
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #40

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #40

Sunday, 01 October 2023
Man, am I already in regret waiting for another week to review that one photobook (lol) because apart from it being spoiled to death within just these few weeks and effectively Karin-chan promoting the heck out of it I think I am already done just without the book itself lol why, but also, the Inorin fanclub newsletter got shipped to me, JUST AS I WAS SHIPPING IT OFF!! *sigh* Well, guess I gotta pad the order now HAHAHA

Welcome back. At least for next week we will have a slew of posts lined up, so that's good news. What's not good news is likely my decisions to buy stuff for the week including changing my desk chair because the arm cover was breaking. I mean, could've just bought a cover to put over it but rather spend more money to take up more space! Why do I behave impulsive like my mom now lmao

Anyhow, we got the Anime next season preview on hand too, but not until we send all of these off! I'm already glad I don't have to watch five damn sequels next season even though not like sequels will leave me alone but now I can watch new shows! I can't complain about sequels anyways I watched them in the first place haha *sob*

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
"They aren't dirty" But Komura's mind is HAHA also this series in a nutshell
Oh yeah they bothย have glasses?? Now THIS is heaven. *laughs* In this final episode where I still have no idea where this is going and they are middle schoolers in case you need a reminder lol (#SukiMega13), maybe, just maybe, we get a conclusion out of this. But instead, we just have more daily shenanigans from Mie-san herself apparently, because you know, see title. *laughs* But is it already surprising the nth time coming? Especially when she just brought the other pair of glasses which are non-prescription thinking that they are? Like, you walk out of the house blindfolded? Haha either way Komura doesn't care, he just stares at her all day and be nice to her hoping that some day, he won't be forgotten just like her glasses were. *silence* I mean, you have been staring at her already, so just take it out. *laughs* I promise you, I PROMISE YOU, this is not a porno. *laughs* The rice on her hair, please. Also not talking about the weird stuff that makes Komura a creep, at least we can talk about how just Mie-san's tied hair from her friend is making Komura have a different reaction which is still "you're cute" just like how we deal with idols lol where is the lie here, but more on the story focusing on the time that has passed so far, and how they will not be meeting each other for some time soon since the exams are over and summer vacation is on the way. Not a great idea to ignore parents who are bringing you on vacation lucky them, but heck, Komura did still have desires to hang out with his... his... *laughs* Classmate, female classmate by the way, during the summer holidays. This is unlike the male classmates who just tease the heck out of her during her elementary school days like Ise who she met on the streets recently, who of course stereotypical, guys will only fool around and sort of bully girls *ahem* and take their stuff and things, only to think that they might be up to something to grab their attention and their parents didn't teach them to be nicer to women lest they what, face the consequences when they reach adulthood and are single? Haha tell me I'm not one of them. *laughs* Even still, and this is where it matters even more than just staring at each other's faces in the playground lmao, where the origin story(?) as shown in the flashback when Komura still had his black hair in case you forgot it was dyed as instructed by the mother, it looks like they knew each other some time ago, and technically them sitting beside each other is not just a matter of fate! I mean, maybe Komura is just into the idea of some girl saying he's great husband material which I will beg to differ but *laughs* You know, the feelings be mutual at this point so yeah, why not? Komura would argue that she might forget about him just like how she forgot about her elementary school classmates? BRUH. *giggles*ย Nah Komura, that's impossible, you have done irreversible damage to her to make her yours. *laughs*ย All in all... I thought they would not come up with a proper ending just because it's just an adaptation, but now that I've seen the flashback... alright, I'll take it. *giggles* But seriously though, maybe people will complain about the weird contrast in graphics, the lack of plot and above all else, who the heck cares about Komura lmao I'm more into Azuma-kun haha, but overall this is just a nice, simple romance story to enjoy. I did enjoy my time watching this for the past few months. Sure it's no classic romance plot lines and stuff and losing glasses sounds like a bad excuse considering you take your exams more seriously than your eyes lol and Komura is really just like a creep the girl doesn't mind having around, but heck, this is Anime so this will work. I appreciate the soft approach to this middle school romance, and I definitely did not regret picking Mie-san up. Uh, I mean...!!! *laughs* The theme songs, picking up the theme songs were great haha remind me to stop watching another middle school romance
[TL:DR; "Meanwhile, I'm her a dad-like classmate who has sat beside her for a while." Actual proper summary of this series by the way]
P.S. "I guess she's effectively forgotten her glasses today, then." We have progressed till this stage already, huh. *laughs* Then again she did buy those fake glasses and bring it to the field trip lolย 
P.P.S. "Not that I've taken a selfie anywhere else either" Yeah Komura SAME haha oh except the one time when I wanted to see how dumb I look with wireless earbuds lmao
[If you aren't here for 1x Mie Ai, then I hope you are here for Komura but we are not gay here so more Mie-san for ONE LAST TIME *giggles*]

