
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #30

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #30

Sunday, 23 July 2023
Damn, this week working from home is something lol where should I start... maybe not about work HAHA but seriously though are there too many news for me to cover that are not music since I'll cover that later? *giggles* HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR IMOUTO- Oh I did that on Friday already. *laughs*
I think among the ones announced, somehow mobile game which ended 2 years ago "Alternative Girls" announced a commemorative livestream for their 7th anniversary?? Like, HOW?? *laughs* So yeah, maybe the devs earned enough dosh from the "IDOLY PRIDE" mobile game to pay this back, so this may range from a revamped game introducing new characters and toning down on the borderline ecchi stuff which will make me miss touching the girls on the home screen (lmao) to even replicating the latter's formula and maybe restart with an actual Anime series adaptation!?? Either way, real excited to see what happens end of the month, and I won't expect to see Futon-chan in that stream haha she is a Twitch b*tch now lol

More interesting stuff like this about Anime and Japanese music over here, ladies and gentlemen! We can NOT talk about my private life haha okay we can talk about yesterday's post of my private life with Nan-chan my imoutoΒ though-

をニパ Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
"She's so cute, I can't help but want to take a picture" I mean why not dude, it's for the memories hehe
GREAT INTRO haha I feel like I say that every week and it's not because of the damn scenery they spent a lot of money on that technology though, everyone!! *giggles* Just like Mie-san we can't just let her go. *giggles* In this new episode though where cuteness is based and jealousy is cringe haha (#SukiMega03), you think an Anime has a problem if they keep dumping all the good stuff on you? *laughs* "Bait", we call it. *giggles* Anyways, about the "forgot her glasses" story. *laughs* From seeing a plastic bag on the ground as a cat *meow* haha, to just literally the most stereotypical of forgetting your glasses by wearing them on your forehead... I think this series still has a lot to joke about, and that isn't a bad thing considering we are at the pivotal episode to see if people will want to stay on this train of slice-of-life closeness of a girl who can't stop forgetting about her glasses. At this point, you should realize that she will forget like it's no one's business because it'll firstly make of a great joke, like how she picked up a letter on the ground but can't read it so she asks Komura to help her. They can only make anything about to happen ahead even less likely than you would think. Yeah, even the assumptions that were previously made will change drastically depending on how she doesn't have her glasses on. *giggles* For example, just her thinking of someone helping her out on her desk must be Komura even though it's the ikemen in class Azuma who of course like everyone else in class knows about the relationship between these two, can't help to oil the train and keep the engine running and probably making Komura overly anxious or confused depending on if you forgot your glasses or not. *laughs* So that's good, good to know this will not be a drama-heavy driven environment or else it'll become toxic after a while. I mean, the only toxic thing right now must be the girl itself, isn't it? Always asking for... I don't know, something in return? Like, if you dropped your glasses you would just ask your boi to put it back on you? I mean, if you aren't lovers why would you do this? Or I guess when you're above 15 haha middle schoolers don't know nothing- Unless you're Komura, he knows everything he's Jesus and antimatter and the universe in between. *laughs* Maybe it's because of that which makes him think too much though the result will likely be the same which I would say lucky you haha then again isn't him also employing the ikemen strategies? Like how he told Mie-san to walk over to him to avoid a cockroach so that someone else can shout it out so the girl will climb (literally) onto him?? Haha I like a genius play of a middle schooler- Why didn't I do that back then? Oh, she's not afraid of bugs. *laughs* Wait till I show her MY- Code. My code. My messy JavaScript code on Notepad++ haha programming joke. *dabs* So wait, all we learnt this episode was that Komura was a liar. *laughs* I'll forgive him because he's just a middle schooler, but damn next episode you better not lie about whatever glasses you are going to put on her adorable face and DON'T YOU DARE SAY ALL OF THEM haha we have a budget and she is no Sichuan face-changing performer lol great cultural reference (ie. she can't wear all of them at once), SO I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE READY ESPECIALLY MEGANE STANS- Oh, that's just me. *giggles* I'm already in what are you talking about I did not forget my glasses I'm typing this out right now haha
