
The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #29

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The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #29

Sunday, 17 July 2022
Aw damn is the livestream of Natsukawa Shiina's game-only livestream series such a joy to watch! She played Fall Guys albeit under a custom server and name, I just joined one session because I forgot there aren't as many people who will join as compared to that Twitch streamer with thousands of viewers, and saw her pass the 2nd round while I lost in that lapped race, you know the one. *silence* This game sucks haha also this game isn't really meant for such a thing since watching her play is probably more entertaining than- Also, on my Switch she was right by me at the first race BUT the avatar showed wrongly, I got screenshots and the stream to prove it. *silence* Seriously though game why haha

Okay simp mode is over, it's the first stream anyways so only memberships will be able to see second half next time AND the extra where she played some Stardew Valley which I honestly don't care anymore that game took part of my youth away I can't even. *laughs* (Hey Nan-chan, Abigail with the purple hair is a gamer just like you xD) (Married her a** though so guess why I like this girl right here too hehe) So yeah, that was fun, probably most exciting part of this week since I was in bed all day. *silence* Let's not talk about it, shall we? You saw the postscripts last week... right? Haha ah

Let's Anime! Not going to talk about that pharmacy Anime because look at my list now and tell me I have more time for Anime. Also good chance to stay true to my isekai ban which somehow existed start of this month just because it was never there and I have it now HAHAHA hey screw you every Anime that deceived kids out there with the perception of alternate worlds lol we have one alternate world already and that is the metaverse *dabs*

アニメ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"I lost my key" Uh, so, you living at the hotel for the night? Want me to join in- WOW WOAH WOAH haha
Yes, Kazuya, Chizuru HAD NO CHOICE but to stay at her neighbour's place for the night, what of it? *laughs* Also, can you be a gentleman for once and just get her somewhere to sleep in than, preferably not your bed? *laughs* In this new episode (#KanoKari15) well remember someone lost the key to her apartment? Like her neighbour mentioned at some point where she can contact someone else but looks like they all aren't available so that's sad, so I guess this filthy boy (lol) was her last choice. Not for long though, as I would have expected from last week, she would have tried to see if she can sneak in through the balcony to her place but looks like it was locked. It also looked like she had great butt cheeks and a slim waist, according to resident... well resident haha calling him "resident rapist" would be overkill considering he would only be doing it to himself lmao, but you get the idea. Would I overreact like him though? Place a bimbo in my room and we'll find out. *laughs* Amongst all the misunderstandings though, someone appeared at the door. No wins for guessing it right, it was Mami-chan, the ex. So for whatever reason she is here for maybe based on season one so please go back and find out what is in this unpredictable woman's mind, for all she did was open the unlocked door to the lit apartment, saw no one (almost no one), and left. Yep. Weird kid, ain't it. *laughs* What she then realized assuming Kazu-kun left without locking his place up, is that some woman's bag is in his house floor, long after she left the place. Probably more than enough for him to get a court case, but not like Mami-chan was going to defend her love rival? Again, this b*tch is weird okay she just j-j-j-jealous that someone gotten himself a girl after they broke up. Will this ever get settled? You guess is as good as mine. Also, the guess that Kazuya THINKS Chizuru might be slightly more into him than ever. Yeah, slightly. *giggles* All in all... in case you haven't felt that yet, the pace of the series tends to be slow, from Mami-chan spending almost 10 minutes on the door and Chizuru telling us about her family tree which is left like, a single branch now lol. And if the author's new work about a family of five sisters is any indicator of success, is that these in TV drama are going to sell better than the Anime, then be glad this new one might just take over the "Hanayome" series in its entirety just because it has more intricate storytelling or even just a slower pace of events that a general audience would prefer. Not me I won't. *laughs* Anyways, Mami-chan is here next week, she did not go back to confront him the night before, no, so let's see how bad this goes haha we see another glimpse of Ruka-chan again why can't they get all the girls together in one episode- Ah. *laughs*
P.S. "But couldn't (Chizuru) have gone to her parents or friend's place instead?" YEAH I KNOW RIGHT haha but you know "Does she trust me that much?" iya iya iya iya (lol)
P.P.S. "My parents are gone" So you are an orphan who kills people who commit crime? Oh that's Lycoris lmao sorry