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"Give me a light" Says a lot about Ichi and this series in general lolย 
Yeah you right Cuff-san isn't hot enough LET'S GOOOOOO *laughs* In this final episode of a second season which one should already expect another sequel (#ShinigamiBocchan24) haha it has been announced already in case you missed that, we are concluding the days we are having in the magic school... maybe? Maybe I was too fast on the talk here to be frank, but let's find out what happened this time around. Cuff is training with Ichi because all she wants is to get stronger but forgets that she needs to focus on battle and not let emotions get in her way? Check. Daleth sneaking into the school? Check. She got found out by Nico and had to fight him because she told him she was Sade (lol) but then told him otherwise because she found out this was a school with Walter in it? What? *laughs* I like how even within the new characters and the old ones which at this point I would hardly call Daleth evil, there is still always something new to talk about even if it's Cuff sleeping in class with all the drool and Viola not caring anything in the world or just Alice telling Bocchan the answers when being asked in lesson. You know, it's all fun and laughter until you forget we are all trying to build up our knowledge and skills to fight against a master of magic and illusion. And mind-reading, that's right. Bocchan figured that out maybe a little too fast there even to ask Daleth in person, but considering that Sade would resort to creating curses specific to her targets, goes to show how much she cares about people how much she is aiming at their weaknesses in order to maximize her passive damage to people who apparently are getting in her way. Well, I would doubt that Bocchan will get in her way, but I assumed someone in the household did. Who that is though, I'm not too sure. What I am sure is though, is that Sade hates everyone, especially people from the future lol Zain managed to send the bunch into the past, but more likely also, we have heard a little something from the master witch. Zain may be keen on her body (lmao) but she is more keen on the people who will get in her way, specifically in her way of love. You know, think Walter and Daleth but Bocchan gets in the way haha what? *laughs* He won't, he can't anyways. *dabs* Anyways coming back, but knowing just that fact is enough to send the group back home just because no one wants to fight a woman in constant anger lol, also maybe go back because the couple (hehe) managed to meet Bocchan's grandfather who despite a lack of interest to find why these people are roaming around his mansion, probably is going to be a character involved in Sade's... erratic behaviour back then. So many factors just in going back to the past? No wonder they need another season to wrap this up. They gotta get Sharon to wake up too? Uh... all in all, yeah that was quite an abrupt ending, dude!! Hmm... let's not talk about everything else but talk about just because they will have a sequel incoming, doesn't mean that we can't conclude this properly! I mean, I guess they are taking the befriending of Sade a thing to focus on for the next season of Anime but still, I'm most definitely not satisfied on how the story was told so far. I think I will forget about it in due time though, considering the next will be story concluded(?) next year, so we shall see. So so far, I will go into the final(?) season with two things in mind, that Sade has cursed more than who we know including yes you guessed it Daleth-san of all people, and that Sharon might be a potential antagonist, making this series' bad and good even more convoluting than before. Remember the idea about people in Anime grinning without their eyes open, those characters? Yup, be ready to be scared next... year not next month haha, where we will see if Sade can be stopped before all this hell takes place! Probably not surprising, it has to be romance-related so love has a chance to be stronger than magic... right?
P.S. "This might be a wizards' school, but I'm a witch" Okay Flea I'm an idiot so can you explain to me what's the difference? *laughs*
P.P.S. "Your sneeze is so cute, Daleth." For once Teto-san I have to agree with you HAHAHA hey old hag you can't pull off something like this- "I'm over 150 years old, and I'm wearing this indecent outfit..." Hikasa Youko having middle age crisis be like *laughs* LMAO YEAH this is basically her in the recent Anisama where she dresses up as a middle schooler

