
Klassic Note Welfare Package September 2022

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Klassic Note Welfare Package September 2022

Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Yeah we're doing monthly packages now because that'll make me happier over a longer period of time HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUMIRUMI YOU'RE THE CUTEST AND I LOVE YOU- Oh, the intro's over? Okay haha

So yeah, I'm back! And boy, did this one arrive just in time for the end of the month and I didn't have to go to the post office OR reschedule another delivery because it LITERALLY just appeared after dinner just now which is technically bad but what the heck let's make the rest of the week awesome by doing this now!! So hey, you're welcome, me who was tired from Monday and decided to sleep more for today BOOYEAH haha the hype dude, the hype

It's a little small though just like RumiRumi hehe so we don't have like, a book to review but we have something else to talk about so let's get to it!!

The Muji Japan Trip
"Inori Minase LIVE TOUR 2022 glow" Tour Goods
Assault Lily Summer LIVE voller Blüte Big Bromide Sets
Voice Actor Card Collection VOL.10 Waki Azumi "Aju-Change!"

UNBOXING!@#$%^&*!! (lol)
Big box, eh? I assure you it isn't a lot
(Okay maybe the drinks lmao)

This is not unlike Japan which is not "padding" their weak currency after Wall Street upped interest rates so many times over the past six months HAHA ECONS JOKE well not really

Yeah, tea drink packs and cans of water are the last thing I'll expect to unbox but here we are

Why this? Well, buying from Muji Japan is obviously MORE rad. *giggles* Wait wait, let me explain this is not all. So firstly, it's because of Koko-chan. *blushes* Hehe dear Kohara Konomi got me to buy something from the store just because well she's kind of a fan of the store and because of her Instagram livestream from last month? (Yeah it's all a month ago stuff btw so catch up there, around 29:00 mark) Because halfway through the stream she took a drink to continue her chat with the comments and it was what was shown below, a can of Soda Apple. I'll tell you how it tastes later so I can complete this post and also because I was just full lmao, but let's just say I did this run totally because of her. *giggles* Though, I took this opportunity to also ship in photo albums which I could've bought locally years ago but they stopped stocking it since no one really buys them and they hate me. *silence* So I just took revenge and bought enough to support my ever-growing bromide collection which we will be elaborating in a moment haha so you see, it's not all a futile trip. *giggles*
So the right one is for Koko-chan when she comes over and I'll drink the left one

Thought this tea um, will be convenient for my work drinks- Japan just has so much convenience in packaging without a crazy price increase it's too unreal

DO NOT be deceived by the prices in SGD where I live because they don't sell them here not even in packs of three

Okay I think I know what this is haha

Oh okay this is the Bushido Road online store magazine? It's only a piece of paper

Show these two words to anyone and they will NOT know the relation at all, I tell ya

I don't recall whether I've seen these before but I know how they work
(Written: Products are slotted within this pack)

The flaps are originally snapped like this to create a seal and you undo by folding it back...

And there it is- INORIN KAWAII~!!!
(Haha okay me)

Next up, we have some Minase Inori live tour goods! Yes, her new album released in July so that was some time ago, but this one didn't get to join the previous batch so it was here instead. Let's just say I am done with a pamphlet review so I will not buy another, but I could not, I COULD NOT, pass off another chance to buy another set of bromides. And I thought that was too little, so I bought some keychain of her mascot Kurari-chan which she drew herself... Yeah, it has become something alright. But considering it's kinda big I may not replace that for the TrySail keychain I got those years ago. No really, the keychain from CHiCO's single back in May was still waaaay smaller than this haha (Audience: ARE YOU A TRUE FAN OR NOT) I'm not a true fan btw I quit out of her fanclub lol maybe I should join back at her birthday end of the year hehe why can't I login to the website already haha

I'll light the mascot up if I have a coin battery lying around lmao

Do you need to see the rest? Do you??

Oh yeah buying each item comes with these MINACA cards!
Why is the last one smaller haha is that the rare one??

You think I should replace it? Hmm let me think about it I already have cute stickers on my water bottle lmao

Ah yes it can light up too, requires a coin battery though which I don't have

I don't even know if need a specific-sized battery only purchasable in Japan though.


If that's the case then we may never see this light up haha oops

On talk about photo albums, we have more photos to talk about, which these are Assault Lily Summer Live bromides!! Man, you think I care about whatever credit this was from though? Because I mean, I just choose my girls on cosplay, so from AMUSE talent company gang, Isobe Karin-chan (before she cut her hair down) and Tomita Miyu-chan, you're welcome. *giggles* Love it when the voice actress take the effort to cosplay to bring us closer to the fantasy of the 2D world, appreciate it every time.

Last but not least, and that's why I'm here anyways, we did this for Kouno Marika half a year ago so this should be familiar to all of us, it's Waki Azumi Voice Actor Card Collection!! Yep, from the same guys who brought you Marinka and Sumipe which I got a box for my bro's birthday haha you're welcome, we have new ones now and it's from Ajuju on her birthday earlier this month! Which also means sayonara new photobook because this is pretty much it if when you see how much effort they put into this and promotions on social media AND selling the making DVD as another set so they can get as much money from you as possible from ripping hundreds of card packs so you can get the special gift from "losing" 100 times- *laughs* Yeah, long story short, I only bought the same amount ie. 2 packs of 6 same as Marinka so I can exhaust a 25-pack card holder set I got recently from somewhere else so these will do nicely. *giggles* I'm excited to see if I get any super rare- No chance, no chance. *laughs*

Okay this time around I'm ready with my pair of scissors haha no tearing like a caveman today

Could've cut it better or showed the other pack but as you can see the potential from the thumbnails...

Yeah the super rare is called "Aju-Rare" now lol they gotta base it on their name also "Super Ajuju" haha

Next time, huh. Next time...? *laughs* Well I have gained much required experience from this so one day I can open Pokémon card packs or something, right? Right?? *ignores myself* And my mom just came into my room to sh*t on me haha WHO EVEN CARES ABOUT THEM DUDE lol should've locked up my room-


Seriously, who gives a damn about Kouno Marika's fanclub monthly livestream and/or Kyari-san's LINE LIVE (heck, the latter doesn't even have a paywall you just need to be her "friend") because LOOK AT THIS POST DUDE!!!!!! *laughs* So yeah, thanks, RumiRumi, your birthday gave rise to this miracle of a post which brought me nothing but happiness. *giggles* Well, see you all next time next month where we are already piling up on new stuff incoming to the forwarding service AND I have to buy more stuff already from like, marupi-chan who is really trying to cripple me lol. Maybe I should also buy that collaboration cap for Rumi-chan and that fashion line every voice actor is going at it with hehe this is it I guess

Okay okay just one fact from the back of one of Ajuju's cards: She says if given any magic power for a moment she would want a magic that can let her use magic forever. *taps brain*

P.S. Oh yeah I just opened this up to finish this post because man I had to do a lot of HTML-ing here and this Soda Apple? Hmm... Koko-chan drinks this stuff? *laughs* It's sour, I'll give you that also soda bubbles so I'm not going to sleep early haha it's all your fault *laughs* Then again it has been weeks in a warehouse and on the road so the taste might be off...? Why am I trying to defend her haha

Oh turns out there is a battery since (1) there's a pull away for the slot and (2) this is for a live so likely should be used for the night haha


This thing can "glow", get it?
(That's the live tour and album title)

Okay sorry excuse me a bit while I turn off the lights again-
