
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #32

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #32

Sunday, 06 August 2023
Well this might not be much of a week to you but it is to me. *laughs* Behind the scenes stories for a bit because why not, I think I may have an idea of how to deal with the upcoming packages in terms of timing, because just Friday I received shipping notifications for some of them items I have no idea when they ship, so they may be aligned with those Akarin bromides which has been sitting there for almost 2 weeks now, so that's good. If I screw this up though I will end up sending 3 packages this month lmao and that does not include the Comiket one I'm doing separate from this line- Too much information, huh. You will get it in due time when it gets busy here. *giggles*

So yeah, more exciting stuff for the blog and a shorter work week next week I suppose with the holiday in the middle so maybe I'll spend some time doing enhancements on this blog I've planned so many years months weeks beforehand lol, so let's talk about Anime and music while it's happening! August man, it's changing my luck for the better that's for sure- I got a SSR on the new DOAXVV event yesterday by the way. *giggles* FOUR SSRs on an IDOLY PRIDE gacha?? I don't think that is even legal haha *dabs*

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
"I wish Mie-san would give me some (chocolates)" YEAH YOU WISH- it will happen though. *laughs*
What, I didn't write that intro quote wrongly, read it again. *giggles* In this new episode where yeah we are about half a year off Valentine's Day apparently (#SukiMega05), but yeah, hard to talk about love if we don't mention Love Day, so I guess this makes sense. So yeah, for starters, the streets are looking very red at this time of year, which damn if that did not catch the attention of anyone unless you're totally blind, and since Mie-san technically is always without her glasses, at least she can still feel her surroundings to know that Komura isn't dressing in red so that he can disguise himself as a tower of chocolates. *laughs* She did hear him say he wants something from Mie-san though, we will get to that later hehe, but seeing that Komura is so worried that the girl might otherwise realize they are in chocolate land might be a problem for him and whatever he just said whatever in which she has overheard... uh, maybe not telling her he wants some Valentine's Day chocolates is a good thing after all. Again, this guy is just hyped up on the drugs that is Mie-san so he won't know friendly chocolates is a thing anyways. *laughs* Yeah, not until Mie-san did mention that she just does this chocolate making thing every year too, for the friends around her and apparently that includes guys how nice of her to do so, so technically Komura will also get one... until she realized she forgot his gift on the day itself. Welp, might as well go die now. *laughs* But what if I told you that her house is nearby the school and she left it on the counter and Komura you can go to her house to get it- That will be quite an awesome development but as expected I thought too much even more than the boy himself lol, so as a way of compensation Mie-san chose to give, of all things for Komura, a favour he can ask her to do. I mean, I would just ask her to come to my place or a date or something but Komura will die of embarrassment so maybe not. *laughs* How about she has to say yes to whatever he says next and it's a confession? *giggles* Man, I am FULL of ideas today though haha but that doesn't mean he will do any of those so that's kinda sad with all the monologues laid out bare lol, but damn that might be the best time (in my opinion) to actually do a confession and get yourself laid in middle school but hey what do I know Komura is just going to be a virgin by my age anyways. *laughs* Anyhow, he has to return the favour for enjoying such embarrassment and whatever guilt comes out of Mie-san by giving back her chocolates a month later haha yes it's White Day now, but she has a problem. I think she is technically speaking heavier than me now, according to the weighing scale. *silence* That first number can't be more than a 4 or 5, right? That's... kinda bad actually. *laughs* But yeah, what is going to stop sweets desperate Mie-san if she effectively skipped breakfast and all the guys (lol) are retuning the chocolates from when she was graciously giving out a month ago, then realized maybe asking Komura to remind her to not eat them would be the impediment to her enjoying some of these, would rather sacrifice her weight problems by eating just the one given from her bestie maybe boyfriend who sits beside her in class. *giggles* All in all... this is a win, I guess? *giggles* Simple episode though, not much flair apart from the Love Day theme which I would say it's so staple in any romance series it's hardly surprising anymore, but they did still put in their own twist on it so that's fine. And I'm kinda slowly getting uneasy over the otherwise slower pace in this series so maybe that's not a good thing. *silence* Though it's still fine, I'm seeing a lot more points that they still can make this interesting every episode as they have so far, so I'm optimistic this will go well. Whatever it is though? I don't know. *laughs* A different seat in class? Uh oh haha see you then.
[TL:DR; "And I can't believe she forgets her glasses outside of school too" Yeah Komura I can't believe it either lol *shrugs*]
P.S. "I'd practically be confessing if she found out that I want chocolates from her!" Yeah you aren't wrong haha then again there's the friendly chocolates gift thing so just lie about it *laughs*
P.P.S. "What if I confess to her? And she accepts?" We all love to dream though Komura so wake up bro *laughs* "All I realized was (her hand was) soft" YOU SICK F**K haha
[I liked how all I clipped was Mie-san and Komura lol more of Mie-san though]

