
The Welfare Package October 2023 Part 2: Thinking Back, Looking Ahead

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The Welfare Package October 2023 Part 2: Thinking Back, Looking Ahead

Friday, 27 October 2023
Well, there has been Halloween(?) livestreams whole week already, so let's take this time to wrap this up.

Okay no no we don't wrap this up we have to unwrap, for this is the second package of the month!! Well, the previous one should be for last month, and so was the one before, and this wasn't even planned the slightest... until I did as always, so let's see what else we have here! With more stories to tell, more uncertainties to add into my already messed up collection, why not end this month (and week) the best way I can, in fear? *laughs*

Voice actress stuff, super expensive electronics and more, in this month's second serving of happiness!! *giggles* "Welfare", remember?

Kitou Akari 5th Single "Magie x Magie"
Taketatsu Ayana Fanclub "Ayana Koukoku" Event 2023 Bromides
Minase Inori fanclub newsletter "Inori Machi Diary" #23
Another Suruga-ya Run
Alternative Girls 7th Anniversary Goods
km5 Bluetooth CD Player Instant Disk Audio-CP1
Just a little unboxing, you know what's up. Well you don't know what's up because I did have to open the box to do a certain review yesterday...

This is literally the only thing I can show you, the weight of this box

Blessed with ample padding, as expected of Japan

Okay immediately I see a lot of good stuff hehe

Oh yeah these things. *laughs*
We will deal with you in a moment

If this deja vu to anyone?

Oh, I know what these are, you can join that set of bromides later.
*much excite*


It's consumer electronics, alright.

Here we go, this is what we wanted, just Akarin's back view so I can-

And the special gift- No no wait not this yet haha

And... cut to the one Klassic Note Review yesterday and one day later!! *laughs*

So first(?) up, this one's gonna be short just because and I don't mean the girl she got laid and had a kid and I'm still single *sob*, this is Taketatsu Ayana fanclub 5th anniversary bromide photos!! Oh yeah, even if you want these you can't just get it off PONY CANYON official store Canime, you have to have simped on her. Well, at least for a month but I've been on this fanclub since the start of the year and waiting for this very announcement, and finally, it is out featuring her in... familiar outfits you might recall from her solo artist career since 2012, I'm just not going to show you all because just like her fanclub wallpapers which is only backdated half a year by the way, I shall not share any more of her photos just because you haven't been dedicated to the cause her cause since back then. Hey, I also didn't so I probably missed out on a lot too, but from here on, considering its digital contents I might just stay for the long run. Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Ayachi. *giggles*

There's way more than this, so I shall direct you to the official store to look at the others to see if you find them familiar.
(I mean, the 2nd set, right?
With 1st and 2nd single, and Calorie Queen outfit?
Something here should remind you that you are old lmao)

Hmm why is there a bump here just like Inorin-

So yeah, it's that time of the year again, it's our freshly printed new edition of Minase Inori fanclub newsletter!! Yes, it's back, she just released a new single in case you didn't know of that haha, and she did a live tour too so there is much to share to and from the fans, and that's why this dropped by early this month to disrupt myย  schedule and my attempt to ship the rest of these in, but heck, it might have helped trigger everything else in here for the padding of this order, so I'm not complaining. Moving on, I'll just show a little more for the occasion just because, and who doesn't like more Inorin right? She's cute hehe

I thought it was just the new edition of this newsletter...

... but hey I continued the fanclub membership so they are giving me a free gift!
Good job, me. *giggles*
(Really should've not skipped last year tbh)

Uh... I rather just spend money buying badges with her face on them haha
(FOR THE GAYS!!! lol)

23, by the way same number as this year!
Not reflective of her age though lol that'll be in, uh... *laughs*

I should have bought the poster, really.
Hehe kawaii

Top left is the best offshot I've seen in the book,
bottom right is that special corner we all want to do something naughty with her-

Inorin, I'm pretty sure you haven't laughed that much in life until your voice is hoarse you need to take a nap *dabs*

(Oh yeah, this is her fanclub homepage renewal... which you can't see if you aren't a member)

(5 years old by the way, do they age with us or...?)