[TL:DR; "You know, I've grown so attached to you." The next sentence is spoiler territory so I'll stop here haha]
P.S. "Am I upset that Mie-san is being friendly with someone else? Am I being that full of myself?" Yes. *laughs* Komura you can be possessive she can't see it anyways *dabs*
P.P.S. "Wrinkles..." No really, Mie-san's friends telling her she going to get wrinkles from frowning too much because she was not wearing her glasses so she checks in the mirror? SHE CAN'T SEE IT ANYWAYS LMAO circular reference detected
[This is the Mie-san Anime anyways so might as well show more of her hehe]

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"We can't have an omelette without ketchup" TRUE THOUGH Zain you are a genius lol Anime cultivated this lore isn't it
OMG did you even see their official Twitter before reading this? Damn, you're lucky if you didn't because I thought it was not spoiler when they showed a video "oriented to female audience" and saw something out of Anime "WORKING!!!" and almost wanted to punch myself (yes, Inami-san) so *laughs* In this new episode where anything can happen even changing out the sauce on the omelette haha (#ShinigamiBocchan14), looks like everything happened in our favour WE HAVE PLOT PROGRESSION!! *giggles* Man, can I be less happy about that, please? I mean, for starters I think Alice's teasing has improved, so maybe I should be. *laughs* Learn a thing or two, Takagi-san. *laughs* Then again, how can we not talk about the... main? Man, no one can even say this is the main with the rest going on so let's call this the SECOND main thing this episode. *laughs* FUCKING GOT HIM haha we are talking about Walter, yes. *giggles* Don't ask me why he will agree to cross dress as a woman and think that's a way to convince anyone to make him be the heir haha I don't know his logic, but turns out he's kinda cute *ahem* (haha) he just can't speak as Viola brought him to the mansion to see Bocchan of all people and saying "she" is a fan, then played some golf in the corridor and I'm STILL surprised that female Walter did not touch the dude in any way- You are a fan, right? No physical contact? I mean, if I'm a fan of Alice I would just be dead- Moving on and MAY WE NEVER MENTION ABOUT THAT ANYMORE lol, let's talk about the main plot this week: How Zain is a genius at magic and why it matters. Turns out, according to his own monologue and Daleth's intel in her secret meeting with Bocchan lol she just created a time space just like how the Flame Haze did it lol me this is not the Guze (haha no one else is getting this "Shana" joke guys, literally no one), then threw Bocchan in and talked to him about persuading Zain to reveal more of his time magic in public. I mean, it was a secret as Zain told Cuff in the first place when he also demonstrated it as a kid and to him, but as much as he is powerful in that, not like this magic prevented the death of his parents who sent him out to the real world to avoid getting hunted for the same reason basically Daleth is trying to get him right now. So yeah, not good news, but this woman has a reward in place. She can find someone capable of getting rid of Bocchan's curse. Uh oh, human blackmailed successfully. *laughs* He did tell Alice about it before he gets CPR-ed by her though lol can she even do it, and that might be a problem moving forward. CLEARLY it's a trap that will get Zain into trouble repeating history on himself and he did want to be with Cuff for... many other reasons and this relationship is kinda mutual even among the circus people so well Cuff YOU WILL GET YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT haha I uh... learnt that from some English drama. *laughs* But seeing what has happened recently AND with the promise of removing the curse though? This is as vexing as it sounds awesome. But damn, never mind Zain, can whoever this not yellow octopus (lol I'm sorry not Koro-sensei) even help Bocchan in any way? We have so far seen no one successfully try this at all- Maybe Zain can turn Bocchan back to before he was 5 and we're done? *laughs* I know right, plot hole discovered haha we know it's not that simple, so let's see if the harder solution will pan out.
