
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #02

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #02

Sunday, 14 January 2024
Man, I know I will say this next week again, but I am really just edging myself here writing plans and drafts for the next season of The Fanfiction series it's so yabai haha I can't find better words to describe this, it's actually making me- I think of Inorin too much by the way sorry Akarin for being my phone wallpaper for the week also Ten-chan again even though I miss her- I will try to write at most one for each of them. No promises though. *giggles*

Okay okay now that I'm done with family matters in the morning, let's spend the afternoon watching some new shows!!! Which I should be doing yesterday because why not I will regret not doing so depending on how these ones fare tbh, but also, I was fixing the blog? Remember the blog refresh, me? You had big plans for it so better align those old posts by then! Well, I hope so, me, so can you just stop monologuing to yourself and instead talk about Anime and music now?


See, this is what happens when you don't have a soulmate and that jerk has a hundred of them. *silence* I hate life haha let's talk about not life instead

をニパ Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi
"It's so spacious. There isn't anyone and there aren't any cars, it's so quiet. (Hokkaido is) nothing like Tokyo?" Yeah, ya think?
It's just doing to be dude arrives in Hokkaido, left the cab early and walks into a restaurant called "Wagnaria"?? *giggles* Alright me, this is not the time to talk about that pair of boobs, but we are in the vicinity so let's talk about this pair instead. Main guy is basically me, by the way. *laughs* I gotta say though, just to wrap up the first episode of a series I'm already into (#DosaKoi01), I really have to mention how terrible his dad was. *laughs* For starters, he didn't even warn his son about what it means to be outside in the winter season in Hokkaido. More than that, he didn't even fetch the kid and let him take a taxi downtown? What a dad, amirite fellas? Haha but because of that, the kid got to go out into the wild on his own and meet some girl on the streets, which we will talk about in a bit. Then, there's the getup. You guys are family, right? SURELY you will warn your son on getting thicker clothing or get more layers when he goes to school the next day lest he gets cold even sitting in the classroom in the high school he was transferred to? I mean, thank goodness we have some help from thicc gyaru (lmao) or else you might as well see your son in the infirmary. Last but not least... you ok letting your son go out on his own on the weekend in a new environment? *giggles* Okay, NOW we can talk about the girl. *laughs* "Defenceless" is probably the best word to use on Minami-san right here, because apart from acting the part that is just Sakura AyaneΒ some very outgoing school girl who likes to be a little rebellious shown by how she comes in to school late (I assume most of the time lol) (can't blame her though, it was the snow haha), is also aggressively into our main boy Tsubasa here. Not that it's a bad thing, I don't know what it is to be popular and this guy who said the same thing, is going to get laid in just two days in his new haven haha, because it's safe to say someone had taken a liking to her. I mean, being a nice guy is alright but "2way nice guy" and from Tokyo?? Very unforeseen even our girl Minami-san is getting... I don't know, aroused? Haha because damn are the ecchi scenes here less interesting to talk about compared to Tsubasa's reactions to them! It's exaggerating to say the least. But yeah, between Minami's thighs to whatever spilled on her rack- You get the idea haha *fap fap fap* Okay okay serious review here, me. *giggles* All in all though... I definitely am in for the interactions with Ayaneru as a gyaru (hehe), but damn why am I greeted with Ooishi Masayoshi once again for the opening theme song *ugh*, and the animation really is not great even with the doki moments in check. *silence* I don't know, I will give a couple more episodes so we get a chance to see the other 2 girls in the series before we give credit, but damn, do you need anyone else? *giggles* I don't know man, thicc gyaru might be quite enough. Two Cs, dude. *laughs*
[TL:DR; "It's a gyaru! A Hokkaido gyaru!" This series in a nutshell lol]
P.S. "I used to get bullied for being lame. I don't know what it is like to be popular" Bro SAME haha but then again not like gals will get that too though, gals aren't that extroverted like many think. I speak from Anime experience lol
P.P.S. "I wish we were in the same class..." Well according to Anime logic that is going to happen 100% of the time lol "I guess that girl is in a different class, then." AH F**KING DAMMIT lmao "It's that guy from yesterday!" Thanks Anime for confirming my theories haha
[Also a reminder to myself to NOT show those screencaps I showed my bro over here lest I get banned again lol Blogger don't like good stuff in this Anime ALSO I may have clipped more Tsubasa than Minami-san...? Haha that's not true I CLEARLY did not count properly the number of lumps I saw-]

