
Klassic Note Welfare Package February 2022: Hobbies For Valentine

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Klassic Note Welfare Package February 2022: Hobbies For Valentine

Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Hey, today is Total Defence Day here so besides guessing where I live and was born in, you just need to know what whatever financial stability you get is because we opened up borders to get more people infected daily so we can keep the economy strong, yes? *ugh* Haha

Also, it may be a day late already but didn't you see them girls doing social media posts after midnight?? *laughs* Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. I hope you have someone to spend it with, or some lady gave you chocolates. You have none of those? Hey, welcome to the right place because look at what I gave myself on Love Day. *laughs*

I totally thought I'd planned this to appear on a day that I work from home but of course it's not I literally checked the package status today and here it is already so oh well. *laughs* Good news is, I guess I have all the time to do this until tomorrow? Haha is sleeping late a consolation? Probably for what you are going to see is the new good stuff I got!... and might have missed while doing so lol I waited dude, I waited a lot...

Amamiya Sora "VIPER"
Ryokuoushoku Shakai "LITMUS"
"HekoMachiKoroIbuki" Talk Event Kido Ibuki Bromide Sets
Suruga-ya Run
"Ganabre Douki-chan" Vol.6

But first...!! Insert whatever statement here so I can have an excuse to show more of the money I spent overseas even though it's a bunch of wrapping and cardboard (lol) UNBOXING!!! Haha

Not a big box if you don't buy posters, eh?
(Haha I got me again)

Ah, the extra line on the receipt with the CDs just make my day because FREE BROMIDES MAN

Ah, more stationery I'll talk about them in a bit

Hey, Ten-chan. So glad I don't have to get you through Suruga-ya this time lol

Oh yeah, RyokuShaka man! Be sure to read the review where I talk about their awesomeness at length

There's black and white Amamiya Sora...

... and if you haven't seen before Nagata Haruko she is idol material go findΒ her on social you're welcome

Thought I'll never see FUJIFILM anywhere again since I don't even see them in malls now I saw them on a bus stop though they rebranded lol
(Yes, thanks for the warning of photos inside, every package I have should have this lmao)

So yes, this is totally simp mode and I can assure you I almost missed the window for getting this so you can imagine my hands when I saw this... let me get the name right, "Hekomachikoroibuki" talk event collaboration between Kido Ibuki and other people I won't even bother mentioning just because. *laughs* Anyways, they sell bromides in the form of online prints per order, so unlike some others which required you to now go print them physically at a convenience store and I regret not knowing someone who lives in Japan who can do this for me, but yeah, this one was easy to get. *giggles* Ibuki-chan!!~ Two sets of bromides too, by the way; I wouldn't even regret allowing some live event shots in just because.


And of course, to pad this order which was initially for the CDs and... a book which we will talk about soon haha stop second-guessing me please, we have another Suruga-ya run! I would compare the enthusiasm level to be rather mild on this one, but it really is due to the increasing availability of Tachibana Rika bromides from the past few years which geared me to make another purchase along with some of the latest ones from the recent past too. I'm just padding this ever-increasing bromide collection as usual, don't mind me. *laughs* *dabs*

So, so good amirite

As you can see, this is a good summary of my tastes in women
(Yes, age range too, from Miyu-chan to Kana-chan haha *gets punched*)

Oh yeah, she be wanting to grab my attention if you get what I mean haha
(Please, me, this is not a rated site)

Okay no wonder why I didn't see the other one with this, they packaged this all over the place huh

So, let's talk about why I have the need to expand my storage collection with more stationeries imported from Japan! *laughs* For starters, these are hard to find where I live in this city-state and I am not joking, even the online listings were very trash because who buys CDs now so *laughs* Even then, I still thought of buying back my usual Amazon order of CD cases but that comes in the hundreds which honestly won't be much relevant at this point just because I review hundreds of CDs... in two decades now lol so this would do. Along with this is also a badge folder again because I filled up the previous one which had pockets big enough to house two of the standard (smaller) badges and Polaroids so I thought of using this as the actual badge folder for it's smaller pockets and use the previous one I bought for those one-shot photos, I guess. If this plan fails don't tell me about it, me. *laughs*

Really, who puts cute cartoons on top of stationery not meant for kids?
Like, CDs, for kids?? *ugh*
(Stop please, me)

And of course we always put the good stuff at the end lol, it's our regular issue of Ganbare Douki-chan!! Yeah, sixth book incoming and I still cannot believe I gave the green light on buying this series physically since almost two years ago... and I really would like to lament myself for not doing so earlier for this, actually two days earlier even though it has been out for a month. Story goes that it was end of January, I thought waiting till the weekend to get the above plus the book will be a good idea until it wasn't, and the special gift from the usual Toranoana ie. the clear folder which perfectly holds the book itself, ran out of stock. *sob* I am so hurt right now, even until I opened the box I really hoped they would slip one in just in case anyone cancelled their order so I can be happy. They did not. *sob* Okay let's check out the contents it's just literal boobs if you are into those because SAME DUDE hahahaha

This cover would be banned if it were released here so please don't call the cops on me thanks

Oh yeah wow Happy Valentine's Day everyone, just in time
(I'll take anything at this point so thanks Douki-chan)

When you just lose from the beginning I can't even

Oh yeah, the one-room-sleep-together strategy I've heard of that in Anime lol

Together as in on top of each other, by the way
(Haha Douki-chan man...)

Yes, I would like to share my body temperature (and BO) with the girl I like, thanks

She's wet. *laughs*
You need to share body temperature too? lol

Well I guess she wants to "do it".
Haha I meant share body temperature what are you thinking-

I like how the guy's defence is it's not okay to be cuddling together without dating together.

I know this senpai is totally killing it in the underwear department...

... but I'm into cuteness so I'll take Douki-chan hehe

Ah wow there's a relationship chart now the antagonist is the cat btw, sending that text out accidentally haha

No one else can feed my boy, amirite??

"But I can" hehe hey I'll go for this one FYI

And he did it! NICE

And he came haha okay the food was hot okay she didn't blow on it to cool it down-

I mean, every girl can look forward to White Day too right?
Well, if you have given something to your guy, of course.
*thumbs up*

That shall be all for now, I feel much loved now even without having touched a woman. *sob* If you saw this as a mess means I still have to work tomorrow and despite the fact that I don't have to travel to the office doesn't mean I don't have to sleep early. *laughs* So yeah, I'll stop here for now, the reviews took me way longer to write already because you know, so much passion to talk about, yes? No really, we weren't supposed to talk about these stuff that is not music until I had so much impulse to buy them. *silence* Cya guys next time then, sorry for not making this a back-to-back post special with Anime yesterday because I seriously did not expect this to arrive this early, but happy birthday to me soon I guess.

P.S. You deserve this package, me. Take this as appetizer before you get the REAL birthday gifts next month. *giggles*

P.P.S. Well I tried out the stationery and... The badge folder is too small, and the CD wrapper is actually a sleeve ie. It has openings and not meant to seal the disc cases. *silence* Why am I disappointed at imported stationery lmao