
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #17

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #17

Sunday, 28 April 2024
Yeah, I did not do the round-up I said I would do for the Fanfiction series, I'm sorry. This is because I was trying to test the blog migration thing I've been trying out for so long, gave up halfway for trying to fix all the scripts and files that are making this more of a mess to deploy separately to another service, ended up making me do other stuff on my GitHub pages which made me even more pissed fixing the older versions I wish I could just spend more time to redo them.


Hey, I promise you I was having fun haha I know it doesn't sound like it but that's programmer life. *giggles* Also Japan online shopping life I spent WAY too much money on bromides this month alone, we shall collate them next month when they arrive. You'll see. *giggles*

And since I didn't watch any Anime on a Saturday, I shall pay the price and rush all of them on a Sunday! The only downside is that I will do shorter write-ups? *laughs* Isn't that a good thing though

をニパ One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi Tsuki.
"Oh, I put peppers in the omelette rice for dinner." LMAO among all the confusion Towa-chan be like you still wanna eat?
Hey, I don't think even my mom would stop to not question me on anything but ask if I ate. My dad asked me more than her. *laughs* Oh well, real life sucks, but having a bunch of new girl... friends also sucks in this new episode haha (#TenshiTsuki04), where uh, Shintarou you are on your own I gotta go bye!! *laughs* No really, I saw the harem tag on the Anime listing page. *giggles* But really, why are me making this look like Tsumugi is the weird one? Oh, she is. *laughs* OH SHIT I GOTTA GO lol this Anime, dude. But yeah, the triangle conflict. Okay it took me quite a while to even watch this part alone haha I kept pausing the video is the problem, so let's talk about what happened. Firstly, let's talk about Tsumugi's reaction considering she is the odd one out in this situation. *silence* I can't I gotta laugh this out first. *laughs* In case you haven't noticed, she has been going on about not the fact that she had to deal with supernatural being around in this world of hers, but more of, that there are a lot more women appearing around Shintarou's life than she expected. Because you know, she likes him. *laughs* Yes, basically in every corner of this episode, Tsumugi be having the j-j-j-jealousy haha I love that song. *laughs* Maybe that's what kept her awake all night, but I'm pretty sure even if all the new girls here are just friends, and she did get the assurance from Shintarou that the others aren't going for his... I don't know, body? *laughs* She will still be as paranoid as we know her of just two episodes ago. *giggles* Which brings us to our next girl, Noel-chan. Of course she is not surprised by Towa-chan's appearance too much considering she is born into a snow woman trait, and is perhaps more attached towards her new friend Shintarou here haha yeah not the others though they are friend's friends they are different *dabs*, but yeah, between Tsumugi's hot and cold personality towards the main guy, this one... is also hot and cold, but it's being friends and just not being friends no more. *laughs* When she's hot, I imagine her in her panties- Wait, not that. *laughs* When she's friendly haha this is safer, she acts like such a great friend, I wonder why I missed that other Anime last year with her as main girl. Heck, this will do too. *giggles* I mean, I like the shame on Tsumugi here but damn, can I go the Noel-chan route? *giggles* Not until she doesn't, and that's where her problems on making friends are, because apart from rejecting her colleagues at work to be friends and literally avoiding Shintarou after the boss told her to tone it down not erase her bright side personality lmao, she... uh, can't just stay in the gray area of socialization- Oh, she's always white. OH SHIT- Speaking of white, there's Towa-chan. *giggles* This is also the first episode she has been in contact with more humans than ever ie. other than Shintarou lol, and the fascinations she gets and whatever she didn't learn from the book, coupled with her guts to do anything to make people happy... will make her perfect to work in the family restaurant the guy is working in... provided she is also an employee at the establishment. *laughs* So yeah boss, if you need more hire and said the floor was busy earlier, I think I have some candidates. *giggles* All in all, joy is the best word I can use for this series, and man have I not liked such a series more than I should have. *laughs* But yeah, this is great so far, Towa-chan is making waves so far even without blending in with the humans as she should lol, Tsumugi needs to get her game up to not lose to being friends with... Noel? Haha because with Shintarou and we can't mess with Noel's feelings, Tsumugi you just have to jump straight from classmates to like, lovers so you won't mess up their friendship, just saying. *dabs* Ah, I love this dumb Anime haha
[Sorry for ranting about this but HOW THE HECK are the theme songs here have some release schedule for their physical releases (opening theme this week, ending theme in 2 weeks), when everywhere else is just into the digital thing only?? I don't know, because idol artists? Yeah probably I hate digital singles as a trend tbh]
P.S. "Oh, I'm in sweats! This sucks!" No, this is great. *giggles* Oh boy Tsumugi is like, 16, right? Uh oh HAHA "Tokumitsu, you do realize you're way too kind, right?" Oh hell yeah he is or else how do you all like him- Ah hey. *laughs* "And I love that side of him, but it bothers me!" See? *laughs* "Why is Tokumitsu sandwiches between two girls here?" Tsumugi you need to stop I can't keep quoting you lmao
P.P.S. "Huh? Why are they on a first name basis?" HAHAHA shout out to last week's review lol what did I tell you Tsumugi gonna go mad about Shintarou calling Noel by her name

