
The Entertainment News '23 Issue #52

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The Entertainment News '23 Issue #52

Sunday, 24 December 2023
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. Okay, let's talk about what's up with this weekend even though I should've done that on yesterday's post but I didn't.

For starters, we are back to back with posts because my plan for tomorrow will then be to end Anime "Hyakkano" (if it ends please I hope so) tomorrow as it always airs on Sundays and if you didn't notice I always watch a week later *cringe*, I will then also cover the new season preview of Anime by then! You know, keep the work load smaller today so I can stop myself from enjoying Christmas this year lol I mean I don't I get all my miracles in video game gacha if you don't mind. *laughs*

Also, the new package is on its way! Not what I expected I may have to end up contacting people in Japanese real soon *cringe*, but this one incoming does have a calendar so I can do the roundup in due time so look forward to that, me. *giggles*

See, it's great when things start going your way, isn't it? Like the end of Anime this season and the lack of new songs to listen and I have no idea what is for the Top 20 in Klassic Note this year... let's just get going, yes?

をニパ Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na Hyakunin no Kanojo
"What did she just blurt out to her daughter's boyfriend?" I know right Karane haha she doesn't know the lore, dude
Oh sh*t they did the Hahari before and after comparison!! Haha hey my thumbnails are relevant, I'll give myself a pat on the back for that. *dabs* In this new episode where the love doesn't end with you but with your mom lmao (#Hyakkano11), yes Sumipe is in love, can't you see? *laughs* Oh, I meant Hahari, sorry, Sumipe can only fall in love with ME. *dabs* Jokes over so let's talk about more jokes, because despite the crazy transition of this soulmate reveal which has picked up social media attention as we will talk about at the end of this in a bit, obviously Hakari will be alright her mother has been saved lol, but what else? Well, for starters, we gotta make confirmation. Well, not the confession from Hahari that will come later lmao, but suffice it to say that we need to prove Rentarou's love for her daughter, and that's where a lie detector robot comes into play? Sure, dude. And kudos to the author for making sure Karane gets her share of this episode despite being dragged into all this JUST FOR THIS PURPOSE lmao I can't even, but yeah even the Anime knows to skip the bullsh*t because you know the lore, Rentarou will love 100 girls in his very life even if it kills him. Oh boy it almost did, because Hakari did do the crazy thing by hanging over her window in her room (they didn't put a detector there unlike the door) almost threatening... someone to take her own life. That will of course make Rentarou sad beyond hope and also make the girls' attempt to save her exceptionally futile, so no way he gotta save her even if it means jumping down with her into the fountain Shizuku-chan can't swim in. *laughs* I mean, Hakari you can't keep saying we will be chained to your mom, we will be if we are in love. We can't change her anyways. *dabs* Speaking of which, there is yes way that Rentarou can like his girlfriend's mom, Karane. *laughs* Because in case you didn't take the hint seriously and are still laughing at why the cat in the garden turned into three girls lol, Rentarou of course is the only one who knew he can't reject the offer even if it's served what, 13 + 16 = 29 YEARS LATER despite being plentiful a serving herself. *giggles* So yeah, so if age difference is a problem for you... uh, you can quit watching now I guess I'm sorry for the recommend I did not expect a joke Anime to do this to me. *laughs* Which of course means that all of them aren't in threat, well besides Karane who fears the comparison of chests in the bathroom lol, ended up just being the bravest girl in the universe talking about her belly (I mean, Miyu-chan you too?? *laughs*) so yeah I'll leave the fun stuff for you to watch, especially when oh boy if you hadn't forgotten, Hahari basically behaves like her daughter who might have plotted to want to be alone with Rentarou despite nosebleeding from all the cute girls wearing cute outfits it looks like these two are being us the audience for once, ended fast enough so we can see the special ending. *giggles* All in all... what do you want me to say? *laughs* Oh yeah, booba. *laughs*Β Besides Uesaka Sumire here basically sounding like when she voiced in Anime "Aho Girl" haha that was great too and technically that was worse, this one was more wholesome than I thought. *laughs* I know whatever I say will not make you believe me just like how Hahari didn't believe Rentarou with his eyes filled in with infrared fluid lol, but still, this is as entertaining and as heart-warming as it can get. And with the final episode hinting on whatever MILF logic anyone wouldn't have expected lol you should have known 2 episodes ago btw, I'm afraid this is the end. *laughs* Of something, perhaps, but if you aren't ready with all the ecchi stuff they showed off this week (I mean Karane is on top of the guy I can't even), then... uh, you might want to drink that drug from Kusuri to blind out your eyes right now. No, I'm serious. *laughs*
[TL:DR; It must be lucky to be a woman in this series; If you need some love just knock up your resident lover Aijou Rentarou. *laughs*]
P.S. "Is this what a rich person's mother is like?" Yeah Karane especially when you're rich and alone, you do such things lmao don't quote me on that thanks
P.P.S. "Not my problem (for losing time); We can skip the ending credits or something" Haha this is such a relatable 4th wall joke if you need explaining DM me on Twitter/X and I'll give you a summary "But they made a special ending for this episode!" ALRIGHT haha maybe Hahari forgot she paid for that too

