
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #29

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #29

Sunday, 21 July 2024
I'm actually less lazier than last week so LET'S GO!! (Haha)

I know that since this new blog launched this month, we have had only fanfics and/or Anime and music news so far, but I promise you, I PROMISE YOU, we are going to talk about packages here soon. *smiles* No really, I just approved that Melonbooks order earlier while having breakfast today. We're NOT going to live with regrets just like how I did last year. *wink* I know, that was a sad affair on what I experienced last year on those pre-order attempts without much hope.


Anyways, welcome back, I'm almost at the precipice of doing the design overhaul but we are not quite there yet as in I need a week's leave in order to have the mood to do all of this lol, but meanwhile, maybe I just spend more time updating that conversation module I just added to the latest fanfic so I can make it as close to IDOLY PRIDE's messaging feature as possible. *giggles*

More calm(?) and nerdy(?) stuff if you guys don't mind, so let's!

をニパ Gimai Seikatsu
"Also, I told Maaya that you and I are siblings now." OH NO THIS IS THE WORST NEWS YET- Is it though?
I know, how do we shut up this bossypants? *laughs* Wrong answers only, because in this new episode where sibling care is mutual no one said about sibling love don't cancel me (#GimaiSeikatsu03), this is the anti-ecchi episode, and I can't believe I'm saying this 15 years into watching Anime. Bro, this is not the usual stuff where you're in it, whether on purpose or by accident. This is the as long as you look at something you're IMMEDIATELY busted by not even the women involved. *laughs* It's more than that though, and yes, this is easily a good way to conclude on whether I will give the thumbs up. Let's talk about why I will. For starters, and this has been for a while, Saki-chan apologizes a lot. Like, when trains in Japan breakdown if they were like, 5 minutes late, a lot. Dude, so long as we have "mutual understanding" (shout out to Yakuza Kiwami 2 with Sayama lmao) you don't have to keep apologizing. We know Asamura here isn't gay- We know that Asamura here isn't particularly interested in you though I will say having a same year hot stepsister is a plus *wink*, but hey, between the association we have presented to Maaya who just poked her nose into our family affairs, and how weird sometimes Saki-chan tends to present herself to others in general I might add, yes Asamura is holding himself back and it really is because we are family. Also, he knows her too well. Yeah, it's like his hobby is "human observation"- No, really, people put that on their profiles, no joke. Like, people who don't have time for social unlike Maaya-san there, tend to have a lot of time thinking about what others think about them. Think me (lol), and perhaps Saki-chan too. It's hard to not delve a lot on such things, not especially when she was listening to English lessons and almost got herself T-boned *yikes*, I also don't know whether to praise her or to scold her for not taking care of herself. And this is also what was hinted so far, flashback after flashback. Within a week, guys, and Saki-chan thinks that it's better to set the relationship straight in this family somehow with the stepbrother. Like, BRO, not heterosexual totally not blood-related sex- I'm not going to reference "RoshiDere". *laughs* But really though, it's hard (lmao not that but) to not think that Saki-chan here might have some screws loose, even though she presents herself as untouchable but decent person overall. Don't walk down your mom's footsteps, girl, she did it so you don't have to. Yes, even this remarriage and everything. All in all... man, doesn't it suck to be Asamura so far? *laughs* No really, and I'm not talking about this episode alone. I'm your stepbrother if you want to draw the line. Also, this is Anime. *laughs* Maybe that's why, just maybe, we need to be more wary how far off the perpendicular we are going out of this stepsibling story. Remember the start of the series where Asamura just talked about this not being the conventional plot line? Well, it's converging, it seems. *giggles* Which really makes me wonder, can we play the game on her court or not? Like, what if I can't help you find a job so we're stopping complementary dinner? What do you think will happen? Yeah, like the previous episode with the umbrella. But I would also argue as I have so far in the series, that Saki-chan is pretty smart for herself to know and think on what the situation is right now, but acting appropriately she is not. Ironic, isn't it? *silence* I mean, I can give this series a watch, and depending on where this goes and I shall emphasize that once again, this can go haywire as fast and as slow as it can get. For that, I am starting to worry. Yeah, it's like worrying that family will leave you again. But this time around, they might need therapy. *giggles* Well, we shall see how this goes. I'm low-key excited on this transformation, even though I can see how Saki-chan is already knee deep into the love she didn't expect which also shows how immature as a woman she is compared to her mom which... yeah she never talked to her about it, huh. Oh heck what do I know, I don't even have a stepsister. *laughs*
[TL:DR; Just because I'm not exactly your family doesn't mean I cannot be respectful to the stepsister, you know. Also the mom is hotter so]
P.S. "It sounds like (Maaya) was watching when you came over to talk to me during tennis. And when you handed me the umbrella." Is Maaya like, the producer or director of this series or some stalker, dude? She has more eyes than I have with glasses on *dabs*
P.P.S. "I can't get mine this fluffy, though." That's what she said *dabs* "A lot of fabrics are super delicate. Do you know how to use a laundry bag?" Okay he's out. *laughs* MOMMY'S BOY HAHA NEVER WASHED LADIES CLOTHING ANDY- Well, not that I have but I know. "I've never seen you with lipstick or foundation on, but you might be the type who dresses up in private." WOAH WOAH bro I'm just a hetero male virgin I just don't know laundry I'm not a-

