
The Welfare Package May 2023: A True Memory In Making

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The Welfare Package May 2023: A True Memory In Making

Tuesday, 09 May 2023


Seriously though, I know both you and I are so desperate for another package review right here because we have been without them goods from Japan ONE WEEK INTO MAY and this seems to be a problem so you are welcome. *giggles*

Without further ado, and I need this to remind all the mistakes I've made as I will explain them in detail we have a lot to go through, so let's!

Tomita Miyu 2nd LIVE ~Fizzy Night~ Comemmorative Raffle
Minase Inori fanclub newsletter Inori Diary vol.21
Kitou Akari fanclub event smile giving day vol.3 Goods
Kido Ibuki LIVERTINE AGE Collaboration T-Shirt
Ganbare Douki-chan Vol.9

But before all the lore drop right here, can we just do a bit of unboxing, please?? *laughs* We gotta wait for my smartphone to cool down so they can get the Google Photos uploads going lmao

This is the biggest package for the year, this is it

Not poster I promise you I don't want to buy those anymore they take up storage space

See? Posters don't look like this lol

Hmm can you figure out what this is?

Maybe this will give you a better idea- *pukes*

Okay this one might be some deja vu for some of us especially me right now, we are changing the person though because this is Tomita Miyu's 2nd live Raffle gacha!! Haha yes, marupi-chan bankrupted me last year on this THRICE by the way in this raffle-based service, and Miyu-chan is here to join the game. *laughs* Of course not, this is probably just their idea of selling their live tour photos as goods and I guess I shall support her for this, since the difference between this and marupi is that the latter is basically gravure and has digital photos as goods and this one... just has none of them. Not even squeezed chest. *laughs* That aside, I did get some of the rarer goods along with all the damn duplicates I can get to with a usual 10-roll, so don't mind me if your eyes deceive you and you see two keychains that I will not hang on my bag to work haha it's too big anyways but not as big as that TAPESTRY!!! Where do I even hang that though?? LOL so many questions and don't ask where is my digital footprint though this is not it

A summary of all the items I got including duplicates

As you can see, almost got the top prize which I'll gladly take a signed acrylic panelย 

What it looked like when I rolled it about 3 months ago lol

See? Without duplicates Miyu-chan makes of a great backdrop

This is legit becoming a good option now haha
(That thing above is a neck rest and massager that I rarely use btw)

Oh hi Inorin fanclub newsletter hehe

Okay this is actually a familiar outfit- It's cute though!!

Wow this one is thinner than the previous issue I gotta say...

Oh yeah it's about my birthday... held fanclub event!! lol

This is the usual so don't mind me elaborating this once again, we get our semi-regular edition of Minase Inori fanclub's newsletter!! This time around we are focused on recent events if you could remember, the last time we had this was last year so they would be talking about the fanclub event which... you can refer to one of those Entertainment News I have talked about my experience watching one of these on my birthday, so maybe we go through what happened again that day!

(The best thing you can give me, Inorin, is to make me pay-)

You wanna guess which one was her drawing?
The answer if you need to find out haha

I died many times during that afternoon and this was one of them

Don't think anyone will care if she's a fast runner(?) but you listen to Disney jazz albums, Inorin?
You are the same as my sis-

Oh hello Akarin-chan.

Well this I must say I should've ordered this earlier and it was not because I didn't attend the event lol, because damn did Kitou Akari's fanclub event goods come in too early I thought I wouldn't have given it enough time but as you can see we are a month into when they have announced the regular release of the items including bromides and badges, but because I did not order early since I didn't want this to be the countdown timer for the forwarding service they usually have a 30-day limit for package consolidation... I missed the membership card for my 3rd year in her fanclub. I MISSED THE DAMN MEMBERSHIP CARD- It doesn't have my name on it and it's the same image as the bromides so I'm good. I AM GOOD- I'm not. *laughs* I still can't believe I can't get it already though. *sigh* MOVING ON~!! Haha

I mean, I got these photos on the regular on her fanclub website you think I need this?

Do you remember any of them?
Because I do.

And boy did I break my promise again to not buy T-shirts after what that Anime "Engage Kiss" character did to my brain last year haha, this time around I think I have straightened myself into the requirements for buying Kido Ibuki's LIVERTINE AGE collaboration T-shirt!! *giggles* So, if you need a recap, this particular fashion label is actively in collaboration with other artistes including voice actress Ookubo Rumi if you would remember this woman made me buy an eco bag haha, and Aizawa Saya which the limited time pre-order is still going on right now for her third time coming, is NOT however going to make me buy her new shirt mainly because in this particular case above for Ibuki-chan, I shall only buy T-shirts from here on from Japan IF AND ONLY IF they have them on it. Yes, not cartoon images, not just aย symbol just at the top right hand corner. *laughs* So there you go, this one's for you Ibuki-chan, and this, as the shirt will write, will be a memory for me- This one is going into the washing machine dude I'll wear this out even if it doesn't last I tell ya *giggles* It's kinda thick though so maybe not this time of year lol but what a gift for her boyfriend *points at self* haha

A true memory in making, flipped from the selfie camera used to take this.
The memory of my wallet ripping is so true haha this was more expensive than the eco bag FYI


This is actually the 75th comic cover for "BLEACH"-
Who am I lying to haha it's the new bootleg book, please.

