
The Klassic Note Review 2022.06 Part 2

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The Klassic Note Review 2022.06 Part 2

Saturday, 25 June 2022
Happy birthday Asakura Momo!! Yeah, we not talking about your music by the way lmao your album is next month, I know. But you are in it though!

We're back for more music reviews! This time around, which should've appeared first, we conclude on this season's Anime theme song offerings before we move on to more new songs which I hope will not continue to burn a hole in my pocket lol please I need money to buy photobooks and bromides *laughs*

We also have a cheater amongst us again, and just like the Suzuki Productions previously lol, we have another single-track release! So don't mind me as I skip that and talk about the other two which ARE also way better in my opinion anyways. *giggles* Besides that, we have a lot of record breaks in a while, with this being the 2nd review post in a month and reviewing THREE SINGLES by the way. Yeah, this year's a miracle lol it's as if it knows we are at #KN15YEARS *wink*

Ok we have a long enough introduction let's do this! Literally should've done this on Wednesday but my retired dad was out and I had to get this from the post office today so

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
CHiCO with HoneyWorks meets Mafumafu - Bibitto Love [Single]
Anime Limited EditionArtist Regular Edition
(CHiCO-san doesn't show her real face so you tell me which cover I liked- Artist cover by the way)

Origin: I have been listening to this Anime artist for a while now, and similar to artists like Sangatsu no Phantasia and ClariS, they have been in cover of their physical image in order to deliver the audio image which they potentially possess, and I must say CHiCO-san here is fine by me. Though for being with Anime producer group HoneyWorks is what made her shine, singing great Anime theme songs one after another, as where I knew of them about 5 years ago. Fast forward to this season where they gave me the most hyped single I can expect from an Anime without such hype, it's still science-related, which really made you wonder how they pulled this off. Let's talk about why.

(1) Bibitto Love [Vivid Love]
From the intro:
"Vivid Love
Receiving (heart) flutters
Knowing about affection, about love
At the genetic level
The 'like' (we) can't unravel with (our) heads
Life's quest
Let's take it as a challenge"
This is another collaboration song for the Anime's 2nd season coming, which similar to the first ending song, but this time around we have a slightly different combination, but containing the best of what music production had to offer back then. The bass slaps, the melody is catchy, the lyrics bring in so much meaning into the theme of research of love... everything is wonderful about this song. With guest vocalist Mafumafu on the helm, he helped create balance in this duet, and made it sound better than ever. The lyrics speak about vividly being in love while still figuring out everything else... with science but we won't touch it any further. Now you know why this might be just by new favourite Anime theme song; It's just so good! Okay maybe the bridge part is too long but relevance definitely made it forgiving for the most part.
Rating: Vividly Above Average

(2) Soreike! Salaryman [Go go! Salaryman]
From the intro:
"Hooray Hooray!
Take it easy
Hooray Hooray!
Aren't you doing your best?
Hooray Hooray!
Tomorrow should be better than today"
I can't believe I got baited into giving this song considering this is a motivational song and it's this girl keeping me going on my working days. We all know the perks and troubles of working a day job, and CHiCO-san is here to cheer us up, is what I meant. That is all you need to know from the lyrics, by the way, and she did a good job of it maybe even more then idol groups out there because as real as this is, it also had a catchy melody I can dance to. Now somehow making her dance in a cheerleader outfit would be even better, but considering such a song is a rarity in theme, I would only thank HoneyWorks for making this viable in the first place, and I think that is what we should be happy for.
Rating: Cheerfully Above Average

Conclusion: This single might be the new best for Klassic Note Review this year so far, mind my words. HoneyWorks, you have once again proven to me the prowess of your compositions, and I cannot ask for more now that I have listened to this for myself. CHiCO-san is just icing on the delicious cake. If you know of her, then this is just another impressive work to add into your library. But if you haven't, this might change your impression of how much you think this singer sounds cute, way more than you can imagine. And to that, I'm glad this single existed to prove my point.