[TL:DR; "I'll make (Bocchan) fall in love with me and tell Mom about it. And then I shall become the heir!" I don't think that's how that works Walter *laughs*]
P.S. "Eh? But I'm not really upset with (Alice) or anything" Yeah, it's already at that stage of love already huh, Bocchan? *giggles*
P.P.S. "It's your first time, yet you're so good" LET'S GOOOO haha but seriously though we know that didn't happen he can't touch her, dude. "Perhaps I'm good at it because it's like sweeping with a broom" OOF haha yes we're talking about golf and most definitely not slavery lmao

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs
"You're right; The police in this nation are idiots" Hey what else is new haha *dabs*
Hey, the human factor, amirite? For the fools who don't believe in Ranpo, and for Fyodor's methods of attack. Whenever that lacks, that's their weakness anyways. Fyodor will win in a century when robots rule the world though. For now, at least with this new episode (#BungouStrayDogs52) we should be good on letting the law enforcement deal with themselves until another higher authority had to interfere, which hopefully by then the Detective Agency will have more wiggle space to fix this mess. Hopefully man, because we just got started. *phew* Okay okay, where to start again? Haha I feel like this is a problem every week with this series' pace, huh, but good, means there will be no boring fillers. Well, we did start off rather slow and even light-hearted(?) with the talk about the UN creating an anti-terrorist organization which works without borders but we know that is not true check reality if you need help understanding why just humanitarian aid is already a pain in the butt in that level, actually are coming in to ask for help from the Hunting Dogs to form this very force to stop all this? This time around, we are talking about the leader of the Hunting Dogs Fukuchi. A long time friend of the Detective Agency's president so much so Ranpo believes in him understanding the situation and he can be on their side despite the chaos, a famous character enough that he has starred in multiple movies in his name somehow haha I gotta say though, maybe get the 3 movies Fukuchi was starred in as spin-off films in cinemas? THEN I'll pay to watch those haha and then get the Agency members to voice the antagonists?? Haha perfect, someone pay me to Hollywood. *laughs* Really, at the rate they are going today? Disney can pay me more. *laughs* But also coming back, Fukuchi is a bad, bad man. Like, gone through war bad man. Hey, watch enough modern day movies and video game plots and you'll know a bit about being in the army and war crimes, but heck, here too?? BRUH. *laughs* So turns out, remember that Hunting Dogs dude who is the perfect disguise of Port Mafia and Hunting Dogs? Well, he's not the best one out there, no surprises, and not like anyone of them need to be wary about it, but looks like the leader himself is on another level. The thing about Fukuchi though, if you understood what happened without Ranpo and his glasses, is that he is on everyone's side. Let's count who they are: Hunting Dogs haha that's rather obvious he is in the outfit already, Detective Agency lol he is a long time friend of the president despite Ranpo's doubts about his way of justice especially when we found out the truth haha wait we have a bit more, THE WORLD I guess haha he is technically more important than the Washington Monument lol they didn't even build that shit up until half a century later HAHA GOT 'EM, and thanks to Fyodor, the Angels. Yup, you heard that right; This old man is also Kamui in one of his disguises. Man, this is what happens when you have ALL the power. *laughs* So yeah, Fyodor has also successfully convinced the man of the world to be on his side, which also kind of complicates everything that has happened so far, really. Of course Ranpo-san isn't spending time convincing anyone including Fukuchi to help them; They already know it's on the page, they just need to know what is WRITTEN on the page. Think about it. *silence* And that's precisely the problem we are facing right now, that by the time Ranpo finds out the logic behind the page that someone familiar was involved, then his deductions would be too off and too late, now basically implicating Atsushi in this mess and hiding himself in Poe's book, he is letting his buddy fight alone with... I mean, I can put the church guy who is in Atsushi's childhood in front of him and Fukuchi still would be scarier than him. *laughs* Uh... now what? It's like the "Attack on Titan" approach of last stand, right? Fighting till the end even if it takes you apart? Haha, Atsushi can't. Since we know he is too wimp to do this himself, looks like we have some help. Remember the double agent for the Hunting Dogs on Port Mafia? I think that guy has something to do with Akutagawa's appearance on the ship they were escaping on. This will be interesting to see what happens next week I might have wrote too much haha