Eh? Did I miss someone? OOPS lol let's move on I guess

をニパ Kanojo mo Kanojo
"Being in love is such a pain" Too real, dude. *shrugs*
I really wonder what terrible things Milika-san can do to Shion, but yeah, we gotta do this dumping on her, huh. *sigh* I don't know Milika-san, go die in a fire or something. *laughs* In this final episode of a season two which is going nowhere (#KanoKano24), HOW IS THIS STILL GOING NOWHERE AFTER I HAVE WATCHED ALL OF THIS?? *laughs* Okay me calm down, don't forget what this Anime is all about. Before we remember though, maybe we talk about why this has to conclude no matter what. Firstly, Milika-san gave Shion a chance to explain herself. Yeah, like real bad explain herself. Like, enough for her to be held back by Naoya in case she runs, explain herself. Don't run though, you can't outrun Naoya and Nagisa anyways. *laughs* No, not the final episode of season one again! *laughs* Anyways, in case you didn't get the hint, and boy I kept thinking this series is about happy endings but man they sure make you feel more than awkward despite doing that, is Shion did have to tell her friend... well everyone, that she has a crush on Naoya. All this damn time. Yeah, just say it, nothing's going to go wrong. *dabs* Because it's more obvious that it's just harder to talk about what the other two current girlfriends (lol) are thinking at this point, and even with Saki-chan promising she won't get mad but I'm sure anyone will no matter how dumb they are lol *dabs*, it's still rather clear that, despite the public reveal and boy did Saki-chan just scream that out in front of their communal home haha, that Shion will be rejected instead of making Naoya a three-timer. And if it's not obvious enough that Naoya is going to reject anyone else whether it's Milika-san or Shino-san because his reasons are always the same, is that he is already two-timing. That's it, can't argue with that. *silence* Not unless you are as smart as Shion who, instead of saying that she can't be involved, complimented on Naoya's capacity to do more...? Haha did she just 200 IQ this dork?? *laughs* This can only happen in Anime, dude. Anime "Hyakkano" main guy Rentarou would be so proud of you, Naoya. *laughs* As to what happens from here on? I mean, I am not sure if anything can be right so far until Shion kind of proved us wrong. For starters, she set up shop in the communal house and instead of being in the way, she is now doing support role, so yeah, basically compensating for all the stuff the other girls can't do. Oh, we don't count Milika-san; Naoya isn't interested in boobs, you can see for yourself. *laughs* And we have to tell Saki-chan about what happened on that island? I want to stop this story but I can't. I just can't even- *laughs* All in all... Naoya, you need to just not exist, dude. *laughs* Yeah, you get it, right? This is ALL his fault. *laughs* But because of this, we get two seasons of quirky or even awkward romance comedy in line, and boy do I still enjoy watching it despite itself being a terrible mess like me. But you see, when you get rejected, you grow stronger. *looks at self* Nope, still weak af 30 years in. *sob* Also why feel bad for rejecting Shino anyways, Naoya? Not like you felt bad rejecting Milika-san. *laughs* Oh, he hasn't. *laughs* Also, remember when I made that joke about the title? That the number of girlfriends increases with the title words? Yeah, we are surely in the "Kanojo mo Kanojo mo Kanojo" title now. *giggles* As close as it might be, I'm pretty sure this is still a two-timer Anime so far...? Haha I'm sure Shion doesn't stand a chance until she flexes her intelligence on the guy lol, but as you can see more clearly, each of the 4(?) girls now have their own edge on this one guy, it's as if no other dudes exist in that world. I mean, I wouldn't want to be in it I will get no p*ssy just like I am now. *silence* Then maybe I should go into that world I may have a chance. *giggles* Being Hiroyuki-sensei is rough HOW DO YOU EVEN THINK OF SUCH THINGS?? *laughs* I'm done.
[TL:DR; "What should we do?" This season in a nutshell lmao]
P.S. "Though you're going to get rejected in the end either way" We're not too sure about this Milika-san I might have accepted her- Rieri!!! *laughs* Also yeah no sh*t this is a two-timing Anime, where the number is only two. Just which two LMAO
P.P.S. "I'm someone whose boyfriend asked to two-time me, and all I did was smack him! No matter what you are hiding, the worst you'll get is a smack!" So brave, Saki-chan, you are so brave. *laughs* Then again, that would NOT be great if the smack came from her instead of your guy so *shrugs*