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"And yet, he doesn't feel the least bit lonely" Of course not he has his left hand-
Aw, that was quite an intro to be honest- I want a possessive girlfriend like Cuff-san. *giggles* In this new episode where hey we get to go see the circus which ironically isn't talking about my place or this blog lol (#ShinigamiBocchan16), we get to talk about more of the serious parts of the story while still joking about how we are living in a world of racks. *laughs* Hey, take a page from me, Zain, I am the love master here. *dabs* Moving on this is all a joke so far we can talk serious in a bit, the main couple (hehe) first bumped onto Hugo the kid who works in the circus, and that's probably the easiest way of them getting into the group to meet Zain and Cuff in the first place, all things considered before Bocchan has any chance in killing anyone without his current disguise that looks like Zain apparently but I'm sure those two guys share some similar characteristics. *giggles* They are missing out on Zain though so since they are here and under the Ringmaster's recommendation, they decide to play around (get it?) with this bunch of misfits (literally) until you know, maybe Zain will know of what happened so far in the story lol. But I suppose even without the lore drop from Bocchan who has recently been visited by Daleth of all people HE KILLED YOUR GIRL'S MOM lol, we still need to know more about what is the reason behind why Zain is so important to the witch's world that is all the hype right now. Turns out, it has much to do with what we know last time, where Daleth's sister might have done the deed to whoever this woman is in the coffin who is technically still alive by the way maybe she is cursed also lol, and who got Daleth's face into the state that it is today. *silence* Wow, so the sis is more evil than Daleth here? Yeah I guess so she did put a curse of death on our main guy here lol. Damn. I don't know what to say she sounded like an interesting witch until she wasn't. Heck, I'll even take Keto and Teto now lol Zain be like. *laughs* But nonetheless, Daleth knew that Zain's time magic might (and that's a huge "might" because remember his flashback with Cuff about saving their parents) save Sharon from whatever state she is in now which will probably make Alice very happy but I see no reason to do that other than that they are friends, still is kind of desperate in Daleth's case so she intends to go all out and bring a couple more racks with her to see the powerful witch who is also into boobs. *laughs* Hey, if you really want to make a case for Zain to leave with you guys immediately? Just film a porno. *laughs* I know we may end up not being able to air this haha but it's for the sake of Sharon so small price to pay for him to put his magic sausage on- I'm good for now. *laughs* All in all... hmm this isn't exactly a threat so much so as they are still being rather formal with each other, the witches, seeing that they are all on par with each other and all. And they are not even remotely close to the sister's powers, and probably that's why nothing much has happened so far. But looks like Daleth might be going on the aggressive here it seems, even if Zain tried to delay his farewell to the human world, this witch might end up striking first to make sure she gets what she wants. What will happen to Cuff though? Oh boy, if you aren't getting worried we can't save the human world boobies, you better start worrying now. *giggles*
[TL:DR; "Because I'm like (the people in the circus). I can't lead a normal life too" Bocchan you have never been more right here]
P.S. "Viola says she always falls in love with older men so..." OOF haha "Everyone else is so lucky to have a partner. I can't stop clicking on my tongue" lol SAME haha Daleth maybe we can be together *pukes*
P.P.S. "You can't threaten me!" No Hugo if you touch Bocchan you will see your past and next 20 lifetimes lmao and he isn't even Zain with the time magic lol
[Man, Cuff's voice actress looks so like Cuff-san especially hairstyle she is so poised to cosplay her character I wonder why she hasn't even done it lol more Cuff I guess]

