
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #36

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #36

Sunday, 03 September 2023
As I count the days and especially weeks passing by with every update of a blog title on this weekly series, I just can't help but wait for this year to finish so I can get new new year goals for myself. *laughs* Yeah, not been doing that for years already haha, but you know, maybe I should. Watch me ask her out on her birthday in 2 weeks-

Anyways haha welcome to the new month ignoring which week of the year we are on now lol I'm sorry for the post title I guess, still! There is much anticipation for just the month of September alone and I still don't know if that's a good thing or not considering the upcoming packages are all over the place haha, but we shall see. At least I know we got more CD reviews coming my way- I know right, reviewing CDs not even vinyls- Welcome to 2023, by the way. *laughs*

This, and a lot more hope on my gacha rolls just this weekend alone, let's Anime and music! Oh? We have an absentee again it seems... Good. *laughs*

をニパ Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
"There's still the question of what else is there to see (over there)" And then hard cuts to Komura staring at Mie-san haha yes bro we know
FIELD TRIP LET'S GO!!! In case you wonder how the groups work in this, we allow mixed genders. Haha who am I joking they are only middle schoolers. *giggles* In this new episode where we get to go to everyone's favourite outing location in school haha well at least one isn't that (#SukiMega09), I like how the two being a thing is a thing in class now. *laughs* I mean, do we even need NINE episodes for this to happen? BRUH. *laughs* Also TRIPLE DATE LET'S GO- Ah hey, if the girls aren't interested in you, the other two guys, I'm sorry. *giggles* But heck, maybe this isn't as exciting as I would have expected. It's not a school trip, after all. Those are different. In this one, they had to go visit I would assume a museum, and do up reports. Boring, but damn, still more interesting than being in the classroom the whole day, so why not? Problem is, if you need a reminder of the show title, someone will forget her glasses. A certain someone, not gonna say who. Not even the 3 guys who joined in on the girls' group just in case we need a Komura to take care of a particular Mie-san. *giggles* You get the idea haha, but Mie-san did come prepared though, bringing her spare glasses in her bag in case she, you know, forgot to wake up on time and ran out of her house without her glasses as usual. *laughs* But heck, this time around she broke it, so yup still within expectations, just that she didn't bring the right pair of spare glasses. Really though, why buy a fake pair of lens and you can't even preserve the ones you have? *sigh* Haha oh well, at least we got Komura here. *laughs* So as you would have seen, she did fake her viewing of the exhibits in the museum in Kamakura so she can do the report, but considering she can see close to nothing and can't get close to it, this is going to be rough. Thankfully Komura saw that from a mile away haha, and told her to see the writings on the walls, those accompanying text, to get an idea of what is happening. Genius play right here, but this also made Mie-san feel real bad for not being normal and be able to do things by herself like the rest of her classmates, including, and Asuka she is spot-on once again, finding her way around. And this isn't even a school trip level thing, by the way, we all go to the same place to gather. *laughs* And she is feeling pretty apologetic about it too. Uh, I mean, don't mind! *laughs* Ah, what else is new. What is new though, is how Mie-san actually feels real bad right now, but still does not get why Komura would go all the way out to help her. We're just friends, don't worry about it. Oh, this is just a draft by the way, can't get the actual proposal thing out yet. *giggles* Also we love you lose your glasses so the author can keep up with the lore haha she can't know that. But in an effort to know that, and I like where this is going I also expect this too, is the secondary character romance lore from Asuka hanging out with her boyfriend-to-be? Let's just say it is, Mie-san. *laughs* And Mie-san saw the same expression on Komura when she stares at him good even with contact lenses. You see where this is going now? AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU DON'T KNOW OF LOVE YOU ARE 15- All in all... dear Komura, how bad do you think you will lose all hope for not being with Mie-san? Huh, what do you think? You want to look at my love life and compare right now? *laughs* Anyway, it's always fun to notice a girl with a GLARING weakness haha get it because with glasses especially a new pair? Haha because guess what, it's hard to find someone like this no more. At least, weaknesses not obvious to the human eye. Or maybe I'm dumb, that's probably the case. *laughs* I like the progression (not lenses) here though, and hopefully, fingers crossed, that Mie-san will figure this infatuation from her classmate sitting next to her. Or whatever they are kissing, we can't do this for real anyways. Haha see you then this is already more interesting than last week imo
[TL:DR; "She might just forget about her glasses, after all." Yup haha I'm going to make this joke every week as long as I remember my glasses *dabs*]
P.S. Okay to whoever drew Mie-san is going to wander around and get hit by a car because she lost her glasses... why?? *laughs*Β 
P.P.S. "I also want to go (to the field trip) with him" I'll take it as a yes haha says Komura "She also has a habit of wasting money... also she tends to space out and get lost" WOAH LADY RELAX you don't have to burn Mie-san that bad haha says Komura "And I'm stupid" Oh come on Mie-san you can't be that bad- Says Komura when they are married to each other lol foreshadowing right here?
[If you noticed when Asuka walked away from the girls, that other classmates' ponytail (because I notice those things hehe *dabs*) went from side tail to back as she turned her head. That is... more Mie-san haha]

