
Watching Anime: The 3 Types of Anison Artists (#KN15YEARS)

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Watching Anime: The 3 Types of Anison Artists (#KN15YEARS)

Friday, 05 May 2023
And welcome back for likely the final time! For this special special #KN15YEARS Klassic Note 15th anniversary special where we talk about specifically, the artists themselves which made this song library of mine possible to have lasted this long. This time around, I'll talk about how watching Anime has influenced what I listen to, for this is not just a coincidence. We definitely all started with watching these Japanese-made animations and it changed our lives. Well, at least it changed mine.

So let me take you on a journey, and show you just how at this point to be frank, ANYONE can be an Anison artist, and I can define for you, three types of them. Let's see if we can wrap ourselves around this!

So for starters, let's define what I will later describe as "Anison" or aptly known as "Anime song". Problem is, the industry recognizes this term as basically anything related to Anime. Yeah, if you as an artist sang a song for Anime you can be an Anison artist. And that is clearly not true. In my definition of this term then, it's to describe those artists/singers who have been created solely for the purpose of the Anime. Yes, you can then say Kalafina is made from Anime, but that can apply to many cases today. So as you can see, the lines to define this are blurring with every passing year.

We do not know for sure what constitutes the theme and insert songs for every Anime though, it doesn't seem like an absolute decision. If the voice actors have much talent or are even just newbies then getting them to sing might be a wise choice nowadays. If credibility is assure for the series then making sure mainstream artists take the helm might be better. And I guess everyone else can be just done by a solo artist, whatever. Regardless, it's what made Anime today, and it sure has influenced me into thinking what they represent so far.

[1] Mainstream Artists
This is basically the way we all knew of Anime when it exploded in the early 2000s. Horie Yui isn't exactly the most popular music artist out there, and I would assume song production for Anime is still kind of a high bar, so outsourcing (literally) to mainstream artists related to the associated (major, so never indie) music label (each Anime is normally tied to one) and let them draw on a canvas relevant to the theme. This obviously has its drawbacks as it's most suited for action series which can have a broader scope of theme especially for the endings, so Anime back then with a specific theme will not be able to capitalize on this power. When it does though, it would have a greater impact like none other, showing the flexibility of the artist to blend into the Anime's theme. Sometimes, even the artists define the theme. Nonetheless, it made many of our childhood, and brought us even further into some of their legendary music and what it means to listen to J-Pop or J-Rock back then.

[2] Anime Character Artists
I would normally like to bring to you guys the attention of not just single Anime characters, but groups of Anime characters, and even worse, were given names just because it sounded better for the theme of the Anime itself. I can list any number of them if I want, but you get the idea. This is probably what I refer to as the "actual Anison" because this is where all the acting happens: voice actors go out of their way to not voice in Anime they were casted in, but sing songs that have to sound like their characters. Blending those in (get it?) will give you a more immersed effect for music in the series itself, I would argue, and that's how it's also a great idea for genres and/or presentation not like the usual, and it easily represents Anime production trying to make this as much of a package as it is possible. Still, it likely depends on the compatibility of singing voices in the cast which in most cases will be interesting enough if given a variety of characters in the main work.
Examples (if you can figure their origin): denk!girls, Blend.A, STARTails, HOUKAGO TEA TIME

[3] Solo Voice Actor Artists
This is not just a recent trend, as it's more like it happens more than often, also more like a production decision where they can get any of the above to happen, and it's easier to promote a voice actor in the process on their solo music career, it's just smarter to let the relevancy of song composition be determined by the Anime music producers but let the voice actor artist sing them. It's a win-win situation especially in cases where the voice actor is in the cast of the Anime, making it more compelling usually for the audience to watch because of the theme song. This really depends on how you view Anime I know people who don't care about music in Anime, but nonetheless, as scheming as it seems, it has taken the industry by storm, and neglecting mainstream artists in the process. Still, they present the Anime producers' visions while further promoting the voice actors themselves. (Don't worry, I don't really give male idols here so rest assured the gender bias is heavy at this point. Not like it changed with respect to Anime character songs too but you get the point.)
Examples: Tomatsu Haruka, Amamiya Sora, Horie Yui, Uesaka Sumire

Okay, the following table only summarizes solo artists (because filtering people like yanaginagi and YUKI-san from voice actresses is a pain lol I don't have a condition for that tbh), but in general, this is what theme songs I've given over the years with the Anime I've watched, with respect to 2022:
(*Collaborations don't count if they belong in different types so "ToniKawa" opening is excluded, for example)


Wow surprisingly still overwhelming in the mainstream artists- Maybe it's just me rejecting all the Anime artists haha I can tell you I am not fond of male voice actors which are counted in here which is none *laughs* and Anime groups so we did not include the single Anime characters in these which aren't many anyways. Again, I wish I can prove my point by putting the whole "K-ON!" and "OreImo" cast of character songs but then what is the point even. Shout out to 2017 though, proving my point. *giggles*

Well, at this point I could've concluded this week's talks about artists in Klassic Note by announcing a compilation or two, but instead, I'm going to leave you a little teaser on what I have planned next.
Yes, I'm still referring to the compilations by the way, with relation to artists. Not necessary related to the posts I've done so far but find out what these mean NEXT TIME!! ON-