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Bungou Stray Dogs
"Damn tigerboy, you're lucky those guards happened to come by" I like that term maybe I'll call Atsushi "tigerboy" from now on lol
Okay, so good to know timing and range is still his biggest limitation to overcome, good. *laughs* RIP Akutagawa though, you will be missed. *silence* Moving on haha in this new episode (#BungouStrayDogs54) wow okay we got a lot to talk about before what is effectively a pandemic *ack* haha man, and maybe that's why this sequel got delayed this far back like, 3 years after the fire. *laughs* So, what happened. Atsushi managed to escape, and it was planned well even at last minute attempt, where Akutagawa did not kill the one he held hostage but let him be a distraction to Fukuchi at the boat. So yeah, complication is his biggest weakness. And I'll keep an example of it short in case this and the next fight (hehe) still made you confused. Assuming Fukuchi is going against 20 people. Due to complications of everyone going at him, he can't send himself back to the past enough times or fast enough to predict when everything will happen, and thus will just lose to at least 1 of them, if anything, because it's not in his human instinct even as an experienced soldier to deal with everyone all at once. And we aren't even dealing with innocents. In this case though, Akutagawa made sure he was letting someone of status go, so the guy did inform the authorities which will complicate his case to, for example, go back in time and kill this guy who informed everyone because then everyone will ask where he is and that's where it will all be traced to Fukuchi himself which will be awkward. So instead, he had to start his next plan which will also be mentioned later, taking over half of the world's population. I won't call this new character in a coffin to be an Ability user but I guess so. Also he is voiced by f**king- Is that Tsuda Kenjirou? Why is he f**king everywhere?? *laughs* Oh well, might as well live with it haha *dabs* Introducing the final member of the Hunting Dogs, Bran the vampire lol, apparently a legend in the undead, and I guess Akutagawa was the first victim to start, spreaded out to Higuchi and Gin (that squeal when bitten, kawaii) (haha sorry I just gotta) and Hirotsu and I thought we get to see some action but I guess not, but old man did ensure Tachihara won't meet the same fate... at least for now. And at this point I already wondered how involved he was in the operation, but I guess he wasn't involved with the events at the boat or else this arc would've ended earlier, but trying to reverse the tide of the fates of the Detective Agency in the Hunting Dogs meeting is also kind of his plan. As a member of Port Mafia, obviously changing sides at this point not because he didn't believe someone was doing his job in the group also, but technically he got found out by Mori Ougai. *laughs* Of course our dear MVP boss wants him to get back at Fukuchi considering his Ability has the best chances of dealing damage to him anyways (well I guess Mori also knows of his real Ability) which yeah, remember Fukuchi's sword is made out of metal? Haha FUCKING GOT HIM lol is that not common knowledge or what. Should've made that out of wood so that Tachihara can't Senbonzakura this old man ass. *laughs* (sorry for "BLEACH" joke) Sadly though, well, Fukuchi did find out the intention in the first place and suspected Tachihara even just a bit at the meeting. I gotta say that was just a deduction at best, and all this was just a precaution more than a prediction. But that's also it because Tachihara's immediate action to backstab his backstab was a trap in itself. If he dragged on to like, tomorrow, he would've been able to get around Fukuchi's suspicions and not like they will be able to travel to the past to understand that. Also, doing this ALONE?? BRUH WHAT DID I JUST SAY? *laughs* Oh well, now that the world is practically on fire lol we closing borders soon, yes? Well, can you even close borders if the border guys are also vampires? Who is going to stand in the hot sun for guard duty then? *laughs* All your confusions and queries answered by the United Nations leader next time, on what makes my blood boil every week more than whatever Fukuchi was getting through his veins lol this series is just the best
P.S. "My slumber is more important. Curses be upon the insolent masses" Me when I have to wake up early on my days off lol
P.P.S. "I can't place a curse upon you; You are yourself a curse" When I talk to people who will never understand why they are innately evil lol why is this one dude Bran have so many good quotes