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"You can cook for me forever for my sake, if you want" Haha Zain with the housewife pick up lines right here
HELL YEAH VIOLA haha did you even see the intro. *laughs* That's how you do character design dude, just make the cutest girl in this series. *giggles* In this new episode where I'm hyped up on something apparently (#ShinigamiBocchan20), looks like it's hype about plot, and boy did we get a lot of that, so let's. Firstly, Viola-chan came in to visit Cuff-san haha yes not Zain and not like he cares about Viola too BOOM got her chest, is probably trying to fill up the empty noblewoman hole by hanging out with others unlike her loner mom whose husband is probably dying soon lol, is slowly but surely taking in some advice from Cuff-san at a time where she is in love and also she has no parents so nothing to stop her from doing anything. Though for Viola if being a fashion designer or stylist is her passion, heck, why not? Also, the mom might not even have a say if Walter takes over and I can't wait for that to happen. *giggles* I know right, screw Bocchan being the oldest in the household I like Daleth's flashback of an illusion more where Walter's the elder brother. *laughs* Speaking of which, we gotta deal with the intruders into the Sabbath earlier. Well, there's the Daleth getting high from Walter's gentlemanliness which I do not possess so damn you second son haha. Also, he is still totally right on how useless the brother was but mostly due to lack of exposure. Because really, how are we even going to build his social skills up if he keeps killing the people he meets just from shaking hands? So yeah, bit of a problem which comes out from the same hole as the one Daleth just opened, where she shows the rest to Sharon's current resting place... but not really she is just asleep. Yeah, like in Sleeping Beauty, just that one kiss won't wake her up. *sigh* Walter, you want to try? *laughs* Oh heck, considering this and Bocchan's curse stemmed from the same witch and who knows if she is still alive she might as well not be at this point, then I rather just be asleep instead of walking about anyways. In Daleth's flashback though, the only thing we really missed until now was Sade showing up near the mansion with Daleth herself, and if this sister had even considered stopping Sade for whatever reason, things would have been different. But just seeing her in her flashback is giving her the creeps, so maybe we save that for next time. But after showing us all this? Yeah, we can trust Daleth I guess. On the other hand, there's someone else we can't trust now. *cringe* Somehow Rob is under so much suspicion I wonder why we haven't got to that lol maybe for another episode, but more suspicious is how a genie lamp appeared on their doorstep, once again courtesy of Zain. The genie is able to remove his curse though, but only by moving it to another person. Sadly Bocchan can't bear to see someone else suffer instead of him lol implied is Rob if you didn't notice he's old though so he'll be fine lmao, and we are back to square one. You know, a glimpse of hope but not really. Just like how the two actually shared a kiss but not really actually. All in all... *sigh* haha I can't be more sad already, thanks. *laughs* Serious talk though, we are that desperate already, by the way because SAME lol. Two seasons in already. Walter's going to take over the household already as he should. *giggles* Yeah, Zain and Cuff are dating already. What else? Haha yeah just these two main characters to be honest. And boy am I glad we didn't get to see Viola-chan die someday while touching Rob lol that would suck, among other things that might happen considering the garden of the mansion just turned brown all of a sudden haha. Still, great progress, we are clearing things up, I know this story has an ending it's just whether they are going to conclude it in this adaptation, and I can't wait to be satisfied if they give us the proper ending. Only one way to find out by watching it till the end, I guess.
[TL:DR; I would argue though, that if we are going to move the curse and not be able to destroy it, then maybe move to someone who already wants to die. But uh... maybe we have to ask around for this haha maybe they won't die by then and be evil and wreck havoc- Okay maybe not then lol]
P.S. "Shocking event warning! Don't look!" Okay now I want Viola-chan's voice to be the prerequisite to all the rated stuff I watch haha what "Then think about me (Alice) when you do it tonight" WOAH WHAT *laughs*
P.P.S. "He's lower than a wimp; He's a maggot" Alright Daleth-san you don't have to speak bad things about me haha relax I haven't mock your face yet- "I'm too old for dreams" Viola-chan SAME- Wait. *laughs*

