
The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #43 Anime Extra

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The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #43 Anime Extra

Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Hello, me who is the only one on work leave because I chose to and everyone else is just at school or at work after a public holiday. *dabs* But yeah, as promised this is a new Extra post in a while, maybe I should come up with a new title format but heck, that's for next year and beyond maybe. Right now, let's get into more "BLEACH" hype to start the week and maybe watch an Anime movie while I'm at it. Let's!

をニパ Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
"You were listed as a "Special Threat" that we should prioritize dealing with!" That's every villain dealing with Ichigo lol
Aw, old geezer's pissed now. *giggles* In the new episode where let's go straight into combat with Quincies because goddamn I've waited years for even just one (#BLEACHTYBW03), but then again goddamn they need to come up with easier terms to remember. "Bankai" was so much easier to say. *laughs* So, let's talk about what is the lead up to the start of the war. Firstly, I guess even I need a recap here. As Kirge has mentioned to Ichigo, Quincies have a rough past with shinigami and ignoring who started it first because I mean every Anime has to start with something even if it's bad before a rebellion sprouts off it in defence of something terrible, is that a shinigami rebellion chose to split off the original Quincy soul body to protect the souls and create cycle (and imprison the King *ahem*) instead of believing in the creation and destruction of souls, so here we are. Sadly, Ishida (Uryu) won't be able to know the truth even if coming from the father Souken mainly because he also knew what his father did ie. same as the granddad who went separate ways with the rest of the Quincy gang and then wrote his own history of them being the last of their kind. Not wrong, but we forgot the origin, and of course, the myth of waking the... successor? Of the soul universe 99 years later. So, that. Next up, let's talk about the fight. Damn, was that a long time coming. Kirge talking about all the Quincy powers and THEN showing them to us while actually getting beat up by Ayon (lol) and Ichigo maybe is rather cool and scary to be honest, seeing Uryu's powers literally taken to the extreme where everything around spiritual can be absorbed meaning that if this is Soul Society all the unseated officers would be free offerings at this point haha, still COULD NOT comprehend the extent of these guys... let's just call the Vollag Vollas that thing their Ultimate power for now because damn I need the Wiki lol. So yeah, real cool, and it really feels awkward how Ichigo can just be there watching all the shit happen to the Arrancar and his friends while being at a corner to what, set up his Bankai? *laughs* Ah hey, timing guys, maybe Kubo-sensei also didn't know how to gauge this. Well, at least he got the storytelling right, so finally let's talk about that. We now know that Yamamoto did not kill Yhwach a century ago so likely in the War they had to do 200 years ago ignoring then Mayuri's appeal to do so, and now literally had to suffer the consequences of his actions, for starters. Who is in the wrong though? I mean, old geezer has made a lot of mistakes in his lifetime so far, so I'm not gonna elaborate until the times comes so let's just take it at face value for now. Remember he exterminated Quincies without blinking an eye with the OG Gotei 13? Yeah haha. Apart from that though, Yhwach was LITERALLY watching Ichigo engaging with Kirge in order to make sure he's busy so that they can launch an attack on Soul Society because you know, gotta keep main guy busy so we can screw over everyone else. Yes, Kira included lol RIP dude I hope he's alright. *giggles* All in all, dammit my finger is constantly on the screenshot key so tell me if this is not the next best thing that has happened for me in Anime so far. *giggles* Other than that, we finally get to see in animation what it means to Quincy release their powers, and pretty much every aspect of it is such a magnificent view even if it's from one of the most irritating Sternritter in the story lmao f**k you Kirge Opie haha we'll talk about why soon, and it's still waaaaay cooler than Ishida Uryu. *laughs* So yeah, gonna love me some combat in the next couple of episodes when I watch this again... next weekend haha weekly broadcasts hurt they should've gotten Netflix adapted so I can pay for the subscription to watch all at once lol see you all then the Tres Bien are DEFINITELY dead now haha who cares I just want to see some REAL action lol okay me
P.S. "If Ishida transformed into something this disgusting, I may have cut him down by mitsake" GOT'EM lol Ichigo who are you burning here
P.P.S. "Do you happen to know why shinigami and Quincy are at odds with each other in the first place?" So wait, shinigami aren't taught on this? Uh oh haha I would've gone to the library- Oh you guys don't have access to the Grand Library haha oh well (Yes I will not spoil too much so I'm just playing my role as Souken *wink*)
[Also, from here on I will execute my Yachiru naming prowess by shorterning terms used by Wanrenreich because if you want me to talk about "VollstΓ€ndig" every week and typing all this out will be impossible- It's called volladihi now haha who cares about browser spelling dictionaries]

