
The Klassic Note Review 2024.03

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The Klassic Note Review 2024.03

Friday, 08 March 2024
Looks like we are starting the 10th anniversary of officially reviewing fully reviewed music releases with a couple *wink* of singles *sob* to celebrate- Oh, it's March now? Welp February haha also Happy International Women's Day by the way I did not plan for this although we do have women to talk about here today- What, "Soko ni Naru" has a female in it she sings in the songs I'm about to review hehe *dabs*

In the new month though, I can't believe we already have a next review coming in real soon as I plan to give miwa's new single so spoiler alert we are giving the middle finger to RyokuShaka's new single this week haha screw you we need better songs, but maybe ideal songs cannot be our target at this point even after all these years, honestly. Reasonably good singles will be good enough. So will be for miwa's single but heck, let's talk about what will kickstart the year of... hopefully more bite-sized music releases and reviews of reasonably good songs!

Ready, set, go!!

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Soko ni Naru - Soumonka [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(I'm just thankful they don't want me to remember the Anime but the artist more, though that's a rather contrasting cover art for the Regular Edition)

Origin: I did not expect to pick up on them honestly, so let's talk a little bit about them. Similar to w.o.d., these guys have been around for a while, and before they get recognition from being an opening theme artist of Anime "Majo to Yajuu", the member count is pretty much the same as the main cast count, consisting of a male and female (with the latter sometimes singing) pair and I assume with them being the essence of this band. Just from this release though I can feel their style and power throughout, and I must say I am not disappointed at the least, but not like I'm so hype I'll be into them, but I definitely think they are cool. We'll talk more about why they are so.

(1) Soumonka [Soumon Poetry*]
From first chorus:
"(Even if you) break and break, (you) still can't reach (it)
The end of ends of such revenge, as if (you) can grab it with (your) hands
Even if (it's) destroyed and destroyed, it's still not enough
And thus, finally arriving at this solidarity will sure make (you) fed up"
I'm pretty sure the title doesn't represent everything else this song offers, but being an opening theme song of an action-packed Anime I am watching, it has to be this hype, isn't it? And I'm glad it was on point on that. From impactful lyrics on the choruses, to the banging rock music style this band represents, it's more fresh than just staple coming from a band I've never heard of before. The lyrics though, if I have to compare to the song title and what love was expanded in expression from these guys, was more like one trying to get back their romance though any way possible even through revenge, desiring and ruining things yet getting nothing in return, which ironically sounds like pure action but in the name of love. I would though, complain about the sudden stops on the end of the song (which was brought into the Anime cut also) which is kind of annoying even listening to this for a while now, but overall this is still something of praise.
Rating: Powerful Average

(2) Hokoronde Hazereba [If (It) Breaks And Explodes]
From first chorus:
"Even if (it happens) for how many times (I) will not forgive
That is the taste of (such an) outrageous sin
In any case (I) will be pitied
Just break already"
I never thought I will hear indie rock music especially when one drops into a major music label to sing for Anime, but they have proven me wrong. The moment their instrumentals drop after the intro, I was convinced that I have to give this single thanks to this B-side. They do remind me of indie bands I've heard over the years, and this rough style with its own quirks sure is making this as familiar and as niche as it sounds, don't get me wrong. The lyrics also spell a different tale, though of the same romance-like scenario as the A-side, which sure is interesting to listen to. It's like love has turned bad and taken a different form I've never seen before. I'm just glad the melody is typical and it's very palatable in my opinion.
Rating: Impactful Average

Conclusion: This is not the best thing out there, but I like it. I might have liked it more now after reviewing it, making this sound like a great start to what else this band might have to offer. We shall see, Soko ni Naru, you have piqued my interest. Their rushed style may make me tired to listen to them often, but heck, if you want something of impact, I know what I can recommend you here and now, you will not be disappointed.

*All sources (and I mean ChatGPT lol) point to some traditional Chinese poetry in pairs expressing love and friendship. The Japanese know of this?

WE ARE NOT DONE YET!! Finally, we can fall in love, for real. *giggles*

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Asakura Momo - Sweet Essence [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(All bless the gods of love in giving me the close-ups like I demanded bless me a girlfriend now pls)

Origin: Our dear singing princess of a voice actress idol Asakura Momo is back with another single, we might only be a year since I've reviewed one of her singles and I have been all these years ever since she started her solo music career back in 2016, is still somehow making waves best for singing love songs which her fans adore, and I honestly still think she best excels at. After going through a round of expressing other styles and somehow avoiding the topic of love, with this and a drama credit to date (which she stars in, it's a thing), it seems like we can never get enough of Mocho here. Let's see what makes her a great Valentine as it was intended for release on that date.

(1) Sweet Essence
From first chorus:
"All the way (in) surprises! It's a secret
It's a special day after all
Words (I) normally won't say
(I) enclose (them) with a card

Recalling once again, that day with that excitement
Do you remember it too?
What day is it today?
What day is it today?
Hey, don't forget, forever and ever"
If I say this is the love song of the year, you will make fun of me. But I will say that it's rather appropriate for the occasion. Of course, first impressions aren't that great maybe distracted by the music video, but I'm a listening guy, so as I sit down to listen to this, the lyrics do sound within me, and I think overall the words along with the prowess that is Asakura Momo carrying the image of love on this solo music career, she sure is making this a lot more palatable than a bunch of bitter chocolate. The verses still feels long after listening to it for a while, the chorus feels rather off at the end, but the melody overall is fast-paced, and the lyrics are your girlfriend reminiscing about Love Day, so that kind of rounds it up. Have you forgotten those feelings already? I hope not, your girl is waiting.
Rating: Lovingly Average