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs
"You are the Hunting Dogs' servant! Thus, from now on, you are our car! Dogs riding cats!" Man, Teruko with the jokes here lol what do I do now
Oh well, if we want the Hunting Dogs in I guess we have to be their dog- Wait. *laughs* In this new episode where I am just waiting for the drop and it's not when Atsushi drops Teruko on the airport carpet lol (#BungouStrayDogs58), well Atsushi's ending came in real fast once he realized that Ranpo-san is always telling the truth while the Hunting Dog member in front of her is still most definitely not trusting him in any way possible, so he's pretty much done for at this point. This is the direct opposite for Tetchou's case though as he continues his fight with Kenji haha yes "continue" means his opponent is still very much alive, and as he tries to deal the final blow, he was informed of Atsuhi's fate and not like Kenji didn't hear it, so he raged and boy do we not want to anger this farmer. Just like how farmers will rage if a landslide comes ruining their harvest for the year haha ask those American farmers now at this time of year with the seasonal floods, as heard from Kunikida, Kenji once saved his village from disaster mainly because his rage was incited by the death of his buddy, leading him to move Earth as if his mother is really the planet itself, which piqued Fukuc- Fukuzawa (lol rookie traitor mistake) as he visited the lands to find out what happened back then. So turns out, this is likely Kenji's ultimate power as we have seen with Akutagawa and Chuuya and yes trust me I Ranpo-san'ed this out last night thinking about how Kenji would have survived this, and this is pretty much it. No human power will be able to deal with this even if they are trained or even genetically modified human, because you are dealing with essentially The Terminator. *laughs* Or mother nature itself, one would argue. So there's that, the two did end up in a draw since Kenji's rage can't carry him that far... yet. *giggles* Then again Tetchou might have realized his mistake for not following Bram and Aya-chan but heck, does that even matter at this point. Hehe hints for later, but let's bring ourselves back to the prison. Remember the 30-minute game Nikolai set out for the 2 prisoners? Well, instead of figuring out how to get the antidote, Dazai thought of killing his opponent first. Makes sense, easier than escaping this hell of a prison, but it's also because Sigma kind of figured out why he's this relaxed. Well, to keep the steady heartbeat transmission for sending messages to outside of the premises of course, but also, how that can be done in reverse. He didn't need to I guess, if orders are always sent out Ango-san can figure something out. Something like making an agreement with other prisoners (by the way) to stop time in the prison so Dazai can take over the control room because what better way to make sure you are in charge is to kill the people in charge and never tell anyone about it? Haha yeah, this is basically an Aizen-controlled Central 46 for you "BLEACH" fans out there haha, where central command has been taken over from the beginning, to influence decisions made from the top. Easy. Even say now, if Dazai wanted to kill Fyodor, it's as easy as changing all the passcodes on the cards so Fyodor is doomed to fail from the start, even if he thinks security bypass is the hardest thing to go around which, I assumed he tried, and didn't know he was dealing with this much resistance. Well, Fyodor has his way of communication too, so he might get out. And we don't talk about Aya-chan's fate with Bram in the carpark haha. I mean, Fukuchi's a military expert, right? Eventually he will catch on to her plans. All in all though, damn this is quite the development, and I'm still glad this series still has stuff we don't know about that can change things around, as much as we really do not know a lot about them anyways. From Kenji to Dazai to Bram with the stick up his rear TWICE lmao, each of them delivered their own part of history related to the story without forgetting we are essentially dealing with a bunch of geniuses, so yeah, I admit defeat. Just stab me in the head with the sword for the third time, please. *laughs*Β 
[TL:DR; "I've been thinking of way to kill Chuuya for the past 7 years" I mean, yeah Dazai, are you? Haha]
P.S. "Now that I realized, I don't like dealing with these types of people in general" Yeah Atsushi I saw like Yosano and Akutagawa? Haha SAME THOUGH
P.P.S. "Though it won't do for him to be angry all the time, so he gets hungry instead." That's me! Haha but now that I have gastric I think I will just act up and- Damn I wish I had Kenji's power lol
[Okay okay about that criminal with an Ability to stop time: She's kinda hot though kind of stacked can she even stop time and make me instantly come-]

