flashback where technically speaking Hel took Siesta's heart literally to her possession? Yeah, that was probably a bad idea, for Hel. Because if you thought of how Nagisa mentioned earlier in this series that her actions are dictating what she does even though she's like a normal high school girl? That wasn't a lie by the way, because if an enemy were to do this which was apparently according to the detective's plan, that means Hel just got herself stolen consciousness because Siesta can now take over her identity going forward. Well, for as long as she can. Surprisingly, until the nicer self resurfaces. Yes, cue a couple of episodes ago with the flashbacks, we are talking about Alicia. So yeah, Alicia is the nicer side of Hel, basically. Siesta said it will take some time to kill this woman, Kimizuka did kind of forget some things like who Alicia was, but he still remembered that even if it took three years and her conscious was taken to another body ie. Nagisa-chan here because with context, she has the best background to be able to blend into Kimizuka's life as a classmate, would be the best way to join back into his life in their mission to take down SPES. So yep, in case you didn't realize by now, Nagisa will be taking the final kill on Chameleon. Well, all in all, I must say at least the storytelling makes sense, but the story might have dragged on too long, considering Charlotte was literally there just for show now even Saikawa played a bigger role in this arc lol, and yeah, they didn't really make this obvious until they had to, the reveal. But hey, it's good enough for such a series, and it will make more sense with the subtle hints that you may have missed including Siesta's ribbon on Nagisa's possession. Yeah but a fistfight with Kimizuka is not going to be a thing, in case you wonder haha. I must say though, that Siesta's "everything was planned from the beginning" strategy still holds true even in this arc, because it has been her plan to stop SPES through Hel, and letting her disciplines do the rest of the work even if it means sacrificing herself. So yeah, it was a complete story overall. Let's see who's gonna start crying next week in the final episode lol ALREADY?? *laughs* Oh well haha
[TL:DR; Come on, tell me Siesta ended up in chose Nagisa not because of her circumstances but because she has a similar body figure as herself haha YES]
P.S. "Ah, Saikawa. That twinkle of blue that shines in the dark is truly worth three billion yen" Okay Kimizuka come up with a better pick-up line if you want to be dating Yui-nyan, please. *laughs*
P.P.S. "Because at any rate they possess the eye and the heart, so from the tips of their toes to every single hair on their heads, it's worth examining them meticulously, no?" Wow Chameleon you have a very peculiar taste in women lol also just a heads up these rape scenes are out of source material *laughs* But seriously bro how big if your monster d*ck lmao