をニパ Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru
"I couldn't take my eyes off her sparkling hair. Her bored-looking ruby eyes." Wait, what was the latter part? *laughs*Β 
I think my only concern before walking into this is just how far the other world is going to affect this romance comedy- Okay maybe the opening theme song too, is that some idol group which was created yesterday?? *laughs* In this new series which is probably taking over the comedy genre just because Anime "Kaguya-sama" isn't around anymore RIP (#KanaTen01), but yeah it's not that, so I'll be sure to tell you what's up before I even make a decision on watching this. *giggles* So, what is up with this series. I mean, the title should give you some hint but not tell you why "a demon is dancing with a silly angel", and boy do I wish the world to end before Hell takes over anyways, but suffice it to say that this demon of a new transfer student is here for a good reason, so let's put that aside for now. We should be talking about the girl whom he is somewhat attracted to, this Lily-chan here, because she is definitely not a normal human. I mean, she might be a half and aΒ kikokushijoΒ lol definition for if you need it because subtitles suck in 2024 no kidding (or if that link dies by the time you saw it, basically an overseas scholarship kid), but an angel she is. And I don't mean angel like she's perfect kind of angel. We've been through that before, this one here is not even close HAHA GOTTEM *dabs* As in like, those angels which have wings and slays their opponents with a scythe for some reason, or looks like a monstrosity andΒ has some crazy spell that can KO anything on sight. You haven't seen that before? Watch more Anime, dude. *giggles* (It's original series "[C]" by the way) Anyways, we might know of this fact, but for newbie demon Akutsu here, he is... kind of ambivalent about this mainly because, and of course if you have noticed so far, he is hot over heels over this girl somehow, just like that dude in class who is confessing to her by the minute, could not get around the fact that Sakura Ayane once again is an adorable woman beyond comprehensionΒ haha ah hey. Anyways, it's good to not lie so I wonder why Akutsu is lying as a demon here he might as well be lying asΒ a genius in Anime "Aho Girl" lol it's just the name that is same btw, but let's just say they are a weak demon dealing with a high-powered angel enough to have to be their servant and obey their orders because this one didn't die under her hands. And I'm sure not dying has its consequences considering we also know that it'll not take too long for the guy to realize just how appealing he is to the girl himself. Okay, but all this isΒ better than dying though? Where do I sign up?? *laughs* All in all... I mean, the theme songs are a thing so I guess yo Kyari-san on the ending it has been a while, the animation is ever so slightly better than Anime "Dosanko Girl" for some reason so why are we still laying off people and using AI though? And maybe I'll like this more once I understand how the reverse appeal and the magical worlds work because damn, is this such an SM situation right now in the wrong direction I can't even *laughs* I'll give the 3-episode rule though, have to let both sides have their run for a bit hehe
[TL:DR; Remember guys, you gotta be handsome enough to NOT immediately be erased by a beautiful woman, for she will keep you as her slave which technically is never a bad thing or mistake in Anime. *wink*]
P.S. "... so he tried to use hair growth tonic, but it was hair removal cream... I kind of know what it's like, too." YO SENSEI NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION lol "I did as I was told..." BRO WHO TOLD YOU TO MAKE A LIVING JOKE OUT OF YOUR TEACHER ON DAY ONE lmao
P.P.S. "Maybe I should ask her for the thing" Haha in case you don't know what this series is about yet, this devil is likely asking for a contract *pft* Oh, it's not? Haha this is new *dabs*
[Oh yeah this series' official hashtag is also called my haven because if you put Kana-chan and Ten-chan together with me I think I will be happy to be erased by Lily-chan here afterwards lol]