アニメ Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano Datta
"So you and Yume-chan were complete strangers before last year, right?" OOF haha Minami-san doesn't know!!
"There is no benefit to gain from befriending me" Wow this guy Mizuto just spoke my life out. *laughs* Also, I rather the girl sitting behind you call me "bro", bro. *laughs* In this new episode where the social circle of these two kids finally opened up because what else you gonna talk about in school (#TsureKano02), we have new characters appearing. I don't even remember who Mizuto befriended haha why must every high school main character have a sidekick lmao, but we did get to know who Yume-chan's new sidekick is. *laughs* She is Minami-san since her given name is hard to read even for a female lol, but overall she passed the Anime friend test. *laughs* She is good at sports, she is the most extroverted person we have seen in this series so far, she looks shorter than the girl, she doesn't have a rack... *laughs* All the goodness on her just that we have Yume-chan as best girl here so you're out of luck, girl. *giggles* Anyways, it's sports tests apparently we aren't far from the first day of school so there's that, and of course Minami-san here clears everything without much trouble compared to Yume-chan who despite trying barely can keep her chest together haha *dabs* (Why did they not show her chest bouncing around at the short jumps though- How is "Engage Kiss" better than this?? lol) She did overexert herself though, and of course if you wonder how Mizuto knew of this and caught her at the right time before she collapsed, I would like to remind you that they both moved under the same roof some time ago and unless we have built-in soundproof walls it's good time I share with you the super, super erotic sounds that can be heard from his bedroom. *laughs* Anyways that'll be revenge for later lmao you're welcome Mizuto, and that's how the sister got her first friend in school after whatever farce was about her great test scores. You know, that "everyone's got a weakness" thing, or else how do you even get friends lol. Ah hey, say for yourself, I'm not that perfect and I don't have many friends so *laughs* Moving on, Yume-chan then felt unwell and stayed home which is fine since no one knew of her but considering we have Minami-san here now she is keen to execute her duties as her best friend to appear at her place and make her some food to help her recover like any other friend would do- *silence* I feel lonely. *laughs* Anyways that doesn't work for guys anyways and seriously this series is gross lmao just joking, it's also a time for Minami here to question Mizuto's relationship with his newly found stepsister. Yeah, as if it's not new. Uh huh, someone found you out alright. Time to f**k her in the shower- Not to that extent though, since Yume-chan is doing all the bullying again despite her probably already over fever at this point and STILL requested to be held hands in order to sleep, what a tease haha. All in all, I'm just glad they threw in some story about them in middle school to start things off, and thus can explain the smaller things that are happening like holding hands to sleep lol that's just adorable I can't even, and it only makes me even more keen to know about their past. You know, they lovey-dovey past which, I would argue, should REALLY be kept secret because I'm afraid if you explain them all to me I might just bleed out from all the wholesomeness I will be experiencing lol wait is it that really that good? Asking for a friend haha we shall find out with another episode I guess? I might just be giving this already despite the slower pace I'm just into the lore and Yume-chan with a see-through thick skin personality that is her chest- D81 by the way, you saw that during the tests? Haha see you all then
P.S. "This is all I've got" Haha yeah Yume-chan? How are your bust size above the female average? "All taking measurements has done is remind me how much I've not grown" I am so sorry Minami-san I apologize on behalf of the female audience for such an embarrassing statement lmao 
P.P.S. "I never participate. I merely watch things unfold. It's far more enjoyable that way" Wow this dude is my purpose in life lmao but yeah hard to do that when you have to live your life too, eh?

