
The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #50

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The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #50

Sunday, 12 December 2021
Hey, the Christmas thing is coming soon, and I think I'm ready, I can tell you why. I have to play Secret Santa this year again with my colleagues because they wanted to, and thanks to whatever Google Pay vouchers they refuse to give me anything relevant to my life, I can actually use these to buy a better gift over the budget to whoever the recipient is, so I'm good with that decision making haha. Also buying using the same way to get more discounts for my sis' birthday so happy birthday in advance lmao I hope you like cold brew

In more great news, the package (for last month) is finally complete! Yeah, so let's hope for a Christmas miracle where I can review this box AND do that last Klassic Note Review of the year by this year haha this one might be rough. We shall see. I don't believe in Santa so who knows what will happen at the customs lol this is not Australia our local post office isn't that clogged and yes we will talk about the rough process of procuring all these stuff on the actual post itself don't you worry

So yeah, Anime and music this week then! I'm going to have quite a day after this where I have used, mind you, Google Reserve in where I live ie. partnered with local reservation services here, to reserve a family dinner tonight in celebration of my sis' birthday in 2 days because who celebrates birthdays on weekdays lol so yeah, I just hope it doesn't eat in to the quality of this post haha it won't I promise

をニパ Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.
"We will just work hard normally" Yeah something Tadano would say but really though, who works hard at sports festivals? Haha LOSER lol I sound like Nakanaka
Aw yes another stereotypical scene for all school-based Anime, we have the sports festival! This is where we see people fail and then get encouraged to run to the finish line, right? Not with this series, you don't. *laughs* Because in this new episode (#KomiSan10) of the series, we got more jokes than your average romance or high school series so throw those series you know off the shelf, because this is going to redefine your experience, believe me. *laughs* So, first we talk about the sports festival. It's so typical I guess we don't have to explain much, but at least the rules are always different so in this case it's the super typical class competition so uh... it's the same lol. What's not the same though, is that they award points unfairly for flair, so Komi-san's perfect exercising on the field and Agari-chan's jump with her huge rack... Yeah, those. *laughs* That's how you know it's different. What else is different is the introduction of senpais in this series, namely super cool and on fire and portable built-in infrared thermometer 2nd year senior (lol) Netsuno Chika lol you can figure this out yourself, because she is always on a fever. Of course, I promise you when she sees me she'll have the same reaction as seeing cold-blooded Komi-san at first, and then when I see Komi-san cheering for me I'll just boil up and run across the field like a cheetah and then panting like Tadano lol no really personal experience included in this run and don't ask me who made me run that fast. *laughs* Not going to explain the judges because they are literally just there to make things interesting, but amongst the seven events the classes have to compete in for points, Komi-san's presence in the class for things like tug of war are the worst, Tadano is the most popular guy to ask for things including his hair lol Yamai-san, and Makeru-chan lost. *laughs* Last one probably not true since class competition, but you know, she has to lose somehow haha. Yes, the typical fall over and comeback story is probably the thing Komi-san had to experience for herself, seeing everyone is cheering for her and she can't do much shouting herself lol maybe someday then. Tadano got the hint from your lip sync. *giggles* Next up, and I can't believe I can quote MOSHIMO on every Anime and I think I've done the most from them so far lmao, it's jealousy time! Haha aw man I regret giving that one song lol. How that can happen though can be likely seen from Tadano's increasing workload as class chairperson, most likely due to the crazy demands and feedback from the class probably about how great Komi-san is (and dude Tadano can come up with a list himself too so), but also because Najimi as vice is not helping much, what a surprise. *laughs* Cue new character to save this poor bloke's life Nene-san, who is basically to him the nicest person in class mainly because she represents the onee-san personality, so can't help but take care of normal-person-who-has-a-jealous-classmate Tadano on his workload. *giggles* Who turns out probably might be the only one who can control her him it them. *laughs* Man Najimi, can we get a check on your actual gender, please? Language is such a b*tch lol. Anyways, this new girl can see clearer than even Yamai-san who only sees Komi-san as a goddess haha, but yeah, besides thinking that Tadano is a masochist amongst other things lol, on the journey of helping the class chairperson out she also noticed Komi-san's... let's just say worry because every time is a death stare lol, of having Nene-san in Tadano's social circle, if I were to put this nicely. But yeah, we know, or she knows, and so Nene just chose to leave those two alone just as any nice elder sister character would. Really, best girl in class lol SHE is the class goddess lmao. Last but not least, let's take ourselves some photo stickers! Says Komi-san enthusiastically to Tadano just because it's really meant to be two people, but yeah eventually it became four and I'll let you guess who the other two are without looking at the video haha, but suffice it to say besides playing around with Komi-san on the photo and/or her nonchalant face during the photo-taking session in the booth, Komi-san herself was more keen on the other things in the arcade they were in, specifically that one crane game with a keychain she seems to want. Or at least, Tadano thinks she wants. He probably didn't take 200 tries to get that, but Komi-san did get Najimi to bring her there again, so exchanging gifts when it's not Christmas time is probably the way to go now that they got it for the wrong reasons. I mean, if you are a couple that is!!! *laughs* Ah hey, all in all, great episode highlighting the social circle of Komi-san and her class AND her progression with Tadano as a.... prospective romance partner?? Uh oh, I shouldn't have said that haha let's see if there is actually something up by the end of this series hehe don't second guess this Anime they cannot disappoint you now lmao I sound like a Yamai-san
[TL:DR; "Komi-san, let's cheer on for everyone in class!" Ah Najimi about that... *laughs*]
P.S. "This segment will give points for flair!" Yeah that means Komi-san will win lol I mean ask the judges man
P.P.S. "Is it even necessary for (sports) to be part of education?" Yeah Nakanaka I totally agree with you whether you're a weeb or it's just me being lazy lol
[Yes, best part of this episode is Koga Aoi panting MUAHAHAHAHA but really do you even know Anime to get this]