をニパ Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
"It's too peaceful." Is it though?? We just got spooked by Sade's clones bro
Oh yeah true Bocchan does have a timeline here Walter will become king of the household if he still has this curse. *laughs* WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN I mean it's not that hard just make Walter female. *laughs* In this new episode where we plan to make Viola the head of the household lol (#ShinigamiBocchan27), well she's not eligible yet just in terms of height lmao, so maybe not for now, the mom's still here. *giggles* Still, we can talk about what happened in the household. Sharon finally got to talk to Bocchan's mom (I'm not her friend so I'm not calling by her name also her name SUCKS-) which I assume after some time to recover for the latter, will accept her as a maid in the household again. Whether she's accepting her as her friend again or not... b*tch you didn't have a choice this is your first friend and YOU are wondering if you want to have friends or not? BRUH. You're not even friends to your kids- I know right, what a stubborn b*tch. *laughs* The flashback definitely did not help much to understand this, though why she chose Sharon back then is likely that she wanted to learn from her how to raise her own kids, this young mom. Did she learn anything though? Eh... let's not say anything much. *laughs* And that's why Walter had to sneak out in disguise in order to not be found by the mom when he wasn't allowed to go to the circus when he had tickets to it, and thanks to Viola-chan he managed to have a good time without being spotted even by Zain and Cuff, only to have to show his identity when he noticed the local pickpocket nicked his stuff. Excuse me, her stuff. *giggles* Speaking of Zain, he gave Alice and Bocchan some magical tools to play with apart from each other lmao but I may have said it too early, since one's a love potion which Alice drank which made no difference because these two are a thing already, and the body switching one got me a laugh so they win. *laughs* Daleth is lamenting in the Underworld of all the paperwork she has to do and maybe is considering automation? No, no automation, just get Teto-chan to do them. Yeah, don't have to be leader to approve, just hire a secretary. *wink* Viola-chan had a moment with Rob which I don't really want to guess if he has ever loved their grandmother (lmao) but heck, let's just say he did with his blind eye- No, that's not laser, thankfully. Please, it can only have two (haha f**k you Walter) outcomes when someone has a covered eye: It's either hollow in which case will come out of the other side which Rob's isn't lol (that's an Anime "BLEACH" joke and it's Nnoitra), or the eye is so expensive Rob would rob himself of it since he wouldn't be able to afford it anyways lmao (that's Anime "TanMoshi" with Saikawa Yui). Not like explaining my jokes would make this funnier, but this is still funny so far by all means. From Alice touching herself (lmao) to Viola-chan wanting to touch Rob... *laughs* You get the idea. It's still great by all means, I don't think I should explain them all because watching is probably better, and it isn't as dry, as I said, compared to earlier seasons because back then they had to squeeze out more content even from a Christmas party. Still, nowadays we are just waiting from the Academy to go back to the past to... talk to Sade? About love? Yeah, get the confession ready. *laughs* Oh, we need proposal rings? Alright, let me snatch it from Viola-chan when she lost it as a kid haha so you get the point, this show has plenty to offer even without Sade ruining their lives. What will happen next? Your guess is as good as mine, but looks like we might be exploring if Sade is as heartless as she has always been. My guess? I mean, you can outdo evil in love. They are crazy or else why would they do anything- Haha I know right people don't even know about Ulquiorra haha I'm sorry for the references dude
P.S. "Leave this one to me! I'm great with games you can play by yourself" OOF Bocchan I'm NOT going to relate to you one bit lol
P.P.S. "Who put this bucket here? Oh, it was me!" LMAO Sharon I'm also NOT going to relate to you haha "I'm not that perfect" OOF SAME I can relate to Bocchan's mom??

