
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #38

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #38

Sunday, 17 September 2023
Oh damn, it's that time again, huh. Looking back at this week. *laughs* I really should not do this anymore dude, I've got better things to do than to think about how boring it is to earn money-

Alright if you need good news, I've got a few. SSRs all around haha and that is just awesome in general, I forgot how I ended up playing some ecchi online game (lmao) but damn I just did on Tuesday night somehow and I promise you I didn't watch porn that day (or maybe that's the problem haha ah), so yeah, it has been a busy week. *laughs* No nudity in all of these though, ironically. *laughs* Maybe I should not make it a point to reveal all my desires lol yeah I want to be a CEO and have many ladies work under me what of it

Anime and music instead I guess! We are SO CLOSE to be done with this batch of shows I can't even *laughs* Not BLEACH though, I'm talking about-

をニパ Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
"That kind of fanciness only looks good on certain types of people" Man, Komura have you never been more cynical about humans lol
Wait, why is my Anime mom telling me to get piercings? *laughs* Well, Komura, I kind of understand why you don't want to do this. We don't want to recalibrate your image for your gal again, she keeps losing her glasses after all. *giggles* In this new episode where image isn't everything and I say that because I'm not in Anime lol (#SukiMega11), maybe we need something on Mie-san that will give Komura a turn-off. *laughs* There's none, by the way. As seen by how Komura thinks about his gal even on the stuff that won't look good on himself, he would've thought that Mie-san would look better than him even with dyed hair and piercings. Also, middle schoolers dye their hair? I'll take notes. *giggles* Anyways, soon we will see even throughout this episode alone, that Komura is just way too concerned about his own image and how he presents to Mie-san, but that's the thing, she doesn't really mind. She might like him a lot more than he thinks, but we'll put that aside first, because the school festival is up! Well, what can middle schoolers do besides run stalls? Apparently, do handicraft. Mie's one looks like a pillow lol, and yes I guess I'll agree with Komura one that his sucks since he didn't even put effort into it. Then again it is likely not due to his mom who wants him to look even more trendy than her somehow, I still think the problem is Komura hasn't been taught on how to exhibit one's creativity. Hey, they don't teach you that in school, by the way. Somehow. So I won't blame him, but Mie-san is enjoying looking at his exhibit, so I guess we are fine. *giggles* What is not fine though, is that the students were to stay back to set everything up late into the evening, and I guess Mie-san isn't exactly ok with leaving her boi to mingle with the other female students in class (hehe) after school (lmao) for another hour (HAHAHA okay me), she decided to break her curfew set by her parents and stay a little longer. Ironically, this is by the way NOT the same curfew set for normal underage in Japan which is what, 10pm? Yeah, so you want to tell me she has terrible parents now? Well, what a surprise, the mother started spamming on her phone, and just about half an hour past 6, she left the school in a hurry, even running home without changing her shoes out because she couldn't find them. Not like Komura appearing at her place (lol) made this a good explanation, she did technically miss her next morning cocoa if not for her nice dad haha nice, but you know, I don't want to talk about parenting at all, actually. *laughs* Yeah, even reading through Mie-san's recent events, this part is the truth be told portion of like, "Tenshi-sama" series where we have to find out that their lives suck and it's because of their parents. *silence* Why are we even doing this, Japan already has a declining population. *laughs* Not like the evil will correct themselves by watching this anyways, why make the good guys here (lol) sad? Oh well, time to find another happier Anime series. *laughs* And finally, I'm not sure if the couple (lmao) sitting down together while everyone is in the hall in school, is an adequate reflection of how much they want to be with each other. I mean, you gotta get around your parents first. *laughs* All in all... okay Mie-san your mom is evil confirmed- FUCK YOU MOM *laughs* Like, BRUH. *laughs* Look, they always say there must be a nice parent and a bad parent. This one... the nice one just so happens to be Komura. *giggles* Also, not that I'm not trying to make dad jokes here, but what is this, The Great Depression? *silence* I know this somehow had a build-up, but heck, can we not talk about the sad stuff and talk about Mie-san and her dad and Someya-san (lmao) and all those good stuff? I much prefer that. Even next week's episode preview with Azuma and cooking would be more interesting even if Mie-san is hanging out with him and NOT Komura. *silence* Uh oh haha oh come on we know he won't even take confessions this should be alright...?
[TL:DR; "Thank goodness I wasn't suspected of being a stalker!" Oh Komura you're TOTALLY a stalker haha what are you talking about]
P.S. "Empty, boring people like me don't look good with dyed hair and piercings and stuff" Wow then I should be trash lol at least you still looked good for someone to like you, bro
P.P.S. "Why not try breaking your curfew?" How dare you make Mie-san do bad things lol "No way, that's scary" Haha and then we hard cut to Mie-san in a decade getting railed in the back alley at midnight haha ah

