
Klassic Note Welfare Package May 2022 Part 2: Time For Seconds!

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Klassic Note Welfare Package May 2022 Part 2: Time For Seconds!

Wednesday, 25 May 2022
But seriously, do you ever have delayed seconds?? Haha it would practically be called another meal already if I wanted to have seconds from lunch that delivered by afternoon tea and trust me, food delivery services have done that to me before lmao

And in an effort to save shipping fees which are now miniscule compared to the huge impact I am receiving just waiting for this package alone which should've been the sequel to my birthday presents but... uh... that was March. *laughs*

Can't believe I'll be using the same menu thing again so here you go:

This is a big box coming and it did take a month to arrive so UNBOXING TIME!!! Haha come on this one will be interesting

This box is HUGE~

What is inside, by the way.
Again, only Japan will spend money on bubble wrapping to pad until it hits minimum shipping cost just because.

Oh hey Hocchan I'm already loving this I don't know why

Wait, this is with the pamphlet...? Uh oh

Oh this is the fanclub thing that I've been missing out for more than a month now haha

Wow it really looks like a school handbook tbh

Okay so essentially what this is it's Takahashi Rie's fanclub yearly subscription where, unlike everyone else out there, is selling their yearly subscription package in the form of a store item, and that will grant you access to register for the fanclub itself. What's more, these subscriptions are only relevant within the year with respect to the starting date of 15th April ending in 31st March, so I'm about a month and a half late. Yep, it's that bizarre. You will see the effects of this time thing soon as I show you around the "school" and you'll realize just how much of a scam this might have been. *silence* LOVE YOU RIERI!!! *laughs*

This is a (I Googled and found no info on) PLAYBUTTON gadget package, where a badge-like item will also function as an audio player, think of those audiobooks you can buy at the airport

At least there's a bag to keep it in, nice

Oh this thing needs charging okay see you later haha
(Then again this has been on the sea for a month so the battery would've depleted)

Charge via USB by the way.
5V too, as specified by the manual lest this thing explodes lmao

I would love to take a photo with my phone in the bag but I just put the box in instead

Oh, membership card? Not signed though? *dabs*
(I know right Marinka set such a high bar now I can't even)

And this is where the access code is haha you think I'll let you see it?
(Not even I've registered, no)

Okay! Now that we ACTUALLY have the damn thing required to register after paying a damn bomb on this three months ago lmao, let's register for school! *laughs*

Step 1 - Click on "JOIN"

Uh the above is for returning students lol ronin please help yourselves there haha
(Hey we call them senpai they have been here one year more than us)

And this is how they do this:
Step 2 - You send them an empty mail to a mail address they define (I assume this can be public since your info isn't in it yet) and they will give you a redirect link.
Why though lol

First time I've ever used my personal (Outlook) email to send mail in a long time lmao
[And the pointer at the bottom just now mentioned if email body is necessary add in "rie" and so I did it haha *dabs*]

You think she reads this and/or some idiot typed an essay of how much they love her in this? Haha love letters to the principal lol I like this plot

Please don't dump my Rieri in the Junk mail, please

Step 3 - And that's how you can register with your access code and set a password
(For security and love sake's you get the same treatment as Akarin *wink*)

And yes if you want to know my profile I mentioned this was my name in Japan so
(I don't intend to lie about where I live and my date of birth so you're welcome)


LMAO I like the school chime ring haha also the only content with her face in it btw

Wow number 2999 huh I could've waited for God knows when to get 3k lol
(Then again how long to wait to get this number isn't it?)

As you can see from just a small look at what it is, the fanclub doesn't have much content; What I thought was "art room" was not filled with photos, but her answering fan questions which we can post, it's very selective BUT here's the twist: she DRAWS the answers by herself so that takes a lot of effort I guess. There's a schedule so you know how busy she is at work, and... that's it. Yep. This. And guess what? If you have not signed up for last year's subscription of which you can still buy the item, you will be able to see them.