P.S. "You can go in for the hug too" You mean I can hug Kana-chan??? "I'm holding back" Haha Kyouka-chan SAME
P.P.S. Gotta say, EXCELLENT voice acting by Kyoraku Fukuchi's voice actor I gotta mention his name here... Ootsuka Akio because damn I swear he didn't talk enough in "BLEACH" so this Anime is just here to make sure I get them all. Well, earlier than the other series can give me. *giggles* I'm pleased. And MORE NEXT WEEK? NO haha YES
[Okay this is too much but I just wanna do some *brings up glasses* deduction lmao, on how to deal with Fukuchi/Kamui. If he can make any weapon way stronger than it is, what does it take to break it? Can I give him a branch like in Minecraft (lol) and he'll still chop me into pieces like in a video game mod? *laughs* Moreover, if he doesn't have a weapon then he's done? Hmm... the latter I'm more keen on though, because then that'll be easy haha just throw them into a wrestling ring lmao]

をニパ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"We're having a strategy meeting" Uh... why is everyone in Kazuya's place? *laughs*
Yeah, them not spoiling us on the movie plot is fine but damn, you cannot make it feel this good and then we don't get to watch it! *laughs* So uh... movie coming soon right? Like, in IRL cinemas? *giggles* In this new episode where Mini-chan has set her presence and Kazuya is about to blow up lol (#KanoKari27), we're talking about Chizuru, me. Not Haya-san, no. *laughs* Coming back to this haha yes voiced by the same woman I would love to be with for the rest of my life not gonna lie, but yeah, let's talk about the proceedings about the movie now that we are getting Mini-chan on board. It should not be a surprise to anybody and I did mention last week that, because Mini-chan plays such a pivotal role in this story arc, she will be all in in helping Kazuya out any way she can, and for the final stretch of the crowdfunding goal... maybe getting a streamer to help would be nice. *giggles* But hey, before we employ that strategy which is the most capitalism of capitalism, let's talk about her experience in crowdfunding. Yeah, why not right, she is a cosplayer after all she does events which are seriously under budget and photo shoots of them cost money so why not get the funds from people in the Internet who want them? In reverse though, that also means she can help Kazuya out basically as someone who has been through this before, successful or not. And she did want to help her "master" out (lol that's weird you're right Ruka-chan) any way she can so I mean, if you really want to help I guess this is part of that progress, right? Just really, really far from the parallel haha. Still, her being a junior and not that interested in the guy and basically being a third party is why she can gather everyone together to deal with Ruka-chan's possessiveness of the boyfriend literally trying to do his job regardless of what connections that may be we will talk about that in a bit, and hopefully deal with Mami-chan when the time comes. What, you don't think she will make a dumb comment and ruin the whole project altogether? Don't second guess yet, me, we are not even close to the end. Moving on, and that's why Mini-chan here has to basically act as the wild side (GO AWAY MAMI-CHAN lol) of the story arc now, as she lists out all the damn things you would need to do to get the crowdfunding stuff going. And unless you are American band Murder By Death releasing their new album lol, you better come up with something better than just a thank-you message if you are a beautiful actress trying to make a movie by yourself. That also means all the personal stuff that can be (cleaned and) packaged used by Ichinose Chizuru herself (which very much Kazuya wants as treasure lol) and boy did Mini-chan try to go overboard as horny manager ravaging the *hot* attractive woman's abode for basically anything in her possession that she won't say no to. So yeah, no underwear though this is not a porn vid- MOVING ON haha yes they do that in those by the way, but yeah, not going too far, at least they can try to make this funding project a success, besides trying to get it to the site's frontpage and giving out flyers (with Sumi-chan!!) for publicity purposes. Mini-chan did also go further by making hints or even indirectly slapping Chizuru's face to tell her that someone loves her not because she's rental lol, and it seems to be working somehow. Not like a flashback in this long of a series will remind me where that came from lol, but Chizuru might be in her first time ever, getting the message. Yeah, all the lies Kazuya told you? Time was a factor for those lies to sound like reality, woman. *taps brain* Haha Chizuru is not going to confirm this neither is the dude but hey, it's all Mini-chan's fault amirite?? Just let it sink on her, I guess. She is already thinking about him in the shower HAHAHAHAHA see you next time
[TL:DR; "Whenever I've had enough and fall down on my butt, I can feel her pulling me back up to my feet" This series in a nutshell. Idolism. *laughs*]