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"Girls are a total mystery!!" Haha where's the lie
Once again, I'll ask a serious question: Do you like to be alone? I mean, don't ask me, but if you have people you love, don't you miss company? For me, this final episode of this lovely series which has always been smiling as often as Chizuru has (#KanoKari36), I think like, we have reached a point where we can cry about things like this, yeah, this is the "sometimes" Kazuya has been talking about. For that, I feel like Kazuya may have done the most gentlemanly thing ever in a rental girlfriend date: Tell the rental that she's his ideal. I know, that may sound real clichรฉ in some way or another, but I also think that's a good reminder on what this series has become, and I think might also be its flaw. Yeah, unlike Ichinose who has been perfect all around in the one date she was supposed to enjoy herself in, uh... I think the problem here then is they still make jokes about how Kazuya is only just going to idolize whatever he thinks should be his lover because damn, that wouldn't be enough, would it? *giggles* Maybe he should be the supporting man after all, not like we've not seen women with power. But ironically it has always been Chizuru trying to hold herself back, and you know, neither of them will ever profess their feelings for each other which really just makes this conclusion rather stale compared to many other shows which will actually give you that straightforward albeit cheesy conclusion. That aside though, I'm more than surprised that Kazuya did retort the rental girlfriend back to give her a chance to cry her heart out. That I think was done the best it can be done, but maaaaaybe without the directness of Kazuya saying that or at least in this case implying that, she can at least cry in front of him. Yeah, that's how she became his ideal, by the way. *giggles* I mean, Mini-chan doesn't even need to know this much to get this feeling and thus keeps dunking her master (lol) to do more about this romance that might just go away as long as Chizuru doesn't keep that mask on, but the impression so far is really still just... this is no longer business but the rental girl keeps treating it as such! I know it feels like a violation of rules for the company, and technically her neighbour Kazuya just needs to pick up his naked loser butt in the bath (lmao), but that is not what happened, dude! *laughs* Maybe that's the problem about this series after all, apart from everything else which is actually lovely in comparison and/or even honest, as we have seen from Ruka-chan to Sumi-chan and so on. All in all... as any of the female characters apart from Mami-chan (because who tf cares where she is) and Sumi-chan (because she can never) would have said: Ah~~AH!! *laughs* No really, we are very likely still back in square one. Just that, you know, we have the experience of going one round of the map on this journey of rental girlfriend with a girl named Ichinose. Because overall, I think this series has been less of a rollercoaster ride than what it should have been in the first place, showing off the complications of just dating a rental girlfriend or falling in love with one. I mean, that premise is fine for me, but seeing where this goes up till now and with many more stories to tell in the original work? I already don't foresee much of a motivation to like this more than I have to. Also, seeing what hints they dropped for us so we can go watch the source material? I wouldn't even care more. And it's not like I don't care about Mami-chan, maybe it's just me, but most of the stuff here doesn't hit like I wanted it too. If you need a better impact, then the story about some strong woman without any weakness or she does but we still have no idea what it is just like how Kazuya is right now... that kind of woman should (typically) be paired with a strong man who will do anything for his girl, which in this case, should not lack the confidence more than what was essentially a professional actress. It's too real to pair this loser lol with an ideal per se, but that also means that it won't carry much weight compared to those which go straight to the point. And that's what I think is genuinely (I'm not acting now) think that all this is its biggest flaw even till now. Drama might be drama, the jokes and emotional moments do hit me, but it's just not it. Chizuru might be ideal, but this series is not, and might never be. If they still want to try to convince me they are welcome too, but I shall view this with a different vision, depending on how far they will go to not let the main couple progress at a faster pace, in my opinion.
[TL:DR; I might be harsh on this season review, but reflecting on this for a bit, I still think it's a hard sell on letting a wimp guy do anything for a perfect woman. It's not bias, it can be done this is the best method you will see yet, but people will want more predictable or even wholesome drama. With that, I doubt many will appreciate what this is trying to convey or withhold from expressing, I would think.]
P.S. "I chose not to talk about it. I'm a man with delicacy." But then you guys can't talk? What a conundrum to have haha freaking normies *laughs*
[Okay quick fact: The QR code on the shirt in which Mini-chan was wearing when she was knees down with Kazuya (who was wearing a shirt with their broadcaster DMM TV's logo) was... drum roll please haha, a link to her voice actress Serizawa Yuu's Twitter/X account! Haha okay good joke I almost forgot this was a dramatic series I swear her profile views that night just skyrocketed as people tried to scan the code ALSO JUST REALIZED THIS IS BASICALLYย TONIKAWA'S KANAMEย LMAO and the "best love advisor voice actress award" goes to...]