をニパ Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
"And with my classmates popping in, this house has become quite lively" Haha man, this is probably what the dad didn't expect out of buying a wife, huh *nods head*
Wow Midori-san congrats on the marriage and upcoming baby lol we hardly know you. *laughs* In this new episode where only when the wife tells then the husband will know lol those who are married will get this (#TaishouOtome10), we got some Yuzuki story to talk about, namely her classmate and soon-to-be mother lol Midori but yeah don't ask if this is shotgun or not, but suffice it to say it's giving her the reason to go visit her as a close friend. And what a cliffhanger! Okay, leave that aside first, let's talk about visiting theΒ  Β old friend. In the letter that Yuzuki received regularly from her friend back in school don't ask me where the other two schoolmates were lol, but I suppose they are focusing on this one because somehow she already is pregnant without getting married and at the same age as Yuzu herself, is moving to Kyushu soon to live with the husband. Man, that's a thing in 1920s Japan lol. It's so bizarre even Tamahiko allowed the wife to go visit her friend for perhaps the last time, but still, the worries of lacking each other's support seemed to worry Yuzuki, but I would argue that Tamahiko can take care of himself considering he's no Mr. Depression no more, but she still asked for help from Aya-chan to help with the meals of this one-armed bloke before she left for Tokyo. Such a good wife, isn't it. *laughs* And soon Yuzuki was in Tokyo, spending a day with the friend and talking about their lives so far. Midori was glad that despite whatever they may have done I don't even know how you can do the thing without being REALLY sexually attracted to each other lmao *wink*, had to get the fiancΓ© to apologize to her whole family tree for his doings, actually got around it to allow the approval of such a marriage in the first place. Like really, if it's in China good chances you're going to drown in a pig's cage. Yes, all three of you. *laughs* Okay, creepy punishment stuff aside, the couple got lucky and so is Yuzuki, and all is well in the day they spent time together in the city. But it's good to realize and if you wonder when I teared up, it's bizarre to think of them in school thinking about their futures, and then honestly saying, living close to what they probably dreamt of today, having great prospective partners and living the life though in different directions or circumstances. Such is life much worth of envy especially if we are talking about 1920s Japan where discrimination and privilege is still a big thing back then. And boy did I jinx this since I wrote this part earlier lmao don't ask, we have something to change the tides. If you don't need me to spoil you on this please stop right here and watch it for yourself, I almost forgot Japan has earthquakes lol. No really, go check out Japan's track record for this earthly phenomenon, because considering earthquake-proof structures weren't a thing a century ago, one can already guess what that will do to Tamahiko's mansion and the village. And cue Mr. Depression again since this dude can't help anyone for sh*t and only can think about bad things that can happen to Yuzuki who is still right now, probably stuck in Tokyo. But instead of being emo and being sad and after seeing what was in his wife's room, next episode we going to Tokyo to find Yuzuki and ensure her safety?? lol serious talk though am I going to read next episode and say the train broke down? Haha hey we'll see that next week I guess this is the final stretch now let's see if their romance holds up or Midori's tbh her kid might be in trouble lmao now I'm the depression haha ok ok I'll stop
[TL:DR; "Let's come here (to the shrine) when we have our own baby" Haha not like, fortune-telling but it's happening at some point right? *laughs* "But then we can never have kids (if I wait)" I mean it's not impossible Yuzuki look at your friend-]
P.S. "I could never have another better friend than her" Oh don't say that too early Yuzuki lmao hey me can you stop
P.P.S. "What do you do about meals and getting dressed?" Hey b*tch how did you think I went along before you appeared in my life haha ah hey Tamahiko was under the sheets that whole time so I guess he didn't have to do much but
[Okay so if this is the conclusion to this series and we are not hinted with a sequel (yet), then why are we shown the other Shima brothers in the opening? Or is that just me? I don't know, maybe I was wrong after all what happened this episode is bad enough already I guess]
I hardly get to patch a long image these days so you're welcome

