
The Fanfiction 20240316

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The Fanfiction 20240316

Saturday, 16 March 2024
Among all the obstacles I had to overcome and I don't mean real life lol read the title again, but damn did I really want to bring forward all my stories in later episodes(?) for the season in place of this one, all because they did something to my life somehow... via the Internet. Damn am I sad this week is almost over, but I think I might just stick with what I have prepared for the week instead. I intend these to not be spoilers but heck, sorry Kanno Mai and Nagae Rika, we can wait for our fictional encounters later this month. *giggles*

For this week though, I did not forget about White Day then again it's not like I have anything else to offer besides my white pee- ANYWAYS haha it's not that, so just like every romance-like scenario I have written so far, this happiness will likely also end up as an accident. *silence* You don't want to know how many kids fictional me has LMAO we have to write in this lore too now?

Not married yet though I'm not letting that happen to fictional me for sure surrounded by all these women, so let's talk about who's my partner(?) for White Day! I'm pretty sure you have an idea who I like most from all the stories so far hehe

I invited Minase Inori once again to my place. This time, I intended to whip up a meal to thank this benefactor of mine. Little did she know I chose White Day to do this perhaps creating double meaning, if she will even notice.

I brought out snacks and drinks to the living room where she sat, and I went into the kitchen to prepare. As I took the crockery out of the shelves, I saw her taking out a chocolate bar I kept inside the basket! Its outer wrapping removed to not let her know it was a gift which I intend to give her later!

She took a bite while staring at me as I quickly walked to her. I casually told her what she was holding on her hand was meant to be her White Day gift. Her eyes stared even more wide open at the chocolate, and on me.

"Eh, is that so?"

We looked away from each other. She then broke off the piece of the chocolate bar where she ate, and placed the rest back where it was found. Somehow I was glad to have created this happy accident.

Nonchalant, eh? *giggles* Yeah, she totally fell for my trap all according to keikaku haha

In case you need some context because I can't squeeze all the lore in there not after I put in the chocolate bar *wink*, this is happening in the Natsukawa abode. *laughs* So yes, borrowed their kitchen to service a woman, if you could say that. Then again, I am also servicing a woman at my own abode (haha ah), but we will leave that story for next time. *wink* Also, I took the precaution this time to ensure that no one is at home for the weekend before inviting women in juuuuust in case we have some jealousy going on in here. I do not condone harems even though I watch them Anime. *laughs* Also, why would I write this a month ago, where did you think I have to be at on Valentine's Day? Obviously not with this one lol

Good thing I don't have any Koga Aoi images to write another story haha no really, the girlfriend shall never know of any of these. What I have in my own abode, and that I've been hanging out with the ladies especially with the benefactor haha this benefactor thing might be a bit too good of a relationship to write lol I need to find a way to end this somehow tbh. *silence* Same goes for Akarin lmao but that doesn't count, those are flashbacks. I can have as many flashbacks as I want- *sob*