(Okay maybe too much praise but serious talk though this is really good you should give a listen if you haven't. Also, she did show her face to the camera before because search "the first take chico" and you will be impressed by not her voice)

FOR ROUND TWO WE HAVE... over-equipped but underpowered boss? Haha ah hey

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
nasuo - Honey Jetcoaster [Single]
Artist Limited Edition

Anime Limited Edition

Manga Limited Edition

Regular Edition
(Four editions, by the way. I'm just glad that the Regular Edition exists and it's not an Anime cover...?)

Origin: I have only known nasuo-san here from Anime, but I did find out a little more about her peculiar style of music from her indie days to her now being under an Anime major label, her track record isn't exactly what everyone would like. That said though, thanks to Anime manipulating this behind the scenes do we get such a unique blend worth talking about. How did this happen though, I think we should talk about it at length to know if this was worth the ride.

(1) Honey Jetcoaster
From the first verse:
"(A) Want to be loved
(I) No excuses
(Shi) Want to know, wish to know
(Te) Embarrassed, just being mean
(Ru) Looping around
(?) Like a question mark"
(Brackets spell "Aishiteru?" ie. "Do you love (me)?"; The lyrics are also loosely joined in a shiritori word chain, where final Hiragana character in every line repeats on the first character in brackets on the next besides on "te", and "?" starts with "ku")

So, from the start the lyrics are already portraying the scenes from the Anime series for the opening song, talking about her being better than the boyfriend, and ironically also the variations of Anime plots apart from original Manga works... the lyrics had everything. Since it was written by yours truly, I would not be surprised how much this mattered as it really helped create an otherwise different landscape of what this might have sounded like if it weren't her. Add in her singing with occasional misses in melody, along with a catchy and heavily transitioning style, it's no wonder this will get the kids in as much as I did. And isn't that what Anime songs are about? So yeah, they actually nailed the formula, and getting nasuo-san in this isn't a bad idea after all. Just, this is not close enough to her usual style at any length. You have been warned.
Rating: Jetcoaster Average

Conclusion: This single has its ups and downs including different versions and mixes in the Regular Edition and I won't bore you with it, but nasuo-san here is brilliant in making Anime songs in this single, so I implore you to find them out since she wrote the bulk of character songs for the Anime itself I can't even. Coming back to this though, this song is probably enough reason for me to talk about listening to something different once in a while, and I very welcome such a change. It's refreshingly different and will leave an impression on me for years to come.

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST WE HAVE!!! It has been a while since they appeared in this series so...

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
TrySail - Hanarenai Kyori [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(Hey I thank whoever did not gauge this properly and give me close-ups on the Regular Edition because I liked that)

Origin: We are back with Anime world's beloved idol group TrySail, where voice actresses (refer to Limited Edition, from left to right) Amamiya Sora, Asakura Momo and Natsukawa Shiina sing for the world of Anime. It's their 14th single coming since their debut in 2015, and despite it feeling like a haphazard attempt at filling the role of opening song artist, it has also nailed it in execution and delivery, making this a more of a fresh take reminiscent release I have expected of them from the beginning. It was always what was slightly different that made them stand out more than ever from their usual.

(1) Hanarenai Kyori [Inseparable Distance]
From intro:
"Sure to have no result, with this far in distance
Enough to bury it up
Breathing in, tightly, choking
All of what (I) missed, I'll feed them (to you)"
For being the Anime's opening song, the producers totally nailed it in song design I would say by firstly making sure the lyrics and singing deliver a subtle whisper similar to ASMR feels, as can be heard from most of the song here and there. And that is probably what was attractive with this song, especially due to the fact that there are three vocalists, their whisper and singing can be fluently interchanged between all of them, and that makes if even more interesting then ever. The melody is simple, maybe too Anime in style, but it isn't bad, and adding in the whispers to break out of the song itself, depending who you ask, is probably for the better overall. Its uniqueness in style plus the usual Anime theme song feels makes it a compelling yet good song in my opinion.
Rating: Underestimated Above Average