をニパ Giji Harem
"After today, I'll be a hit with the chicks... My dream of a harem will soon be reality!" You mean after this episode? No way, dude. *laughs*
Okay that book actually works he knew he said something dumb, you can keep it around. *giggles* In this new episode where love advice is overrated (#GijiHarem03), yes we do take in love advice, what of it? *laughs* But seriously though, this isn't a joke (lmao), we are trying to take in as much of it as possible, whether it's from the senpai Eiji or just poor girl Rin-chan herself. Let's start with the girl. This is simple, she just wants it. *laughs* Alright that might be too broad, so let's talk about specifically which role she wants to get laid with her senpai in. *laughs* That's still kinda off, so maybe we be a little more casual so we can see the real Rin-chan. (Alright I just had a brain wave maybe I'll do up theΒ "show me the real" memeΒ out just for this, you're welcome) No really, that's the first step of understanding her in the first place, considering we know too well about Eiji because he's just some hopeless romantic who really just wants to get laid, almost nailed half the intentions from Rin-chan apart from the damn fact that she is in love with him (lol), still kinda failed to understand one of the many personalities she has (lmao) just because she's an expert in covering it, and he's just from the props department in the drama club they were in. *laughs* I know right, what's with this extensive drama acting from the senpai then. *laughs* But seriously though, can we just address how real and lonely this dude Eiji is even though he's basically sinking in bliss from hiding behind in the club room with this girl who likes him a lot? *laughs* I'll take that as insult thanks and you're welcome lol, but yeah, maybe that's part of why this will never get to him, just Rin-chan being the perfect disguise whether it's the student council chairperson or she just slipped that actual love letter in between the fake ones she intend to give the senpai because he wants some action out of his shoe locker in school just like those normie guys did with getting laid. *silence* We don't have shoe lockers here, by the way, the normal lockers we have are padlocked. *laughs* And we don't talk about childhood Eiji, who cares I'm not Rin-chan. *laughs* I DO care about her... everything to be frank haha, from her frantically crawling out of embarrassment to just being the acting her as she has always used that basically as a shield towards others I would argue way more on this guy she likes hehe, but yeah, maybe let the senpai break... your... shield? *laughs* Before you intend to deny everything about liking him or something. You know, give him some hope like what we all need? *laughs* All in all... if you want Hayami Saori fuel as an Anime, this is it. And yes, I need it, thanks for asking. *laughs* And yes, the jokes are still landing, the romance moments are still great, someone just don't read that real love letter seriously please (haha), and no one is the wiser. Well, at least Eiji isn't. *laughs* I'm still having a laugh, and I like when the jokes land on where I can get them, it's always a joy. I guess this is my comedy series for the season, eh? I'll take it. *giggles*
P.S. "She can really switch in an instant. What an actress." I gotta say, if you really wanted to get praised for your voice acting, just be specifically Rin-chan in this specific Anime. *laughs* I know right, what are those seiyuu Anime last season even. "Is he alone? I wanna talk to him... I wish I was better dressed." With a ponytail and a tracksuit?? This is good enough, plenty of fetishes to fulfil already. *giggles*
P.P.S. "No love letters, huh. Good! That means no hearts for me to break." PREACH haha but seriously though someone dump me a love letter please and thanks I'll leave my home address here- "But I think I'll need to read (the real love letter) once to properly forget it!" LMAO what a bro, dude, what a bro "Wait, are you saying that I should get into little girls?" Someone call the FBI haha we gottem bro, we gottem
[More Rin-chan because as usual since I took too much lol maybe I need to only take the real Rin-chan, Cool-chan and Tsundere-chan(?) don't get to me tbh]