So yeah, I really wondered to myself why I missed this but I swear last year me would not have bought this I'm just glad I caught up, this is the official "BLEACH" manga cover Karuta card set!! I feel like I need a memento from my beloved action series from Japan "BLEACH" (screw you Naruto and One Piece lmao *dabs*) as I did not buy any of the 74 volumes of Manga nor did I buy the Anime video releases or anything related to it even though I did buy the calendar from a decade ago I promise you this is not the 10th anniversary for that lmao, but suffice it to say I have never bought anything from this series ever. Not until now. In a search to find Anime goods to remember by, and I feel like this series can take the lead first just because, I found out just recently as everything else was coming into place above, that they released these in December last year! They are Japanese playing cards, and we will talk about how to play with them if you have friends lmao (no really, this isn't blackjack where you can play with... yourself... *sob*), and also to showcase how little I know about the source material's artwork. *laughs* LET'S! BAN-KAI-

This is not large, as you can see these are actually smaller then poker cards

Like, very small, really.
Oh for comparison there's the tapestry for backdrop lmao

Oh, the rule book.
Oh yeah we should read this a bit even though I won't be playing it

There are two sets of rules for gameplay:
First is from reading the accompanying quote card from each volume if you can even remember them all...

... and the second method of play is through features of the cover characters, at the back of those cards.
So examples can be their name, their famous quote I can only remember Aizen's quote lol, or their power and abilities.

Oh I didn't even read this in detail but "if you can't detect who has the highest spiritual power you can decide who goes first by scissors paper stone" lol good joke, good joke

And in conflict of cover art because Ichigo is in half of them lol, further hints can be given before the draw can be decided
(In the above comparison, Ichigo's original huge a** sword vs his Bankai)

Eh if you need Karuta game rules just Google I'm pretty sure this is well known game in Japan and if you have not seen this in action (or in Anime) people can explain to you online, but in a nutshell it requires a dealer to read the hint slowly and whoever taps the correct card first will get the card, and winner is determined by the highest amount of cards. I did not copy this from ChatGPT lmao

Oh hey Kouhai-chan. *giggles*
Miyu-chan is not as stacked as you lmao

And that's why they say not to bait others with your pet lol

Damn will I be disappointed looking at this series going forward, this is aย new volume of Ganbare Douki-chan!! We are at volume 9 now, and boy I don't even want to talk about how I've chased this series from the start. The only thing I did not faithfully chase is the free gift I get from the Toranoana store initially and though I have been since then, did not include any gift this time around not even for the other store Melonbooks, which indicate to me the end of this series at some point in the near future considering we already know what is going to happen next volume, for starters. *giggles* If you still DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED THOUGH, read on and find out how much Junior-chan shines in the light and Newbie-chan is just a freaking comedian I can't even *laughs*

Voiced by Uesaka Sumire in the mini Anime series, by the way.
Someone get Sumipe a haircut to cosplay this *giggles*

Valentine's Day present, by the way.
No one's in the office at this time of day too.

Someone please give me another season of Anime so I can hear this, thanks

You may be looking at rack but I'm looking at the reactions behind lol

That is so much matured Douki-chan I can't even

Girl thinks it's weird, guy thinks it's too good to look at.
Turns out our perspectives can be different hehe

White Day, by the way.

This looks kinda good actually, hides the fact she has a saggy-

This newbie will take her though. *laughs*
Thank GOODNESS you aren't the main dude lmao

First day at work Douki-chan *chef's kiss*

Why sleep at work when you can sleep at his place later?
She immediately wakes up haha

Oh this is the boyfriend shirt but jacket?
Douki-chan lmao

When your pussy (cat) looks so good it gets the dudes in lmao
(Her pet cat, by the way *laughs*)

When she can't even ask you out to her place but write a note- THAT REAR THOUGH??
I'M IN haha

And that's why you can't bait your guy with your pussy (cat) they are always up to no good- I'm done with sex jokes haha
(Cat > Douki-chan though)

This must be some great tea- You put the tea leaves in these and pour down the hot water, right?

Okay we know tea doesn't work so... alcohol!!

#RelationshipGoals amirite??
Hopefully without the alcohol I don't like wine haha

She just remembered what happened lmao

This interrogation though lmao this is some great bondage tying skills-

Oh flashback again? If you would recall this was when main guy was with the senpaiย in college

And... she was the waitress in the cafรฉ that caught his attention!!
It all comes around dude no wonder she finds her with glasses familiar

One more for the road!! Because seriously I can't be interested in the senpai?
(Oh yeah, Douki-chan haha)

Unrelated, just to prove that my queue is empty as of today

Well, that's it I guess, I'll do the thumbnail effects and usual content page another day, I'm tired I was dozing off listening to Aizawa Saya talk in her livestream earlier. *giggles* I had a lot of fun spending money on stuff that made me happy for this time around, this is... pretty much what happens when you don't want to find a partner. *silence* See you guys next time then, the next package is definitely not within sight I have ordered nothing due to nothing being released so far at all, so maybe just go back and see how much I have gone against the goals I've set for packages this year from last year. Haha bye

New wallpaper haha I took this photo from the shirt, by the way.
Stop asking why it's misaligned- Beauty lies in imperfection!