
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #28

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #28

Sunday, 14 July 2024
Another week just passed by, huh. Well, at least things are going in the background as I wait. *wink* Please Nakamura-sensei may your book not sell out this quickly let the others catch up on pre-orders first I want to save some money on shipping

Welcome back once again to another one of my personal favourite of this blog where I talk about Anime and music and there may be NO biases on these lol yeah right Anime is ruining my life right now with all the "RoshiDere" memes (yeah sister wanting sibling love like it's Sweet Home Alabama lmao) (no Nan-chan nononono) (haha) and holy shit I haven't even seen "FutaKire" yet and I don't even want to give it a chance now. *laughs* I'm giving chance to a record number of anime purely because I can't decide which weird romance antics I want to fall for this season, honestly. *laughs*

Well thank goodness this will be the last of them if I were to reject any number of them, and music is fuelling me through this week anyways, so let's talk about them!

をニパ Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai
"We're the cheery, sporty girl and the smartest guy in school. A good match, I thought." Yeah you not wrong haha *silence*
Oh wow we learning from the Human Anatomy book now? Oh, just on genes from twins. *laughs*Β  In this new series which is darker than I originally thought about this type of romance (#FutaKire01), oh yeah this is the depression of romance series this season, so strap up if you care, because as much as I was keen initially on the circumstances for this, I'm literally backing up on this just as how Rumi is doing to Jun now. Haha that won't make much sense now but I assure you it will in a minute. So yeah, this is essentially starting with a flashback episode, where sporty sister Rumi talks about her encounter with childhood friend Jun. In short, she likes him. *giggles* I mean, do you need an answer to that? And by the time they were in middle school, she realized she was talking to Jun less compared to her nerdy sister Naori who clicked with the guy so well the only way to keep them together was to insert herself into his life, literally. Yeah, and those feelings were in elementary school?? Man, kids these days... *laughs* Then again what is my love life anyways, but as you can see, all a guy needs during his puberty period back in middle school was, wait for it, is some sweet, sweet love. *looks at self* Anyways haha *sob* for Jun's case it's all going well. He hangs out with Naori from time to time talking about his favourite books, and in the off times he gets to take a break he hangs out with Rumi. Truly living the life, bro, I gotta say. But love is selfish, isn't it? NOT IF YOU BREAK UP HAHA- What? Yep, you saw that right. Due to complicated feelings which... I mean did you not see nerdy Naori just dunk on her classmates with book titles? *laughs* Oh boy, I'm not this much of a nerd but considering how I have only talked about Anime referencing other Anime... you get the idea I am no different. Besides the rack, Naori's rack is *chef's kiss* haha. So yeah coming back, those feelings... the guilt of having to date the same dude they have been hanging out with for years? Feels great but also feels bad. Also yeah why bother to care about the other sister when love is selfish anyways? Rumi can get her hands on the guy she likes forever and ever, and Naori can just be her introverted, rough-spoken self and never get laid with someone as imperfect as Jun ever again. *silence* I mean, prove me wrong I already am predicting the ending. *laughs* All in all... I would conclude this whole problem is just easily that the guy didn't choose any of them. *laughs* Well, haven't. I know right, how could you. *giggles* But coming back to reality though lol this is Anime, I think the biggest issue with me accepting this series here unlike Jun in middle school with Rumi is that, among other things in this lovely series... I'm not keen on understanding what's up. I already can see the heartbreak coming in, and even potentially Jun will just go out with neither of them to not make the other sad. Maybe that's the problem. Heck, "Gimai Seikatsu" is more mysterious than this now. *giggles* Rumi just wants what she likes and she can get it as easy as it gets making the guy happy, but has to worry if her sister wants him? BRUH NAORI DOES NOT CARE JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT RUMI AND LIVE WITH IT- They can't. *laughs* Again, all it needs is the guy to choose one unless we are doing a polygamy like "KanoKano" haha in which then no it's Japan you don't get to do that. *laughs* So yeah, not too keen on this, so I'm sorry Uchida "nee-san" Maaya, I'll just take my chances. I'm saying this for both of them. Like, take the guy and never break up with him. Fastest fingers first. *giggles* But yeah, living with or without this love is pain, I'll give you that, shout out to the title, because you really "can't split the love between the twins".
[TL:DR; I just realized that this drama plot is basically in the "way too predictable" category, and I don't like that. Well, at least we know what extent I can accept triangle relationships lmao]
P.S. "Did you read Norwegian Wood? It was pretty lewd, yeah?" WOAH WOAH haha "Just how horny are you guys?" Rumi and Jun? Probably very. *laughs*
P.P.S. "He taught me the value of living a life grounded in reality. What a jerk. A complete asshole." OH GOTTEM haha man this Naori dude can she ever feel love?