をニパ Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
"If you aren't fussy about what you eat, you'll get bigger" Ah Takeda? This might be a gene thing because I'm a carnivore and I'm bigger than Futaba lmao
Can we get that squeal from Hayami Saori again, please and thanks? *laughs* Okay, ignoring all the creep stuff in my mind now lol, in this new episode (#SenpaiGaUzai10) we got more stories to tell, so don't let yourself believe we're done. Man, the shows I gave this season are so good I can only *chef's kiss* haha let's talk about it. Firstly, Sakurai got fat. *laughs* Okay, I'm going to get punched by her so let's get this over quick haha. *silence* Kazama felt the force. *laughs* Well twice including Natsumi which one should expect in the later part so go figure haha, but yeah, he be weak to huge racks lmao bro me too man. Meanwhile as Sakurai is going on a diet, Takeda is eating the heck out of it to get bigger, namely whatever buns that Itomaki owner decided to do because he's bored with ramen lol, but what's not expected is, and as you might see this is technically also a character focus episode, Tsukishiro joined in on the fun seeing that whoever wins in a showdown against someone else ie. Takeda is the other dude in the shop, gets to eat for free. Don't worry they concluded this real quick, so just take a guess at who won lol I can't believe I should say this but Tsukishiro be cute? *laughs* Hey not on me but Futaba did just witness them talking happily about what happened that day. Can we just, just... Futaba stop bringing in the j-j-j-jealousy!!Β *laughs* (I promise you this is the last of it this year we hit the quota for all three shows this season already lmao) But real talk though, Tsukishiro is not that kind of competition, Futaba. *laughs* Anyways, moving on, probably the highlight of this episode as started from Yuuto, we play basketball. Kazama spotted the new basketball club member practicing on his own, and decided to help him out. Don't ask what is the motivation for that *wink* Sakurai haha, but you know, it eventually became like a somewhat date kind of thing because the girl decided it'll be a good time to show off her cooking to Kazama or something and Yuuto don't go telling others you like cooking that is not very manly lol sorry for the discrimination. Anyways, playing amongst themselves is no fun according to Yuuto which the sister should later put blame on lol, he invited Natsumi who then invited the rest of the gang to play ball, and that's where Kazama did the penalty with Natsumi because they can play against each other without a winner for hours, and Sakurai is taking that as a personal penalty. *laughs* Ah I love this series, so many layers haha. The guys ended up with a bath and some cold milk which I must say I should experience that someday, and the MVP couple (lol) had some alone time because Sakurai wanted to. Haha selfishness for the win, I guess. *giggles* All in all, you know, we don't have sports festival but we have this, so I guess it's good enough? *laughs* I'm so sorry for all the references but as you can see I treat all the shows I watch every season as being in the same world lol. It's still an awesome episode though, all the short jokes lol Futaba don't hit me and romance things are landing perfectly and as expected, so I can only watch and giggle at all this drama. What else can there be between these people after we've reached the peak with Kazama's boob censor sensor and Takeda's large- large physique? Haha we can only watch on to find out.Β 
P.S. "Who doesn't put ketchup (on hotdogs)?" Haha Sakurai IKR Kazama you madman lol
P.P.S. "I do drink milk every day" OOF "Igarashi has a hearty appetite" Ah yep "She gets plenty of rest" BIG OOF lmao can we stop with the insults on Futaba I legit feel bad now
[We know Tsukishiro is MVP this episode so]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a week in Klassic Note maybe it's already over last week but you know, I gotta make waves. *laughs* Because it has been a while since LuckLife's new album since they left major music label Lantis and killed our chances of getting another Anime "Bungou Stray Dogs" ending song from them lol, continued to write more songs for us to remember, which also coincidentally got them into the Klassic Note Collection so congrats guys, you all deserve this. (Shoutout to "my Akari" haha and that's why they are getting best artist this year lol the music video is amazing btw) Of course, we shouldn't forget about ChouCho's best album for her list of Anime theme songs she has sung for and some written by herself by the way, got me with softer tunes because the two songs I ended up with coincidentally are from the same Anime, one ending song and insert song. Thankfully, they do NOT make of another Klassic Note Review due to the insert song being released as a digital single away from the other song so thank goodness. *laughs*