I see the summer bois want to see Inorin in a swimsuit.
Not happening, kiddo.

Oh this is interesting, they are introducing new segments!
Probably (1) promoting more of Kurari-chan through fan photos and (2) challenging Inorin to a showdown?
Alright I can try for the first one I have a Kurari-chan sitting at home hehe
(It's not exactly a showdown it's non physical and between fans)

Did I tell you before this is just an Inorin package and fan session? Gotcha

And I've done it again this is really just to pad the order as if I don't have enough to talk about, this is yet another Suruga-ya bromide photos run!! *applauds* Because why not, right? Every Thursday they do free shipping and give big discounts on these cheap a** photos (lmao) and I can get the latest stuff without buying their accompanying products! Well, I was supposed to get the latest stuff, but you know, mother desires awoke within me so there's Komatsu Mikako and Uesaka Sumire in case I need to sink in on the latter's- *laughs* So yeah, 6 in total here, and boy am I glad I got to snatch feature (lol) these "Hanayome" ones from the recent magazine especially considering, as with the store's listings, these are the ones I want from the 5 members in this cast, since I'm not that keen on Sakura Ayane or Ito Miku... though ask me again after this, I might change my mind. *giggles*

Okay okay *laughs* I promise you top middle is Taketatsu Ayana (but you already know hehe) and bottom right is also Mikakoshi which *giggles* we might talk about her again soon *wink*

Alright, now for the main show? Well, first on the main show we have...

Well this is months in the making and I really got surprised when they announced the sale of these, these are Alternative Girls 7th anniversary merch!! Yep, very much a money grab, but I can't help myself to do this since, as you would recall, this is the first mobile game in Japanese I've played, so I gotta do my job as a fan and show them what's up. *giggles* I specifically bought two types of merch they offered which will be a good summary of them girls and I would also be buying enough to commemorate the occasion lol, chibi figure badges that are ironically not random and I don't know why, but maybe it's also because the full body portraits are on the random bromide photos which, if you want to complete the collection of all NINETEEN GIRLS yourself, this will take quite a lot of pre-ordering.

As you guys would have known, I have a decent history with these girls and when I mean decent I mean I played this original series slightly later on Day 2 just because I was amazed at the VR capabilities on a mobile game that was posted on Weibo, of all places. *giggles* Thanks to that, I have grown to love the series, and was as relieved and as sad to see it go after its 5th anniversary as the developers struggle with gameplay features and went to make games for more... profitable franchises, like IDOLY PRIDE. *laughs* With that knowledge though, I know that I liked almost all of the female characters in this series (except you, Natalie, no one likes you *dabs*) and I can't possibly rank all of them since they have made me happy in their own stories and in my own experience- THIS IS THE DEFINITIVE (RANDOM) TOP 5 CHARACTER RANKINGS!! *laughs*

And that's why I don't want to gacha for this stuff, why can't you guys just not try to earn back all the money I never gave you all and just give me the full collection so I can be happy for once? Even outside of this free-to-play game and my donations over the 5 years, they still want to wrench me for more. *sob* Commemoration, my a** alright-


Oh I thought these would arrive opened because not like I don't know what they are...?
(I really don't though?)

Opening 21 of these up (hehe) is a pain, so I'm using more... drastic measures lol
(Oh yeah, should've cut the strips into the box for easier clean up)

Screw you Natalie HAHA *dabs* 20 BADGES LET'S GO

Okay just randomly opening them and putting them down, I consider this a more realistic depiction of my rankings, from top left my dear tsundere princess Kido Ibuki Saionji Rei, to girls like Koharu-chan on bottom right where my love has grown for her purely because of that one character song

Ah, so many things to say, I feel like I should write a blog post about it lol DON'T YOU DARE haha not for this year at least. 10th anniversary special maybe? See you guys in 2026 lol it's time to move on

This took me way longer than I'll admit, this is in order, all 18 main girls with bottom row of special characters
(Love me some Meya-san hehe RIKA-SAMA!! Haha)