をニパ Bartender: Kami no Glass
"Or maybe pray to the Glass of God" Oh yeah Chairman I get your joke but you want to explain to your employee there?
Damn, I like a chill episode. Not like this is a very chill one, we did piss of a French chef way too many times already haha, so let's talk about him in this new episode (#Bartender04), shall we? So, about the hotel's next hiring candidate. I know right, a French chef who is just super picky about his ingredient choices? Talk about mission impossible after trying to get Sasakura as a bartender. The usual hotel staff gang did try though, and not like he was convinced of anything anyways Japan sucks in his opinion lmao, but heck, maybe the Glass of God can help. Sasakura graduated as a bartender from Europe, so he has some idea on alcohol there. So if this blind taste test doesn't work, nothing will. Yeah, I don't think calling the other guy from the previous episode will help us out either. *laughs* Anyways, basically speaking that Sasakura introduced to this French chef something that could be made to deceive, but also kind of hint to him that great food and even authentic food can be made the same way regardless of its ingredients. Not going to call anyone cheap in tastes right here that's how my local Thai restaurant and artificial flavours exist lol *cringe*, but even with high standards, I'm pretty sure it's still possible (maybe with much effort so yeah bro remember to negotiate your salary haha) even if you are running a restaurant far away from home. And that's how food works anyways. Also alcohol haha gotta credit the manager for that Sasakura didn't do nothing. *wink* YO KAMISHIMA-SAN *wink* Haha yeah, gotta read the script, bro. THIS is how you get the hotel staff off his butt. *laughs* Next up, we talk about the most flexible cocktail in the world. The one with more faces than Two-Face. The one with more faces than that face-changing act in traditional Sichuan operas. Yes, we are talking about the Martini. Of course this episode is also leaning on the ways to make a cocktail which has as vague of a formula as this one because damn what are recipes even haha, but yeah, that's what defines, and breaks, our dear Kawakami and her character as a bartender so far. She just... can't make a Martini for sh*t. She thought just following her master's formula will do. Like, bruh. Firstly, you can never. *laughs* Not that you suck, but as Yuri in the other bar they also visited has said, your Martini determines your character. How do you know what uniqueness you possess as a cocktail server if you have never added any creativity in your works? I know right, even I do creative stuff despite being a programmer. The skills make of what you are as much as your ways of doing things. Well, let's hope Kawakami figured that out, or else we are going to drink No-Face from her again. *giggles* Hey, you can do it, my girl, I'll give you some personal support. *wink* All in all, lovely episode and damn am I sitting in tight as I would be if I were at Eden Hall and boy when will my first ever expedition to a bar be this good I don't want to ruin it like that French chef *chef's kiss* haha, but yeah, the story might be different, but the feels are just right around the corner. And relevant to the initial Anime series too. Ah, I'm just glad to hear a story or two from this. Next week though, looks like the old men are plotting something again- Heck, it's always with these old geezers when will they ever stop? We shall see what happens, so come back for a drink or two again, yes?
[Didn't realize I never did this so far, but since the people are boring this week lmao, let's talk about the drinks!]
P.S. "Ugh, why does it have to be me?" YO SAME haha me at work huh when you realized you are replacing the job of 3 people? YIKES dude.
P.P.S. "I always thought stirring and shaking were only meant to lower the temperature." Well, depends on where you start from, yes? First Law of Thermodynamics, dude. *taps brain*