をニパ Under Ninja
"This is an important part, be sure to take photos of this" Alright Suzuki it was an incident don't say that haha
Oh come on we need a sword fight to be good. At last, they delivered. *giggles* In this final episode of an action series(?) I didn't expect to pick up (#UnderNinja12), I uh, honestly don't know what to make of this series. *laughs* Remember last week we were talking about the peak of the season so far? Yeah, it sure is, but surely, it has gone in all the damn ways unexpected of an action series, and I think that's the crux of it to be honest. So in retrospect and in the face of all who watched and thought this is disgusting... it is just hear me out first. *laughs* Firstly, what essentially this lore is about. If this isn't enough of a hint and I think I got it at some point without even the Escape satellite breaking out of its disguise, let's just say that, whatever that took 4 years to plan was essentially for the ninja organization group in Japan to be wrecked by UN who (1) likely aren't able to get back the organization who likely resisted back in the 80s when they were supposed to be dissolved and be taken over after the war, and (2) are now doing so in order to take over the organization, effectively removing all of its plans and people in the way against the new world order. And I meant the latter point very seriously. Just think of how many people have died because of this. Okay leave Kuro-san in a bit I have a memorial section I want to dedicate this to our hero here lol, but otherwise, Onikobe did well, she was baited by Saruta who now was not in the disguise suit because he was hiding somewhere else in the rooftops ready to take a hit on Onikobe which he did after slightly missing her, and pretty much everyone in the school because boom, the satellite fired and people died because... well, sewer explosion, remember? We can cover the truth there and now.Β Anime "Lycoris Recoil", take notes. *giggles* Nonetheless, everything went pretty much as expected for the UN side, because apart from the people who sided on the UN, we also knew of many others who have been from the start in case you didn't notice, the old boob man which was of course, the disguise of Sasama who, despite being one of the commanders with the Japanese ninja, are now siding with the UN which I was right in the first place. So sorry guys, you guys technically have no allies already, as sad that is to say it out. The satellite too, that's the next thing which got exploited and data stolen of all known ninja in Japan still hiding (get it?) against the UN, who are likely doomed to survive which if I were to give a better analogy, would be that think about how many more scams you will get if the insurance agent you signed that dumb health insurance who didn't even cover your nose injury were to get hacked right now. *silence* Moving on this is a slightly more serious note... we are mourning for the passing of Kumogakure- Which one though??? Uh, maybe I should elaborate on that, huh. So, what I believe is the family lore of Kumogakure. Think of Tera-san, that baby which was I don't know, born out of something and is taken as the de facto leader of the Japanese ninja now. That, but a whole generation of fighters. Though technically lost to one Yamada. But damn, that was quite a fight I will say. Still, the sadness is not beyond us, we had great times laughing at the subpar jokes from Kuro-san he's only No. 9 on the list of at least 12- Suck it Kurotsuchi Mayuri from Anime "BLEACH" who just made his No. 8, these humans did it better. *dabs* All in all though, I'm not going to go too far into the lore afterwards I suppose people interested who are left around here which is basically only me, will still be keen on finding out what that is and whether what all I said is true in the near future Kuro-san's siblings were referring to, but hey, didn't know he had a twin brother! That can't be the real him... right? Haha so many questions. I still did enjoy the series though, and as much as it's lame and it's epic sometimes and the harsh reality is harder to swallow than whatever other actions series you watch out there, it's a fresh palette to see how this works very differently from the norm. And I like to think that's the appeal, if you don't mind me. But yeah, not a happy ending alright, I'll give you that, I'm actually sad right now I rather the satellite fire directly on my mouth right now tbh
[TL:DR; I will only say, that this series doesn't serve to be the best or most popular out there, but if you watch it and used your brain to think this through... You'll think twice about the "Naruto" series haha this Anime got me to say my forbidden word]
P.S. "Not a lot of good memories (with Kuro-san), actually." Alright haha I thought we should be sad for the loss of a great man but yeah, same. *laughs*
P.P.S. "Your brother, Hibi Miracle, is still alive" Oh boy did I just find out that yo Lighting bro you have a sister? Who is hot? Who likes to get her nips touched on?? SIGN ME UP lol no really where do I submit my resume to, Ninja Lab? *laughs* Also Ranran here has basically my work ethic, only do as instructed and ignore everything else haha ok but stop touching me would ya- (girls just touch me pls)

