
The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #52 Anime Extra

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The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #52 Anime Extra

Tuesday, 27 December 2022
And see that's why, me, you walk out of the house WITH a phone case. *silence* I hate my life and the minor scratches on my phone's screen I might as well buy a new phone haha *dabs*

Anyways, that was yesterday it was great I was out all the damn time but seeing that my world is already preparing NOT for the new year coming in within a week but Chinese New Year in a month or so, it just makes me think time passes so fast even if I'm taking one whole week of work leave. *silence* Technically only 3 days if I'm lucky because I'm burning away yesterday and this afternoon so I might as well clear some Anime by then!

Yes, I waited two weeks for this ironically, so let's finish with a record-breaking THREE EPISODE watching session of an Anime series!! Please, my average episodes to watch per week per series is one. I watch every week. *laughs* But that might change soon, I gotta watch "Romantic Killer" someday...

をニパ Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
"I know the whereabouts of every Asauchi I've created" Holy sh*t is this ye olde GPS? Haha spiritual energy dude, it's better than satellite
You think Ichigo understood whatever the f**k Namaiya, THE zanpakuto creator, is talking about all this time? He don't, right? He's not shinigamiΒ too. *wink* No really, in these final episodes of the first cour of the final arc (#BLEACHTYBW11), let's talk about where Ichigo's soul stands at. With Zangetsu...? Haha ah hey long time joke already, let's be serious. I guess I should talk about each episode at length, huh. Well, not long, I don't want to type so much here. *laughs* Story goes that Ichigo was brought back to his hometown lol you can figure that out yourself, and sees his father in a shinigami outfit. So yeah, he will tell us the story. Of him, being a family of Shiba clan. Being a captain, so many years ago. So surprise, Ichigo is basically Quincy in nature but we shall not elaborate just yet, but yeah, if you think Matsumoto with shorter hair and even shorter Hitsugaya in the 10th Squad of the Gotei 13 is stupid, think again. *giggles* Because someone is making even more noise in the Real World specifically Karakura Town, and even less of a surprise there, we are talking about events roughly after when Urahara escaped Soul Society a century ago in the timeline thanks to three Captains, and before one of them Aizen decided to pin himself on the wall. *laughs* So yeah, that. Firstly, we talk about the confrontation. Not with Aizen and the gang, but kinda. Let's. If I didn't remember wrongly it was about 20(?) years ago in the timeline, Mayuri had succeeded me as Captain of the 12th Squad *wink* personal fan lore, and after some events in the Real World with shinigami killed it happened again soon after in repetition, so Isshin was sick of waiting in line and decided to investigate this by himself even though apparently it was 13th Squad's job at the time. What he saw though, was basically an Arrancar prototype because looks like it got Hollow powers from a deceased(?) shinigami (Can you die and die again? I mean, ask the guy whom Zaraki took the sword from lol) so Hollow but acted in the form of a shinigami, so Arrancar basically. That term was probably not coined back then, so "White", I guess. Hey, I'm not being racist, Aizen is. *laughs* Anyways, Isshin was supposed to deal with it well, but this time around, maybe also because Aizen knew that this prototype wasn't making much progress in order for them to draw better conclusions to the evolution of their "research", he decided to intervene. So I guess Isshin doesn't know the betrayal thing yet. Yeah, only Urahara and that bunch knew, I suppose. Thankfully, Masaki ran out of her... fostered shelter lol that's the nicest way to say that because Ryuuken can't even do shit haha yes that's Ishida's dad by the way he looks so young, to you know, take action. It went surprisingly well just by baiting the enemy to her side and shooting a spiritual arrow down its neck, almost blew up in an explosion if not for Isshin helping out... so I guess they win. *giggles* But what is up next, is what will seal the deal for the backstory of Ichigo's family.
"Do you think she (Masaki) will be happy marrying me?" Of course not Ryuuken you f**k even a dead soul is more capable of marrying her- Oops