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"With big money comes big responsibility" Yeah SAME that's why I don't ask for a pay raise-
Seriously though, what is with all this serious talk aren't we doing the shooting- On location this episode?? *dabs* In this new episode though thanks to the thumbnails online (#KanoKari29), looks like we are doing the shooting for the movie! We have the funds, everyone is on time with the production of this film, and thanks to mostly the perfect acting from Chizuru (apparently called Kyouko-chan to the rest of the crew lol) and the film club's boss and director and NOTHING to do with Kazuya's effort as best man even going out to the bridge to chase a cicada away haha, most of the film is completed and done on schedule during their university break. Ruka-chan thought this is just holiday camp mostly just... what did she do again to contribute to this movie? *laughs* Oh yeah, forgive Kazuya for creating this in the first place to help someone he likes? *laughs* Oh well whatever who even cares about her anyways lmao, but I guess we can talk about everyone else. Obviously this is an effort to show how much Kazuya will do for this movie and man I mean EVERYTHING because if taking care of his girlfriend isn't the most he has done for anything in his life you gotta think twice because he doesn't even like the girl. *laughs* And then maybe Mini-chan might be right about Chizuru thinking twice before thanking this bloke in front of her who is doing all he can to either make her the next popular actress and/or fulfil her grandmother's wishes. As she said it herself in reflection to Kazuya thinking bad about himself though, we are technically all doing something for our family and/or people around us. *silence* Not true but we will take it as is for now haha this is a family show after all *wink*, so hopefully that will not make Kazuya keep thinking like he's a useless piece of trash like his friends think he is- He's totally doing this for himself though!! *laughs* Moving on though, the crucial and last part of the shooting ironically is left for Kazuya to handle because the senpai has to deal with his own film club's shooting soon and thus probably cleared out most if not all the important scenes filming for him so that's wise, leaving him to do probably the easiest and/or quickest stuff so that he can actually spend the rest of the budget going to the mountains and flirt with Chizuru- You see where this is going already? *laughs* Hey, you might not though but Mini-chan did. *laughs* And that's why it's a mistake asking anyone else but Kazuya's own friends for help and not like he had a choice, so his discipline gladly accepted his orders. Yeah, Mini-chan is going to plan everything including all the romance plots and precious moments that Kazuya will want in this situation. *laughs* And just that we thought that you know, maybe Ruka-chan will be involved so maaaaaybe we set in the hotel rooms to be Mini-chan and Ruka-chan and HAHAHA the other two can take another room because we can't find more rooms, but NO. Mini-chan is more evil than that. *giggles* Interestingly, Mini-chan wasn't even intending to go with them anyways, and probably contacted Ruka-chan later to ensure she won't go and it's not like Kazuya will contact her to confirm again. *silence* Genius plan but Ruka-chan will be freaking LIVID with such a situation if she knew- Nice one, discipline. *giggles* Though in retrospect, I like how because it's this third person once again that Ruka-chan won't think of anything suspicious we can cancel ONE FINAL SHOOTING of a movie running on a crowdfunding budget just because some dude fell ill. *silence* Hey, girlfriend is dumb, what can I say? *laughs* And Mini-chan having to explain to Kazuya in the levels of talking about lust and thing and stuff forgetting this is just a video shooting and that all this is basically impossible to answer to Chizuru besides telling the truth... We get it this is CLEARLY a shounen series, dear author. *laughs* "I'M HOT TONIGHT" haha okay no one will get this joke even if they played that one video game that is GTA III. *silence* (You think? *laughs*) AND WE HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT EPISODE!??? Me, I'm going to be hot tonight actually haha damn just like Chizuru I might just die from embarrassment and give way just like Mini-chan said lol remember though guys: We built up all of the tension just for THIS. *giggles* Now to finish the movie on her HAHAHAHAHA I need a cold shower
[TL:DR; "I mean, I also want to go on a Madarao trip with Chizuru-san, but..." This episode in a nutshell haha because SAME dude- Where is Madarao again? *laughs* You think I can get Ten-chan to go with me? Actually this will be my first time *giggles*]
P.S. "What, you going to get married to Chizuru-san?" Haha Kibe-san bro Kazuya WISHES that was true lol or just buy the Anime merch *laughs*
P.P.S. "When you have such top tier beauty on your side, there's nothing to be afraid about" Oh you mean Ten-chan? Yeah she is top tier haha "Yeah, but that (rental) girlfriend relationship is not real" TRUE THOUGH haha *sob*
[I took way too many screenshots of Chizuru yeah even more than Mie-san so here more hehe]