Again, I could go on forever explaining what the rows and columns represent (FYI the teams and their weapon types respectively), but yeah, we REALLY have to move on though as the night clock is ticking haha (Also Wakana should be after the other two according to the best album? NOT TRUE FAN lol)

O~kay what is with this mess haha

I haven't even took out our final item in this package yet!!
NOW we can put in all the trash lol

And this also a commemoration in itself as I will start to use this for music reviews going forward as I think of a new format for Klassic Note Review in its 10th year coming, this is a minimalist CD player from Japan!! Yes, this is so beautifully unique in itself, it has been raised on design websites and even *cringe* retro-facing YouTube channels as THE BEST DESIGNED CD PLAYER of the 21st century. *silence* Alright, I don't think this will be a pitch to anyone in the year 2023 with everyone listening to music online and me included, but heck, since Japan is still listening to these spinning plastic circles with lasers, I shall continue to do so as long as I buy more Japanese music in this type of physical media! I just hope vinyl won't take over soon lol it also takes up a lot more space especially the player, so I shall show you how it works in a bit, but suffice it to say I was planning to buy this with a set of (hopefully) minimalist (white) bookshelf speakers which I am still researching as I recall about it, so let's hope this will be set up by next year, fingers crossed.

Yes, this thing is not cheap this is 16500 yen on Amazon Japan which you might as well buy a decent Hi-Fi set from your local audio store but you know, I'm aย connoisseur. *dabs*

(Thanks ChatGPT for helping me out, can't churn out that last word lol I had to do two tries though, their first one was more of a joke lol "frugal" nothing is frugal about this)

Minimalist box too, that's a plus.

Alright when did I take this

Simple package inside too, some may even call this cheap haha

It's... just a CD player.
Well, not your ordinary CD player.

With some scratches even though there's a peel over it?
(Thank goodness I was able to wipe it off, we good)

(Well, we're kind of there, this is just a concept)

So the way you do it as shown in the product manual is:
1. You open the case

2. You take out the inner case, it's just a catch which took me a while to get

3. Put your CD booklet in
(The right way, I hope)
(When in doubt, look from the other side haha)

4. Put the disc in

5. Perfection.

And as you can see there is a USB point here for charging...
(It also has a rechargeable battery FYI, almost forgot)

Hey it lights up! And has audio output!! *yay*
(Haha ok I need to find out how to run the audio output without a wire)

(Hey there you go, this supports wireless outputs too)

Now we jammin' in the year 2023 hehe
(Now to find a place to put this...)

(That boombox, dude, the buttons make me *pukes*)

(That's... a little empty haha which means I have more space for CDs)

(Yeah, then maybe...)

(Yeah but then where can I put the speakers? *laughs*)

I think I'll just leave as is for now- I'm currently open to layout suggestions haha
(Also what is with this camera angle lol)

Oh I didn't put back the inner case LMAO

And I shall stop here for now, I'm already bummed that I am doing this on a Friday because this is the only day of the weekdays I don't have podcasts running up my rear, but also, this week has been (mostly) Halloween and so will be next week, so if you missed it I can't help you much, those were technically more important than this package. *giggles* Hey, I paid for Saya-chan but she didn't play dress up so ANYWAYS lol, this shall be it then! I'll think of what I missed over the weekend but you are welcome with better photos(?) taken from my new Google Pixel 8 which besides weighing like a brick (50g heavier brick lol) it also has a front-facing optic fingerprint sensor which means (1) I can't unlock my phone from the back and use its swipe gesture to bring down notifications and (2) I need to remind myself to not use it to flash my eyes at night when I sleep. *laughs* Welp, I will get used to it someday. Maybe I get that smaller Sony phone instead, I don't need such a good phone lol who am I lying to I am just here for the software. *dabs* This week hasn't ended yet, we have more posts to follow up, happy birthday Nagatsuma Juuri today for turning 3* (lol), and we shall talk A LOT MORE about Anime this weekend. See you then.

P.S. To whoever bought all the damn bromide photos of the Alterna girls but NOT buy this gem:
Damn, these actually look beautiful for once I like these badges after purchaeing so many of them over the years.
*thumbs up*