So days later, after Isshin went back and reported... pretty much everything that happened and I swear three people already knew it in the Hall lmao *wink*, this part (#BLEACHTYBW12) talked about Masaki's condition after that fight. In summary? Not great. *laughs* Well, not great if you are Ryuuken because damn freaking Katagiri opened her damn mouth when she found out that a Hollow hole appeared on a Quincy, probably went to tell on the Aunt of the household who shouldn't be knowing of this so... but yeah, I guess in order to receive treatment, even though at this point you think anyone Quincy will treat her? Haha damn, I mean, we were nice enough to keep her till high school, dude. *laughs* Ryuuken thought of getting his father to help her out but he's out we never saw the old man again anyways so whatever lol *wink*, but he did see Isshin who went back to the Real World once again to thank the girl who saved his soul. Well, only to find out that she is about to die, and arguing with another Quincy who he doesn't even know who, and THEN dealing with another dude who tells them we can't get Masaki back as a (pure) Quincy and just to save her life we have to sacrifice someone? Man, this is a lot to think about let us sit down with some tea, please. But of course not, we don't have time to brainstorm like Ryuuken, and only after listening to the resident Hollowfication expert right here - well, the only expert - did Isshin immediately agree to Urahara's terms: putting his soul inside a human body and bind with Masaki to counteract the Hollow Quincy inside her, something that would already kill her anyways if we wait any longer. Also, if they did not stop Masaki's Hollowfication, Aizen would have been SO happy, he's gonna be me when I jack off- Anyways haha he didn't and so is my sad single life lol, but heck, on that very day a bond is formed. Sorry, Ryuuken, you can go bang Katagiri or something lmao, but congratulations on Shiba Isshin with the nice snatch on Kurosaki Masaki and telling us his love story... he threw away his family name too lest he got found out by probably Kuukaku but I think she already knew who her brother is like, and they now have to be together for all of eternity. Well, almost. Because remember the mother died? Yeah, she didn't die because she can't fight a Hollow. Grand Fisher, if you would recall. She was just an impure Quincy, but she can fight with a bow and have something to defend herself, even if you didn't know about the Blut Vene thing. But no, that was also the day Yhwach awakened his powers. Nine years ago. Welp. I'm not going to name that godly power of his, but if you understand that his blood runs with all Quincy... So, in case you wonder how this all links to Ichigo, as my dear Urahara Kisuke has mentioned, this Hollowfication thing will be passed down for generations. Therefore Ichigo. I mean, it can be Karin-chan too but that is not the point. *laughs* So, the Hollow, the Quincy blood thing even though Ichigo is even less pure than the mom at this point, the shinigami powers easily drawn out from little training from Urahara who KNEW of his position as a human soul jack of all trades... You get the idea now. He HAS to be the main character-
"... there's a possibility that the Ishida family's bloodline could become tainted!" Yeah, this is a thing. Also, Masaki WAS bit by a Hollow so....
And to end this season, for the final episode (#BLEACHTYBW13) I guess we are making Ichigo's zanpakuto now. Hey, the Asauchi now kinda looks like the Quincy army, right? *giggles* Don't deja vu too much, guys, we got story to tell. Well, let's save the best for last, so let's talk about what is in Seireitei now. Well, considering some of them got their Bankai stolen, I can't imagine the likes of Hitsugaya and Soifon being able to do anything at this point apart from... honing their other skills? I mean, Soifon still has her assassination and/or Shunko powers she learnt from the 2nd Squad thing (Edit: Oh yeah Onmitsukidou, thanks Bleach Wiki), but Hitsugaya?? He is pretty much done, dude, if he can't get his sword back. Ironic, isn't it? Like, isn't there anything in the shinigami's blood- Oops, too much deja vu. *laughs* But for Komamura though, he has a different story. Considering he isn't a human soul in the first place, and he's under some animal clan or something haha hey guys let's not get into furry territory that fast, but yeah, he desired to get back the clan's power to compensate for his lack of sword power. Makes sense, but I guess the old dog won't agree to this that easily, so he has to deal with it first. I mean, this old thing is more stubborn than my grandfather who is already dead by the time I was born so you tell me. *silence* Moving on lol, Mayuri is doing something real secret and evil which will be revealed soon but suffice it to say he is once again illegally modifying his Bankai to no end but not like he hasn't done that before his sword changed