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"I like the smiles of women" Wow Rob leave some p*ssy for the rest of us, dude. *laughs*Β 
You asking me? Hmm... considering I've watched 15 years of Anime, voices? I know if I like a female voice I'll fall in love with. Not within this cast though. *laughs* In this new episode where okay maybe Viola's voice is my type and we only talk about boobs here lol what (#ShinigamiBocchan22), let's talk about none of those but then again we have Zain when can we ever NOT talk about those? *laughs* Alright, plot first, we got a lot of things to talk about. Firstly, we know who the new characters are. Not going to use their names because how are they technically lamer than Bocchan's name I don't even know lol, but little boy and old woman found their way into Bocchan's mansion mainly because Cuff and Zain did it too just to escape from the same people. But we now do know their intentions for searching them down, mainly because of Zain's magic again of manipulating time what a surprise, but now it's sweet coated with the ultimate solution to deal with everyone's problems: killing Sade before she can put the curse(s) on anyone. Yes, there are more than one cursed being in this house, and it's the little kid that is cursed with youth transformation AND immortality. Yup, can't believe that is what everyone would have wanted if I didn't feel like I want to die already lmao, but problem is, they made him waaaaaay too young, in case you didn't notice. So young, he doesn't even fit with his wife who also happened to just kick Cuff's buttΒ  because they've lived that long. And here comes their proposition: to train everyone including I guess Bocchan to fight along with them in their wizard's school, in order to take down Sade in the past before all this has happened. Yeah, before she turned evil. I only wonder if this is even possible because is there any fixing if someone is innately evil lmao, then again Zain did not manage to bring back dead people so I wonder why they would want to even do this in the first place. Also, we'll also have to go back REAL far Daleth is like a century and a half ago these guys ages combined aren't even- Anyhow haha, I guess this might just be a joke and I assume they can bring their future selves back to the past, but even then, Sade is one to be scared of, so I wonder if this will even be possible at all. As for Cuff? She just wants to be stronger for some reason. Well not like there is a real threat going on, Daleth is hardly a threat and these guys just came in recently, so I don't know. For me the thing about this is more of what Bocchan thinks of this whole killing thing, and not that he has the power to do so, but whether he has the power to NOT do so because he's that nice. I sometimes wonder if Sade put on curses corresponding of their character which makes them all the harder to remove. Yeah, like that old man who got turned into a kid where his biggest fear is being a kid- We're not done yet though?? *laughs* All in all, as I've seen so far... So wait, we going to have a magic school arc or something? I don't suppose training can take an episode or two only right? How much are we left with this season? *silence* What did I just say about not giving me another season of this adaption, huh? *ugh* Anyhow, looks like there is way more to this than this looks, also maybe slipping into times of the past to find out Sade's intentions might be easier lest we accidentally kill too many people even Sharon wouldn't be alive lol too much uncertainty is the thing, but we AT LEAST have to see the girls in their wizard school. *giggles* They got Hermoine in there? HAHA I sure hope so minimal requirements of admission are judged in terms of face and in figure-
[TL:DR; "I don't want to kill her just because she's an evil witch" DUDE *laughs* Bocchan has a point though, we don't have alternatives?]
P.S. "I just generally like boobs. What is it about thighs that you like?" Haha I feel like this is my bro talking down to me lmao "There are girls in this school too" Wait, what? I just woke up haha
P.P.S. "Tsk, damn perverted nobles" Hey Zain watch what you're saying alright? (lol)