P.S. "Relax, there isn't anything ecchi in here" Me when convincing people to watch this Anime "Would've been nice if there was though" Kazuya convincing people to watch this Anime lmao

をニパ Horimiya -piece-
"Normally, no one gets an MC for a quiz" Haha Hori-san what do you know
Oh okay these guys, welcome to the Hori household again, everyone. *laughs* In this new episode where I most DEFINITELY DID NOT MISS HER DAD lol (#HorimiyaPiece04), this isn't an Anime about violence it's all flowers and laughs but if the dad wants to do something stupid I will beat him up on your behalf, Hori-san. *laughs* Says Miyamura lol yeah right his tattoos don't mean SHIT- So, exam time it seems. No, not exam time. I noticed the episode title. Is this literally an episode of nothing but just a kotatsu?? Slice-of-life Anime, everyone. Ah, some of the audience left. ANYWAYS haha, well at least for the first half and periodically throughout the episode this time around, we are surrounding most of the stories around the (Japanese) family favourite coffee table-like living room household item mainly not because we can get all the damn legs entangled together or nothing I want to entangle my legs with Tomatsu Haruka not gonna lie haha *wink*, but you know, apart from the thing itself, I guess the stories around them are more interesting even to the average person, so let's cover them real quick. So first, about Miyamura wanting to go to the bathroom. *laughs* No, not gonna do that, numb legs and/or entangled ones I'm not interested even with one woman in the equation. ESPECIALLY with only one woman in the equation. *laughs* And that's all I remember actually haha that one dragged on real good, but also, we get to learn a little about Hori-san's childhood and her family's relationship with the Sengoku family. Okay, more like Sengoku family's relationship with the Hori menace of a household. *laughs* Introducing Sengoku's dad we just met him on the streets, suddenly just got dragged into the Hori abode sometimes with or without his son haha the one we know and not love but whatever, turns out are somewhat in an unpleasant relationship with these guys boldly trying to ruin their lives with whatever perspective they deemed pleasing. From Sengoku's dad and his high school graduation speech (also as student council president I assume) ruined by a sneeze from Hori's dad, to the daughter just changing out her clothes (nice) in front of Sengoku in school basically inside the student council room... it looks like we have more than similarities between these parties, whether the Sengokus like them or not. *laughs* Wow that was quite a summary lol, but we did get more out of the main bunch of people seeing photos of Sengoku and Hori's childhood which damn Miyamura is loving elementary school Hori-san lmao, and how we know Sengoku is dating Remi-chan (lol INSECTS) and no one in his family knows about it considering the dad is so against it either way, it's more of a compromise in their household more like it's also an opportunity to get back at them depending on which Hori-san we are talking about, though we are all targeting on the same Sengoku. *giggles* All in all, if you didn't fancy the childhood stories and got a laugh, I'm pretty sure you liked the flirting between the main couple, you'll wonder where Miyamura learnt all his love and tactics from, really. I... I'm just here for the ride, thanks. *laughs*
P.S. "That'll be too embarrassing; We're entangled like something out of a hentai book" Yes thanks Kyousuke TMI already though haha ha ha
P.P.S. "Does Kyo-chan still change in front of other people?" Sengoku has seen everything including her flat chest- "Do any girls change in front of other people?" Haha Ishikawa you are not wrong but have you seen a porno *laughs* "Lolicon." Not talking about me but Anime without context lmao

をニパ Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
"It is a beautiful Bankai" We all know, we all know what that is. It's Senbonzakura-Β 
Please, Byakuya's barely alive now; WeΒ can't even see hope anymore, you want to see sakura petals?? *laughs* In this new episode where all hope is lost once again (#BLEACHTYBW16), maybe we check in on all of them who are still having a pulse, yes? So not Matsumoto lol RIP dude haha who dies in this series anyways, really. But first, let's talk about what Urahara Kisuke has up his sleeve to resolve this lack of balance in battle so far. If you would recall, there are these Bankai medallions from the Quincy army which were designed to steal the shinigami's highest manifestation of power which is basically their weapons, and ideally killing them with it if possible. Thankfully, the solution was easy to find, as unlike the relationship between shinigami and the Quincy which was man-made thanks to a war a couple centuries ago, the relationship between Quincy and Hollows are organic and very locked in nature, which will explain how they can never just purify them, and how that will become their own poison if they come to contact with it. Thus, the