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"... long skirts aren't my style" Haha Inorin you talking about real life or...? *laughs*
Yes, Walter, you ARE not good enough for your sister. *laughs* I mean, look at you. *laughs*Β  In this new episode (#ShinigamiBocchan11) we are finally going into the actual lore of this series, which means we finally have an answer to the question that has vexed us all along: How to get our hands on Alice's boobs- Okay wrong one. *laughs* Yes, we be talking about Bocchan's curse. The curse that someone spelled on this kid when he was five. The curse that kills all living beings on contact. The curse that prevents him from being with Alice for the rest of his life, having s*x with her day and night- Okay that last bit may not be true but still. *laughs* We've got a lot to talk about, so sit tight. Firstly, Viola-chan doing the rebellious child thing trying to leave home. Well, the old mansion is technically still her home, but at least inform your brother about it so he can still go to the dining table for the day, yes? I know the mom hasn't done evil stuff like ground their kids because they misbehave, but Viola-chan can we not get to that? *laughs* Also, great sub-plot if Viola were to be a servant in the old mansion but yeah if season two ever happens(?) make that an Anime original, yes? *laughs* Moving on, Viola did bring her luggage over so she decides to stay a night in protest of the mom, and Cuff drops by uninvited. Well, pot calling the kettle black so Alice if you feel the bed is too small for the three of you just like how Cuff feels when wearing Viola's sleepwear BOOM GOT HER, you can go sleep with Bocchan at his room. *giggles* Next up, we talk about lore. It's here, people, so spoiler alert if you haven't watched this, for Daleth, technically Zain's boss and an expert witch herself, asked Zain for a favour. If you thought "to deliver a message" was it, think again. So turns out, surprise surprise, Daleth has been lying all along it seems, so good to know the traitor's "among us" (not video game reference, I'm sorry) but at the least for Zain, he's trying to be the good friend thing by doing what he is told but not in the most direct way intended. For context, that means burning away that servant's log Viola found in the main mansion with Walter and passing it to Alice for reading because why would anyone not read it first and tell her the truth lmao, and of course why would Alice not read through it overnight before it gets stolen by Zain to be burnt... well at least Bocchan got to witness Zain's evil deed... well it wasn't evil he was threatened anyways so go figure. (Yes Cuff and her sexy body blah blah we get it) (lol) In protest of course, and we know that will become a problem, Zain chose to not burn it directly (see before he was found out, red flame vs blue now) but disintegrate it to pieces using his own magic leaving a fragment as he explains to Bocchan, can be restored as long as he possess that piece. Which sounds great for explanation for Daleth who is literally placing CCTV cameras all over the mansion to monitor these guys for some reason, which yes, is more intentional than you think. The biggest clue we have so far is from an excerpt Alice read of the logbook: Her mother has been visited by two nuns privately with Rob not even noticing. One would question why would you write stuff like this in the book but hey, no one knew you wouldn't take that to your grave so go figure. *laughs* I'll leave the detective level analysis for you for now, but all in all, with the mom summoning his son (lol context people, context is 100 years ago) into the main mansion and asking for literal death haha, and looking from the cliffhanger... I'm excited to see what happens in the final episode. Yeah, it's the "f**k you mom" situation it seems (Audience: You meant Bocchan's mom or Alice's mom?) (Yes), because it looks like Alice's mom Sharon might have been dealing with the witches when she was around. Also, how she passed away is also a mystery. I guess we will find out in the final episode then. Wow, is this going to win best ending this season? We shall see how this goes soon enough. This series has not been so evil until this episode tbh
[TL:DR; (SPOILER ALERT) Going from the scars on the Daleth's face... looks like someone went for plastic surgery after casting a curse on a certain human boy, you half-witch. *giggles* Haha I like a villain voiced by Hikasa Youko;Β It has been a while Yocchan]
P.S. "Can't I live my own life?" Haha Viola what are you talking about it's 100 years ago of course not "I don't want to live under the same roof as that woman!" Also can you stop describing my life now lmao
P.P.S. "I can't stop crying until Rob gives me a hug" Literally me when I get sad every time lol but yeah the reality is I only have a bolster or something haha *sob*
[I guess it's time to showcase the beauty that is Alice Viola-chan again huh haha]