をニパ Kuroshitsuji -Kishuku Gakkou Hen-
"But there's nothing to be done now (about the missed party)" Oh no Ciel is lying here he is going to do something REAL bad haha
SOUMA-KUN HAS ARRIVED LET'S F**KING GO~!! Haha ah hey, I gotta make more noise than he does, you know. It's the law. India law. *laughs* (Uh oh am I going to be called out as racist-) In this new episode where we brought the gong out haha (#KuroshitsujiSchool03), yeah he's just going to replace Redmond. *laughs* In flair, please. You can NOT be more gay than Redmond. Or Maurice. That b*tch. *laughs* So, for starters, let's talk about why Souma is here. Well, they intend someone to look into Maurice's life to see if they can bring up more evidence to his underhand deeds, and since Weston College doesn't allow us to mix colours lol what about Art class though *dabs* and Ciel is in blue school, it's hard to know exactly what's up. And so rich guy kid Souma-kun here will be of help, hopefully, to find out more about what this kid is doing which hopefully isn't as useless as this Indian prince. I... hope Ciel has a backup plan. *laughs* Because damn, we are yet again reminded of how Souma does things in general, which if you need a reminder, is to pester someone he has taken a fancy too. He did that with Ciel who eventually bent, he is just doing the same thing to Maurice. Of course this pisses of the latter because damn we cannot find out when he has to assign his jobs to his underlings, but that we know is harder to notice than it seems if we don't like, find out where he is every single moment I guess. And as if by accident haha really no joke, Souma created an opportunity for himself by... uh... crashing his elephant into Maurice's room *laughs* so he can't sleep there no more. He still let Maurice sleep on his bed?? See, Souma is the best guy on the planet. *giggles* I know right, Ciel is getting real deja vu right about now. Not about his bedroom, but still. *laughs* This did allow Souma to spend the night with Maurice though (lol don't think too much this isn't BL), and that's where all his secrets are revealed. Yeah, even doing up his makeup. *laughs* You sure that isn't done by some of his underlings? *dabs* Anyways, with the evidence they have, it's time for confrontation. I mean, obviously Ciel isn't scared of this Maurice at any point even if the latter has a gang waiting outside the room for him if anything goes wrong, because, well, he is prepared. For starters, Ciel has Midford. Yes, his fiancΓ©'s brother. Don't think their relationship is ruined because of the one meeting with the Prefects, but purely so, is Ciel able to get help to address the situation when it gets dirty. And dirty it did hehe, because as much as Maurice wanted to shame him in front of the school with a photo which we can't show on TV lmao, Ciel also ensured Redmond gets wind of all the problems that are happening in the room, with like, rigged paintings tied to taut strings in a room? Damn, that's only a thing I did in my childhood but not a century ago. *laughs* (Also, you think he didn't choose a room close to the gazebo in distance than in access to it? Remote, my a**-) And don't remind Ciel that he was the younger brother too- Uh oh spoiler alert we haven't reached that far yet huh. OOPS haha forget I said that, but yeah, if it's revenge, Ciel is always prepared to shame you, even if it's at the expense of one heck of a butler. *wink* HE HAS THE FINAL LAUGH YOU BITCH- All in all haha, what an episode, wasn't it! Damn, I don't remember much of these, but yeah, this is as sweet of revenge as it can get. And that's what the whole series is about anyways even though this isn't the final boss, and in case you need reminder from watching this 15 years ago- IT HAS BEEN THAT LONG?? *laughs* Damn, I'm old. *laughs* Anyways, now that we got this idiot out of the way, we finally have a direct route to the Headmaster talk, so let's see what he has got to say. I'm pretty sure the dark stuff is impending, so we shall see how far this takes us.Β 
P.S. "If you told me you didn't want to come alone, I'd have come with you!" Not BL Anime, by the way. *laughs* "Apparently these public schools don't allow us to bring servants" THANK THE CHRIST THAT IDIOT AGNI ISN'T HERE haha ah hey
P.P.S. "This (Maurice) really is a little like Ciel" HAHA what did I tell you Souma will figure this kid out "You should know it was difficult for us to find these pieces of torn cards from the rubbish..." And Ciel didn't even do it ! Haha he is really like Maurice but smarter