アニメ Warau Arsnotoria Sun!
"Pedura, you shouldn't talk behind one's back" Yeah because you're literally beneath a shadow too- Okay that's a word pun since "kage" is in it (No one will get this lol)
"When you see a bug, exterminate it!" Yeah okay Headmaster whatever you say lol also you look beautiful so just chill boss *laughs* In this new episode where these girls from the magic academy take bug extermination more seriously than our town council lmao (#Arusuno02), looks like we have to keep them impurities at hand, shall we? Reminds me of some of the very few magical series I've watched in my Anime lifetime *wink* Kannagi, but suffice it to say it is not a small task, as small as the bugs might appear to me. According to SunSun's visit (lol I gotta) to the headmaster's quarters where we met Solow-san oh boy you look great haha, it appears that they may have gotten news, won't say they spotted, presence of them black stuff (lol I'm sorry I try to be universal here) which needs some magic to you know, get rid of them lest they turn into bigger threats to the school. Yeah, there aren't just these girls but they are the most important of them all so I guess they have to do it. *laughs* Anyways, they searched high and low even using ropes and climbing walls lol Mell-chan, and all they might have found outdoors were wild strawberries waiting to be eaten- Do they not have catering in the premises? *laughs* They had to pay for their snacks and now this is their afternoon snack? Geez, don't tell the ministry how we treating cute magical girls in this school. *giggles* Anyways, SunSun did help narrow down the location of the sprite though, and as much as it is running around the kitchen from what it looks like, Lil' Alberta is hiding in the stove waiting to be cooked lol can I also have a margherita pizza thanks, and Mell-chan just shouted at the bug so it can run all over the damn place to freak pretty much everyone out besides Pica-chan who just blew it away using her shield I suppose? Yeah, Alberta also had that too or else we might see some undressing going on haha ah- Hey, this is a pure series, guys, no more bonks from here on. *giggles* They ended up so far as to intrude other people's quarters I assume Hamlet Hammit (Dammit lol) is one of them seniors here, but as they already knew what was going on so was not doing anything about, turns out, if you didn't realize whey magic girls can't detect it, it's just a fairy who has been covered in ash, and it took SunSun a while to smell that out and clean it up. So false alarm everyone, but that was a fun afternoon I guess. *laughs* Also, they got some snacks as a reward so it was a good time to kill the clock and also, clean up part of the school while they are at it lol. All in all... I enjoyed the series. To dismiss this off as just a mobile game adaptation of an animation would be so unrefined of me to do so. *giggles* Well, we might as well give more chances to this slice of life series while we're at it. *giggles* Hopefully we will have some confrontation with the supposed antagonists of the series we have seen but not known of them much who are all ikemen too lmao, so I hope for some jokes and so on apart from the inevitable fighting we might have to do between these magical girls against these dark knights. See you then.
[TL:DR; Okay as of Pica-chan's suggestion I might as well call the main girl Arsno Arsuno "Tori-san" it's easier haha as expected of best girl with the best nicknames for people lol *tehe*]
P.S. "Fruits are a drink anyways" What? Okay I learnt something new lol it's not technically wrong though
P.P.S. "They say true devils always appear in the guise of good men. Yet I hold the sword to take down those devils." So you taking me down, I get it. *laughs*

アニメ Lycoris Recoil
"And so, let's start the after hours board game party!" Oh wow, really? lol
Yeah Takina, must be too many old guys at the table, we've all been there. *laughs* Anyways, in this new episode where I guess we're dealing with Takina problems haha ah hey someone wants back at the DA (#LycoReco03), we finally concluded what was I guess Takina's dismissal from the main group. Well, without investigating too much into it, let's talk about what happened. Takina is still not hanging about with the others if others meant whoever they should be hanging out with in the café which includes Kurumi for some reason lol I hope these regulars are also people from the organization but who knows, is therefore just hanging out with herself still drawn to the prospect that she can get herself back into the team. Obviously we all don't think so including Chisato who really is trying to get her to socialize because if there is one thing we learnt in mystery and/or action shows like these is that the more people you know the more you can find out about stuff, like, how to get back. Maybe. *laughs* Anyways, Chisato had to do to physical checkup in order to renew her license (you have licenses?) but obviously given her hero status it doesn't matter but she does need that cleanup squad lol, so she had to go to the mountains... with Takina apparently, with the latter thinking she can convince the commander to get back into it. You know, what's the term for when you aren't fired but you are downgraded to like, do customer service? Demoted? Yeah. But as soon as they reach the quarters where everyone is at, nearly everyone knows how to point fingers at the girl who defied orders and the girl who saved the world. You know, put two and two together or something. *laughs* Watching Chisato hang out with Fuki here doing the drill is interesting since clearly we saw the winner, but also she then learnt about from the commander Kusunoki herself that the DA was being hacked while that operation in Episode 1 was ongoing, thus losing time to send orders. But you know, the DA is perfect but not its people, so guess who got laid off. *silence* ANYWAYS, not Takina's fault we know, probably Chisato went through this too probably not to this extent, but that's where the former does not know what to do about it, thinking that she can only go back to her own parents who raised her. And blah blah conflicts happen, the replacement of Takina introduced herself with quite an accent but we know who is cuter hehe, and they decided to do a showdown against these professionals. I mean, I would assume you are a pro once you "graduated" from the building, right? It's like an idol thing, once you graduate you just earn way more than you do now, with a more flexible schedule and things. *laughs* So yeah, it took a while for Chisato to tell Takina that living life is more than listening to orders. But yeah, also poor planning and maybe burning out your license or whatever on cleaning services but hey, what am I to say. And that's why we call that freedom. Although I would argue too in Takina's defence that she doesn't have that hero status, so her future is still rather uncertain. What is certain though is that she has NOT been abandoned, not really, but placed in care at the café where she can tame her behaviour just a bit and learn to be with others once in her life. I know, I'm saying big words here I don't even hang out with my friends who play board games. *silence* All in all haha, yeah I will be giving this series. I like the drama I see here as much as it pisses me off which means it's working, and since Takina-chan here has gotten cuter I'll forgive her smug personality till now. *giggles* Moving on though, I really wonder if Kurumi here can give us some insight in her actions towards that drug deal back then, since, if you would recall, she did initiate the hack haha we shall see then
[TL:DR; This is my quote to everyone in that organization: "Next time, don't treat them as orphans."]
P.S. "You're gonna become sad just so you can meet one's expectations? That's boring" Chisato, you right. Hard to explain when you're raised as an orphan though
P.P.S. "All Lycoris are to report to the kill house in..." To the WHAT?? *silence* No better names, huh. *laughs*

