
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #06

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #06

Sunday, 11 February 2024
Well, I hear there are a couple of holidays ahead of us (or before us by the time you read this), so maybe we watch Anime earlier, yes? *ack*

Also *ack* still not in any condition to visit anyone but not like tradition will stop me from getting that plastic paper *dabs* haha no seriously though wear a damn mask you freak, and as I prepare for- Can I not be reminded how I will be alone again this coming Valentine's Day? *laughs* Oh you poor summer child, just you wait until I deliver Ogura Yui to you on time. *giggles* Anyhow, the real reason I am here (you won't know but it's) slightly earlier is because we have new... arcs? On these new series I have picked up and man am I hyped to watch that over whatever New Year that is hitting in my face because I didn't believe it already happened a month ago-

Let's not be racist to myself and talk about Japan instead, shall we? *giggles*

をニパ Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru
"(The food) looks proper, but... It could turn out devastatingly bad." Haha this guy Akutsu watches Anime
If I'm not wrong I was promised some lovey-dovey scenarios so WOAH WOAH haha in this new episode where I thought the romance wasn't happening (#KanaTen05), well well what do we have here. *giggles* But seriously though, sorry for saying this in advance, maybe it's the nose running (lol) but heck, I don't feel anything at all. *dabs* But hey, if it works on them, that's all that is needed, right?? Yeah, so let's talk about what happened. Not casual, not exactly direct despite Lily-chan here just swinging punches at her opponent a.k.a. her slave lmao, but it just looks like everything she did which does work on, for example, Hirota and the guys in school, is somehow not working on this dork demon. Really makes you wonder if Akutsu right here is... gay? Haha Happy Pride Month guys- Oh not yet? Well let's just celebrate it early especially if Akutsu is intending not to be straight- Who are we lying to? *laughs* This demon's a total hetero, as seen from when we found out the thoughts from the other side of the camp, that yeah, he's totally drilling his gentlemanly advances and/or reactions to Lily-chan somewhat instructed by her supervisor if you still remember that weirdo lmao, still is totally in control of the situation so far apart from that collar he can't get rid of that may sometimes turn him into a homo, who knows. *laughs* What we do know though, is that Lily-chan's advances over him are less than justified but more than just going straight into his territory as she continues to fall for the guy umpteen times, even the imaginary boxers are growing tired of it. The ultimate move I guess came from when she had to "fall down" the stairs- no uh, is when she had to cut a plastic bottle in half through the centre in order to drench herself- no uh, is when she decided to give a reward to the demon-hunting slave of his efforts so far which is none to be frank haha don't ask why she has so many ultimate moves though look at your nearest online RPG for reference GOTTEM, is LITERALLY taking this guy to her fancy place and cook up some fancy food for him, if you know what I'm sayin'- TURTLE CURRY RICE!!! Oh, no? *laughs* (Thanks Ruka-chan for the tip!) (Haha get it because Lily-chan wants clearly some di-) Just spaghetti? Thank goodness. *giggles* I mean, we can eat both ends of it together and meet in the middle if you want. *laughs* Well, too bad this isn't as much of a porno as you would expect because apart from avoiding to watch basically a horror movie ie. action movie with lots of bugs or if you just play the latest Earth Defence Force video game (lol) so that we can get the girl to scream out of her lungs and hug the guy or something *dabs*, instead chose some cheesy romance movie which, oh boy I can't believe I have to say that, had an audience count of 4 haha yeah including the boxers, and has a kiss scene longer than 3 seconds. Haha THAT is how you know it's a good love story. What's also good is that ideal land-on-top-of-you scenario, but instead of anyone moving anywhere further from each other because seriously where's the slap or kick out of the high-storey building lmao #NotMyRomcom by the way, they got closer to each other??? Angel and demon at war, by the way. *laughs* Where will this take us though? Your guess is as good as mine. But if I were to say now, with progress as dull as that box of popcorn those two boxers have been eating (haha what, no caramel?), would you continue to watch for what's up next? I mean, I would, we are promised new characters soon so looks like the angel people are getting tired of Lily-chan here enjoying her new pet demon and are probably here to kill her future soulmate. *laughs* Well, that'll be something too look forward to haha see you then.
P.S. "Looks like it's my time to show up" NO BOXER CAT GO AWAY haha but seriously though, knowing that veterans are voicing the boxers I have a little more respect for how important their roles are in this series tbh
P.P.S. "This is part of my job, it has absolutely nothing to do with my personal tastes" Yeah uh huh but Liz why are you dressed as a little school girl? *laughs* FBI NO

