
The Welfare Package January 2023

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The Welfare Package January 2023

Friday, 10 February 2023
We still using this title format, huh. Well, at least I'll make it shorter.

Also shorter is this package review mainly because I can only say all my schedules for this year's batches are already screwed, and with the upcoming one (which is two Klassic Note Reviews hehe) I hope to change this around. Meanwhile, we can talk about what we did not miss for the start of the year? Or was it last year? Okay I'm pretty sure my notes say these are this year we did last year a month ago if you can recall

(Probably not doing a content page because it's really not a lot)

Also let's unbox!!! Haha I gotta it has been a while.
This just hurts my wallet, honestly.
And we're going up ONE MORE PERCENT NEXT YEAR??
Please, no.

Oh yeah, these have been sitting there since the start of the year.
Right after the previous one left Japan. *sigh*

I'm excited for these lol don't ask me why I bought them tbh

No feet included though lmao

And this is the cutest thing I can't even.
Cosplay, by the way.
"Real rabbit", by the way.
How often can we copulate-

Maybe we not talk too much about the new year greeting card because I can only say the words she wrote behind the card are not for human processing hehe it's only for fans processing *dabs*, but we can talk about the new edition of the fanclub newsletter Inori Machi Diary!! Yep, I've missed a year this is the 20th one the previous one I got was 15th we are 5 editions off lol, but suffice it to say this is still so far the only (Japanese voice actress) fanclub which gives back physical items regularly so I have to spend money to ship them here. Free of tax anyways since it's technically free it comes with the subscription haha *dabs*, but yeah, we can talk about what happened to her live tour and know a little more about her through fan questions.

Oh wow this is heavier than the usual newsletter booklet...

Oh, this is a special membership card holder to celebrate the fanclub's 5th anniversary!
Wow, just in time!!
(Haha I swear I did not plan on this)

LOL it's just full of the mascot Kurari-chan

Okay, book time!!
Sorry for the delay hehe

I can spoil this a bit because these are the fanclub event goods which I will explain in due time ie. next time because I bought these too haha

We will talk about why the heck I would spend any money to watch a fanclub event next time. For now, just take it that it's because of my big damn mouth I can't even. *laughs* Oh, as in I'll be watching the event live, bought the afternoon session ticket *giggles*

Moving on!!

Q: Favourite popcorn flavour?
A: Salt
*looks at popcorn box I bought for Lunar New Year*
Inorin, you fancy sour cream & onion? Haha

Oh yeah I have this too lol dude took it to the beach

Same same but different haha
Oh yeah girl(?) you gonna have someone join you quite soon

Okay okay I should really stop spoiling what's coming up for Inorin's fanclub and change gears for a bit because thank goodness these are here to pad the order, we have some Asakura Momo radio event socks!! *laughs* Hey, trust me, I was wanting to get some Amamiya Sora long pants but damn, I felt like I would wear socks more often (to work) (*giggles*) so I chose this. Maybe it's a regret at this point maybe I should go back and buy them pants too haha, but yeah, don't think too much about what I said last year about only buying bromides. *laughs*

Long socks, by the way.
It's just cute I don't know haha total impulse buy here

And we're back for another round of MusicRay'n 3rd generation event goods!! Yeah, this time around apart from the badges which are... kinda different from the last time I bought them. Why are they so small... no wonder the store listing showed them as squared I thought it's just they fit in a circle one. *silence* Anyways, I also bought a (and this is not going to be the only) Japanese teacup which I won't be using them because damn just look at the art on this! No relation to the girls though so why? *laughs*

So yeah, this is the standard cup
(And I bought a larger one which can be compared... if I didn't bring it to work lol)

Gotta say, the art on this is AMAZING I don't think this has anything to do with the girls-

This time, I only got 2 of them just because...

...I also forgot that it's in sets of 2!!
Man, these are not... large... also Kanade-chan by the way
(Small luck, girl)

OH DAMMIT HAHA what is with these logos
Hey, Mirai-chan you are two time coming already hehe
(She's good luck though?? Don't tell me...?)

WHERE IS MY KOHARU-CHAN ANYWAYS EVEN MOKA-CHAN WHICH MA BRO LIKES IS BETTER- Yes, I put those images just in case you aren't familiar with them yet like I am lol

And that's it! I guess it did come in time for Valentine's Day but dammit I swear all the stuff that is for this Love Day is... only going to appear with the upcoming packages including what is my birthday so yeah God is my existence a joke to you, so let's talk about those then! I feel ashamed to even put a sub title then again this really isn't much... until they tax me haha yes the tax is on the items and not shipping fees which I assume is already included. *silence* Let's not talk about this ever again, okay? I just want some consolation dude haha