Hollowfication pill for Bankai is created. This quickly brought back the powers of Soifon and Hitsugaya who are active in the field just waiting to die to be honest, but thanks to this, we get to see once again Jakuhou Raikouben in FULL HD!??? GLORIOUS DAY IN THE DAY OF ANIMATION- DAIGUREN HYORINMARU TOO?? Okay dude the Karakura Town Arc is the same why now. *laughs* (It just looks better HAHA is it though? *laughs*) So yeah, wonderful to see those once again though I would say they aren't exactly in a state to fight any further, so we shall see about that. We also got to witness everyone fighting so far, from Shinji's Bankai which isn't canon material unless you reach out to the official spin-off novel series not written by Kubo-sensei but concepted by him, and since Shinji's sword can only be used where no allies are around, I wouldn't be surprised this is the only way we can see it work normally. Otherwise, you would be glad to see it being used to confuse the heck out of Bambietta on the field trying to find her missing friends lol, who is herself trying to fight the doggo she took the Bankai from, but ended up having to play catch with Shinji so much so she got pissed and blew herself up- Well that's her power by the way, she is called "the explosion" too. *giggles* (Yes, I'll make that reference until I'm blown into pieces) Apart from witnessing the most tame of anger in this series so far haha Ayachi I don't know what to say but you just sound cute, we also got to see some fighting with the usual vice captain gang against The Superstar and his little buddy James which basically speaking is there to hype him up so he can beat the cr*p out of Yumichika lol poor dude, and not like we are getting Ikkaku to reveal his Bankai anytime soon but hey Hisagi maybe you should use yours...? *laughs* Yeah no way, not in this case I don't think unless we have enough time to play around. Speaking of, looks like the Sternritters have had enough of that so they are releasing their ultimate move too, if you would recall from that prison guy I hate his name lol, the Vol Voru VollagΒ Vhatever haha (get it? because German), because the Bankai medallions were what stopped them from fighting at full force in the first place. I mean, valid strategy, no point to use your own powers if you can kill using the powers of your opponent, but now that they have taken it back ("take it back, take it back" lol), it seems like we finally have capacity to fight all guns loaded. Which isn't good news for the shinigami because our dad Yhwach is making a grin between his teeth so uh... YIKES?? Haha we will talk about some of the Sternritter powers real soon I would hope. But looks like Komamura Sajin is up for the run next week! Yeah let's get the boring stuff out of the way AMIRITE FELLAS lol we will talk about his family line and how some of us became furries because of this Anime next time.
[TL:DR; Seriously, who is the smart aleck that asked for Shinji to be cool in front of Bambietta with that sweet soundtrack?? *laughs*]
P.S. "Well, it was a piece of cake for me!" Yeah Urahara-sensei brag about it would ya? *laughs* "We all know who you are, dumbass" Yeah Shinji GET HIM haha
P.P.S. "Don't push it; Hyorinmaru can't fight himself, you know" Yeah Hitsugaya we learnt that in the 2nd movie when you had to fight your... childhood friend who had the same sword manifest as you? Damn haha
[Please, someone has to be excited about the animation. *giggles* Yeah no, it's not going to live up to my expectations anyways- That's why I say let ufotable or someone else do the animations lol]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week will be the busiest week in Klassic Note this month, and I'm glad I have the time to sit down at home to listen to it while working, knowing full well that it'll be hard to give anything because I still have a splitting headache back then. *laughs* I'm good now, so let's see what I have given based on first impression. mol-74's new mini-album is not disappointing to say the least, but seeing that the mood of the release is already heavily attributed to the topic song I felt like I can only give more lively summer-like songs so the emotional ones are not in my league now. Though TrySail's new album did get me on the emotional song which is just a hitch on putting me with the "sailing" theme lyrics we all know and love all this time which is fine it's also a euphemism for their somewhat smooth sailing journey so far, but I did give other new songs in the release though. Just, not the topic song. *laughs* And of course PHONO TONES' new album wins even if I didn't give half the album because I'm an instrumental band simp and it's also easier to give the melodies anyways this is basically SPECIAL OTHERS if I wanted them to stay as great as they are. Going from the previews of the new songs released every month so far? Damn do they not need too much creative juices for the wrong reason. There will be competition in the music market this year in Klassic Note, I'll tell you that much.