をニパ Bungou Stray Dogs
"Learn from your elder sister!" Man why has it got to be with siblings- "That very sister passed away when she was eight" OOF
I mean, the whole reason that you are still alive, Aya-chan, is because you cute- It's because you got connections with the Agency, dude. Then again, is anyone in the Agency left to take this bait? *laughs* Oh, I guess Atsushi lol. In this new episode where there are no good people left RIP Dazai and even Sigma by the way (#BungouStrayDogs60), everyone's in pain this episode. Bram, Atsushi, Dazai, Fyodor... wait, what? Haha yeah, since there are so many things to talk about, let's consolidate what we have seen so far and make a summary about it. I'm getting tired with too much action, by the way, can't believe I'm saying that. *laughs* For starters, let's talk about the prison. Dazai and Sigma managed to get out of the elevator/lift with some smart thinking, but not like both of them got out unscathed, at least not for Dazai. I thought I would be able to see Dazai pull a something to save Chuuya and/or stop him from killing literally the one who was his.... I don't know what Dazai is to Chuuya but well he's a vampire so I don't think that works, also Fyodor. What doesn't work though also is Akutagawa Sigma because I'm pretty sure we all know and think like what Sigma does who is taking Dazai's side, would be better than taking Fyodor's side to he honest, and don't worry I woke up to the hypnosis Fyodor has set on me because this dumb idiot has no idea what his Ability is and bro it's not double personality you jerk lol, is that he kills anyone who touches him lol also Fyodor making all of that stuff up is what people see when they talk about the power of the Internet 20 years ago lmao. So Sigma now is as good as dead, I suppose. More dead than Dazai? Not if you are a vampire! So yeah, on the airport side though, things are getting messy. Apart from Fukuchi preparing the One Order to be released on his very command just because he is God right now haha maybe deputy God the real God is still in prison *wink*, he also set Akutagawa (in vampire state) to guard against Bram and Aya-chan lest someone wants to come save them *pft* but yes we are technically left with Atsushi and seeing how this goes they can only fight since it's impossible to talk sense into this thing already. And Aya-chan came out with the 200 IQ power move to try a last minute effort at pulling the sword out of Bram by uh, dropping a table down from a height by a cord pulling against the holy sword? How old is she, 10? Her physics, no, science lessons are paying off here real well. *laughs* Child prodigy, we call them. *laughs* Yeah, it's not her fault, she didn't have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. *giggles* With this, I would like to propose a challenge to all undergraduates out there- What am I, the next Engineering professor handing out a project? Piss off. *laughs* So as expected lol I thought gravity changed a bit in the Anime to make this happen lmao that would have been funnier, but yeah, at least start with a longer cord, girl. More time for mass to accelerate. *giggles* Ironically though, the point why Bram did not bother to fight back against all the bad things this girl has done to him including kidnapping him (lol) is also likely because she resembles someone he knows... long time ago. *silence*Β  All in all (haha cringe), hey the One Order did happen as expected it's the order from Melonbooks with doujinshi I enjoyed that last week thank you very much haha *umph*, and yeah, don't think anything new will happen from here on. Though, we are near the end of the season and this has to conclude somehow, so looks like our biggest draw (get it?) might still be from Bram's side who are controlling the vampires, as everyone left in the Agency is in the brink of death so we don't have much to do to them already lol. Hmm... unless you tell me the walkie talkie item (haha) has something in it that will make this fail immediately or from here on, I can't think of anything else. Maybe I can't. I can do less than Aya-chan and Atsushi honestly, I don't even know the plan of the Angels. *laughs* Oh well, watch the world burn as I've always done, I guess. Bram already witnessed centuries of that anyways, not really an issue witnessing another one. *giggles*
P.S. "No one can best the perfection of the dead" I'm pretty sure Aya-chan a lot of people will say otherwise, but I agree with you. *nods head*
P.P.S. "What could a normal person like me do?" SAME haha uh not to dunk on you Sigma but can we not have the same vibes as Komura from "SukiMega" earlier? Thanks lol