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Fall 2023 Anime Preview
[Powered by Random Curiosity]
This is a concise yet at this point, super long talk about the stuff I like and hate and possibly also to announce(?) the number of shows I will watch actively on a weekly basis [with Japan simulcast dates] for the next three months coming for my weekends. *giggles* And as if that isn't enough, I will make sure to dunk on stuff I either do not have any interest in or are close to being dunked but I will not give any chance because there are so many out there now, you tell me what is good based on my interests.

Anyways, here we go:
Hmm if I don't count sequels, and the two I am initially keen but I won't be watching, then this season's focus might not be romance after all! Record-breaking, really. *laughs* Who am I lying to anyways, I'll watch love stories unfold even if it means I'm single forever- As expected, I don't have enough experience lol watch me ditch that harem show immediately by the way. The schedule is also kinda near the weekend which messes up my Sunday schedule for watching these so that's gonna suck. *giggles*

Oh yes, I am also not including in this, non-regular shows so "Attack on Titan" blah blah blah final lmao, and "Hanako-kun" airing alternate weeks for some reason, so we will get to them when we have to. *laughs*

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
"What about that cat hag? Where did she go?" Oh damn Hiyori why you call Yoruichi like that
Things be getting serious here already, people. Like really, if this new episode and conclusion of the second season (#BLEACHTYBW25) isn't a hint of what is about to happen in the Royal Palace, I don't know, just watch ahead? Haha of course, I really should not even talk about what will happen since only Yhwach will know of that lol *wink*, but you know, the action scenes are exciting to watch to say the least! From Askin dealing his death using strategic poisoning lol I can't wait for your to be destroyed by [REDACTED], to the fight between Tenjirou and Hashwalth which boy really compensated for the former missing in action last week, or Ishida the loser (haha) fighting Senjuumaru with her super quick reflexes on spiritual energy manipulation, looks like everyone is having a great time even just within the cage that Hikifune just set up. Also yeah the highlight of this so far, Yhwach against Ichibe. I think we know a lot about the former or well maybe you don't, but let's talk about the latter first, Ichibe's powers. His "sword" or some sorts do not just kill things, he removes the names out of them. Think of like programming where everything in the application is made of thousands of variables even without the end-user knowing? Yeah, he just happens to know the name of Yhwach's right arm holding a sword. *laughs* Yeah, it's the same short form called by Namaiya when they first met. *laughs* Yu-ha~!! Haha it's like the good morning "oha~" but lamer. *laughs* Ironically, Ichibe didn't spend enough time to wipe off like, his memories or something then again it's a naming power not a memory-altering power though isn't it the point? Haha anyways, so Yhwach still remembers that he has powers to utilize so he used one from the first page of his bible: The control of Quincy power. With this, he is able to effectively make the rich stronger and poor weaker so that the overall power of the Quincy army stays strong, or just you know, the one leader gets stronger so he can fight Ichibe again. It's like a terrible fiscal policy. *laughs* ECONOMICS JOKE haha I had to check if I am referring to this right, by the way, my econs sucked at university. Which also means apart from those who avoid the beam of light on them, the rest are going to be used to get rid of the Squad Zero. Uh oh. That might have gotten a lot of people worried starting from Kyoraku where, I did remind you before, meets with Ukitake revealing that all this time, he has been housing some god-like powers which will be seen on the remaining Sternritters soon. Oops, spoiled too much again. *laughs*
P.S. "I remember now. That "for the sake of Seireitei" of yours, I hated it." I mean, Hiyori, if Urahara-sensei meant "according to his plan" then yeah sure why not, we aren't that intelligent to plan for anything that's happening right now tbh
P.P.S. "Which one of you is the (Quincy) successor again?" Yeah Namiaya I'm not too sure too actually haha "There's no way I'm dying right here!" Hey Bazz-B and Lililotto? You guys should be a couple. *laughs*