をニパ Majo to Yajuu
"How hideous" Yeah I would say so for this series in general lol
Oh hey you want our dear Phanora here?? Bro, what a terrible pick-up line you have here after all that you have done. Like bruh, I'm single but I know this is not how wooing some chick works. *laughs* In this new episode where we continue on the adventures of Phanora and... well just her and Jeff because RIP everyone else around them I guess (#MajoToYajuu05), damn, even reincarnation is brutal here for the undead. So, lore first before we talk about what happened. See, it's not like it's unethical or being rejected by society or anything to resurrect your loved ones to be undead, but man, if you hear that they won't be able to reincarnate back into this world again... would you? See, that's what 21 of them in this town thought would be fine to have *ugh*, and many more strays that are controlled by this bad guy (he doesn't have a name lol) in this story, so well I don't suppose we should question that for now. But yeah, seeing as how many and how sloppy he made them work on this case alone? Gotta say brother, your pitch to make the most beautiful undead just based on the examples on this grand hall you have here in this abandoned mansion? We are not impressed. Yes, I mean we, because we gotta talk about not Jeff. *giggles* Because unlike Jeff, first not surprise right in, since everyone sent by the Order are all mages so in case you haven't noticed, Phanora is indeed a bitch witch. *laughs* (I mean, she is, right? Hayami Saori-) (I don't know I have not heard of her in a while hehe) Ironically though, this necromancer of a bad guy didn't expect what he caught in his little net, so maybe that's his fault. He also doesn't have any magic spells to fight anyways, so bringing up his own resurrected army *gets flashbacks from BLEACH* (Ah hey Urahara Kisuke brought back the Vaizards, not me) to fight, to his awe that hey why don't you think witches can do the same? And with magic powers than you don't yield? Yeah, and that's why Johan kind of warned us about not insulting the undead; For Phanora doing all of this, all this is her passion. Yeah, bad guy, where's your confidence now? The room INSTANLY turned into a bloodbath somehow not a single drop of it landed on Jeff for some reason these Knights are skilled I gotta give you that lmao ah hey, but yes that also means we had to kill Jeff's fiancΓ©... again. *sigh* Really, this is the only sad part, don't even tell me how the bad guy walking back to his undead wife would be any more sad than this. Also not sad is that Johan is not dead. Well, he's not dead dead but- *laughs* So no surprises there, Johan is indeed an undead. And moreover, a witch's undead. So yeah, about that necromancer thing? Even if this guy is on Auto, the bad guy would be ripped to shreds, let alone if Johan is in Semi. *laughs* The bad guy now looks exactly like his wife now lol gottem, but interestingly, Phanora has no intention of letting him live? Die? Yeah, no intention of both. So, he's now undead. *laughs* Man, is this not devil's biggest joke ever, and his own biggest punishment? Well, be careful of who you offend next time, I guess. *giggles* All in all, still amazing of an episode despite the pace being kinda slow and story being rather predictable that's fine I promise you I was amazed at the magic already, but heck, this is as hardcore as it gets, huh. Well, for this story to say the least. Undead are technically still human in nature so unless you love someone that much which *wink* Phanora may to Johan who knows if there's such a romance plot somewhere in there (I know right, why keep him?), otherwise the witch always wins. For now. No, that one in the storeroom doesn't count as a beast that witches will fear, I don't think. Next episode though, I have been spoiled already about a new arc thanks for that, but seriously though, must the next episode trailer start with how you don't have a boyfriend, Tomita Miyu-chan? I mean, I can be the one if you like haha just don't make me an undead I'll try my very best to stay alive for you now thanks haha unless she is into undead like Phanora? Uh oh lmao
[TL:DR; I gotta say though, I legit thought the reveal was Phanora was not just a witch but more of she was one of the legendary or something haha because it's epic but it's not lol maybe it's just me]
P.S. "And while these girls seem decent at first glance..." Woah hey Phanora you can't say that about your fellow women
P.P.S. "I can create any number of hideous creatures." Alright God why did you even create me then haha *sob*
[Oh damn imagine if they slapped that School Food Punishment's theme song for Anime "UN-GO" for this arc just for the chorus? Yeah, "cry umpteen times, and I'll be reborn again"? This is truly hell in itself 13 years later haha]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
No, I do not intend to revise my tastes for this week even if they are bland and I'm running my nose down and my head hurts. *laughs* That is to say though, that the selections for this week aren't any interesting either. I chose to listen and then avoid giving Uesaka Sumire's new single because it's not like I have a craving for her solo artist songs (or her singing) anyways, and though the title song is more catchy and is somehow better than the other two singles from last week, it's... uh, making me not want to desire more so I'm giving this a miss. I promised myself though to give yourness' new mini-album a chance after I'm better because turns out their melodies are subpar compared to the somewhat Pop strong styles that are drastically different from what I know of them through Anime that many years ago which I preferred. So yeah, No Buses' new EP just recycling their digital singles over the past year was better. *laughs*