をニパ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"Please don't tell Naoya-kun that I'm such a clumsy failure of a girl!" Okay Nagisa-chan you worried about that?? lol
Can confirm Naoya is masochist lol look at how many hits he took from Saki-chan haha since elementary school too?? Well, they are childhood friends I wouldn't be surprised but still. *laughs* In this final episode we continue the talk about Nagisa's story and why it matters (#KanoKano12), I think we have reached the ideal conclusion for such a controversial series, and I mean that. And if you think it is Naoya ending up with only ONE girlfriend, just... leave. Get out. Run away. *laughs* So, story first before we talk about everything else that is also screwed up haha. Story goes that we were listening to Nagisa's story with Saki-chan after she punched Naoya out of the girls' bath lmao, and what is her with Naoya that made her this way. I won't talk too much into this because there's literally part two of this, but thinking back even now hearing what Nagisa had to say, I would say she learnt from the best of the best... maybe. *laughs* Because seriously thinking, Naoya was the one who told her not to give up. Naoya was the one who gave her life. Naoya was the one who pushed her to do everything against her will just so she can pull off a confession to her first love. This determination is so strong, I think even Naoya is going to lose to her. Since thinking back, we have noticed that Nagisa has literally been fuelled by one fact from Naoya: That he has never given up confessing to ambivalent Saki-chan since... well Naoya knew of love I guess haha, and that everything he does, is all for the girl he likes. This, I must say Nagisa has learnt well. Too well even. And since we know she has always been a try-hard from the previous episode, getting a try-hard to achieve excellence is almost an impossible task, especially when you know your distance between you and the guy you like. Yet she did it. She has overcame all this just for an attempt for her feelings to be returned. This, I can't help but feel bad for Nagisa-chan all this while. (Also, how lack of determination I had to my first love... *sigh*) It seems so futile in life that you try so hard to get what you want but can potentially never get, and even if so they have to make sacrifices because of your selfishness... I wished this series didn't exist. *laughs* So yes, in case you haven't noticed that no one is behind those two running down the streets yet they might be taking it on the highway lmao, just like Nagisa-chan when she started to love him (okay what is with the cinematic pillar box effect haha), Naoya will NOT give up. That, is a virtue as it's also a problem. I mean, look at Saki-chan now. *laughs* So you see, this feeling is mutual. *laughs* I don't know how much to describe this series, but seeing Nagisa-chan open up to her feelings instead of trying so hard to cover things up and be number two (okay Walter calm down lol) this has been quite a ride. Seriously, now that we have even let Shion on this who *wink* has something on Naoya too but I don't think my brain can take four-timing lmao, I'm just glad Saki-chan's mom will never hear of it for now. *laughs* All in all... I must say this is the most controversial romance series I've watched yet. And I've watched Anime for almost 15 years now. Maybe the comedy did make this a lot light-hearted than it should have been because think of "KoiKimo" on age gap this series could've been like that if the mom heard about it, but it didn't. Instead, the author chose to put this in self-ridicule mode, and explore what it means to have a controversial relationship in the face of reality while making sure none of us will dare to do this in our lives. *laughs* No really, please don't try this, not even secretly. *laughs* But yes, it is a lot to absorb in the final episode, but I think it ended up pretty much as expected. Well, if expected means they still get to be together, the three of them but now it's war between the girls lol, then so be it. This is Anime world it's not real life so who cares what happens to any of them down the road lmao. Deep down in my heart though? I give this series a thumbs up for comedy AND the guts to talk about two-timing relationships in the most entertaining and emotional way ever. This, I'm glad I picked this series up to watch. I may not be falling in love with Naoya but maybe for the girls at least... *laughs*
[TL:DR; "I had to date both of them" This series in a nutshell haha you're welcome]
P.S. "The women's baths are beside the men's baths" Haha yeah no shit bro we just thought with Saki-chan's powers she would've punched you out of Earth lol
P.P.S. "Are you (Nagisa) going to go out with someone else?" O~kay bro now you are just asking for death lmao "Minase-san you cheater!" lol WHAT haha
["I don't mind being second to Saki-san if I get to continue my relationship with (Naoya) because I love you!" At this point it just makes me sad after hearing her story]