をニパ Majo to Yajuu
"All witches have a screw loose! Why are you so worked up defending one?" This brat CLEARLY didn't know of Elaina in Anime "MajoTabi" lmao
Let's hope this is better than the other two, we are on serious territory now. And boy, just my first impression, I think this is quite something, I'll tell you that. In this first episode of I wonder how long this will last but I will leave that lore till later (#MajoToYajuu01), it looks like we are just dealing with the one thing that we saw in the trailer: Why a witch is being a hero in a town full of humans. Well, I initially thought we will walk into the territory of witches being heroes or something and that these two main guys are here to get beat up or something, but turns out, witches are just b*tches (you are going to see this a lot FYI) and none of them, and I mean NONE OF THEM, are up to any good. *giggles* I mean no, really, do not be deceived. Do NOT be deceived by how the two guys met this girl on the street who referred to the witch as their sensei and saviour. Do NOT be deceived by the fact that she just took out some walking whale on the streets who I guess we refer to them as "terrorists" right now (lol deja vu not?) so easily, cops can get a hand on the criminal who is wrecking havoc instead of the other way around. Do NOT also be deceived by the fact that just because you have heard of Hikasa Youko voicing a cute girl in Anime "K-ON!" that many years ago that- Alright me, we don't have to burn her like this. But then again, this town has been burnt real good some centuries ago and that's a thing *dabs*, and just like coffin carrier here Ashaf said (lol), this b*tch witch here (lol Yocchan I didn't mean to) has built up quite a reputation in this town for centuries it seems since the incident, and saving people is the only way to... uh, prove that she's the heroine? Well, I would like to guess it can be the witch controlling the curse that is still upon the grounds as of now, and actually trying to seal off something which may or may not be the cause of this which, wink wink, might not be a witch I'm just saying, but turns out it's not all of this which I think got me in, so let's talk about the witch's real intentions. Looks like we have a revenge plan in place, and boy did she cut her human students' limbs up real well (and naked lol nice *ugh*) and offered them as sacrifice in order to undo the curse placed on the town which, of all things according to the lore, should burn the town till all eternity until it didn't. Why did it not is not of concern, but stopping the fire is probably more important at this point in such a populous area. So, we have to stop her from breaking the curse, basically. Not with just any method though, we know of 2 of them mentioned in the intro which are technically not viable at this point since Prince Charming ie. me, I am not there lol *dabs*, and the witch who seemingly put the curse is... let's not say dead they can't be more dead than Sade from Anime "Shinigami Bocchan" haha sorry not sorry though, it sounds like that witch was put up to it years ago without knowing of the real culprit. The third option, looks like, is to "BURN THE WITCH" kiss the witch which will temporarily stop the curse? But she's not the one they are finding? So wait, there's a link here?? I don't know dude, I need better explanations tbh. Still, I still think this is a wonderful series to watch considering I don't watch action series that often and boy is this quite a hit right from the start, no commands to cast spells though which is quite a pity hehe *wink*, but heck, if it's about a couple of... wild beasts (HELL YEAH haha ah) (bro you don't want them though, Gideau here is voiced by that Kabbadi girl in Anime "Chio-chan" lmao I remember voices *dabs*) sent by some higher-up to deal with witches roaming the lands, why not, dude? I've been there. *wink* I think it shows premise... and this is where the hope ends tbh because as in the preview I mentioned that the author is more dead than the witch we just defeated earlier RIP, so uh... at least we can get one season off this, right? *silence* RIGHT?? Oh please though, this could be my new favourite series I don't need no source material just make this adaptation good *prays*
[TL:DR;Β "Stop talking as if my mistress (the witch) is plotting some evil scheme!" This series in a nutshell haha they LITERALLY just got a character to spell this out get it because witches cast spells]
P.S. "Getting revenge on someone whose face you can't see is like killing an insect" F**KING BRUTAL dude haha this series shows no mercy in the real life quotes
P.P.S. This day is exactly 417 years since the seal was put in place..." SHIINA YEARS LETS GO (haha no one will get this joke)
[I gotta say though, doesn't the sound effect bother you guys, anyone? I mean, I like a Cero fired from not a Vaizard in Anime "BLEACH"Β and metal balls fired from that guy in Anime "C"Β but from this one witch (lmao these references I should not have gone through the trouble of explaining to you guys) but heck they have better SFXes than this Anime just in this episode??? BRUH much disappoint]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Wow I actually listened to so many songs, I think I need to recall what has happened. *giggles* Well, for starters I went into deep dive for w.o.d. live album after I gave a listen to them after giving whatever songs from Sakaguchi Ami's album from 2020, then went into w.o.d.'s album from 1994 2019 and then the one in 2022 and I think the former is better maybe also because I listened to it first, but let's just say there is a era difference between them and if early day them is any indication of being good then I might walk down their indie path just like what I did with Homecomings last year. And also because I remembered about this band from a decade ago, I also listened to QUATTRO's album in 2010 which damn actually sounds a lot better than I expected so I took a listen to it over the weekend. Other worthy mentions include that theme song for "BURN THE WITCH" prequel since I watched it last week, and Gotch's new song haha yeah that released this week and is the only new song here. The latter song though is very soft compared to everything else I was listening especially with the riffs on the grunge rock haha