miwa's new song is alright I won't complain which I will only after a month later this is just pre-release anyways. You can enjoy the music video if you're a more visual person. Don't think I'm too keen on SPYAIR's new song preview but heck it's going to be out next week so if I give a damn I will give it a listen. *shakes head* Haha moving on, Hitsujibungaku's new song will be for a new movie and you can hear it in the trailer it's not bad. Homecomings' new song will also be for a new movie about a cat? Yeah, who's copying who on the news now haha.Β Kitou Akari's new live video release excerptΒ as announced on her fortnightly fanclub radio show (lol) is what I've expected from her new album but heck I didn't listen to a lot of that but this is idolism so unless you think I'm buying the video release next week you got another thing coming. *giggles* Thanks for Yoru no Honki Dance's new live short because damn I would love to hear this song in some rock festival live soon maybe this year haha they aren't that popular to go to enough for them to make a TV appearance though fingers crossed. I'm not listening to the new Earphones' digital single because next week's the album I can wait for a bit. Kroi's new live video won't make me change my mind on the song though but it's just great listening to them anyways, hopefully they are riding that major label high right now and I shall wait for an album soon...? Come on, guys, I'm losing interest. *giggles* SPYAIR is finally on THE FIRST TAKE but damn not like I care at this point so you can listen if you like. *silence* And as I'm typing this out now, I am listening to Lil'B live videos on YouTube legitimately because MIE-san (married, had a kid by the way) talked about it (and probably uploaded these) in time for Valentine's Day. Well, Lil'B songs are all love songs so technically they all are appropriate. Also didn't notice this just yet, but I guess I'll take a listen to spira.spica's new mini-album releasing end of the month just because vocalist Mikaha is the only member left. *gets FINLANDS flashbacks* This is fine. *laughs* fumika did a ukelele cover of her own solo debut song for Anime "BLEACH" from 2011 if you remember those days, yeah she does this from time to time now, also releasing new songs I mentioned once in a while. I was wondering why Ten-chan had to do a video message but heck, Amamiya Sora announced a new album due end of March for her solo artist 10th anniversary haha apparently the single a month ago was a hoax lol, well it has been a while her gen mates have caught up in album count haha so yeah, let's see what's up by then. From the look of it just this year alone... you tell me, January. *laughs* Yeah, you too Uesaka Sumire best album releasing in July (WHEN?? lol) because I have even lesser history with you anyways but I might check that anniversary book out if it's sold separately. *giggles*Β RYTHEM is now asking fans for cover art for their upcoming new songΒ (I'm just here for the demo) though I assume this will be in the new album they are making, but you know, getting the fan community to join in is innovative at this era. Yeah, Rie fu's 20th anniversary album is doing a crowdfunding campaign too, so what else is new? I may contribute for the latter though, we shall see. *giggles* This one is just off the press, Porno Graffitti's new song preview is for their new single in years due end of March too, I assume as revealed at their live tour earlier today. It isn't bad, let's hope we can get the momentum on this going though. Not a true fan here but Isobe Karin is a fan, I found out. *laughs*

Next week, we are welcoming a slew of releases which I screwed up in my social media post last month so welp haha, but at least I can make it right here in my little haven. *giggles* They are Asakura Momo's new singleΒ (yes I know the whole single is in pre-release already) which I hope the title song will try to get me again but heck the last time she sang a love song was still better we can but hope, Soko ni Naru's new single for Anime "Majo to Yajuu" and I hope I can have high hopes for this band but we shall see, and Earphones' new album which will likely be the highlight as I traverse on the path of giving the most niche voice actress group in Japan. *laughs* Hey, tell me you heard of their songs over the years to know this one so far has been normal. Can't wait to be dumped on the eccentric tunes though haha- Should I give a damn about SPYAIR's new single with their new vocalist? No? Oh well time to unfollow then (lol)

To whoever invented the "tokimeki" pose to put in that new motion-based WarioWare game for the Switch, "maji daisuki" haha (that's from Rhythm Tengoku) because damn, we don't even need the manager's approval for the imouto to repeatedly act cute on a livestream. Is this even legal?? I felt like I committed a crime just by watching clipping it. *giggles* Speaking of barely legal stuff lol, I'm getting laid- Haha who am I joking. *laughs* Next week will also bring us more Fanfiction as promised and boy don't ask whether I can interact with women in real life because this is filling all that desire right now my confidence doesn't even ask me to try nowadays. *dabs* See you next time then, next week's going to be real long (and boring) and we aren't even done with holidays yet! Haha yeah I'm talking about the photobook IT IS ON ITS WAY!! *giggles* Until then.