アニメ Engage Kiss
"Maybe the world's finally caught up to us?" Yeah okay Shuu what are you talking about
The city might have a blackout but you guys just didn't pay the bills. *laughs* Or you know, pay for candles. *laughs* In this new episode where I'm still on the fence (#EngageKiss03), I think we have enough info about this series to make a proper bid this time around, trust me. *giggles* So, story. This time around, we have some demon who just lobs itself upon the power plant trying to cut off power for the city, but not like Kisara and Shuu needed them lol but you know, for knowledge just so you wonder. *laughs* Of course the ignorant mayor is confused at all this because seems like his two daughters are the ones (yes the one with Oonishi Saori in it lol she is in charge of covering up press media haha can she "press" me against the wall please?) who are in charge in managing such threats in the city from spies who have eyed on this city's resources for a while and its technology in harnessing its energy, to how there are heavy gun laws prohibited by other countries lest they become the next superpower but who are we joking with this dumb dad lol, to how one of them baddies just bred demons on land so that they can be a threat to this eden, we don't know too much about it. But we do know that they are doing their job, these girls, and not the dad who just keeps approving bills and sh*t to pass off this blackout as a work of a demon. A bid will no doubt fall upon them too, and Shuu's leaks to Ayano through the mother's company will no doubt give them an edge on this also of course try to keep him fed too, but you know, just, Kisara is watching. *laughs* Anyways, due to a change in requirements on the bid namely that the demon is powered by the ore which fuels this city so should be kept in one piece but seriously who cares when it managed to leech enough energy to spread open its wings to kill all the people that have been dispatched to stop this damn thing. So you know the drill, just that with this episode we have learnt something most interesting about Shuu's contract with Kisara, NOT the one with Ayano's mom lol you think they shared a kiss? Haha ah hey it's not like Shuu minded to be with a demon the moment he realized what his objectives were which to be honest I don't know of, but the price he has to pay for to do so. Just that, instead of being MILF thank goodness we can still air this lmao, he just chose to protect his ex by making out with another... woman? Girl, let's just say girl. Even though this demon girl is probably centuries old- Okay let's not talk about generic Anime knowledge and this is why I don't want to give this cr*p. *laughs* So yeah, noble as is? We aren't even sure now. What Shuu does know though, is that he didn't give up his hopes for doing all this from two years ago just so he can have bean sprouts on his dining table, that's for sure. As with his family though? Who knows how long he can remember them if this goes on? All in all... man, I'm just kinda bummed that Shuu already forgot the time he had with that woman. *laughs* Ayano, I mean. Those memories looked so good though, I wished I was her boyfriend. *giggles* Anyways, sad stuff aside, which is probably why I wanted to look at this series positively, but so far? They just gave us all of it, the kisses to the bangin' body and everything in between. And then they dump in the bean sprouts and beautiful memories as if Kisara was a Dementor and THEN asked us if we will like this series. I mean, if this wasn't supposed to be a slice-of-life romance Anime because f**king demons ruined it, I would've said I love... for the romance only to happen instead. But since I'm Shuu and forgot did not know about the many things about this world even and how f**ked up this city is in general... I'm good with the current ignorance. So yeah, I guess I'll continue on this. For the Ayano and the Ayano and the Ayano before I really forgot what she wore on their first date. *silence* Now this is just a sad series and I can't even *laughs* This series is engaging (get it?) though, I'll give you that. As expected of an original lol
[TL:DR; Seriously man, just be an ex. Why be such a sexy one? *laughs* Ah hey never have I felt the urge to take the place of a boyfriend for someone, cut me some slack]
P.S. "Your work and your girl! You always run into that problem when you fall in love, right?" Wow I don't know what you are talking about bro *laughs* *sob*
P.P.S. "Then, where are you going to give it to me?" Wait, what? *laughs* Well of course right in your-
[So Shuu won't give up his memories or knowledge of his family...? He won't give up the stuff he knew about demons because why not? Kisara won't take his memories from where she existed because yeah no shit, and he gave up all his memories of his love with Ayano. So uh... What else is left? We still got enough fuel to fight... right? NO NOT THE PART WHERE THEY HAD SEX!!! *laughs* Hey prove me wrong that didn't exist- Kisara don't rat me out lol]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This might be a dull week considering this isn't much and I really didn't go find new songs to listen to, but I could take a smaller one this week so. Anyways, we are still having to clear Ohara Yuiko's new EP which is basically Anime "Takagi-san" themed so no surprises there if I want to give any more than the ones I already have thought of giving including the opening theme, that insert song for the final episode, and the movie... let's just say we will come back to give this release again at some point so we shall see about that, I can't watch it with Japan cinemas without subtitles lol. Anyways, clearly the winner here will be fuzzy knot's new mini-album and as much anticipated it is to me as it's also another nostalgic trip because of their style is kinda retro, they are innovating to be somewhat different but I guess it doesn't make much difference since I've been giving songs left and right. Hey, appreciate the effort, yes? People be writing songs that have such bad melodies I could use a change in pace. And I might just give Nanawo Akari's new song for Anime "Engage Kiss" while I'm at it, I guess. Last time I dealt with her was for Anime "RikeKoi" but now that it has been taken over last season with that CHiCO song... Haha ah hey