をニパ Gimai Seikatsu
"Please take care of Saki-chan for me." Hey mom she... she doesn't want to be taken care of I don't know what's the problem *giggles*
Yeah, she is just getting used to the life here. Give her some time, dude, she will love taking baths soon so we can have those weird scenarios between stepsiblings where you walk in to her- *laughs* Alright me this new episode is nowhere close to your fantasies (#GimaiSeikatsu02), so let's talk about stereotypes. *cringe* Haha okay if you aren't okay with this then you don't want to read or watch this series. Firstly, we talk about the differences between the stepsiblings. It's different alright. Even the people in school know about this girl and how unhinged she might be despite the appearances. *laughs* Yes, I'm just trying to be mean I'm sorry Saki-chan, and of course that is not the case. Just because she was more honest and rejected the people who asked her out? Girl is just not open enough, and we know all of that. *wink* Which is why I feel like all the more the guy should just hang out or heck even date protect her, dude. Not like he has any rep to begin with. *laughs* I KNOW, DAD, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT- Haha alright it's not his fault we know that. Yeah, but not on speaking out for her, more like on the stuff you see near the end of the episode with the umbrella and saving her from getting T-boned *yikes*, and then let her deal with the return of our serves on the tennis court herself. *giggles* Because it almost feels like the more she can talk about people's eyes and image on her, and how she dresses up in this fashion (which makes me wonder what normal her would like to dress up as) just so she can protect herself from said stereotypes which I would argue, that armour? That's still stereotyping. EVERYTHING is stereotyping. I'm already labelled as a nerd by someone else out there in my social circle. WHO. F**KING. CARES. *laughs* But yeah when you are in school this is a thing, barely survived that nightmare. So in her case as with many other cases probably including the guy himself, if you want to be independent, then you have to spend more time. Working, even. Yeah unless you're an influencer or something, they pay real well. *cringe* Anyways haha oh you think she's aiming for that income range? BRUH. *laughs* I doubt so, and Asamura here not telling the senpai at work more about her inquiry might be a good idea after all. Again, stereotyping. *ahem* I also want to talk about the pace. Yes, we just moved 3 days into the story, by the way. And within these 3 days what have we experienced? Talking to the imouto over dinner, her wanting to be (more) financially independent, and cooking breakfast for the family?? *silence* Okay the latter is great ngl haha the dad is hyped to say the least, and this is what you do with the give and take, though I would argue Asamura hasn't done anything yet so uh... cringe?? *laughs* All in all... I would love to talk some sense into Saki-chan, but then I realized I don't have to. *giggles* Though if all this is what it means to want to protect someone? Damn, I'm in. *giggles* I still want to give the 3-episode rule to see if I can feel anything more from this though. *giggles* Because you see the problem is that Saki-chan doesn't give. Yet. *giggles* And that's the part about this. Between the talk about shooting herself in the foot about stereotypes, and the pace at how all this is going... Like, if you want to open up slowly but surely, I'll be here. I know right, must protect, she hasn't learnt of nice people yet. And don't tell me about any potential plot twists yet, my heart is not that ready. *giggles* But as we see from the next episode preview or outro in this case, looks like Saki-chan might be opening up, at least to the most popular girl in class. We shall see whether this helps or ruins the reputation she has been trying to keep up so far. My guess? If this thing has spicier drama, we will (need that Kitri ending song hehe but also) NOT let this go untouched. *giggles* See you then. That b*tch can keep a secret, right? *laughs*
P.S. "The (bath) water was perfect... You don't have to do it again tonight... It was a waste of water." No Saki-chan it won't be a waste I could just sell this- "You don't think a college girl like myself would want a sugar daddy?" WOAH WOAH no girl don't do this my dad just remarried can you not (lol)
P.P.S.Β "I'm not good enough for a babe like (Saki-chan), anyway." Dude SAME "You've got a new younger sister now right, bro?" BRO YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT HER RUMOURS EARLIER lol we are NOT going to talk more about her with you now

Now that I think about it, there's a lot of light novel adaptations this season, huh. Yeah, like manga is evaporating into thin air for the past few years already lol