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Horimiya -piece-
"Does Kakeru have friends close enough to invite for a sleepover?" F**K YOU DAD haha why not Sengoku is the most popular guy in school
Well Sengoku, you can sleep with your parents like you did when you were a kid if there isn't space in your room. I hope you did that before, don't think your parents are that harsh to you. *giggles* In this new episode though (#HorimiyaPiece06) maybe we are done with character specific episodes? I don't know dude, this Sengoku arc is looking a little familiar in presentation. *silence* Oh hey, mom. *laughs* (Edit: That was the voice of Anime "Shana" Kasumi, the classmate who likes the main dude, I remember) Anyhow, maybe at least half of this episode is about that, so let's talk about how Sengoku is not going to sleep for the night. Like, at least invite not Iura if you want some sleep? That d*ck will never give you peace. Just look at Miyamura, dude. Invite only them instead. *laughs* Ironically, we are in a situation where anything can happen seeing this dynamic, but mainly we got no space for Sengoku to sleep due to poor planning. Butย  yeah as I thought to myself earlier on and soon that they realized, just move the damn table and it'll be fine. It's a sleepover, you gotta move your room around a bit, it's fine. Then, it's the not BL thing. *laughs* Miyamura is just sleepy all the time he's not at school specifically, so he won't be too aware about what people around him will do to his naked body (lmao), especially when it's Sengoku who wants to- Please, we need some decency here, Iura. *laughs* With all regards to this though, the emphasis seems to be why Miyamura is always clothed. *laughs* Ishikawa may have helped Miyamura to cover to him time and time again, from telling the guys he had a bazooka in his crotch (HELL YEAH Hori-san will be pleased lmao) to even accidentally dropping stuff to distract Sengoku as they changed out to the school sweater... dude sometimes you have to take care of your own secrets. Shout out to MVP Ishikawa haha Miyamura's naked butt can only be saved that many times and he saved it every time lol, but when asked directly by Sengoku himself I highly doubt even amongst friends he will tell them anything either way. Yeah, probably will get mocked at, or so he thinks. Moving on, and boy I did not expect this other half coming in, we talk about Remi-chan. This is actually probably the sweetest (get it?) episode I've seen so far, and boy is it just about the world around her. For starters, Sengoku as boyfriend. Not that he doesn't know how to be one, but yeah, I guess Remi-chan really wanted an aggressive lover as her partner, as she keeps time and time again hint him to take certain action just on the trip back home together, from hugs to holding hands to why are you walking so fast learn how to pace with a woman you skinny dumba**. *laughs* You know, I have to say this is kind of common knowledge unless you are dealing with my mom who leaves the rest of the family at the back when walking lmao, so yeah I'll blame this on Sengoku. He did give the hug though. The right way too, he watched Anime "ToniKawa" and saw Tsukasa explaining how to hug someone shorter than you. *giggles* Then again, I wished I can be bribed with material goods just like how I somewhat did in school as a student. Sadly, it wasn't friends, my math was better than Remi-chan's lmao, and I didn't have that desire for like, premium cookies I just lost the right to have basic rewards like cheese sticks from the local supermarket. *silence* Moving on haha, I like how they made sure rounding up the numbers on Remi-chan's test will make her happier on her efforts, even to go so far out as to leave her alone and meet up alone haha yeah just Sakura and Sengoku, enough to make the world think they are a thing, only for you guys (hopefully earlier) to notice that if someone's bf and bestie hang out together it's always for a surprise gift for the person in question, in case you wondered. All in all, this is summer season so we can do with less warm stories for the heart. *giggles* I like it though, just like the rest of the series so far to be honest. More Remi-chan would be great hehe I'm just keen *dabs*
P.S. "No you idiot, don't take your shirt off! You'll be undoing all your hard work!!" Yeah Miyamura's tattoos, good friend Ishikawa strikes again haha "It's the class representative's job to undress another student?" LOL if it's a BL then it is *laughs*
P.P.S. "A goldfish? And who is Motoko??" Okay Sengoku you gotta at least know one of them. *laughs*