In this week's news on Twitter I'm afraid I'll have to talk about the theme songs of the Anime I watch this season which is a lot so thankfully this week isn't a long list, but yeah, let's go through them. ClariS new single is going to be out on September for Anime "Shadow House" and the song represented by the music video is really not great compared to the other music video which we will I guess be giving for Anime "Lycoris Recoil" with all the face reveals and stuff so I hope you like those lol, Minase Inori's new music video isn't exactly bad it had a kinda mellow mood while emphasizing on her singing powers but I can't help but reminisce on her older songs don't ask me why, fuzzy knot's new music video for their mini-album this week is kinda insane and I'll give you that, GLIM SPANKY teased us about their new album topic song which is nice, Komatsu Mikako's new song is out this week on digital and I have not listened to it which I will soon I guess this is no physical release date planned, SHE'S new live video on YouTube is a song I've given from their album last year it's unique enough to get my attention as usual, PHONO TONES came out with a short and weird song which I don't think the music video will help much but you can figure it out lol, Horie Yui's new song will release in digital in August and why again is she so lovely on the cover haha, SPECIAL OTHERS' new music video won't make me change my mind for a piece I have not given for the same reasons, I will be giving Ishihara Kaori's new music video and its single next month just because I'll be skipping on the other single she is releasing AT THE SAME DATE for Anime "Isekai Yakkyoku" (yeah, get the link now? also, what is with this budget) so yeah Kyari-san pleased to meet your acquaintance again you look real hot in that video lmao, RYTHEM is releasing all their music videos by the week starting with the debut single so let's see how much I can doxx myself on this lol I barely knew their music library, and thanks to Anime "Lycoris Recoil" I will be giving Sayuri's 2nd album releasing next month (wait, second only?) including songs from many years in which I did give some of her digital singles so yeah it has been 5 years since an album release for her is the point. It's kinda long already so we will talk about the other Anime artists and what they have for Anime in due time.

So for next week, we have I guess more idol stuff? Hey, we can't always have mainstream even though I swear I saw Hanazawa Kana's new single on Skream lol is that even legal, is for an Anime series I did not care about but let's see how far the single can even take us because I'm pretty sure Minase Inori's new album will be the focus then if I'm not still stuck with Ohara Yuiko by then lol. Anyways, this is not going to be another walk in the park, and I hope I can find other things to listen to if I am bored. You know, like, Kroi isn't that bad just that I can't give anything from them because they aren't that much different compared to Creepy Nuts. *silence* Somehow Klassic Note is all mixed up at 15 years I don't even know now haha

If you guys have not noticed, then I'm glad but as with the last part of last week's post that no one would have read besides me (as with normally anyways I am my own audience) that I have been tested positive of whatever fire is on out there, so am just spending days in literal fever (not Saturday night fever though) and it might just continue next week, so that's fun. *silence* Cya guys then, hopefully next week I will have more time to not rest at home lol my pay is in danger haha, and until next time I guess hopefully by then I can confirm the list for this season's Anime. Damn, five again, huh. Maybe it's just me changing, who knows? Without the two Anime originals maybe this would have been reasonable, but hey, where is that perfect romance Anime I wanted featuring a voice actress who I just follow anyways? I mean, Aizawa Saya isn't looking too bad now with "Engage Kiss", eh? Haha see you soon

P.S. Oh yeah Natsukawa Shiina is announcing on her birthday midnight which is in about an hour which I will only update in next week's post... if it's relevant. I wonder what it is...?