をニパ Yojouhan Time Machine Blues
"I've never truly experienced a fulfilling summer" Yeah same dude if fulfilling means getting laid haha *wink*
Man, this storytelling is still rather roundabout and bullsh*t it's ironically good. *laughs* So, about what this new 4.5-block tatami room is about (#YojouhanTimeMachineBlues), the remote control to the air conditioner broke. Welp. *laughs* Please, for what was the sequel of the original series back in 2012 based on a novel adaptation, this pace is VERY SLOW compared to that series. *laughs* Still, this is essentially a sequel inspired by a play named "Summer Time Machine Blues" but to put it to layman terms so I don't have to type a paragraph to tell you what it is, it's just time travel in this... college life maybe love story? Yeah, that's what it is. Anyways, it's well known for its fast-paced narrative, quirky set of college life samples with a rewind button because we have to avoid the menace that is Ozu, but this one removed all that, as we start from the main guy's 3rd year in college instead of 1st. Akashi is still not his girl haha bruh, Higuchi still has more chin than all of us combined *does chin action*, and we're all hot. *laughs* Okay the last one is the weather without the aircon, please, blame it on that devil incarnate. *laughs* Oh, and I'm not going to be sorry for their sense of humour where they bring back deja vu phrases, so let us "not miss that opportunity in front of us" and make this review the best I can, yes? That'll be 1100 yen where we left off. *laughs* (Oh wow I just realized that the fortune-teller is also the manager of the building they live in!! Theu never hinted it but man what a vibrant world we have here)
"My fate of spending the remainder of summer vacation in a 4.5-block tatami furnace as been sealed"
This movie has been split into parts in streaming, so I guess we can talk about each of them. So for starters, they are just elaborating on all the characters just to remind us all of the above I've mentioned haha you're welcome, but also, kind of focus on the summer heat in that building they live in. Well, mainly Higuchi and the others because main guy has the Aircon but you know, Ozu just drops by from time to time to- Did they just f**king bitch fight? Haha this is the best Anime ever. *laughs* We were also reminded in the somehow 2 years that have passed since the original story, where Akashi-san is part of the movie circle in which we had a glimpse of boobs tits lover Jougasaki ironically wearing a T-shirt of "Kaori-san" so his... sex doll haha ah hey, and how ironically everyone else is the same because they are all somehow involved in Akashi's newest production. But yeah, only Akashi-san knew what the final product of the film was though. It's like the Manhattan Project and she was the lead scientist HISTORY JOKE!! *laughs* We will touch on the film soon enough, but suffice it to say it's just everyday life until Ozu ruins the aircon remote and Higuchi can't enjoy his passive cold air from the walls next room no more. *laughs* With the introduction of a new character who called himself Tamura, and a film recording with two Ozu and no he is still human as much as we think he isn't haha, we are about to sink into a realm of weird stuff we thought wouldn't all happen within the past and next 24 hours. Well, in their timeline anyways. After they finished filming that day (we shall call this the present for keepsakes), all of them went to the bath ironically not Hanuki-san who rather be drunk than sink in human soup I guess lol, the main guy left early to follow his crush Akashi who happened to walk by to the nearby used book fair, and Jougasaki managed to dig out a time machine from the corner. WHAT?? *laughs*Β 
"Sounds like things have gotten pretty serious" LMAO YEAH NO SHIT
I feel like I can never finish explaining the depth of this timeline, so I shall move on. *laughs* For starters, on this newly discovered device, they decide to test their theory out. Ozu immediately volunteers for the ride into yesterday in which he did come back to tell the tale, and was witnessed by, you guessed it, a film camera recording on the movie Akashi was producing. But also, at this rate, they also realized the dangers of doing such things, which I wish you did watch too many sci-fi movies to understand just the physical limitations of time travel that this is rather accurate in theory honestly, so let's leave it at that. *giggles* Otherwise, you would be pleased to know that the time machine is still true in their timeline, because it came from 25 years later with respect to the present. So yeah, Tamura-san here came from the future. He was an occupant of the still standing building of the same room, and was the test subject of whatever club's experiment in making a time machine within a summer vacation's time. They did it, because what you see is what you get. The problem only happened when quite literally, they decide to resolve the problem of their aircon remote by sending Ozu, Hanuki-san and Higuchi together back into yesterday. Yep, I feel tired just explaining to you that so go watch it and see the whiteboard at the end. *laughs* But not so fast, we gotta welcome back an empty returning time machine first. Uh oh.