So yeah, I would've paid for a year's membership for Marinka's fanclub even WITHOUT that signed membership and T-shirt in a box at the same price. *silence* I think I can come up with a fanclub ranking soon she might be at the bottom now haha stay tuned for updates

And if you wonder how I listened to this badge with an audio jack in a world dominated by USB-C, introducing the "2.5mm Audio Jack Listening Set"!! *laughs*

Things you'll need:
1. A Bluetooth speaker or soundbar which has audio input
2. (In this case) A Male to Male audio jack cable
3. Some damn audio source which still has an audio jack lmao

What was in the audio log though? Hmm... they didn't have a tracklist so to summarize as I cycle through the tracks with the built-in next track button lol there was a previous button too, first track was introduction to the site, and then it looks like it's just 10-minute "lectures" (lol) with her talking about various "subjects" and the second track was "music lessons" so you can figure out that she was talking about her debut mini-album from 2021. No ASMR lessons though so that sucks haha I KNOW RIGHT?? *laughs* Oh by the way third track (2nd lesson) was "biology" where she talked about the mascot of the fanclub - Alpacas. Yep, there were two of them haha- Is this what it feels like if she was a teacher? *blessed* Well you get the idea haha THE ALPACA KEYCHAIN SOLD OUT ALREADY??? DUDE WTF

Okay I've exceeded the peak of voice simping let's move on haha

Come on, we know I bought this photobook for that one bromide photo haha *dabs*

And goddamn this is big! Well I meant rack too but the A4 book

In comparison though, this pamphlet can fit on the palm of my hand lol

To wrap this up first I guess we having dessert first lol, we have another first on the list because for a long time I've waited for some Horie Yui's live tour goods! Can't believe I said (or typed out) that to be honest, for if you know of one of Anime's voice acting legends... 20 years ago lmao, you would've known her rather low profile solo music career today, and since 2019 with her revival and with a new image of "book club girl", she is back with a sequel and an album recently, which brings us to them bromides and especially, the pamphlet. At first I thought this was a joke when I saw it in person. No, really, I ain't seen a tour pamphlet as small as this. I thought I was ordering myself a huge serving of dessert but turns out this is high-class small-serving food. *laughs* Let's see what it tastes like, uh, I mean, what it looks like!
Wow uh huh I love this already hehe I hardly get any of Hocchan bromides (besides Suruga-ya lmao) so thanks!

γƒ‘γƒ³γƒ•γƒ¬γƒƒγƒˆ "Horie Yui LIVE TOUR 2022 Bungaku Shoujo Club II ~Houkago Repeat~" Pamphlet
This is what, A6-sized? So a quarter of your normal paper by the way

And this is what it looks like naked, uh, I mean, without the cover and inlet

This thick, by the way, meaning loads of content.
Smaller content but

Oh God what timeline have I travelled to

Okay now I look like someone from the book club lol

Horie Yui (17), everyone.
*laughs* *sigh*

Q: Did you get a chance to ride a bicycle to school?
A: I walked to school, tried with one but crashed
(Haha we will see why her school was close to her home in later questions)

Oh yeah, there are questions spreaded throughout the book and I'll roughly translate them. Moving on!

Okay this is totally a scene I wish I had experience in high school, girlfriend female classmate waiting at the junction *giggles*

Oh by the way Yui-chan here has chest it's just saggy-

Q: If you walked to school, did you have chances to ride the train?
A: Yes, to grandmother's place in Aomori, feels like travelling overseas

I mean, she cute though

Okay I assume that's a love letter for me lol
(By mail though? Haha ah hey)

Love these close-ups, love them.
I know it's not very real but I can dream.

"It's not raining Yui-chan why you holding out an umbrella" lol

Q: Do you own any special accessories?
A: I bought a wallet 200x the price of a normal one, thought that will make me 200x higher in income
(Wow ok brag about it haha)

Q: Do you eat bento in school?
A: High school it's just bento, with frozen foods (warmed up, I assume) and fried onigiri

Oooooo she eating a bento!!!! Careful on the cholestrol-

Shout out to me sitting at the right haha they probably had to staff them just for this

Oh iconic scene here, with the water fountains

Q: Were your middle school or high school uniform any special as that was typical topic of students by school?
A: Did look up to that, but reality is I would choose schools near my home so I just just liked those (uniforms)
(Haha see she is basically Tsuda from "Seitokai Yakuindomo" going into a girls turned co-ed school)