Well, we don't have much music news this week, but heck, I'll take a shorter run, we aren't at peak music season just yet that's like, next month maybe if my trend lines are showing correctly. SID's new song is very meh and not surprising because it's very Chinese-themed and boy do I not like that like the racist f**k I am (lol) so I shall pass on that. Voice actress Omigawa Chiaki is hinting on what looks like a solo debut song demo and man, you sure though? *giggles* I mean, I'll give a listen when it comes out and if that is true. If you want to watch Hitsujibungaku's recent live though, they have tickets available for the livestream. The new week did also reveal many new songs on pre-release though, including wacci's new song which is for that poison Anime and I kind of like it so I might give a listen next month when it comes out, and FIVE NEW OLD's song too if the Anime credit isn't good enough of a hint that this won't be as much of a banger than when I placed them as No.1 song in Klassic Note? Those were the days haha. Amamiaya Sora's new music video is impressive and so are the cover art but not the song itself though with the vibes of her debut single with the same composers team, but not the melody and chorus because this one is *cringe* they might have convinced me to skip this one. I know right, walked out of cover songs and into a bad release I can't even. Kroi's new song with their new single out next week is still very meh even with the music video it's not helping lol so we shall see how that goes next week tbh. Remember when I talked about THE BAWDIES' new song featuring GLIM SPANKY's vocalist? Yeah, that didn't go well. And I don't think that will be accented with the music video releasing next week so... Man, this year's new songs not doing too well, huh. *laughs* Then again this is how the start of the year looks like so I'm not too surprised, I've done this 15 years already. *wink*

And if my calculations are right I will still listen to Kroi's new singleΒ next week one more time, but boy is this not winning the one released last year for Anime "Under Ninja", and I promise you, it's not because of the Anime. Oh well, maybe this time I will take a break from new songs- Oh, I have access to listen to Natural High's singles from two decades ago?? *laughs*

Okay my plans got adjourned real bad because the elders gotta hang out in someone's new abode which we will visit again in Lunar New Year's next month so I will wrap this up quickly. And in case you didn't catch up on the news when I was talking about Anime, among the most worthy of conversation is Kido Ibuki releasing a swimsuit photobook. *silence* I am not going to expect along the lines of Isobe Karin or marupi-chan to be frank just Akarin level is *chef's kiss* already but I'm not too sure tell me when I can buy the digital version in two months and we shall see. *giggles* See you guys next time then, and until next time... should I be celebrating Sakura Ayane's birthday by putting her on my phone wallpaper though? (Joke is that I have never so far since I followed her Instagram account a year ago) No? Okay I'll do for the night. *dabs* What about Ueshama though lol

P.S. I'll end this with four words: NEW PACKAGE WEEK HYPE!!!! *yay*