をニパ Giji Harem
"This is Nanakura's younger sister? She looks a lot younger than you!" I'm calling the cops on you Eiji haha
Dude just realized imouto doesn't have to be in elementary school haha MY MAN! *laughs*Β  In this new episode where the jokes keep on going (#GijiHarem02), damn, I really am hesitating just like how Rin-chan here is wanting to confess her feelings to the senpai... I can still say I like this a lot. I know that writing a review like this is hard to make all the jokes land since it's not much to talk about and especially you can get a laugh without me explaining the jokes to you, that's the best about romcoms like this. Let's still talk about them though, on what little character development it might have. *giggles* Yeah, on a DIVERSE CAST of characters- Oh, it's just the one girl. *laughs* But yeah, I like how the senpai Eiji has to behave normal when he doesn't feel well, like, girl can you just not act I really am not feeling well it'll be great to send me home afterwards and undress me- Okay about that part. *laughs* Eiji is probably right, this girl saw some things. *laughs* But seriously though, how hopelessly in love is Rin-chan to this dude? It's just envy from me right here and now for every episode I would assume we have to continue guessing her. Like, the best part about all this is she's just mixed in all of those roles. Yeah, you wouldn't even know the real her- It's technically a harem, yes. *giggles* But hey, I would argue that the senpai is getting close than ever to understanding Rin-chan as a person and as an actress, but damn we are only 2 episodes in so stop using AI to figure her out already, geez. *laughs* What else... oh yes I would also like to touch on how simple and straightforward this romance is despite all the acting. For example, she just called the dude from at home and had to act a bit but hey, if acting can get you to hang out with your beloved senpai, I'll take it. Every, (not) single, time. *thumbs up* Between the slick "advances" from the senpai which just is killing Rin-chan from the inside as in she is hyped haha, and Rin-chan just using her acting palette to converse with the senpai... how to say, it's more entertaining and direct compared to you know, we get all mysterious and stuff and NEVER confess to each other? Yeah, watching that would be more cringe, not going to mention which Anime. *giggles* Then again this Anime is also too- All in all though, I think if I and/or you can have fun watching this series just like how the couple (hehe) is having fun with each other's company even on the school holidays... You will like this even if it's not strong in content, and even if it isn't the perfect romance we might be asking for. I mean, I walked in not thinking too much and I had a great laugh, and that's probably more important than the inherent story that might be revealing to us over time. You know, someday Rin-chan will take her advances to the "notice me, senpai" situation we are having right now. *giggles* Yes I'm approving this acting, this many Hayami Saori cannot be beat- It's already better than that episode of Anime "MajoTabi" where Ede-chan has to voice 20 versions of herself lmao remember whatever bullsh*t that was? *laughs*
P.S. "So you're not particular (about how people confess to you)?? Isn't that the best?" Easy b*tch identified haha
P.P.S. "He's acting different because of how sick he is..." AND SHE LOVES IT lol "I'm not Naughty-chan!!" *laughs* I mean, what's wrong with helping your opposite gender senpai change clothes? *wink*
[RIN.GIF FEVER!!! You're welcome hehe]

をニパ Shoushimin Series
"I figured some shopping would cheer me up a bit." Hell yeah it did for me too I burnt a lot of money yesterday *sob*
ICHIGO TARUTO- Oh, we not doing that this week? I liked that though. *giggles* In this new episode of a mystery series in which the bad guys we saw last week doesn't matter lmao (#Shoushimin02), oh we talking about cocoa now? Okay, I'm in. *giggles* Damn, should've ordered some this morning. *laughs* I know right, the problem with watching this on Sundays is that I can't do it on Monday- MONDAY!! *laughs* Alright me, leave your own exciting life alone and let's talk about Kobato's exciting life... before he became ordinary haha ah hey. This time around, we learnt a little more about the guys, Kobato on how he became... like this haha oh come on we like cool guys here Yuki-chan likes them too hehe calling her Osanai is too dated now imo, and Kengo. He's weird. *laughs* And I think by now we should know why. Since he knew Kobato before middle school and this guy is basically a genius or probably someone stubborn enough to not let things pass his own knowledge, probably was a weirdo just having to refute or take over conversations just by spitting out his own ideals or brain matter per se. *giggles* That's the nicest I can make it, me, stop trying to make me say more, this is just an impression. *laughs* This is also why Kengo is okay with just ruining his date stroll with his girl (hehe) (sorry I just gotta) who was about to be happier with a... wait for it... ICHIGO TARUTO!!! *laughs* Ah, I love this Anime. *giggles* Anyways, Kobato won't prove him right, and he even told him that this is all that happened, how he just turned ordinary was just an "ordinary" affair. See what I did there? Could not tell much about him yet for now so we will figure that out soon, but considering we have her sis around at his place to ponder about a damn mystery on how he made 3 cups of cocoa without an extra cup at the sink (hey Chisato you are not that Chisato but are voiced by that voice actress of Chisato-) I think this is already a better episode than whatever scolding Yuki-chan got from the school just because her bike got stolen to do crimes without her consent. Bro, that's how crimes work. *shrugs* I'm not going to rant like Kobato if you want those help yourself to the postscripts hehe, but all in all, what a great episode of a simple mystery someone just came up with 5 minutes ago. *laughs* Hey, it fits the theme and people, Yuki-chan is uber cute as usual hehe I'm pretty sure one of Yuki-chan's disguises is like, a magical girl outfit. *giggles* According to Kobato, I don't have such a fetish. *laughs* And thank you Anzai Chika it has been a while can you just lie down nonchalant in your bed with shorter pants and bare feet- You're halfway there already. *wink* Sorry for the "Under Ninja" reference no one is going to get since like, 3 people watch it but hey, if it's obscurity you want in your "quit being detective" (for once I don't get what Kobato meant, anyone?) seasonal offerings in animation, I got you covered, this one here. *thumbs up* If you are not into cute girls then I can't help you lol maybe Kengo or Kobato is your type? *laughs* I just like the chill feels. Not the sad stories though we need to put that a little further away pls haha
P.S. "They criticized me for letting my bike get stolen." And that's why we can't have nice things. *sigh* I AM JUST A GIRL AND DELINQUENTS STOLE MY BIKE SHOULD I SUMMON SATAN TO DEAL WITH THEM- I gotcha Yuki-chan, I gotcha. *wink* "Why even bring it up if you knew (it won't work)?" HEY SIS SHUT YOUR MOUTH YUKI-CHAN WAS CONTRIBUTING TO THE CONVERSATION- I got her, Yuki-chan, I got her good. *giggles* Like, HOW DARE YOU
P.P.S. "Kengo is asking if you want to come over (to his place)" Yeah f**king BYE haha NO Kobato no one cares about that dude "But (Kobato) you are even worse now." See? *laughs*