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Well, this week there are a bunch of new songs out. I've heard them all. But interestingly once again, anewhite's new song shadow dropped a couple of days ago came up tops, and is rather adequate even for the occasion or the season actually, so that is what I might end the year with. I know I did promise myself to listen to Kotobuki Minako's new EP for the first song again, but uh... the English-only lyrics in the chorus is what I'm only keen on so... I don't know. Ask me again if that is in the list next week.

Hey, if you thought the end of the year did not bring more news about music, you would be wrong. mol-74's new song is a meh, so we'll see if anything new from them is out next year, they have been doing so far though not every one will be a hit. Yeah, not even Touyama Nao's new song which is shorter than my- But yeah it's not much to be frank, so yeah if any of the 3 songs revealed in the past 3 months is an indicator of another EP or mini-album that would be great to revisit them again. Uesaka Sumire dropped a new song preview on her birthday livestream on her birthday and talked about the music video coming out in a month so if you are impatient at least the pre-release will be out in two weeks. Yoru no Honki Dance's new song revealed in a radio show for their upcoming album is pretty cool though, can't wait to give them more songs next month then their new album arrives, because damn it has been a while since I rocked to their tunes. Hitsujibungaku's new live performance in THE FIRST TAKE is their classic song which I never liked and I doubt I will, so if you are a fan more than me then this is sure to make you happy. On the other side of YouTube performances though, SIX LOUNGE performed their new song on YouTube channel "With ensemble" which involves the song being played with an orchestra though I don't think that changed my mind about the song itself so... yeah. Asakura Momo's new song due in February for that drama she is the main and only role in (lol) is actually rather cute and catchy, so that's good news for her image when this comes out in a few months. More songs though we aren't done yet, Earphones' new song for their EP in February did not run out of songs to reveal, and this one is as emotional as it gets, though I don't think it got me as it should have. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION vocalist solo career Gotch's new music video which I haven't been keeping track of, is... I don't know if it's racist but uh... I guess I can give the song when it comes out next month! Haha I don't know I better keep my opinions to myself. Rather appropriate title though, it does sound like some Cwondo, I gotta say. *laughs* SID's new song will be for Anime next season so that's rad- Krage-san sings the ending? Man, this ancient Chinese Anime is getting all the good artists. Last but not least, in their tour final SCANDAL revealed a new album release due March next year so that is good news they need to play catch up to miwa who did blow my mind this year so here's hoping these girls still have not Pop songs to impress me, really.Β 

So for next week, unless I have to give Anime "Hyakkano" opening theme single the thumbs up, I will likely be postponing all new songs even if they are shadow dropped, into next year. Then maybe we will exercise some start-of-the-year Smartian business when I give songs more generously because I got sick of the songs from the previous year haha is that how I describe it every year? *laughs*

So, my plan for my week long break until next year as Anime "Hyakkano" final episode is airing. Yeah, so that first tomorrow, followed by the next season preview as mentioned in the intro, and then... depends on when the package will arrive. I hope holiday season will not affect delivery I can wait until Friday anyways, but the rest of the week (besides Klassic Note stuff) will be dedicated to cleaning up my room and, this is more relevant to anyone reading this, cleaning up this very blog. From removing old dumb posts to making sure the new components work with current designs because I have been changing them over time, this will be a rough time as I continue to figure out what I have missed so far. Well, nothing important if you aren't me you probably don't even care about my opinion. *silence* See you guys then have a happy new year in case the package comes in after next week lol, and until next time... I don't know, find a new hobby or something haha as if it is that easy

P.S. Trust me when I say I am even more hyped now for Anime "GREAT PRETENDER" sequel which looks like not dead girl Dorothy is out for another heist after reinstating of her position as Master Confidence. Whether it's related to the main lot I am not too sure but I sure am interested when it comes out end of February! Then we'll see if we can sync up with TV simulcast because I don't want to break my back watching even 12 episodes at once I'm that old now lol