をニパ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"I want to help Chizuru-chan any way I can too"
FINALLY some comedic relief. *laughs* Get it? The soft voice in the morning quote? *sigh* Sorry man, I just feel like I can't take this series seriously anymore, after all the sad stuff that has happened. Well, at least for this episode (#KanoKari34) we are starting with Sumi-chan and some normal rental girlfriend dating action? Hey, say this isn't business as usual. *giggles* It's not, no, it's not. *silence* Well, let's not say too soon haha, because this week, we hang out with Sumi-chan! Hey, just even a bit will suffice, I mean, look at how happy Kazuya became after just booking her for an hour which was part of the job, but ended up being the rest of the afternoon and evening apparently. *giggles* No, no one expected that, but it's just the point that since we had to break the news about Sayuri to Sumi-chan here too, even she might need some relief from all this bad stuff and for Kazuya to face Chizuru once again, but hey, didn't say it had to be by the beach out of the city. *laughs* See, the good thing about Anime is that we don't have to show the money spent on all the things done. *laughs* Really, they went as far as Fujisawa (West of Yokohama which is West of Tokyo) to see the sandy beaches, and since they can't do much as it's not the summer period where they let people down to the waters, Sumi-chan decided to climb the Enoshima Sea Candle to watch the spectacular views, all in an effort to ease the pain away. *silence* This wouldn't have worked if it's my mom, she only likes to shop. *laughs* But at least for this couple here (hehe), it's working. Kazuya did just forget he was enjoying himself and breaking his wallet at the same time haha Sumi-chan is employing her rental girlfriend powers to burn her clients' money as much as possible but at someone she calls her friend haha *wink*, Sumi-chan did end up pushing him to make sure he will not think too much about what has happened in the movie production process and all that has happened to the person he likes so far. Not for Sumi-chan who is there for him all the way even not saying that she likes him, and definitely not Naobou Ruka-chan (haha) who just hates his guts but still can't do much about someone's passing and doesn't want to stir the pot too much and will then still let Kazuya do whatever he wants in order to... cheer Chizuru up? Is that even possible though? *laughs* No really, think about it: We have come so far to even talk about the pro level actress that is IchinoseΒ Sayuri Chizuru (lol I'm sorry I promise this is the last one) who doesn't even budge after all the events that has happened around her in her life once she knew she has chosen this path, even her grandfather will think this kid not crying at his funeral is being real cringe and a most likely robotic action. *silence* Still, this won't stop Kazuya picking up on Sumi-chan's advice which isn't that surprising and that is to do what he would do to see someone else in pain and/or in trouble. Give them money (haha) even going as far as to work more shifts at the karaoke so he can book Chizuru once again, not to settle things out because damn maybe we should just not, but do what Sumi-chan knows what to do best. Yeah, Kazuya cheering Chizuru up. When has this been a roaring success? Hopefully this one, possibly. We are near the end already, looks like we are really ending the season with the thing I was actually expecting this episode haha but looks like it's next week, so yeah, this might be it, guys! Well, not the confession that will never happen not even in the latest chapter of the original work lmao (I honestly don't know tbh), but at least we will help Chizuru get over her loss, or even more, her own feelings. Let's hope this works, people! Or else all the money Kazuya worked for would have been in vain, and the manager of the karaoke would have been lying. *giggles* Chizuru man, you can't hide your feelings all the damn time. Ain't anyone family around you to remind you of that no more. *silence* See you then I better shut up already
P.S. "We guys only exist to cheer girls up, remember that" Yes Kazuya's boss at work, I'm taking notes. *giggles* Then again if that is how that works I have not been learning the right stuff lol or not attractive enough haha yeah *sob*