をニパ Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
"I love Yori-senpai. But I think my love is different than the kind she feels." This series in a nutshell haha
Oh Himari-chan thanks to you this is also the reason why I'm still watching this, to be honest. If it's just straight girls love I AM OUT!! *laughs* Wow, literally got friendzoned just because you love guys differently than her though?? *cringe* Haha oh well, what are friends for anyways Yori-senpai is so much nicer in this new episode (#SasaKoi03) because what she did previous episode was EVIL lol well, not evil, but selfish. I mean, confessions are selfish, right? It's a favour to ask to someone to be yours? I know right, Miki-chan won't explain this much in. *laughs* But yeah, we still got the idea, so let's see how Himari-chan here got to a conclusion because damn, she can't love for anything. Well, love as in friends and between girls are a thing, by the way. But yeah, anything beyond that? You better tell us straight up. *laughs* And we take this from two interviews (lmao) she did with her friend, and her mom. Yeah. *laughs* For the friend though, looks like she just hang out with the guy the one time and felt like she liked him, and everything else is history. Which then brings us back. IfΒ Himari-chan wants more time with the senpai and vice versa, so yeah, they should date. *silence* I'll take my leave. *laughs* Well not so simple, let's hear the mom out who probably didn't know the dad is cheating on her and not coming back home LMAO can we not. *laughs* In the mom's standpoint though, the dad was insistent about it, but that's how guys work and I am not a guy lol yeah didn't try hard enough, but the idea was same with the friend. The initial confession or anything isn't real, we just do that because it's hard to suppress such feelings, as with Yori-senpai too. After that though, even if it ends up in a rejection which will of course suck for this as it'll ruin all the music stuff we have built up so far, they can still be friends, we can technically still hang out together, but things will be different. And since Himari-chan is nice and innocent we can roast her on the pit fire without her knowing lmao you poor thing, she... is basically giving the senpai a chance. A chance to spent more time together, but not exactly a chance for Yori-senpai to, I don't know, hugs and kisses with her?? Haha if that happens I might just stop watching. Till now though, coming back, I DO wonder what I think about this series. Yeah, I'm thinking as hard as Himari-chan here, even longer than her because yeah, from the start. And I feel like I should reach the same conclusion as her: Just give this a watch and if anything fails and maybe I'll still watch it till the end. The animation quality may remind me of how bad it is for a bit, but again, romance shows focusing on that isn't much of a thing these days until they are important, and besides, the lore here is much more than what everything else this series has to offer. So yeah, maybe I'll take a look at this till the end. I might just regret my decision so far, and there are probably better series to watch this season like that No.8 beast thing... but heck, we're on the Yori-Himari ship already I'll just ride it. *giggles* Besides, the music is going to carry us there, right? Yori-senpai is already giving what we want. Well, just that she doesn't like me haha CRINGE lol it's fine though Himari-chan can be happy for once and that is good enough. *thumbs up* And I can be happy too with just the voice cast so *dabs* no really the band members are doing a lot of heavy lifting here
P.S. "I never felt that kind of love... until all of a sudden, it appeared right in front of me." Man, when is this going to happen to me someday? I WILL LOVE AGAIN SOMEDAY~ That's such a good song I can't even lol sorry for the Anime "GREAT PRETENDER" lore drop "That might make your father jealous" And it'll probably piss him off if you say the partner is a woman LMAO
P.P.S. "There are plenty of people who decide to give dating a shot even if they don't love the other person." This is DEFINITELY not true or I'm just not in the stats haha then again Koga Aoi can we date then? *giggles*

音ζ₯½Β This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a week in Klassic Note, probably a good conclusion to quite a weak month for the year, but hey, I'll take these once in a while. We still have stuff to talk about though. Ogura Yui's new single is very expected because not like her 3-track single will get me anytime soon, the one B-side is not great but I did like the final track where she just sounds cheeky and the song pops out like a cat. *wink* Ishihara Kaori's new album is not as great though, and as much style it has all around with an artistically written title song and other songs of idol level to please, it lacks much substance for me to be interested in heck, even the album title song. What I was here for though if you are reminded, is the ending theme song for an Anime in the previous season, and then I just ended up giving a couple more songs because it reminded me of other songs I've heard of. Thanks to Toyosaki Aki's radio show on Thursday which I accidentally tuned in because I was bored lmao, I ended up listening to a song she played which led me to Asaka's new single, which made me realize this is Anime "Yuru Camp" ending theme song, and basically find out that the title song was written by Sasaki Eri oh hey girl long time to see. So you see, the last one's merely a coincidence. *giggles*Β 