をニパ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"We're having a party to celebrate your loss of virginity!" Oh yeah Mini-chan, Kazuya lost something alright lol
No guilts picking up the potato chips, Mini-chan, no guilts whatsoever. *laughs* In this new episode where I hope she still knows she is a woman and needs to care about her diet lol who is lying over here even (#KanoKari32), turns out, lying is bad. *silence* Well, firstly, let's round up what happened with Mini-chan and her plans to celebrate Kazuya breaking out of virginity lmao. Of course, Kazuya had to explain to a disappointed Mini-chan everything that has happened, she liked it lol, and thought that her great master plan has failed terribly because the guy didn't do anything to the hot chick in the hotel room? BRUH where can I get a Mini-chan in my life? To make sure I get laid? *laughs* Oh, and a real girlfriend who will be pissed by all this. *giggles* You know how when it feels like hitting a dud mine in a minefield but it's not really because you might still get blown into pieces- BITCH TALK INCOMING lol someone save the poor dude. Well, Chizuru doesn't care so whatever. *laughs* What Chizuru does care for though, is the upcoming check-in on their movie screening. Hey, the movie is about done at this point, and looks like they've secured a location to air this for the backers and likely for limited screening if the ones shown here of Anime are anything to go by, all the arrangements have been made so that grandma Sayuri gets to watch this fantastic production along with her granddaughter and will no doubt cry buckets after all of this. But she is crying already? Even crying, we need to do a rehearsal. *sob* Heck, can we not have the vision I think will happen come true? As in, I will tell you if it happens? Haha let's not say that's true. For now though, even just at this point, Chizuru herself can't help but say more thanks to this producer of a not boyfriend who suggested making this a reality so that her elders will be proud of her pursuing of her dreams, just like the grandpa egged her to do so. But I mean, we've heard of all the thanks already, where's the "special thanks" though? Haha get it, the ending theme song joke (also if you'll check out the band with such a name that'll be swell too, not the same thing by the way- I love Japanese music references) but then again, will she say more thanks though? Man, this is only going to so sideways real quick, I already saw that drop happen from a mile away at this point, but problem is, this isn't new. Then my question is... when? Turns out, this isn't far away from us as the drama takes a turn, and Sayuri is once again in hospital. Problem is, this one, she might not live till Kazuya's grandmother comes to visit her. Yup, it's that time now. All the lies that they said, all her dreams she wanted to achieve right now with a substitute because damn this was for the grandfather too... So now what? As the couple (lol) argue in the hospital about the lies that they said, and Kazuya did also hint that to Sayuri even though it doesn't even matter the old woman wanted to record it for her late husband by the way hehe, when will this be the truth? And Chizuru has no reason to say it's anyone's fault: All of them went along with her further than the reverse. Yeah, Chizuru is going to go to her grandma and tell her Kazuya is going to break up with her unless she wakes up, right? This is it? This is how the drama works? *silence* All in all... *sigh* As I listen to the ending theme song which I think the artist Amber's mentioned before this was their first version before the studio version was made... *sigh* I can't. Hey Chizuru chasing your dreams is fine though, but are you chasing a dude? Asking for a friend. *laughs* Yeah, they can make this not a lie, isn't it? Ruka-chan will be devastated but that relationship is also not real so why not settle for this one right now? They say it's a great time to walk into a woman who suffered from a traumatic event... heck, which drama didn't make use of that to tell a love story? Maybe Kazuya you can try this out. *giggles* Anyways, really trying to make this light-hearted but I guess we don't have much time even for that now we are burning through this like Sayuri's life depends on it, so we shall see what happens next. Yes, my vision is basically as Kaoru in Japanese movie "A Song to the Sun": she will not live to see the final product. Let's see how bad this goes then.
[TL:DR; "My life isn't for you to control remotely!" Basically Kazuya in the past few episodes lol hey bro maybe being with Mini-chan here is better if you're into such plays-]
P.S. "Once you're done with Mizuhara-san, other women might as well not exist anymore" Hmm that's true only banging Ten-chan matters and no one else hehe *wink*
P.P.S. "Kazuya-kun, will you die if you're not surrounded by chicks for one second!" Yes I will die of lack of blood flow I don't really exercise so dealing with women is a great workout- DUDE YOU WISH lmao also this series in a nutshell