をニパ Horimiya -piece-
"I wasn't stupid or a troublemaker. I am sort of popular within girls, so I got carried away" Haha why are you describing my middle school days
Wow okay I knew the episode title was about the Hori family but (apart from the super long intro) I didn't expect Kyousuke to be in a huge part of this. *laughs* In this new episode where the flashbacks never end because remember they didn't even do the actual love story in chronological order let alone about their parents haha (#HorimiyaPiece12), oh this is young Kayanon. *chef's kiss* Haha yep they got the parents to voice when their characters were younger. Much younger. *giggles* And boy, did we cover all the grounds that we should know about the Hori parents and Sengoku's father, if you still aren't aware, but let's go over the stuff that happened. Firstly, the flashback. Love story goes that Kyousuke (the father) met Yuriko (the mother) in high school. Kyousuke was kind of a bada** but technically isn't he's just not that hardworking and dresses up like a delinquent, and Yuriko... yeah let's say she works for the student council. You know, those people who just run errands to hopefully get into the student council someday? We've all been there, Mitsumi-chan from "Skip and Loafer". *giggles* Yeah, manipulated, just like Sengoku's father would have wanted. *laughs* Still, we all see a different view of them, from how Kyousuke stands up for his girl towards Sengoku and also likely the case how these guys get into some form of relationship only people in the Hori family today will understand lmao, to Sengoku being the serious dude he was haha, to Yuriko just being the normal girl and totally not like her daughter... it's all in the day's work haha until you realize Kyousuke is a bit of a women's guy. *giggles* Okay it's lame saying this but what isn't though, is when Yuriko shows her true colours. Hey, they say if a certain Anime character has never opened their eyes, they are best kept closed. For when they are open, they are going to do some bad, bad things. *laughs* And that's when Kyousuke thought she was for him lmao, and explained to Miyamura he will take on his footsteps as he has to deal with an easily-tempered Hori-san who doesn't have the eyes closed ability, mind you. *laughs* This will likely explain most of the episode already honestly, as we see Miyamura barge in to the weirdest of situations and had to deal with them differently, I guess specifically Souta and his sister and not the father because he's a problem in itself, actually. *laughs* But rest assured, we are all thinking adults haha well only Miyamura is *dabs*, so at least he will be more rational and appeal to everyone in the family lest he gets pushed out of the spaceship by the captain. *laughs* It's great seeing Souta playing around like a kid, and boy not like Hori-san didn't make a mess before or even helped wash the dishes (dude, he's even better than me when I was a kid haha ah), but it feels like taking sides is going to make you lose oxygen faster in this space (get it?) so maybe Miyamura just choose to appeal to the other family members first before thinking of how to console the girlfriend, isn't it? *giggles* I mean, do we need to console her? All she needs is a scolding and spanking from the boyfriend- All in all... it's business as usual in the Hori family. *giggles* I feel like I've said that many times just in this season let alone the whole series, but heck, what's more stories to tell that is dumb and/or funny at the same time now that I've said it I have to explain to Kyouko that she is not part of this? *laughs* But yeah, it's a good laugh, Miyamura MVP in this family according to Souta haha, but now that we have the final episode ahead of us even with new visuals for the Anime, this might really be the end as we experience graduation once again. Haha at least it won't be the same, right? RIGHT?? Haha we shall see, we shall see...
[TL:DR; "Don't touch me." I'm pretty sure that if Hori-san doesn't want to get touched at her place we can send Miyamura home. *laughs*]
P.S. "If things get awkward, I'll just quit" SAME haha this is great advice for working adults too actually "I feared crushing the flower I held in my hand" Wow Kyousuke you were very cringe back then haha
P.P.S. Hey if you are in high school, and don't know what to do after you graduate? Try dating someone around you. The best life advice I can give you haha because you'll have a LOT of time *giggles*