"What is with this blade? It just splashes ink around and doesn't cut a thing!" Girls after they sucked my-
Moving on back to the Royal Palace, at least in this final episode (#BLEACHTYBW26) we are not letting Squad Zero lose to these guys just yet I hope, especially when I don't remember whether this is added in or is part of the lore, but damn these fights are a joy to watch! Damn, Ichibe with the Kido too, my boy. Oh, I'm tearing up. *giggles* But still, despite the real hit on Squad Zero and I don't mean Ichibe he is in a different realm anyways, I'm just happy that all this action has been made SO WELL I cannot even ask for more, from just the individual member fights in general not winning to the true powers of the Sternritter gang up there by the way, still had more up on their sleeve. Just, uh, it's not safe, as usual, what else is new with superpowers in this universe. Yeah, if you thought Yamamoto was ruining worlds, oh boy, allow me to tell you about just one of the Bankais from Squad Zero. *silence*ย  Yeah, Kon would've woken up to this phenomenon. (Oh shit, is that what happened at the end of the episode? Senjuumaru no stop haha) Suffice it to say that I think this is just a way to get the voice actress of Senjuumaru more paycheck for her buck lol, but between all the names and abilities it's not hard to explain why this will ruin worlds because damn it's as if Kubo-sensei went all out in making sure the good guys don't die to these losers just yet. *giggles* Especially Ichibe, he cannot die. *silence* No really, as long as one can fight, you will hardly be able to win Ichibe in the first place because his zanpakuto, in case you haven't caught wind of it yet, has the ability to remove names, and later in his not called Bankai, give names to anything that is it by his ink. So yeah, just buy Twitter, change it to X, and no one would've remembered that old domain name called "twitter dot com" and it's a financial and corporate mess. *silence* Hey, I'm not saying it doesn't work lol, but so far just erasing Yhwach in name (not in existence by the way) and naming him "black ant" is working haha hey if this is not the biggest bullying session in "BLEACH" considering Ichibe just stole a bit of something from everyone I'm pretty sure including myself lol, I don't know what is. Bullying Kon though? Small fry. *laughs* Also reduced to small fry is... I don't know what to call him now, to be honest. Quincy God's son? Yeah whatever, that thing. *laughs* He's doomed. Unless you tell me he has something else up his sleeve in order to meet with his dad- All in all... boy I know this is the halfway point of the final arc, but damn, Kubo-sensei permitted the return of Kon? *laughs* Like, F**K OFF DUDE WE DON'T NEED THIS AFTER ALL THE SERIOUS ACTION lol who am I lying they can't even afford to do the animation for this new Shinigami Illustrated, pft. *laughs* Anyhow, I'm just rather pissed that [spoiler alert] they stopped the season here. I knew Ukitake won't appear this soon into the story he will have a purpose to fulfil I promise you, but heck, why then did they not choose to stop where the Quincy King will be [spoiler alert again just in case you don't heed my advice] killed and absorbed, signalling the next wave of doom fall? I guess this is not the depression that is "Attack on Titan", huh. *laughs* I mean, they even placed some comedic relief at the end!! Like, why? *laughs* Never mind that, this is still overall something to enjoy for the most part, I am not disappointed until they brought in that stuffed toy lmao, so yeah keep this going for next year when season 3 drops in! Oh man, we are just getting started, guys.
P.S. "I'll now use my... to... " YouTube videos with today's censorship requirements be like *laughs* "What was that?" Yeah Ichibe I know right might as well stream at Kick-
P.P.S. "All the black in this world, belongs to me." Woah woah Ichibe you gotta relax at least get yourself away from humans first especially when you gonna be racist?? lol
[Reflection time! Oh boy, did they not follow the manga at all. *laughs* So yeah, they made Yhwach showing off the power distribution more prominent on his side than what should've started from erasing Robert, I can't believe Kyoraku is having a drink but not bringing his drink to Central 46 lmao, and of all things, they didn't reveal his Almighty power here and there. Again, thought all this will be in season 2 maybe I'm wrong in saying that in the first place, but thank goodness we don't have a final chapters part 2 or something to deal with. You do you, supervisor Kubo Tite. *giggles*]

ใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒก Ojou to Banken-kun
"I will have a normal romance (in high school). Yes, I need to fall in love. Boring, happy love." Dude, is this not the best advice I can give to youngsters today? Haha
Oh I assure you this is where the deaths end because in this new series where the one beside her is not a monster lol (#OjouToBankenKun01), this one beside the granddaughter of the yakuza (lol) is her personal caretaker, I guess you can call them childhood friends as the guy introduced to the other classmates in school, maybe he's her dad haha, but overall, he is her crush. Not crash please, we can't talk about the accident. *oof* Just a short summary, we are dealing with the caretaker role yakuza underling (lol) who is way older than her of course, now trying to blend in into the high school she went in just so he can protect her from... well, everything. Problem is, this has resulted in her being so antisocial because of the overprotectiveness, this guy also blocks her from dudes. So yeah, normal romance? That can go to hell. *laughs* Obviously not what Senagaki wants when she walks into a new environment, but sure is rough trying to blend in considering she has never done so, so the guy leads her in every way possible, from making them the chairpersons in class, to even allocating teams in sports day so she gets to play some volleyball. Until, and I do not joke, she gets hit by one. Thank goodness the first victim was one of the yakuza dudes who can be punished unlike the students in class haha we saved some innocent human beings today once again, but still, it's as if he doesn't want to see his girl (hehe) grow up and be independent and be just a little stronger than just a little princess. Yeah, real cringe if you think about it, so I really hope for her sake, that he will take a step back. But not like it's helping her though since she's already, if you didn't notice, hopelessly in love with this caretaker twice her age. So yeah, normal romance? Not unless it's with your stepfather. *laughs*ย All in all... I might give this a miss. *giggles* I feel like this got a lot of things right in many places but also a lot of things wrong too I especially disliked the pace of the story for starters it's rather slow, but I think the biggest thing drawing (get it?) me away from it now is the animation. Like, I can provide examples for days with the warped eye balls on close up and extra top lip for effect(?) but yeah, if these kinds of shoujo romance needs some kick (get it because volleyball?), it's definitely making sure that the guy looks super handsome and the girl... well the guy is more important haha yeah. Or maybe I'm not that hooked into it, whatever. Still, I would say this isn't great, so I'll take away Akarin's ending theme song and be done with it, I don't want to associate myself with the yakuza anyways haha ah
[TL:DR; "An old yakuza dude cosplaying as a high schooler? Is this some new scam?" This series' origin in a nutshell lol]
P.S. "I practically raised you up, after all" GROSS that is NOT how you pick up chicks "I'm not your child" Haha I know right I wish you were my wife- *dabs*
P.P.S. "Old? I'm only 26" "That's old enough" OOF Akarin can you not break my delicate heart also you are soon going to be-
[Isaku-chan special!! Just this once though, I don't want people to think that I like this girl lest the guy comes for my life lol]