をニパ Sonny Boy
"Everything people want to know is written in my blog" Haha hey you're welcome, me. *laughs* And yes I know how this is a reflection of life, don't need to remind me here
Well, jokes on you girl you don't have to use your powers to hear my monologue I just talk them out. Alone. *laughs* Okay you guys can leave me now haha but before that let's talk about this week's episode (#SonnyBoy10), yes? And can we stop talking about girls who I've not confessed to because they have read my mind and could not be bothered with me? Man, what is with this series haha. Anyways, ignoring the reality checks because it's too much even for one episode lol, we talk about... what's her name? *laughs* Oh well, give me a minute while I check. *checks website* Okay, Kossetsu is what I got from translating her name so... well just remind yourself her left arm is still recovering. Always, since this is adrift mode here. *laughs* This feels like another character focus episode and I think they still have the liberty to talk about that, but we are getting some story too, so hear me out. And no, we are nowhere close to a romance series question mark? *laughs* Firstly, about her powers. This girl which we have not been noticing and is a friend of Nozomi... she has powers. She lied about her powers clearly when asked for, because hers is pretty vital in keeping the truths about being in this world: The truth about everyone's thoughts. Yes, she has mind-reading powers. Also, thanks to Aki-sensei we now actually know how her relativity power works, because she can manipulate her world to understand anyone's powers, despite the lack of realization in the first place. The girl is still right though: No one knew about her power, but she knows everyone's thoughts. From the bestie who thinks the same way she acts so no surprises there, to Kaga who likes her but will never bring up his guts to do so lol literally me, and Asakaze who she likes despite his crude yet dishonest personality and attitude specifically towards his crush Nozomi. Yep, I sense a triangle relationship happening lol I was talking about with Nagara, please. *laughs* Anyways, with the reveal of her powers though, it might have brought Nozomi and Asakaze together for a while, even though it's still not Asakaze being a man to prove his worth to the girl he likes but just sitting high above his ego thinking that he's cool he should get laid. Oh well, next time, brother. *laughs* Moving on I guess, we talk about the talk about War. Yes, remember that dude Yamabiko was in contact with before? Eh... let's think about it this way which might be easier to some of you I guess: Aki-sensei and Asakaze met Voice who told them to kill War, who he thinks is creating chaos in this world. Yeah, Nagara met that Voice guy too, remember? So yeah, take all this with a pinch of salt- I think War is doing God's deed here. *laughs* Hey, surrealism, remember? *laughs* And as the group go to confront what they thought was War in some clay desert down a major crevice or something he certainly looks different from the last time we saw him lol, and as Asakaze got rid of him in an instant turning him into a gun which Voice is holding and shot in response? Yeah, don't worry, I didn't get it either. *laughs* What I did get is Asakaze failing to catch Nozomi as she falls into the abyss, LITERALLY standing at the edge of the cliff. Yeah, that'll happen lol. (Oh yeah she's dead alright; Her power is left on the ledge) And we ended with Mizuho's cats ordering live chicken haha yeah kinda expected Mizuho hating the killing of living things which is probably why Sakura will never order anything living. It's okay, Nagara, you don't have to do a demonstration of that haha. All in all, are we even inching closer to the truth? I don't know. I feel like the Halo playthroughs I've watched over the weekend may have reached it by now lol, but not with this series. Voice can still be on any side he wishes to be or he can be representative of the Devil principal himself, but we can at least confirm that the world can be changed, starting with this War guy. What can happen next though? We still have a couple of episodes left, so I can't imagine what else but outside of our knowledge this series can pull out. Just don't tell me it's a dream or something or else I'm suing the director lol okay you can leave now haha
[TL:DR; If the best monologue you have heard this episode is not "Aki-sensei's boobs" you need to stop watching Anime right now lmao]
P.S. "After we left, we went around to a few worlds, and successfully completed Aki-sensei's summer camp" Wait, what?? *laughs* We know about Aki not sensei but this was a summer camp?? lol okay
P.P.S. "The only thing I can boast to others now is my perfect attendance" Wow okay Anime can you stop burning me now I feel personally attacked bro!! *laughs*
[Oh, and the soundtrack is already out, I almost forgot from this TweetΒ from weeks ago which includes this week's song- Yes, I heard "just break up" in the lyrics lol can they not describe this episode so well lmao]

Hmm... I'm seriously thinking whether I should watch the two final episodes tomorrow... and the next season preview is out too...