音ζ₯½Β This Week on Klassic Note
(*Links to Apple Music Japan, in English where applicable)
FINLANDS was meh so let's talk about the Anime "SasaKoi" music releases instead. I know Laureley's won't disappoint and most kids will be stuck in a loop over there just like I did, so I'll talk about SSGIRLS instead, because damn does it just sound like a Mikakoshi album- Is that a song sung by Komatsu Mikako herself?? *laughs* So as you can see, we are already into the songs long before we knew what that song was supposed to be used for. You know, for when Aki-chan and Shiho were to scissor- I'll just give the songs first, thanks. *laughs* But yeah, been jamming to Laureley since Wednesday so you tell me who won. *silence* It was a draw, I picked 3 from each album on first impression. *dabs*

音ζ₯½Β Music News This Week
(*From Twitter/X; Information accurate as of writing)
Okay the biggest news HAS to be Aqua Timez coming back, right? RIGHT?? *giggles* Hyped, but I'm cautious once I saw the members talking about how they are only coming back for limited time which also means it's likely tied to a certain thing- What are the chances they are back to perform for an Anime "BLEACH" theme song?? *laughs* Ending song will do, please. *prays* Other than that, I'll be looking forward to Cider Girl's new song I need my album dosage soon lol, and heck fuzzy knot with new songs? Upcoming months are going to be GREAT haha not for next few weeks though, who cares about like, FINLANDS and Sumipe. *dabs*

音ζ₯½Β Next Week on Klassic Note
(*Links to Apple Music Japan, in English where applicable)
Well, now that we have some time and I didn't pick up much this weekend watching live performance videos... well I did but did you really want me to talk about "ZigZag"?? *laughs* (This is still their most normal song from their recent album) So maybe not, but I will talk about "KamiSai" and catch up on Anime theme songs this season if you guys don't mind. Oh, Ikimono also, I guess. *ugh* haha

Someone give the social media guy of Anime "Shoushimin Series" a raise because damn did they place a reference to AnimeΒ that some of us know too well haha yes that's a hint to "Shikimori-san" but yeah, Yuki-chan. *giggles* Oh, among more interesting news though haha sorry to keep you waiting, Anime "KanoKari" announced a 4th season that isn't featuring someone's dead grandmother so that's nice. *silence* If that console video game is actually fun and not just a visual novel-based game, then maybe I'll play it on the Switch. *giggles* And the makers of "BLEACH Brave Souls" yes that chibi battle action game announced a match-3 puzzle game for us adults who have time to match 3 so that we can summon Senbonzakura... I might actually play this these devs have a good track record of making games for the series- I mean, Square Enix is doing their next big console game which also just axed that "Engage Kill" video game I've played for almost a year so *shrugs* haha oh well what is game development today anyways. See you guys next week then, and until then... I hate to think that all of the things I can do in my blog I can do on social media and get more recognition than I can ever ask for.

That feeling actually sucks and it means nothing at best so I'll just stick to this. *smiles*

Just bought this frame from Muji because (1) it's easier(?) to change them out and (2) why would I settle at 1 when 2 is more. *dabs*