(2) Shiawasette Kaite [Writing Down** Happiness]
From first chorus:
"Writing down happiness, how do you read that
Not being too particular is ideal
If adding Furigana (readings) makes (it) enjoyable, (it) makes the ordinary special
That's why believing is winning
Change all common knowledge to the extent of being free
You (in this busy present and future)
Splendidly shining
Those feelings won't stop at eight-tenths (80%)"
In the lyrics, we transition from remembering the special days to talking about enriching the everyday life, and your girlfriend has it all. Coming in from a short drama series theme song (which I assume is to make this release have some credit) about the main girl (starring Asakura Momo herself) talking about food bringing them happiness in the hectic work life, I think this is what this song is all about. The pop style sure makes this song stand out, the chorus is too easy-listening and addicting I really can't get it out of my head for weeks, and the lyrics are ironically reminiscent of the glorious days where she sings love songs for her single B-sides and they just make you feel in bliss. That's all you will need from this song, I will not say much. Okay, maybe the lyrics can be rather long-winded, but it's also to talk about the stuff she will do for that certain someone, so that doesn't have to be ideal in my opinion.
Rating: Blissfully Average

Conclusion: This is a cute single, I will not deny. I would even go so far to say this is a love-ly single, as with many of Asakura Momo's songs have presented to us for many years. This is just another step forward and I'm pleased they did not stop on capitalizing this, because I do think she has potential in singing love songs with her adorable voice, this is already worth a recommend. It doesn't stand out in the crowd, but it's worth a listen, even if you aren't a fan. Maybe having some drama credit is what it takes to make her get noticed, just like people falling in love.

- Aozaki Shouhei, on the Klassic Note

**More figuratively expressed as "crafting" or "planning" as hinted by the lyrics

(Yeah, the last word of my intro to this single, get it? "Date"? Because that's me with her if I ever get to- Stop dreaming already, me. Haha *sigh*)

Damn, this colour contrast is a little extreme considering both of them released on Valentine's Day.
It's like the cute girl gave you friendly chocolates and the other girl stuffed like, frog meat in theirs lol
Okay okay I think we can actually talk about the packages now. That Soko ni Naru single was easy, there weren't any special gifts or freebies even though I was informed about a livestream event where you can pre-order a signed copy of the single... which I refrained from getting lol I already bought it from Amazon Japan which provided free local shipping at that time, so there was that. NO WE ARE NOT GOING FOR TWO COPIES IT WAS A MISTAKE WITH PORNOGRAFFITTI 14 YEARS AGO JUST STOP *laughs*
As you can see, there's a chocolate mint theme here lol
Let's talk about Mocho's single then! Damn am I already running out of options when I decided to give this 3 weeks ago, but maybe it's because the sales were good and demand was high, that I instead ended up with the bromide photo from Toranoana instead of the other ones I would have liked: Shinseido and TSUTAYA RECORDS (best portrait in the set) were great but damn do I not have the mood to sign up for it since I don't have a Japanese phone number; Rakuten Books, HMV Japan and Animate (best visual) because they were already out of stock by the time the single officially released on Valentine's Day; Also Sony Music Shop and Gamers (best kawaii because close-up lmao) as I see them stock disappear in a couple of days I was still deciding, and then ended up with this one, seeing as I was pushed back by fans who knew what they were doing. Hey, not everyone is like me who waits for release date and not just pre-order a First Press music release. That's just not how this world works, dude. *giggles* 
Just to showcase the new CD player I have now.
Speakers bought separately btw this disc looks great though!
Another reason why I would have chosen this instead of going further down the line to get... anything without her eyes on camera lol, is also because in my birthday month of... I'm not going to try to type again but it's last month (haha) where online stores in Japan like to give out vouchers, and Toranoana (instead of Gamers *umph*) gave a voucher which would offset shipping... if I added something worth 150yen. Problem is, there isn't anything this cheap (lol first world problems) and I ended up buying some comic book plastic covers which... read yesterday's post, died on arrival. *laughs* It didn't make this package cheaper though, I still had to pay for shipping, though slightly lesser. *silence* I make bad choices in life, what of it. *laughs*
Just a bit more of MOCHOOOOOOO~!!
Suki haha

Yes, it's a Friday so TGIF but also, it's the fortnightly imouto gaming livestream so OF COURSE I watched that before I did all of this. *giggles* Seeing her play a Kanji reading game is surely giving me deja vu as I do up these reviews as all the lyricists here are testing my Japanese after months of not doing music reviews? BRUH. *laughs* Anyways, the game definitely helped me to understand not new or obscure words which can be read if you know the syllables, but those before Kanji was adopted ie. we know how to pronounce fairly well in daily life yet have no idea how to read. It's like I'm not young enough to get what "wakai" is traditionally written in Kanji, just as an example. Then again I suck at Japanese a decade coming in so what else is new. *laughs* I did double-check the dictionaries online though and it's not correct...? FAKE GAME lol see you this weekend for more posts.

P.S. Okay NOW I can take a jab at the lyrics from Mocho's single because damn, if you lock me up and zip my mouth I will die in 24 hours from not being able to talk about it haha please don't or at least put Mocho in the same room with me too *dabs*

Okay, the A-side has a part of the lyrics in the bridge when it slowed down... because "that day being in the metro holding a heart-shaped box" really sounded like it was very accurately describing the scene from her 5th single cover and music video (no really, I'm not joking this is not a coincidence it's the same lyricist they knew of this) (yeah I even remember it's from the 5th haha NERD), and the B-side described a lot of activities delivering happiness in the 2nd verse but I didn't know that "in places where (you) don't feel well (she) can pull one off" which you know, double-meaning. *giggles* Seriously though Mocho you want to be my girlfriend now? *laughs* She is reporting me to the cops for sure.

P.P.S. Yes this post is published at 2222hr this is not a coincidence too hehe