้Ÿณๆฅฝ This Week on Klassic Note
This week has been okay for music, ending the month of September I ended up more than I have asked for, honestly. Because damn apart from just giving the one song from Hitsujibungaku's new single (digital, unless I'm talking about the physical Limited Edition only release) I found out through Scenarioart that Aoyama Sachiko's new EP just released and boy did it hit me with the title song music video I ended up giving more, even though before that one tweet post I did give a chance to MOSHIMO's new albumย I would say thanks to their title song music video, which turned out better than their EP I've heard earlier this year so damn, do they be printing songs. Not going to ruin SIX LOUNGE's day if I listened to this last week though, unlikely. So yeah, been totally influenced by music videos on this week's songs haha yes "sheep literature" included lol I can't stop shaking to the song like what the music video showed in the intro lol

Interesting list of tweets posts from social media this week though I have to say, wrapping up this season and month somehow. SPECIAL OTHER's new tune and also last reveal before their album end of October is alright, and I think I have a good idea of what to like among the 10 beats that have been progressively revealed so far. I don't know why their social posts are unclear to make me not notice this, but GLIM SPANKY will release a new album in November in case I forgot so I better write that down for more rock tunes. Aimer is releasing a new single in December no surprises there it's for Anime you are totally correct even if you haven't guessed anything. Married, by the way. *laughs* Speaking of, Kotobuki Minako's new music video made me like her once again for some reason, even though this is not Kotobuki Rock she was known for at least this is good lead up to the return of her solo music career(?) and/or a restart to her singing once again. fumika's new song is alright, not going to make me jump the gun and give it and that's saying things especially when I barely cared for her digital single months ago. Thought this will be interesting to share, halca collaborated with Amber's (I would argue it's the other way around since the latter was doing it too often) on Anime "KanoKari" first season ending song sung by the former artist and it sure is nostalgic for a halca song since it wasn't good. *silence* Moving on haha, Kitou Akari's new music video for Anime is waaaaay better than the Anime (hehe) and boy did she never have sung a love song I wanted so much. *giggles* Thanks for the fanservice, my dear. Sambomaster finally confirmed their new album for November release which the track list now revealed many songs that have appeared in recent years including classics just because, so this might feel more of a remaster instead- Yeah, just like Ajikan, yeah. miwa decided to stream her recent acoustic live on YouTube yesterday just because but then again I wasn't keen on it (lmao) so I might as well wait for her new EP which has a title now, thank goodness. FINLANDS is releasing a new digital single in two weeks this just got shadow dropped to me, so let's see if this holds up by then. SCANDAL's new song for their anniversary will premiere its music video next week so maybe I'll give the song then I guess. I have not heard of the song or any of the songs yet but if Tsuji Shion decided to collaborate with Enfamilia then maybe I should take a listen. I don't know what to make of it though, sounds interesting I guess. *giggles* I am SO FREAKING HYPER (get it?) over Kroi's new music video which will go live next week so damn I pray it will be good and the rapping won't deter me too much. And in a surprise to at least me haha, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new song is for Anime this new season which I won't watch, the one with the palace poison girl. *laughs* From what was in the newest trailer I've not seen in the preview, the ancient palace context is already making this most intriguing in itself, I'm in!

So for next week as planned, since we don't have new Anime theme songs to rock to, I shall rock into my research with w.o.d.'s 3rd albumย from last year which will no doubt be mentioned in the reviews next week too so let's see if we can align on something music. And if I get bored maybe I can listen to whatever Enfamilia's album is about which released like, two days ago. It's got Tsuji Shion and many other people I don't know- THERE'S HALCA IN THIS?? lol

I think by delaying my upcoming package by a week might be a reeeeal bad idea because that means next week we will get a new post every day of the week!! I think. *laughs* Assuming that the package drops by earliest tomorrow, my weekday nights will be busy. *giggles* On other things, if you want to join my life of meaningless retweet re-posting whatever campaign TrySail is going through in countdown to their live tour now, you are welcome to join in with promises of a chance to get... I don't even know what it is but even if it's a reply from the staff I'll also be happy- Okay but a reply from Mocho though?? *laughs* See you guys next time then, and trust me, I have been planning to revive The Fanfiction series as soon as, wait for it, next weekend. *silence* No promises though, not even on account of Kitou Akari's birthday in two weeks HAHA UNTIL NEXT TIME!!~

P.S. Because Akarin was so adorable in her new music videoย and I spent WAY too much time on this: