
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #48

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #48

Sunday, 26 November 2023
Heck, isn't it great when I don't have to talk about the stuff that's happening every week on this weekly post because of fanfiction the day before? So yeah, go read up how I did not go see Sumipe yesterday even though she appeared in an Anime event. *giggles* Also Kayanon apparently I did not give a sh-

Anyways, great week just only got better because I'm finally done with wearing green (lol), there be new SSRs on the gacha every day since the new update on DOAXVV on Friday *dabs*, and I actually have the time and energy to do up Klassic Note so I can prepare for the final announcement next month! Man, it really is different when you don't have to work a desk job for the week, huh.


Oh well who cares about that I can ignore that for another half a week lmao let's talk about Anime and music...?

をニパ Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na Hyakunin no Kanojo
"If it's too advanced, I won't even know what's special about it" But sir, you already have 4 soulmates so far lol *dabs*
Alright, I forgot they just need to just look at each other for this soulmate thing to work. Dude, imaging this happening on the streets. It'll legit be the distracted boyfriend meme- Wait. *laughs* In this new episode where new girl incoming (#Hyakkano07), and yes I mean "girl" I did not say "woman" he does not like older females. *giggles* Rentarou is going to hit your grandma anytime soon lmao, but suffice it to say this new one is not that old, she just turned young. *silence* WE TALKING ABOUT METH, DUDE?? *laughs* I mean, it does make you feel young if you think about it. Haha alright we better move on, let's talk about Kusuri-chan(?). She, basically what her name implies, she is into drugs- *ahem* She is into chemistry that much, I wonder how she hasn't been scouted to make brainwash drugs in war or whatever politicians like to do with their people these days. Oh, let them die. *silence* Then these won't work. *laughs* Apart from them only having a small time frame for effect so how Rentarou drank some magnet drug which got stuff stuck on him which hopefully aren't sharp this is a chemistry lab after all thank goodness *wink*, they also have side-effects so maybe constipation over the weekend to worse case withdrawal effects, in case the fire burn over these past few years haven't taught you about how vaccines work. *silence* Too real let's move on, so nope, this is not "RikeKoi", this has less of actual lore or science and more of those naughty jokes you think this is another Anime altogether. *giggles* As we have seen more on this episode, the jokes are abundant, from whenever Kusuri has to pee from drinking so much of these fluids lmao I assume that's a thing and Rule 34 is already working from drawing fanart we don't want to know more of, to even the stuff I can't mention about and I promise you last week's swimsuit episode even with the g r o p i n g is still nothing compared to this episode lol... I might as well just talk about how Kusuri also has a alternate form- Well, she is always in her alternate form due to long term effects of a transformation drug, which makes normal her even hotter than Hakari and Nano-chan will EVER, being a senpai and all. *giggles* And because all this is about drugs, oh boy, you can imagine what we are doing in the second half. *giggles* Her introduction to the girls suddenly became an experimental platform which is called "the school rooftop" lol. *dabs* We have all the no offense drugs in the world for Karane who will of course never drink it unless you give her a drug which cures her tsundere nature (which will suck so don't ever do that, go make the brainwash drug first lol) also we need to keep the violence going on so Rentarou stays happily masochistΒ *laughs*, Hakari got sexier by breast expansion turning into Hondo KaedeΒ (oh those will only work for me haha ah) sweating off her clothingΒ which says a lot about the author's fetishes in general (and mine lmao yeah pick your sequence guys I listed 3 options *dabs*), we made Shizuka-chan cuter by turning Rentarou into a furry haha, and Nano-chan became that yellow octopus from "Assassination Classroom", nice. Or robot Medusa. *laughs* I assume this is a good enough summary, because as they sat down and had tea and we really need to get rid of Kusuri's habit of drugging Rentarou, her tea made all the girls desperate to kiss their lover, Rentarou is just going to die from kisses in his deathbed. Yeah, so basically they all turn into the vice principal. *laughs* All in all, I'm laughing all the time with all the naughty jokes so ask me again if I enjoyed this episode. *laughs* So yeah, it's a good joke, and it will be even more considering we are not done yet, I assume there will be a way to neutralize them which effectively means Rentarou has to kiss them anyways if the front half of this episode is any indicator so win-win, so we shall see if anyone of them will die next time. I mean, if all of them die then we won't have a hundred soulmates to deal with, right? RIGHT?? Haha that's so evil how can I think of such a thing Ede-chan can't die-
[TL:DR; There's like, uh, a lot of body transformation in this episode just like how they work in hentai- I really should not have mentioned that don't worry about it haha ah]
P.S. "Drink the same (magnet) drug, and you stick each other upside-down and can't be shown on TV" OH BOY WE REALLY CANNOT lmao "Are you going to pee while you're stuck on to me?" Alright what is this, "Seitokai Yakuindomo"?? lol
P.P.S. "Rentarou can't refuse (Kusuri) after drinking the love potion." I mean, you don't have to do that girl. God doesn't care about chemistry. *laughs* "For Karane, a medicine to grow out your bust!" LMAO GOTTEM
[With regards to the 3 transformations I mentioned just now? Turn into Hondo Kaede first andΒ then the other two will ALWAYS be great HAHAHAHA okay more images of Anime girls]

をニパ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"Unpleasant" Haha I know right Shino-chanΒ 
Also PSA with a b*tch living at your place: Always prepare a pair of scissors so you can cut apart her lingerie- In this new episode of everyone living together with the one dude lol that's called a harem (#KanoKano20), it's unlike a research team, you can't communicate if the people are in the mainland while you're at like, Antarctica. Haha sorry for real life jokes let's talk about Anime ones. *giggles* "House rules", remember, Milika-san? You are effectively living under someone else's roof. Oh well, I guess she isn't. *laughs* Moving on though, we have more drama impending in a series I didn't expect to have more lore, but seeing that you might have noticed Milika-san's face when she was hugging Naoya in just her bathrobe haha I guess you didn't see the face I get it lol, then maybe, maybe we have something else going on for all of them. For starters, Saki-chan is considering a beach trip. Though knowing that we have a budget and none of them want to trigger any sort of part-time job arc in this series I don't know why not that'll be fun in a way in itself they can all run a convenience store where Naoya can bang someone at the staff room- So we are technically stuck within the country (sorry Hawaii) with everyone's favourite backyard Okinawa (lmao) (trust me, I've seen many photobooks on that) with only a one-night stand?? Naoya you have TWO girlfriends how do you- And that's why we ended up with two nights LMAO *laughs* Thank you, thanks for the laughs, I specialize in bad jokes. So yeah Saki-chan just loved doing all sorts of stuff there but only just remembered that kissing should be part of their agenda in which they failed many times. Even Shino rather they just give up (so she can have a go at him too *wink*) but heck, if we gotta kiss we are NOT going to be that haphazard and let some bimbo (lmao) take that first from us. *silence* So Saki and Nagisa decided to make it as good of a mood over there as they can. We gotta shout out to "Dramatic ni Kiss Shitai"- Oh, wait, what? This is not the opening theme song title? Oops. *dabs* But sadly, this is where the extent of their efforts are over, and as the girls go to buy swimsuits under Naoya's recommendation hehe lucky pervert, Milika-san... I'll put this as nicely as I can, literally SHITS ON SHINO (lol sorry) about basically everything actually, her prospects of getting laid with Naoya, how she thinks helping her is the right way even though Shino just explaining the night with Saki's guy would have solved everything Saki-chan is an idiot anyways she will forget about it literally after lunch (lmao), but now, Shino gets to deal with the prospect of helping Milika-san do the dumb things she already did but not using her sister anymore (lol), and obeying all her orders so she also can have a great time with Naoya, IN FRONT OF HER?? This is total blackmail, by the way. Not surprising, by the way. And as hinted throughout this second season, Milika-san will be our baddie. Not like, seduce main guy baddie, because she will have control of a lot of things in this love triangle. And I don't mean Naoya's heartbeat because Naoya (lol) or even money because Shino has them but she can't use it but we can use it to extend our stay there. *laughs* All in all... hmm... I don't know what to make of this plot twist. *giggles* I mean, in a way Shion should've just let it pass, and she can still argue her way out to Naoya (who will tell the truth haha) and Saki-chan and that will convince Milika-san to back down, so accepting the cooperation is DEFINITELY not the way to go, I will say. *silence* But hey, what do I know, I'm not a tsundere. *laughs* From next week onwards I'm promised a new story arc with all the stuff we saw in the opening theme animation?? I know right, I can't be the only one who's excited about this. *giggles* Yeah, ALREADY better than "KanoKari" by the way. It's the Shino arc, remember, and that starts next week so please, please don't let the girl get her away with Naoya I like Rieri more haha what? *laughs*
[TL:DR; "You don't need to try so hard to do it anymore." This series in a nutshell haha (Do what? Yes lol)]
P.S. "Perhaps her nutrition is being sucked up by sloppy things and leaving nothing for her brain" What I think sexy YouTubers are doing online these days whenever I see them on my Explore feed lol
P.P.S. "Let's use this smartwatch to measure my heart rate when I look at each of your bras to see how excited I get!" This episode in a nutshell lol "Don't go thinking you can see my bra so easily!" Shout out to the one time Sakura Ayane showed her bra on an Instagram live hehe gottem (Oh boy, why they make them say lines so critical of them I don't even know)
[Now that I think about it, the only flaw I can think about this plot line with Milika controlling almost half of the relationship developments here (lol) is that she didn't even specifically mention about what she is going to do, she just got another slave. *laughs* And according to the next episode preview, it looks like she is just going to kidnap him again- Why though. *laughs* But I think I DO know why the author chose to let the guy be the target in pursuit of her love for him instead of letting the rivals be the target. Yeah? Think about it would ya haha I think too much already more images pls]