shape so much Namaiya might be confused to see his soul now. *laughs* Hisagi is forced to draw out his Bankai which he did I don't have to do spoiler alert for this because HE NEVER RELEASED IT ANYWAYS also it is not that convenient as with many others which you can find out in novel series co-written by another author under Kubo-sensei's supervision *wink*, and I guess we can talk about Ichigo's zanpakuto now. For starters, it's not Zangetsu. Well, the name, as provided from the "sword" itself. That's not real. Now that we have gone through the whole thing about how much of a Rojak Ichigo was made to be even as a human lol Southeast Asia joke, one should understand how this works now. So basically, Ichigo's soul is comprised of many things. The Quincy power, for starters. He was born from Masaki who is a Quincy so that makes sense, he hardly is a shinigami to begin with. Then, there's the Hollow. According to the dad, he got back his powers because the bond to hold back Masaki's Hollowfication is broken due to Ichigo doing all the save the world stuff lol, so in a nutshell a Hollow sits within him. Why didn't it die with the mother I wouldn't know, but let's just say it didn't. Passed down for generations, remember? *giggles* Anyways, those two, and Ichigo doesn't have shinigami powers to begin with. He doesn't even know the four fields of shinigami excellence which I till try to recall right now with a hint from Hitsugaya.... Zanjustsu haha that's swordsmanship ie. when you have your blade that is not broken lmao, Hohou which is movement so the reason why Byakuya can move so fast and I'm not talking about now he's still half dead, Hakuda which is hand-to-hand combat which is exhibited best by literally no one apart from old geezer Yamamoto (RIP) because if you ran out of techniques and had to use this you're a monster haha, and Kido, what fictional me would've excelled in. *giggles* Ichigo knows... maybe the first one lol not even he doesn't even know how to swing his sword- Heck, even Zaraki took a lesson in Kendo, dude. *laughs* Long story short, the sword was remade using the two souls - Ichigo's soul of Quincy descent, and the Hollow - in a very occult situation probably Namaiya has never faced before, but it was a success. And that's how he gets two swords without a new name, and had to say goodbye to the souls he was mistaken of all these years. From the moment we saw Zangetsu, he was just the Quincy power all along. And maybe the Hollow's if he can't suppress it sometimes as with Grimmjow or Ulquiorra or Byakuya... that's all. *laughs* So now you know. All in all from the above dude... I still CANNOT BELIEVE I have to wait half a year for the next cour of this final arc to appear. Again it's like "Attack on Titan", but less painful to wait haha it's the same just that this one had deeper connection to me, and I can't WAIT to see it happen. We are teased with a trailer revealing the beating up we will have to witness until Ichigo can come down from the Reioukyuu so this will be fun. No really, we desperately need more zanpakuto releases right now we got a couple this time but IT IS JUST NOT ENOUGH, DUDE!!! Haha see you then I can go on forever but I think this is enough
[TL:DR; I'm just pissed that everyone is Yhwach's son. *laughs* I mean, where are the daughters dude, you misogynist f**k- Oh he killed them. Yeah he did, we know at least 2 of them died. *silence* Call yourself God, dude, you don't deserve it at all- ME MYSELF could've been God lmao]
P.S. "If someone like you (Matsumoto) became captain, the whole Squad would be ruined" Haha not wrong but also imagine a female-driven Gotei 13 squad- Oh, Soifon. *laughs* BUT wait! What if it's only rack-
P.P.S. "No matter what happens to the world outside, we will continue to live in the shadows" Oh Komamura you doggo are also Quincies? That's a surprise haha
[Don't you worry about the newer cast because among those that were revealed including Namaiya's forging squad I only know of Ozawa Ari so haha moving on]

And that shall be it to end the year! Next time we will meet in this very place known as my solo universe lol maybe I should call it this from now, we will be talking about Klassic Note Song Awards! So see you then, if you need a song reference I will recommend you something from Japan if you don't mind. *giggles* Bye!

P.S. Because I was lazy to write an actual spec script for an animation movie I intended to do about my own lore for "BLEACH" when I was a student lol, I shall put in point form, where I was in the history of my version of Soul Society:
Call this a special special episode then, you're welcome. Also, if anyone wanted to animate this I would LOVE to voice Aozaki Shouhei myself, thanks. *giggles*