On news related to music and it's on Twitter and I missed some from last week so let's make sure we put that in, Ryokuoushoku Shakai is releasing a new album end of next month and I can't believe I missed this last week, Sambomaster's new song will be for a movie after celebrating their 15th anniversary live, on Monday's livestream where she just ate fried chicken for 5mins (lol) it was announced that Natsukawa Shiina's 2nd album will be released in two months and yes if "Pre-2nd" isn't a hint since last year you gotta wonder, but also they are releasing live video footage from that very live from this year for the whole of next month every week until the album release, I'm always in with more Yoru no Honki Dance live video on YouTube, following the third season announcement airing in January and likely focusing on the final year of their middle school life,Β Ohara Yuiko's new song will be for Anime "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san" which no doubt will pad the ending songs with more character sung covers like the previous two seasons, THE ORAL CIGARETTES will be streaming a live audio album next week from the members' favourite picks, LuckLife's newest music video isn't something I gave from the album so welp,Β Kuso Iinkai's new music video made me wonder how much I have missed them because apparently not lol, Amamiya Sora's new song trailer is written by yours truly reached the first chorus I would hardly call it a trailer haha, and as a surprise on her live tour miwa announced a new album releasing in two monthsΒ and in nearly five years but will now be competing with two OTHER albums released on that date which I will have to review. Man, I wonder who is going to win lol all of them lost already right? I mean, what are the chances miwa is going to win? *laughs* Oh miwa-san...

So next week is our last break of the year, and I can't tell you how much I want to shift Kuso Iinkai and tacica's new releases a week earlier but hey, it's them who are at a disadvantage not me so I'll probably try to look through the song awards while I have the time then. *silence* The new songs in recent weeks aren't going to cut it anyways so *laughs*

And... I'm done with the week. Today was quite an evening haha because I used all my energy to go shopping with my sis and then having dinner with the family near the seaside which thank goodness right choice for choosing that restaurant just that we had to wait for the last main dish to appear for like 20mins and *laughs* Cya guys next time then, and until next time... I'm trying to digest my excessive tea from the dinner while drinking more bottled tea from the shopping trip earlier so... ask me when I'll sleep tonight lol ugh my head hurts haha bye

P.S. I can't believe she didn't even notice this and even praised the cameraman (thanks Sashide Maria haha *thumbs up*) because despite redoing her tweet TWICE she still hasn't noticed how I would know that Kitou Akari was wearing black lingerie during that Anime livestream just now *laughs* Don't tell her, yes? 2nd image *laughs* No really I woke up enough to finish doing this post lmao