You know what? I'll leave the preview for next time which will be a painful wait (you can see it first before I talk about it next week if you want), and we'll clear "TanMoshi" and "Shinigami Bocchan" tomorrow. Now that I think of it, also because I have a wedding dinner to attend to by then so might as well. Okay then, it's decided! Haha good none of the stuff I want to watch next season premiers next week

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a short week for me personally, but that doesn't mean we are listening to the best tracks of the year, I can tell you that much. When I say things like "this is just padding my song list for the year" you gotta wonder why I give them in the first place. Trust me, I've rejected a lot of songs so these can stay. *giggles* Anyways, let's talk about them. ClariS' new single is disappointing as expected literally now written for boomers lol did you hear that '80s tune? Haha but yeah, I just give the topic song just because it isn't bad. TrySail's new album is also disappointing, but yeah, I gave the average of 2 new songs including the topic song which I did mention was not great but I still gave it because I could use some of their rapping...? *laughs* Yep, the other song I gave was written by those guys again from Arte Refact who will be involved in Hoshimachi Suisei's album in two weeks, so yeah, coincidence? *laughs* Last but not least, we have Taketatsu Ayana's concept album which is just a best album with new songs but with a theme which I guess pads the concept part of this idol-based release lol, but yeah, I only bothered to give one of the two new songs, and one more for the nostalgia trip. You're welcome, Ayachi. More new songs, please. *laughs* So yeah, my enthusiasm kind of shows in this paragraph lol

For news concerning music and it's on Twitter and note to self please come up with better paragraph titles, KANA-BOON is releasing a new single in October so that's good news to hear hopefully the songs are as good as the news lol, Ikimonogakari finally appeared in THE FIRST TAKE YouTube video series but yes as the duo now because Hotaka-san just left them to sing alone now haha anyways it's my favourite love song from them back in 2008 and it should be yours, THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new single in October finally has some visuals, if you can't wait two weeks Hanazawa Kana's new song is on music subscription services now, Porno Graffitti's new song on THE FIRST TAKE is their new song which I can wait which I can wait a little more to give, there's too many clips promoting Taketatsu Ayana's recent live inside her Limited Edition concept album so I'll just share two since I know those songs or if you don't prefer those I hope you watched her release livestream it was great hehe, and I promise you it hurts my heart more than it hurts yours because vivid undress is disbanding end of the year and guys we were close to getting you all into the Collection considering I've seen you guys since you were indie till you got major two years ago... I can't even. *silence* Oh well, it was great while it lasted. But why, why aren't the shitty popular ones not out yet. How is my dad still on the rock festival stage but these guys aren't .WHY!!! *laughs* Okay I'm good for now lol

So for next week, I know, me, that we have only (lol) Porno Graffitti's new single since three years ago and as you can see I'm not exactly hyped they only got my attention for a couple of years in and out, and Earphones' new mini-albumΒ which is also concept album I guess they greeted the international population with their Tweets, but since I've been dabbling all around over the weekend from these Tweets and earlier in this post, we will be listening to PURPLE HUMPTY's latest single technically from 2020 because I didn't even know they're back and it's their 15th anniversary right now (they...are along the lines of VELTPUNCH, not popular, but still around) Hololive VTuber Yuzuki Choco-sensei's first song just because I love her voice I'd die for it haha and yes this will be the last one until I give an actual VTuber artist Hoshimachi Suisei, and the Anime "Sonny Boy" original soundtrack because they have actual songs too but their release dates are... all over the place and the physical CD release (vinyl was released earlier) is technically around the corner but I can listen to it on music subscription ie. Apple Music. So uh, we shall see how those go.

So yeah, since I took my second shot and can practically do nothing for a day besides take fever medication and sleep lol, I've been watching a playthrough of the Halo video game series, if that is familiar to anyone reading this. In a nutshell it's humans against aliens against bugs but humans had to fight with aliens to exterminate the bugs which plague the universe which were intended to be wiped out as a last resort using a series of planet-like rings called "Halos". That is only for the first three video games so far I've watched, by the way. *laughs* So yeah, put me now in 15 years ago and maybe I'll be interested in this first-person shooter lmao. Cya guys next week then, the package is well I'm waiting for one more so maybe not coming in by the end of the month, and until then... well I'm technically vaxxed so I can say this now:

Get vaxxed, people.

Hehe bye