I didn't realize how long was last week's news on Twitter it didn't look much but it was, so no more promises on how long this will be until I finish listing them all. halca's new music video isn't as interesting as the last time I saw her but it's still fine I am not keen on her anyways so this will just be a free pass because it's yet another Anime theme song. Natsukawa Shiina announced her 3rd album is in production in her birthday livestream on Monday and damn did I not watch it (not miss it by the way) but also not see this live to know what happened which... well if you are here for music then just move on haha. Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new song for a drama will be out actually tomorrow so I will update by then I guess this is just a reminder. Uesaka Sumire's new live video is something we have heard of before so damn if my Klassic Note Review isn't much of a confirmation of this Anime theme song, at least go see the marvel that is Sumipe for yourself. If you missed the YouTube premiere of YUI's very first video release back in 2007 (damn) you can re-live it for... about a day after this is posted lol so not for long I think, or just check out the music video for the penultimate summer song in Klassic Note as I would like to call it now. *giggles* Please, mol-74 is great but it's YUI, dude. *laughs* TrySail was on THE FIRST TAKE for the first time (get it?) and they sang their most popular songΒ so popular the full music video is up, not too surprising. so much so they made a playlist to brainwash you for 4 hours prior to the YouTube premiere lol. I really hope the second song they will song will be something I liked and NOT the topic song from their new album. *silence* Moving on, SCANDAL is releasing a new song in accordance of them breaking the Guinness World Record of longest standing female Rock bandΒ at 17 years with a new live tour so yeah don't go saying no on them now it's too late already. *laughs* SpecialThanks' new music video is for a song I didn't give released a couple of months ago, so uh... still not giving it now lol. What I did give though is Amber's new music video for Anime "KanoKari" because damn if this is not youth I don't know what is. Also stalking. *laughs* FINLANDS' new live video is some song I did not give from their new remaster album so I'll put it here if you are keen. nano.RIPE's new music video is finally out and if you can recall it's the one where they asked fans to submit videos of baseball and it's them doing it too. The song? Eh, it's better than the last time we heard of them, so I might just give the mini-album a listen when it's out in a month. Sambomaster is releasing their old music videos one a day for next week to celebrate the release of their new best best album which I will not be reviewing next week though so first up is a classic already so don't ask me whether I'll like it it's "love & peace" dude you can't hate that. Last but not least and hopefully last, Aimer is releasing song previews on Twitter in view of her new album releasing next week so if you are that impatient to wait a couple of days help yourself. And we don't talk about bilibili music event in China. I seriously don't care. *laughs*

For next week, as I said I won't go through Sambomaster's long list of Rock n' Roll songs so I'll skip that and instead give the other a chance including Aimer's new album which we shall see how it holds up, Tomatsu Haruka's new single which I have even less faith on haha it's for Anime also what else is new but it is her revival song release though, and Sakaguchi Ami's new single for Anime "Horimiya" which I hope this will be the black horse and all I do now is listen to female artists. *laughs* No, Sambomaster will not balance that out we have done that by listening to like, OGRE YOU ASSHOLE last week already we will be fine haha

Okay that was damn rushed sorry for the late post for the week. I forgot my mom had the celestial ability of ruining my evening with just one foot massage session. *giggles* Since that's the case, I'll keep it short lest more Twitter news appears as the clock strikes 12 in Japan haha please don't we'll leave those out for next week anyways. See you guys next time then, and boy I think I still have a lot to talk about including the new package which dropped by this week and the new package which has nothing to pad so I might just visit the MusicRay'n store once 3rd time coming for the year. *silence* Maybe I should not do that lol until next time everyone just look at the twoshot of Ayachi and Nonnon and be happy about working from home extended till tomorrow haha *dabs*