をニパ Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
"Mind if I ask you, where's the fun in controlling people without a mind of their own?" Jesus Christ, Mayuri. *laughs* Also propaganda in a nutshell btw
Man, the last time I saw this blood lust was when Hitsugaya was testing Ichimaru out because he talked sh*t about Hinamori, you guys remember those great times? *giggles* Me neither. *laughs* In this new episode though where zombies roam wild and I don't mean the Arrancar lol (#BLEACHTYBW23), well, we have to deal with Hitsugaya first. Just a head's up, I don't want you to be surprised in any way in case you have not realized since previous episode, Mayuri knows what's up. All of it. So dealing with Hitsugaya is not too much of a deal despite being able to fight as captains (boy you remember when's the last time this action happened?) and boy did the clashing of swords make me smile (hehe), but the thing about Mayuri and his drug lab (haha) is that, he is very smart about the power to deal with ways to stop battle, not end battle. He essentially doesn't have to kill people, in his case. If he has enough knowledge about the opponent and/or his allies which in this case it's the shinigami themselves being controlled by an external entity, then all he needs to do is to whip up drugs so they may never fight again. Well, for now. We have seen that in Szayelaporro with the superhero drug, and this time around, we let Hitsugaya travel back to the past. As if his past isn't sad enough with Aizen trying to use Hinamori as his hostage lmao *dabs*, the idea is that if I didn't remember wrong, as long as Mayuri shouts out his name before he dies, it's all back to square one. Well, where they started because damn if you noticed when he started, you can take his rank in genius below Urahara-sensei, something I don't think I will ever. *giggles* Still, play that drug long enough as with all his drugs, there are crazy side effects so this is enough to stop Hitsugaya (and later, the others) from fighting. Even bringing in Kensei and Rose revived as zombies won't help your case, Gizelle. You are dealing with a inquisitive mind- What am I even saying I don't even like the guy. *laughs* But in his defence though, that's how much we are giving attention to arguably author Kubo-sensei's most beloved character to draw. Moving on, Byakuya is in the mix dealing with PePe (not that Twitch frog with the emotes lol peppoGiggle) the Stenritter with his "love" power, it's not like Byakuya hasn't dealt with someone like him before, so yeah, you chose the wrong enemy kekeke *laughs* You get the idea haha and honestly, Mayuri shouldn't have bothered. Mainly because there isn't a Rukia to take control of haha I wonder where she is now though, but also, that it won't take much to deal with what, a love possessed Hisagi and Ueshama that power Sternritter? But this is still Mayuri's highlight episode in case you didn't realize, so we gotta give him some credit for helping the noble out, I know Byakuya is more popular with the female audience, but still. *giggles* All in all, GREAT EPISODE by the way, as I said many of these stuff including the blood (haha I recall when it was all spit) is all UNFORSEEN in this series thus far I missed the days where shinigami fight each other over Aizen HE is the guy to fight over with haha says Hinamori *dabs*, swords are so less of a thing I cringe when I see that Sternritter Robert hold a gun too. *laughs* Still, many things here are more than creepy like the injection and stuff, I know this is all canon material but making it this good is just *chef's kiss* making my dreams come true to make this an action series classic I've grown to love. Thanks to all who have done this so far- Oh, we're not in the final episode yet? We got Lilotto Lililotto to deal with? I wonder what's up her sleeve *wink* No really I don't remember what's up her sleeve maybe Ao-chan can remind me of what that is haha I'm not a masochist I promise you- Not as masochist as the Squad Zero who are asking to get their a**es KICKED haha oops spoilers lol we wish them the best of luck *prays* they are strong they can deal with the Quincy lord
[TL:DR; No really, enjoy this episode and the past few ones a little more you ungrateful brat next episode onwards will be DEATH lol I'm not joking btw]
P.S. "I don't know, I'm not a sadist." Okay Naobou is masochist confirmed haha ah "Puke or pig, he's better than nothing" Hey Yuuki Aoi pleased to meet your acquaintance haha what's up dude *sob*
P.P.S. "Where there is no love, there are no battles!" Yeah that's true maybe that's why though, the leaders of the world are in love with each other-
[Okay original work flashback! Haha I feel like I should do this sooner regularly, Mayuri's one I think upon Kubo-sensei's supervision they were followed to a tee (hehe), Byakuya's fight with the three was expanded which is why we saw Robert release his Volla V-power yup I remembered I Yachiru-ed that name haha, and that is the most disgusting transformation from PePe I've ever seen. *silence* Is this what I look like coming out of the shower? Haha too much information I'm not going to show him here though FYI]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week on music is kinda rough, I gotta say. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the mood anymore to give emotional songs considering I wasn't sad all week but I did somehow got mad in a meeting (yes the thumbnail in one of the Anime is IRL real) and that changed everything. *giggles* So yeah, congrats Ikimonogakari's new single for starting the duo formation strong and letting this appear on my shelf so I can actually conclude where to buy nasuo's single from like, last month because I had to. Damn single-track singles haha *looks at Chatmonchy in 2012* Anyways, perhaps the harder part was trying to give Aida Rikako's new mini-album which isn't too surprising but more interestingly I was able to give one of the other songs in the release first than the one Anime ending theme song I was supposed to give in the first place. *laughs* So yeah, that has been all solved, so don't worry about it, I have already given. *giggles* And we don't talk about Minase Inori's new single I intentionally left her out last week too. *laughs*