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
"Just leave Squad 11 alone" Akon with the 200 IQ decisions haha I would too if I were him tbh
Yeah Kenpachi can deal with himself. *laughs* With Soul Society in a freaking mess we can do some regrouping and ignore those who can take care of themselves. In this new episode (#BLEACHTYBW18) as they deal with the new Superstar in town which by the way isn't Ichigo if you aren't aware yet from last week, we changed him out dude. *giggles* So yeah, this episode is primarily focused on the Superstar Sternritter himself... or himselves if you are aware that he has a cheerleader fan in his squad haha. Anyways, just a quick summary of what happened because that was intense even in a general perspective. For starters, of course Rose and Kensei had to fight this bloke probably not together because I wonder why not, but hey Kensei be dealin' those punches I'm just impressed to see it in full action so far because damn when's the last time we actually see this action? Like, in Karakura Town arc he barely punched anything, this is just fanservice. Also for Rose when Kensei got struck down because they didn't know the James lore, that Bankai is sadly not music to the ears hehe get it probably because the soundtrack isn't even making it good enough and that's compared to Renji by the way, but damn the quality in this is still real good. Though yeah, still seriously downplayed in this version of animation but damn it's already so much better than what was shown in the manga where all of this is done in two pages haha, but really though Kensei's Bankai is cooler. *giggles* (As a side note, I wished Rose's Bankai is not tied to just hearing but vibes so unless you don't have a vibrating living body like say BG9 then you should not be immune) (I have studied audio engineering btw *dabs*) Moving on, they didn't do much to this Superstar and we aren't even seeing him use his ultimate yet I am not going to read that off again- He has the star power guys, he doesn't need the V-power. *laughs* I kind of like him now actually HAHA okay let's just mow over the losers and bring in the tough guy, in this case Renji. We will see more Rukia action I promise you and to my sis who has been waiting for that specifically for years hehe, but more of getting Renji to the level of cool he deserved since he lost to Ichigo that many years ago. Seriously, it's all his zanpakuto's fault, as explained by the author a.k.a. Ichibe-san in the upstairs (lol) his sword soul never revealed to its user their true form, though we know it manifests in two animals. It's the opposite of Yumichika basically, where instead of not wanting their sword to be at its full potential, this one Zabimaru is like "f**k you" and never showed off its power. *laughs* But yeah, eventually he did achieve that in the short time he did, proving again he is faster in training compared to Ichigo haha got him good there, and his current Bankai is impressive especially with that last bite. Oh, that's it? Okay. *laughs* All in all... I mean, what else is there to say for this episode? Well, for starters, I didn't expect Renji and Rukia to drop by (get it?) this quick though, maybe I was stuck at the Anime pace back then with the drags, but damn this is moving fast!! So yeah, VERY AWESOME I will watch this episode for the rest of the week to be honest *giggles*, and I'm just glad we are giving a lot more credit to Rose and Kensei before Renji comes in and ruins everything lol including the Superstar himself *wink*, and on the contrary though the latter is actually even more interesting despite the fast pace and lack of explanations to his powers and/or James to be honest. Like, I distinctively remember Renji saying sh*t about them once they recovered their hearing but I guess just also the kid, why not. *laughs* Keeping the jokes aside, this is as cool, well, might be even better than "Stray Dogs" now so congrats Kubo-sensei, you have impressed me once again. Okay I gotta go back and enjoy this again hehe or just watch the Tiktok videos if you want
[TL:DR; This week's screenshots are easy because BANKAI SHOWCASE!! *giggles*]
P.S. "OH MISTER! OH MISTER!" OH LOVE ME MISTER *laughs* Sorry I gotta with the Anime "Kaguya-sama" opening theme reference that's why I put it here- James is Suzuki Masayuki as an Anime character lmao
P.P.S. "Why does your mask change while powering up?" Who knows man, part of the budget has to go to defining cosmetics in WWE. *laughs* Also please, this is WAAAAYY cooler than whatever that Arrancar Charlotte is lol
[I gotta say though, it's hardly a time in action series like this we get to see not just a one-sided slaughter because damn Kensei vs the Superstar despite how short that was, was quite a scene to watch; Rose just got ripped apart once he showed off his Bankai haha LAME Kubo-sensei probably didn't even have an idea what his final scene was I assure you- More Superstar, yes?]