On the music news as announced on Bluesky this week- Who am I joking, there are none. *laughs* But if you want to talk about news on TWITTER haha, we do have them as I've collated all week.Β sphere released their debut song music video for their 15th anniversary, and then later in the week for their 10th single which if you know is for Anime "Natsuiro Kiseki" opening theme song, and yeah, brings me back in low resolution for sure. *giggles* In conjunction of her album release, Ishihara Kaori released a new music video for what was the title song for her new album and I don't think the song or the video got me anytime so I won't say too much. (Haha yeah the Instagram live I missed which revealed her 1st photobook got me more) For 25th this month, SPECIAL OTHERS ACOUSTIC released a new music video and song which sounded alright but reminded me of their album back in 2018 so I ended up listening to that the next morning I think. Uesaka Sumire's best album tracklist reveal did show most title songs and a bunch of songs I have no idea of because technically speaking I only listened to her songs like, maybe 2017 onwards? So yeah, if I want to give chance I rather just take GLIM SPANKY's best album announcement better odds since I know them better and heck, their new music video and song is probably more interesting than most of Sumipe's catalogue. *laughs* Kroi finally confirmed their new album is to release end of June as mentioned by last time it was in Summer but looks like it got moved forward(?) so yeah, can't wait to give nothing from them lol. Homecomings' new live video is of a song I know too well only because of Anime, from their album last year and man has it already been a year since then. This is unlike RYTHEM's new live video which I don't care about all these years so I'll leave it to those who have experienced them more. I'm not going to talk much about Asakura Momo's new music video teaser or SID Mao's new song preview, so I'll instead talk about mol-74's new music video since as much as it's a short song as usual, it's also a very typical song written by them, I'm reminded of what a classic they have made for themselves, and I'll be looking forward to their album in a month.

So next week, as mentioned last week rather vaguely just because, it's time to give the Anime theme songs for the season now that I've confirmed them all! So those are (already all out FYI)Β nasuo's new song, Otoha's new song, Kawasaki Takaya's new song, Kamishiraishi Mone's new song which released last week, Sasakura Kana's new song under SSGIRLS band name for the Anime, and then if I have time I'll deal with the character songs used as theme songs, like Alice from "Shinigami Bocchan" and Himari-chan from "SasaKoi". Oh yeah SennaRin's new songΒ too I haven't even given that yet! (not newest anymore, she released something this month) So you see, next week can be busy if I wasn't busy taking breaks from work. *dabs* They all have something in common because THEY DO NOT LIKE FORMAL RELEASES NO MORE lol relax, me.

Oh yeah, so about next week's Fanfiction week. I think I might just stick with the Golden Week special instead of doing every one of the weekdays mainly because I will be working and I don't want to rush things at night (or if they don't let me have the night lmao *ugh*), and also it's more aligned to what I want to do for Japan's grand holiday season. I know right, I have to get work leave to look like I'm one of them? *giggles* Well, I have more plans than ever for the blog moving forward considering its 10th anniversary is in less than 3 months, so let's see if I can make it happen. I'll make sure the Fanfiction stuff happens though, I'm already changing my phone wallpapers according to who I'll be featuring for the day. *dabs* I also did fix some of the earlier stories specifically the first two to give it more depth and context (because I didn't establish who I was back then just some normie lol) so yeah, I changed a lot of things but not like you realized. See you guys next time then, and until next time... I feel like I should say this, but I am ever so seriously considering if I should go to Hitsujibungaku's live in my area since they are doing an Asia tour. By the way, I have been reluctant to go for even Rie fu's lives even if they are free like, a decade ago, so I doubt this will make me change my mind also I hardly know the band, but I do the same thing watching live videos on my PC so why not just support them while I'm at it, eh? Yeah, something for me to think about hoenstly haha more than the package forming up end of the month MUAHAHA I'll update you guys next week then.