(2) Etoile [Trans.: Star]
From end of first chorus:
"To the ever-changing future
Let's keep walking as usual
Let's move on, to where (it is) exciting"
When I listened to the intro I was immediately reminded of independent band SHE'S and their grand yet warm style of writing songs with impact, but turns out, this is a more reminiscent style of music I would have liked if you asked me about TrySail in their early days, and I'm just glad to have given the chance to them before giving it a pass. The melody is traditional yet different, the lyrics are motivating yet encouraging which again makes this more appealing on an idol group perspective than ever, and it doesn't have a bridge with vocals? What more can I nitpick about this song? Overall though, it does not stand out from the stars in the universe, but it was one that shone, and I took notice of it. That, to me, is good enough.
Rating: Beautifully Average

Conclusion: It has been a while since I reviewed a TrySail single, so I'm just happy it turned out better than what was in my first impression, just singing for a comedy romance Anime. Breaking out of the action Anime series they sang for is so different a world, it made me appreciate their early days singing such songs a lot more. This is also an easy entry for people who have never listened to these girls before, and is in my opinion a once in a blue moon rare treasure to pick up nowadays, so I won't ask for more.

- Aozaki Shouhei, on the Klassic Note

(Okay maybe too much praise for this one too but I'm just glad I can give TrySail again... remember 2015 and 2016? Yeah those were the days... Also Regular Edition not Anime cover?? POG)

The lack of symmetry in here is disturbing lol nasuo why
This came along with a few other stuff but we will elaborate that in due time when the other package arrives likely next month but meanwhile, we can still talk about the whole lot of stuff we got from the CDs though!!

As usual, because they are Anime releases we have a lot of stuff packed in to get a wider audience to buy them *points at self* and even if I'm at Regular Edition territory there is still a lot to talk about. 
Firstly, about CHiCO-san's single. Goddamn it was a large package, and it's no wonder it's the most expensive single among the three, because apart from the special photo bromide from Tower Records which I specifically chose the Anime one because I am buying the Artist cover already so balancing it out, is that it comes with a special artist keychain! A nice touch, but I'm not exactly into her music career or even herself don't even say animated self so... yeah. *laughs*
The booklet doesn't have a binder, by the way. So it's just cards which is really different tbh

Then we have nasuo-san's single. It's boring, so we can skip it now haha okay the booklet had more of her I guess. *silence* nasuo-san, anyone? No? *laughs* So this just came in along with the above release so I can save on shipping fees haha they did give a music label 30th anniversary serial code though so maybe I'll just register it
I tried finding something besides my finger to hide the code so... the QR code isn't it don't worry haha

Anyways, back to the good stuff, TrySail's new single is a real big welcome since I lost count when I gave them their singles a Review, but this is also why I had to rush this purchase from Animate just in case it got taken away, because goddamn the Animate bonus photo bromide with them close-ups is so good, I wouldn't really have considered anything else like SonyMusicShop, ANIPLEX+, 7-net Shopping, or even Sofmap which I can't even get my hands on so whatever. *laughs* Happy birthday anyway, Mocho. Slapped you right in the middle. *dabs*
Apart from that, in classic Animate fashion we have THREE serial codes to give out apart from the CD-exclusive gacha we can register if we had the CD... 2 weeks ago so impossible if we don't pre-order from CDJapan with direct shipping lol, but they were for:
And that is IF we get it. Considering my luck with Ueda Reina's single 2 years ago and Ito Miku's single 2 months ago... maybe not. *laughs* "Unlimited chances... but no chances" Haha sorry for a reference no one will get

I think we are done. Doing this in a Saturday afternoon does not have its perks considering I'm just playing Fall Guys all week since it's free and out this week and I should really take more naps for the weekend but uh... I guess not! We got more Anime to talk about tomorrow too so stay tuned for that, would you? Alright, see you then.