้Ÿณๆฅฝ This Week on Klassic Note
This week on Klassic Note is kinda slow, we are at the start of the month anyways so it's fine I can skip giving SIX LOUNGE's new song which shadow dropped a few hours ago before its release and not like it impressed me so I'll put that aside for now. For this week though, I can put my attention (and focus) on making my expectations real withย Tsuzuri's major debut single and boy did it come out real well and thanks to this single's cover on the Anime "SukiMega" ending theme single and vice versa, I will have a chance to talk about the former in a Review within the month to be able to raise up the latter song in the process. So, good. *giggles* (Yes for the record I don't give Anime releases and I have determined Ooishi Masayoshi is part of that condition lmao) On other news, Aimer-san did hit the Klassic Note Collection Artist title last week with her new album and though I already want to give up on her just in general as in her music, she just keeps bringing me back so I guess I'll stay for a little longer haha

So, news online about music. *laughs* Yeah soon I'm going to be referencing Japanese news sites, wait till I gather their sources together haha. I doubt you can watch this on time because it'll be gone before I post this, Porno Graffitti did a YouTube premiere on their rock festival 6 years ago in celebration of continuing them this year which happened today so I wonder how fans will have time to watch this on time but oh what the heck I don't know half the songs on it so I'm definitely not in. *giggles* YUI is revealing another music video tomorrow and if this is the way we will get all the classics and their videos completed on YouTube I don't mind. I almost forgot Kamiyama You's new single releases end of the month for Anime "BLEACH" and damn it isn't a great one but I'll listen to it again (every week and) when it drops by. Wow this took me a while to understand but yanaginagi's new song is a collaboration with vocaloid producer Yumeno Ito so if you liked it be sure to thank them for this, they do image videos for light novel theme songs now. *silence* I'll let you sink that in haha it's 2023 dude. Tsuji Shion revealed a live video of her in China recently when everyone is there for that Bilibili festival so yeah, we don't do things in Japan now apparently. *laughs* ClariS new song for a China version of mobile game "Blue Archive" sounds fine I guess, will give a listen if they ever come up with a single for this. Finally Sambomaster is releasing a new album in November after hinting so many new songs just this year alone so damn let's see if this Rock n' Roll feels still hit after so long, it definitely did with THE FIRST TAKE appearances which they will again next week it seems. Speaking of that YouTube channel, TrySail's new video on THE FIRST TAKE was for a song I did not regret skipping haha it was the title song on their new album so if you liked it be sure to take a listen, or even just watch the intro. *giggles* I don't think I would care about Tsuzuri's new Anime music video to celebrate her major artist debut (FYI she's only 16) but if you are a fan of the series then this will make you happy. I know it did for me. *giggles* Ah yes fuzzy knot's new digital single will release in September and boy do I miss this SID x Mayflower combination and if you even know either of the bands which are due their age (lol) then maybe you'll appreciate this new collaboration because they have been making grounds since I heard of them a couple of years ago, they serve to impress.ย 

Next week brings us nothing which is fine haha I still have a stack of rock festival lives to watch so I'll be sure to find something on it to listen to- That's the problem though we are inundated with so many old songs that aren't released this year it's an issue for skewing the stats for Klassic Note though. *silence* I'll think of something haha or not actually lol PSYCHE

Oh happy birthday, Oonishi Saori! I know my question for your Instagram Q&A probably won't get answered or anything (since I literally asked for selfies lmao) but damn I just want to let you know you are some motivation I never expect to have since when I knew more about you that many years ago. *silence* Okay serious talk over, making out with her is still my top priority by the way, even if it is too happen in a dream. *giggles* Cya guys next time then, and until next time if there aren't any takers for Oonishi here because she just said she doesn't use perfume lol, I'll take her body odour any time of the day she just has to also take mine now. *laughs* Maybe I should write a fanfiction of her instead of Inorin lmao (Audience: What about Ishihara Kaori?) WHO?? *laughs*

P.S. THE PLANETS ARE ALIGNING ALL THE STUFF IS APPEARING SO I CAN SHIP OUT AKARIN BROMIDES- Why is there a Kana-chan fanclub item in here? *looks at site* Oh, that thing. *laughs* We'll talk about those next time, yes?