
The Klassic Note Review 2023.06

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The Klassic Note Review 2023.06

Thursday, 29 June 2023
Well we are near the end of the month right now almost a month since this single released so I still hope it's relevant haha the only thing relevant is the delay and this appearing before the upcoming album lol

Hey, and welcome back. Didn't expect this to take this long, this could not have been part 2 for May since this released the last day of that month, so we are doing it the following month. Just, you know, didn't say when to do it so I might as well go on a shopping spree for a month, yes? Not like I can apply for the special bonus with the paper INSIDE of the CD, isn't it? Ironically it's longer though, 2 weeks long compared to the weekend of release date normally haha someone's being generous over here? No point I guess lmao

If you do not understand anything I said above that's fine, because I hope you like Anime songs!! It has been a while since I talked about more considering this is so typical of that genre, so let's!

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
TrySail - Karei One Turn / Follow You! [Single]
Limited EditionRegular EditionAnime Limited Edition

(Well, thanks for not close-up anyways, not like the 3 of them can fit in close enough but the Regular Edition is coming up tops as usual)

Origin: Well well, what have we got here? If you would recall of Anime group trio TrySail from last year, we have once again chanced upon an Anime release I would love to talk about, though less relevant as I did not watch the series, but at the least I know them well. Specifically of the girls in this idol group from MusicRay'n though, we should be familiar with voice actresses (from left to right of cover art) Natsukawa Shiina in yellow, Asakura Momo in pink and Amamiya Sora in blue, where they display their cutest and/or coolest for Anime and beyond. This time around, thanks to the gamer-oriented Anime series they were credited for, and ironically featured in its two opening theme songs thus the call for a double A-side release, they are here to convey the transition between the alternate world's game addiction to potential immersion and even confession in the loveliest way possible.

(1) Karei One Turn [Gorgeous One Turn]
From first verse:
"Stress (is a) big enemy! (Let's eat) chocolate, potato chips, beef bowl (to destress)
Piling up mouthfuls for motivation!... Also blew away the sense of guilt
(I have) done it again... Oh well whatever"
This should get the attention of many on the first time you hear it, but for my case maybe it's really me understanding the lyrics too well, but the gamer talk in the lyrics about SSR and turns and levelling up sure is aggravating as it is also super relevant to the Anime credit it was in, so I cannot even complain to say the least. I ended up liking the pop beats in this song, the melody is better than the Anime usual which is nice, their usual fast tempo in singing is also exhibited here among other things from the different vocalists, it's overall a nice song to listen to. If you don't even get the lyrics then all the more this will appeal to you, not to say the appeal of the Anime series to the young masses in the first place. The music video expands this even further, making the girls look their part for the credit. Girl gamers, but cuter.
Rating: Playfully Average

(2) Follow You!
From main chorus:
"Oh My God!
(Am I) not cute at all, sorry for being too strong pulling (you) away
This is (a) misunderstanding... no, correct answer because (our) combined answer is the future; Follow You!"
As usual, the other side is probably what got me more into this release in the first place. On first impression, this is definitely a more palatable piece, with a simpler melody despite a longer bridge part which is typical, and more relevant lyrics as the Anime takes a turn for romance in the second half of the series, changing the mood from hyper to somewhat sweet even romantic, and I can't stop saying nice things about it in the lyrics. I guess listening to this over time, I can never get over the extra notes on every other line of the melody which is typical of Anime songs today to distinguish themselves apart, but I still think this is a decent song that I will like over time. The lyrics just sing to me of someone who desire company I assume with relation to playing video games, but still. It's something to be embarrassed about, and that is what makes of a good love song, isn't it?
Rating: Lovingly Below Average

Conclusion: This is quite a single I have heard from TrySail for quite a while, last time being exactly a year ago with an Anime that I watched. Even then, this single delivers in its unique message of gamer talk with cute girl singing voices, so it will appeal to the male audience much easier than ever despite not being under a strong Anime series credit. If you aren't interested in the Anime like me, then this is still a wonderful single, combining all the hype about pop songs and adding some spice into it, this is easily a recommendation to listen to outside from the mainstream.

- Aozaki Shouhei, on the Klassic Note

(I sound harsh, isn't it? Haha I gotta say initial impressions aren't great so I'm writing that out. A month later though... I actually love these songs because they are so different from everything I'm listening this month already, I cannot ask for anything better *giggles* Unrelated you think my video game-loving imouto Nan-chan is triggered by the lyrics in the songs? *laughs*)

The moment I knew, buying from a different store was worth all the effort (and money)
I hinted earlier I got this under a huge package and it's also the reason why this took so long, but heck, you can read that on another post, we will talk about specifically just the physical music release here!
As you can see, it's the usual fanfare of CD plus special gift bromide photo with the only exception that this time around, I opted for an online store I otherwise could not buy from directly, so thanks TSUTAYA ONLINE SHOPPING for giving this gift to me featuring the artist image I really did not intend to buy a used one through auction house. *giggles* Otherwise, you would be glad to know this is the best on the list of photos I have seen, but you know, other ones exist like Animate (which I bought used lmao), HMV Japan because Nan-chan is cute hehe, 7-Net Shopping or even Rakuten Books are also fine. 
In addition, and since I hinted (lol) in the intro I will explain in detail here, normally (because it's related to MusicRay'n) they would rather prefer you to pre-order the releases, get them shipped to you within the week from the release date of Tuesday which is one day before the actual referred to as "Flag Day", and because the application window is smaller it's meant to target these fans, but I assume maybe considering this is a end of month release and they are being generous(?), the application window has been extended to one month later ie. end of the month ie. a day after this review, so I'm lucky to have caught on. I just wish I can win something over here I opted for the bromide set because see previous post lmao because damn I will never hang a huge poster in my room *looks at Moeshi calendar* nor do I need a tote bag for anything else since I literally bought one- It's nice to have constraints, huh. Well, for bromides there is no limit I'll buy as many photo albums to house them *dabs*

Well, that's all. Hopefully I will spend more time on this blog today and tomorrow (that table on the previous post took me a lot of time tbh) to also push out more posts for Klassic Note I have one more #KN15YEARS post I want to do, and then we will dive into the new season of Anime this weekend!

P.S. It's idolism I gotta show more haha you're welcome this is from the booklet