をニパ Under Ninja
"What's the view like from between the (invisible ninja) Rainbow Hound's legs?" Well, I can't see anything so *laughs*
Okay, loved that scream in bed, can we record that down though? *giggles* Sorry, what can I say, I love voices more than anything. Just female voices though, not keen on when Sasama was an old man. *laughs* In this new episode where oh boy things do get heavy over here (#UnderNinja08), I wonder what's the drop. I really wonder. Oh, no more school, oh that's bad. *cringe* So, what happened. I'll keep it short because damn I have a lot of ideas on this one, looks like shit is going to go down, and it's not just your average fight in high school like old man neighbour Oono-san would have you believe in his school days. Still, this is quite an undertaking, I don't really know where to start the lore. Maybe Katou first. I mean, I don't think crawling under someone's crotch would be a befitting punishment for anything considering we don't know much of his rank and number among the ninja, because technically speaking he can still do all of this and still do whatever thing he intends to achieve with his students and stuff which we don't know much as of now. According to Kuro and Hibi though, looks like we are avoiding the big fight in that yankee school and diverting our attention to a specific someone. Then, we have that balding author. *giggles* Interestingly, after being a failed author for many years and finally picking up these years thanks to ninja dropping by his place as he sleeps to tell him details of historic events unknown to the public and that's what he used to write his stories, still did not do much to his career and he's still shit on by his editor while constantly being fed information of the ninja (which effectively is monitoring him since they probably know people visit him all the time lol). Okay not Hibi though even I did not understand the rap if not for the subtitles. *giggles* Ironically though, while most of them told stories of the past which I assume every ninja should know because the root cause is always politics lol what else is new, one woman walked in one day and told him about the future. Which yes, if you didn't see how ripped naked Yamada-san was crawling at her own place before taking a shower... just a reminder Eita-kun likes this most popular girl in his school, by the way. *laughs* Confusing enough, not if you are Eita who just witnessed two of the delinquent students get beat up by Yamada herself, still managed to be saved by Kuro and Hibi who then found out of such an existence (not Eita) doing all of this somehow. All in all... they are dangling the carrot on us donkeys, nice. *giggles* But hey, that's something to look forward to, to be frank. Why is the Yamada being a freak so far? What has she got to do with the <insert title drop here> we have been known of so far? Does Katou even know of all of this driving his van under the bridge? Haha so many questions, but I think we are near yet another conflict, so hey, join us, would you? At Yankee High though, don't go to the wrong place. You aren't part of the shinobi, the balding author won't take your story lol also the school director is there don't go there just take the day off pro tip lol
[TL:DR; "You want to take a huge risk like this and just waltz off?" This series in general if I were to be honest with you guys I know this is an action series but]
P.S. "Despite how old and faded they have become, the leaders still cling to power. (The shinobi) might be done for." Large government corporations in general actually in case you didn't know about this, and I meant globally. *silence* Oops said too much
P.P.S. "Does Editor Suzuki hate me or something?" Well something like that; She hates you because she likes shitting on your work; She doesn't because she will hate to never see your work again haha *cringe*

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm this week isn't much because I didn't have much time to sit down and listen to music, but I'm glad I did though. ClariS new single and Ogura Yui's new single aren't exactly bangers especially when I had to bang my head to these pop tunes I've gotten sick off even not listening to that much this month alone lmao *dabs*, I then turned to Sai's new album which if you remember, a member of the jazz funk band is from the band Suchmos. Yeah, this one I was most invested in once I realized they released the songs I've heard a short preview of a couple of years ago, I did listen to their major albums earlier this year, so this is just bonus at this point. With no one stopping me, I did give a full-on review on this music release, and damn does it remind me of a lot of things. Still, this might be contender along with PHONO TONES and SPECIAL OTHERS and the kind, so we shall see how much I will remember them by then.

Okay it's already end of November, the news for new music releases for the year has to slow down already, right? RIGHT?? *laughs* Ikimonogakari's new music video made me weep on my bed and that says things, so I implore you to take a look yourself, lyrics understanding not required. SID's new reveal of their cover album is rather expected a "BLEACH" series theme song, but sung by Ichigo's voice actor. And even thought I don't recall of the reference of the next one I know the song and I know Tomatsu Haruka is singing it, so that's rad. (I also had a feeling that the latter's tone had to be totally off SID's one just because of how music works) Ikimonogakari's new live video may not be interesting to me, but if you are a fan of the Anime you would like it. Hitsujibungaku's new live video looks mostly recorded so I won't think too much about it but sing praises of it because it's the new hot song this season. Scenarioart's new music video got me more confused than the song itself, but thank goodness Scenarioart's (re-)premiere of their 2019 live video yesterday is making this familiarity a little better. See? Told you it was short.

So next week, I know there are many other mainstream releases, but considering I will meet my sorrow soon after (lmao) I will enjoy Kodama Hikari's major debut single for Anime "KanoKano" and hopefully, if things go well, do our actual final Klassic Not Review for the year. Oh yeah, the YUKI-san one is still happening alright. But you know, new songs more interesting. *giggles*

Seriously though, I don't think I can deal with conversations even if I'm equipped with enough Japanese to talk to a Japan female voice actress. Women, you know. *laughs* Also, I write fanfiction about them what makes you think I can talk to one? *laughs* Though I would say, if I were to be so smart to align a trip to Japan with Kido Ibuki's bus tour today, that might be a better experience than whatever dinner show Amamiya Sora did earlier this month. *giggles* Like, I don't think of you that way, Ten-chan? So stop making it easier for me to sleep with you than pay for the local cabaret here. *laughs* My thoughts will never end if I have fingers to type, so see you next time then, I won't be this happy by then lol or maybe I will, I have to buy the remainder of the package by then. *wink* Until next time.