Boy, trust me do I hate to see all the X posts this week just because when I copy any of these links from here on it reminds me of how a f**king billionaire can ruin my image of where I get my news lol how surprising. *laughs* Let's just move on, shall we? Aimer's new music video is the first song I gave in her recent album and boy is it good now it's a collaboration with some space inspiration project? Never mind the song was good so don't mind the collab. SIX LOUNGE's new song is rather emotional which is nice, we hardly hear things like this from them which is good, so I'll remember this for the album when it's out next week. I don't think Minase Inori's new music videoΒ won't change my mind to like her new single at all (Kurari-san on the B-side you are an exception and even then) I would not even care especially when this isn't even a cute video or song to begin with. We got more new credits coming in for Sambomaster's new song is used in an upcoming drama series and it'll be out for listening in a month, their album is in November by the way. Ikimonogakari's new music video is as boring as can be, but this is an encouraging song from the single released this week anyways so I can't imagine anything otherwise but be thankful the song isn't like, 7 minutes long and the video is all taken in a stadium. *silence* Let's move on haha, okay apparently I love this trend of boring news Ryokuoushoku Shakai is on THE FIRST TAKE again this time singing the B-side to their latest single released last month and not like that will make me like the song again so yeah, I'll put that aside if you don't mind. Well, at least Hanazawa Kana's new live video is something I have given earlier this week in case you don't remember it is on my shelf now and she has since gone on live tour and releasing the footage as Blu-Ray release and that's why you get all these freebies. *giggles* miwa announced another EP due in November so hype because damn did I tell myself throughout the year that she is still the only artist I've followed for a decade which didn't suck disappoint me in new songs so I'm just glad she is just coming back with more songs to please, I take those. In contrast to the winter and love themes back in February, this one will be Autumn-themed, oooooh *laughs* Uesaka Sumire's revealed new single tracklist did also show familiar names including previously mentioned Ooishi Masayoshi and TECHNOBOYS PULCRAFT GREEN-FUND? Uh oh. *laughs* If I have to give this song I'll update next month. *giggles* Last but not least, we got tipped on details to Natsukawa Shiina's 3rd albumΒ releasing inΒ November including a lyric video of the title song which honestly isn't bad and I swear I know the composer's name. Haha and the lyricist yes of course I know her she is my imouto how can I not know-

So next week, hell yeah we are back with SIX LOUNGE's new album so that will suffice in the "making me happy" department which hopefully fuzzy knot's new digital single will not do so and pale in comparison so maybe we will give the latter first. *giggles* I still want to explore w.o.d. after I've heard of some band trailer on their YouTube channel so unless these guys disappoint then maaaaybe I'll get to that. Or else it'll be for a period without new releases so that I can enjoy the luxury of hearing fresh tunes on a weekly basis which apparently not many appreciate. I guess it's me and Klassic Note then. *giggles*

Boy, am I just SO HOOKED on Hitsujibungaku's new music video though. *laughs* No really, drape beats, dude. I'm still young, by the way, I still listen to this shit. *laughs* Also worth of laughter is the final (season) final (part) final (chapters) final episode of Attack on Titan (lmao) which will FINALLY air at the start of November so be sure to watch this till the very end- I think I'm just hallucinating, honestly, for following this for almost a decade. *giggles* AND THIS IS WHY ANIME SEQUELS NEED TO STOP- Who am I lying to, can't wait to watch more sequels next season lol. See you guys next week then, and until then I think my hands on Saturday might be itchy enough for me to (Audience: Continue APoL??) restart the Fanfiction series again next month haha so stay tuned for that everyone- Why is everyone leaving? *laughs*

P.S. I can't wait for the day where I have to change ALL of the x dot com URLs back into Twitter haha *dabs* Saya-chan is right though how much money to buy it back from that idiot? *laughs*