"The stupidity of all this space-time shadow boxing made me crazy"
Considering that these three are literal troublemakers who won by a scissors paper stone match (yes, just one) to who should retrieve the remote before it was broken the day before, maybe it was a bad idea after all, to even do all of that. *laughs* Hanuki took a while to realize why letting everyone drink cider during the filming can prank kill them haha, Ozu followed Akashi because he knew something was going on with his bestie and her but is likely disappointed that nothing happened since the main dude WAS A PUSSY haha, and Higuchi stole his own shampoo coming in from the future. *silence* So as you can see, it's a bit complicated. *laughs*
"We have been left behind"
I feel like *pant* this level of storytelling is tiring, so we are burning through this now haha no really the movie was 2 hours long go watch all the fun yourself me spoiling it here is just a sin. *laughs* But to a surprise to no one, once Higuchi and Hanuki-san were sent back to the present time specifically with the remote stolen right from Akashi's hands right before they left, they then realized that returning the remote in perfect condition from the past would be the problem, as it has been destroyed before. Heck, we even did a funeral for it because the actual machine didn't have an on-off button. *laughs* Problem is then, they thought the remote would be useless, and with Higuchi tampering of the time machine and putting Jougasaki in it, we sent him RIGHT back into 99 years before where there should be a war going on so... RIP I guess. *laughs* He didn't die don't worry, and as the landlord (1200 yen please haha) has mentioned it being a swamp, that's where the dude landed in. Tamura though, had a better solution. From him, we knew that in his near future 25 years later the building will be reconstructed thus means the death of the only aircon in the premises so Higuchi would probably have to pay for his own lodging now lol yes he be still there lmao, and the remote would be useless, so he brought it back to present time, so yeah his past. *laughs* Excuse me while I take some headache pills before I carry on haha *gulp* Everyone was sent back to the present smoothly apart from the main guy, who needed to be there to do one thing: ask Akashi out to the festival.
Spot the difference because you can't
"The future should be grasped with your own hands"
Okay so here's where the romance part came in, and thus I truly believe this movie is not just the sequel to the adaptation a decade ago, it's also the conclusion. So once again, everyone travelled back to present time haha see first paragraph of this review lmao, but the main guy didn't. Because he already did. He stood the time of passing and hid in his own room for about 24 hours before he found a time to sneak out of his own room a day later while also simultaneously confusing the heck out of that student council leader Aijima lol. What also stood the time of passing was the remote control, which you might have recalled was lost 99 years ago but then was in the swamp until the dog dug it out wrapped in plastic. *laughs* You think anyone a century ago would understand how plastic wraps work? *laughs* Anyways, it was real confusing, but what was more confusing is when Tamura forgot to bring his belongings back to the future. He came back, no surprise, until he dropped his backpack which included, and this is a thing by the way, a Mochiguma. Yes, that toy Akashi-san has been carrying it all along. So spoiler alert, this is the son, which begs the question now: Who is the father?? *pfft* It was hinted, and I really mean HINTED, that it was the senpai. Yeah. Yeah- OH F**KING BRAG ABOUT IT DUDE haha I HATE NORMIES I TELL YA
"This was my first and worst contact with Ozu" THE CLASSIC LINE haha man I'm laughing tears already
Ironically, the final part is more like of a satisfactory one-two punch to the series one last time, as we correctly explain Watashi's life as a college student and the 2 years that have since passed. You know the stuff above, now patch it into the timeline where he was in a railway research club and THEN met Akashi-san 2 years later. *laughs* Man, this elaborate of a plot I WISH my life was half of this. Haha time travel is fine I also have motion sickness so *laughs* All in all... I just want somebody to bust the sci-fi logic in this movie and make me regret watching this. *laughs* Because if not, this is a great movie! It was a nostalgia ride (some would say a time travel back) to what I've loved about the series, and so, so much more. All they did is just slap a time machine into this series, by the way. Everything else involved is just a story element because it was just 2 years later since then. And as usual, everything is determined already, so nice try for telling me to watch this movie today. *laughs* *dabs* Serious talk though, this series has every single joke in check, made sure the time travel thing made sense which is why the pace at the beginning is weird they are setting up all the objects down including that student council guy's glasses lol SCREW YOU AND THE CHERRY BLOSSOM CAMPUS LIFE haha anyway, and how they really, really heavily hinted on the romance between the main couple. Though I would say, if the kid turned out like Tamura I might have killed it at birth- This is a great series for those who like a different take on animation, and boy, did it still hit me a decade later. I would like to brag about my experience of watching these to people, but secretly I'm like those railway research club members where I rather keep this gem to myself. Tell me if that is true for you too if you have seen it. *wink*
P.S. "The tool that was to enable my rebirth was that great achievement of civilization, the air conditioner" Haha people living in the tropics be like
P.P.S. "... I swore to protect the film's lovingly trashy qualities." Me when I do tell about the Yojouhan series to others haha

Okay so the future me received that package just when I was watching the movie above by the way while my dad was sleeping, thank goodness I didn't have to fetch this from the post office again like last time. And this is all while present me should NOT be typing away here in this blog and be working- Haha okay I think that's enough of a mindf**k I have records of when I took work leave for the week from the past. *laughs* So, see you all in the future so later today, where I will talk about what will fuel me for the rest of the year likely. Adieu~!!!

P.S. Ugh my head hurts so probably not- NO I INSIST haha see you later then let me take a break and have dinner first