Wow thank goodness there's "Horimiya" to wrap this up at least we won't see someone dying here- Okay I'll die of laughter thanks for calling the ambulance in advance lol

をニパ Horimiya -piece-
"To commemorate Miyamura" Yeah before I kill the boyfriend and rape the-
Now that I think about it, we are given a sad opening theme song but yet there's no sadness and it's nothing but jokes so far? HOW?? *silence* Anyways haha, let's change pace in this new episode (#HorimiyaPiece10) where we talk about me- Wait. *laughs* Yeah new guy time apparently, this one is definitely not in my dictionary haha I don't even know what he smells like, we talk about Watabe. About him though... he likes dudes. *laughs* Also, is that same voice as Kenji-kun from "Stray Dogs"?? BRO, we just listened to you just now! *laughs* Oh, it's not? Haha oh more like the guy in "Just Because!", got it. *laughs* Anyways coming back, let's just say Watabe idolizes Miyamura for some reason? Yeah, not to the comprehension of us heterogender beings but hey, you do you, bro. And I guess the problem is that Miyamura just goes along with his antics to you know, not offend him even though much like Ishikawa I would love to tell him to leave him alone and put down that old phone camera lol, much like Miyamura deals with his girlfriend. Speaking of which, uh... *silence* Watabe, you aren't scared of Hori-san at all? *laughs* Just give me a minute to *laughs* because DAMN this guy grew balls from a factory I can't even. *laughs* Moving on haha he will learn his lesson someday just not right now haha, because Miyamura is getting the short straw here, as Hori-san is basically security sniffing him like the dog she is (lol) on the times he drops by her place and still wondered why she is so particular about this, but maybe, just maybe, she is a little bit on the j-j-j-jealousy side, who knows. Then again, even Miyamura has a hard time figuring this woman out including her tastes in his sadist actions towards her which damn I hate to say Watabe would be happy to deal with too, will not get that honour because if he ever does it'll be Watabe's last...? Haha you will never live to see Hori-san again if you do that, bro. *laughs* Not like I know what the author is thinking creating such a character, so let's go back to a more predictable character Hori-san...? Wait. *laughs* So yeah, all in a day's work pissing her off, it's totally her fault for thinking all of the above so I have to write all of this out lol, but yet, she is not apologizing. Mostly because of the wall she hit afterwards lmao, but also, it's against her family code. *laughs* No, not that, she just isn't such a person. And Miyamura knows that. Apart from upsetting everyone with their lover's tiff and particularly Hori-san wanting to erase Sengoku saying sensible words if she can lmao, Hori still won't give in and that's what the Hori family is about in general just ask the dad haha. But yeah, Miyamura will get worried of his gal so he went to check her out after Yasuda-sensei ensured he checkedΒ  in all the places he can illegally check on her on. *laughs* Still got kicked in the front though, poor Miyamura, but apparently if I pity on him I will get sniffed out so yeah, serves him right for all of this even though it's the girl's fault. *giggles* All in all... much in a day's work, innit? *laughs* I can do without Watabe though. Also Iura. *laughs* Definitely more insight to the lives of them in general and that's still more interesting than some of the weaker episodes in general, so that's good. We are at the final stretch here, and not like there will be a drop here this isn't "KanoKari" you know haha ah, but we shall see. Maybe we will have to bully Watabe so he will not go around disturbing Miyamura again lmao I didn't suggest that
[TL:DR; "Miyamura-kun just dating someone of the opposite gender is cute" WHAT?? *laughs*]
P.S. "I took some samples (of the boys you hang out with) in case something happened." In case what happened?? *laughs* "If I cheat on you, I'll tell you myself" F**K (haha)
P.P.S. "Don't you dare try to be like Iura. In fact, be like anyone else except him." Haha yes Hori-san point taken I would never be Iura Shuu in a thousand years