"Oh, I wasn't trying to look at you-"

You think any female student's bag will be this thin? lol FAKED

Q: What type of school bags did you use (as a student)?
A: Similar to this during the shooting but cheaper (lol), but I would decorate the name plates to make them cute
(See, this is what we call "character development" haha)

OMFG I love ponytails too much on this I took 5 shots of this to get the perfect one hehe

Q: Do you like to dance?
A: Not great at it but I like to dance
(Yeah, says a lot to be honest but we appreciate the effort)

Q: What type of student are you?
A: Loved Manga, Anime and movies, anything goes as long as plot is good. I think and imagine a lot of those as a kid
(And that's probably how she became a voice actress)

Don't guess if she drew whatever was on canvas because good chances it's a yes haha

Q: Do you have any obsessions about food?
A: Not that much normally due to time constraints, but do tend to want to try local delicacies when on tours. I normally let people around me recommend me good food too, yes?
(She is blessed with people who care about good food haha)

Many would mistake this as a romance plot but I would- YES haha

Q: Memories of school festivals
A: School festivals to sports festivals I never really joined since I didn't like them, would rather just have lessons, should've been involved thinking about it now
(SAME DUDE haha)

She is just laughing that at half past her fourties she still can't do origami-

This. This was my definition of Anime girls in 2008, no joke.

Q: Your (lunch) menu in school
A: On days without bento I would go to the canteen and buy standard cocoa melon bun and coffee milk, was super into bitter tastes, so it's just these and fried onigiri
(Wow this is interesting her tastes were already so oldΒ back then *memo memo* though I wonder if it's true now it's been so long-)

Oh wow another iconic scene, meeting at the rooftops.
Not at night though lol uh oh I might be in trouble
(Haha hey Hocchan if you want a private canoodle...)

Q: Memories of summer and winter vacations as a kid
A:Summer's at grandma's place in Aomori, did things like pan-crossing where normally you don't do living and growing up in Tokyo

And just some Hocchan on headphones listening to her songs haha yeah right she might be into punk rock for all we know

Apparently the concept of "book club girl" was not her idea, as she only dreamt of it
(Haha too real?)

Interview which I will skip it's quite a lot

89 pages total, by the way.
Almost as much as a photobook, but smaller.

I gotta say though, after looking through this small yet thick book maybe a little blurry just because... I really liked her. If you do, you will know the feels I have looking back at this treasure along with some Q&A apart from the tour interview slipped in, which made me wish I was into her that many years ago. I still do, even though she isn't as active anymore, every time I see her name and especially hear her voice it brings a tickle to my heart. Thanks, Hocchan, for doing this because this book was TOTALLY worth the purchase there were so many pages on that thing! What was I b*tching about saying that it lacked material- Well if material meant compared to the photobooks above then yeah but *laughs*

And this will carry me for the rest of the week! *laughs* So yeah, I'll just do the photobook reviews this weekend or Friday if I get impatient lol. I have a theme planned around these two this time around unlike the previous time so this is going to be fun. Again, this is the actual follow-up to my birthday celebrations as this was planned way back in March so I'm just glad it is timed for the summer. In the heat of it too, so why not? See you on the other post.

[TL:DR; Everything reviewed here was SECOND time coming - Second package post of the month, Rieri's fanclub 2nd year, and Hocchan's 2nd live tour based on the concept from 2019's album. Yep, totally planned that post title. *dabs*]

"STEREO MADE IN JAPAN Actual packaging MADE IN CHINA" やっぱ中国かい!ww

P.P.S. Oh and if you are keen of what the rest of the audio log of Rieri's fanclub set was, I switched to my PC's soundbar which had higher amplification (since you can't expect this thing this small to have high signal amplitude lol engineer talk), third lesson was "society" so her life as a voice actress basically she went on for a while though, and it ended with homeroom. The whole thing just sounded like an hour podcast to be honest, lovely made into a badge-like goods item I guess.

I would've preferred photos lmao