をニパ Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
Uh, mid-season recap episode aka Episode 21.5? So yeah, see you next week haha

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Well, ask me if I want to give the new Anime "Shinigami Bocchan" opening theme this second season. *silence* I might as well already at this point I haven't by the way in case you wondered. Moving on, GRANDODEO's new single released this week isn't actually too bad at all, it did make me want to give chance to their B-sides until I didn't, so maybe we not talk about also Kamiyama You's new single which also did not get me where I hoped it will as I still struggle to give the title song. Maybe we ended this week on a bad note, huh. Hey, at least August is over and done with in terms of Anime songs...? Haha not yet though we still got another week.

There are news happening in the music industry this week and I meant specifically in Japan and within my reach. Kamiyama You's live video is for his new song which I still haven't given yet and probably will anyways because damn I really don't like this style of music. Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new live video is for the other song in their upcoming single so I guess I've heard them all and am still not impressed haha let's forget about this and give it objectively in a couple more days. Tsuji Shion's singing in the karaoke room got me somehow so this is just for me. ClariS' new song will be for Anime "KanoKano" season two and boy I wish they weren't even here but heck I can't even control that now these girls are only printing out songs at this point so let's hope it's good. We got a little teaser of Hitsujibungaku's new song for Anime and it doesn't sound too bad so let's hope the full song will be good when the music video appears next week. SIX LOUNGE has confirmed their new full album due this month actually I didn't even see that and I don't know why but heck which means we can pick up the pieces we missed in the year with those digital singles. yanaginagi's new single is due in October and yes it's for Anime thanks for asking. fuzzy knot is revealing their new music video in an upcoming livestream next week so if you want some good sh*t maybe tune in or just wait a lit for the reveal I guess. Ryokuoushoku Shakai is once again appear in THE FIRST TAKE in case you don't know about this single attempt music live YouTube channel, they sang their new song. And in case you didn't have enough news from them, RyokuShaka will also be doing a studio live next week for their upcoming single so be sure to tune in to listen to their newest and classics.Β 

Next week though, we aren't quite done with Anime, so I'll deal with Omoinotake's new single considering this is for Anime and Limited Edition I can't buy it though, and of course their new album when it drops by just because I'm such a nice guy to give them chance. What I can buy though is w.o.d.'s new single which I forgot to check if it exists but turns out it does, and I've effectively given the single at this point already so maybe I should spend some time thinking of where to get the CD from. *giggles* Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new single which was delayed and did not appear last month, will be a good time to appear this week instead so let's see if we can give a couple more songs from at this point, Klassic Note's most aspiring music artist. Well, it has already come out but still. *giggles*

I did promise to do a roundup of The Fanfiction series I've done in the past couple of months but since I'm lazy and I want to take more naps haha don't mind me, I shall do a quick summary of what Aozaki Shouhei is and where he is at with the ladies around him to far:
Wow, that's a lot to take away from just two months of short stories. *giggles* Moving ahead though, I might focus on doing APoL or probably not, then I'll think of other stories which will make sense and I can find material for, specifically the images. *laughs* See you next time for more lore if I can come up with more, but until then I may have to start preparing for the upcoming blog posts which will require a lot more time to think about and/or prepare for considering the next package is where I replicate an online experience on going to the recent Comic Market 102 ie. Comiket, if I were in Japan. I hope I will be ready by then I am already closing my eyes as I pay for the shipping fees needed to bring them to my room hehe