をニパ Shoushimin Series
"Listen, could I see you for a bit?" TOLD YOU THEY WERE DATING haha-
What is this ASMR sh*t on the phone, bro? I like. *giggles* Also all you can eat cakes??? What is this, "K-ON!"?? *laughs* In this new episode where you can take all the cakes and mysteries but not the girl lol I like Yuki-chan what of it (#Shoushimin03), we talk about revenge. *laughs* Sorry to break it to you in case you haven't watched this masterpiece yet hehe talking about Yuki-chan of course, but after this episode though I don't think I'll be praising her no more. *silence* "Let's go through everything." *laughs* I'm so sorry for an Anime joke 6 years ago shout out to "Tsukumogami", but I gotta. *wink* I would say this is rather expected even if it's just spicy drama incoming, but heck, the point that this even exists considering all the "ordinary person" rules the couple (hehe) placed on themselves and trying to forget all this about the bicycle theft and the call-ins by the school committee... Yeah we don't know how Yuki-chan feels, don't we? As such, every time she sees that dude who stole her bike I am not going to mention his name for legal purposes lmao as in I don't care and I rather call him names lol YOU HORRIBLE THIEF haha, she gets triggered. Like, real hard triggered. Like, she wants to know about why he ditched her bike on the suburbs up on the hills on the outskirts of town more than whatever happened with the breaking of glass in the cleaning locker in the classroom when she had her exams. And Kobato wasn't even there? Maybe he doesn't take Biology, what do I know about education in Japan and how people cheat in class by pasting the answers on the front of their desks. *giggles* (Like seriously bro, the teacher didn't notice??) But yeah, the girl saw the thief and she just booked it on her bike, dude. Like, chased after him mad, dude. And it really isn't bothering any of us even Kobato I would add, until she talks about exacting revenge on whatever he has done to her ordinary life. Man, this girl is creeping me out now, I don't know why. *laughs* Apart from that though, what's more alarming is that she might get herself into more danger without noticing and this is likely not going to end up in a good ending but this time around she might not get the chanced to be called into school for questions because they be going to visit her in the hospital in due time *yikes*, so Kobato decided to get Kengo to help. Sadly, his not bro doesn't fancy dealing with not quirky, nosy famous detective Kobato while just swallowing in the insults (yeah that's what happens when you are a bossypants lol), and despite him wanting to help his (girl) friend any way he can, he knew if all else fails and it is failing right about now, she could use some backup. (Thanks ChatGPT, I owe you one sentence completion) Kobato didn't even get into step one, and I think this is already spelling more trouble than Yuki-chan herself can handle. I'm getting worried. *silence* All in all... is this how we are ending this episode, dude? Like, we just lost half our audience already. *laughs* Why though? *silence* Okay, I see, I see. Yeah I'm also thinking like a Kobato now, huh. *giggles* I mean, I got jebaited into this already with Yuki-chan and now she has essentially gone berserk? We gotta save our (girl) friend, dude. Can't let her get into trouble even though she's already in it and sinking into the quicksand as we speak. *silence* Damn, didn't expect this development though, and as I listen to the light-hearted ending theme song lmao shout out to ammo-san, I really think this is as wild as I would have never expected out of this series or even the author themselves, so yes, this will be quite a thing to look forward to. *silence* You know what? Blow me away. I'm not going to use my brain too much I used it this episode just read the above lol, so you tell me, story. You tell me how I can protect my Hina-chan so she doesn't become the next Anime evil villain in a mystery series, of all things. *giggles*
[TL:DR; No one, literally NO ONE in this series will understand the pain Kobato actually experiences being an assertive weirdo and putting that aside just because it hurts you and now has to deal with rejection by society just because. I feel you, bro. Like, wtf Kengo who the f**k are you even]
P.S. "Are you laughing to yourself?" OH SHIT SHE RATTED ME OUT haha same bro "No, we are just getting started, Kobato-kun." OH NO why are you being me when I was a kid now Yuki-chan haha says Kobato
P.P.S. "The enzymes that convert peptone and protein into polypeptides..." The WHAT?? Haha thank goodness for subtitles amirite? Also I'm not a biology student so I don't know enzymes I only know they click
[More Yuki-chan though at this point I am hesitating to even do this extra segment now haha ah]

音ζ₯½Β This Week on Klassic Note
(*Links to Apple Music Japan, in English where applicable)
Not surprising Ikimono didn't hit me that much we have been experiencing a slowdown of listening to their songs already, but wacci's new song got to me, so I guess I'm giving that, a great change of pace if I would argue. Yeah, compared to Nan-chan's live album?? Sure is though, and don't mind if I revise the songs I've not given and try to give chance to her just because. *wink* I did forget about yorushika's new song though, trust me, it wasn't hard it was on the title. *laughs*

音ζ₯½Β Music News This Week
(*From Twitter/X; Information accurate as of writing)
A little underwhelming this week huh, after whatever Aqua Timez news we had last week. *giggles* Still more interesting that the excepts from the live performances of Anime "Attack on Titan" soundtrack released this week? I promise you, we are done now, don't worry no more news from them. *laughs* Still, not like idolism side is doing well Miyu-chan's new song teaser is really just a tease and we will find out if it's good later tonight before I sleep, and Sumipe's cleavageΒ is just *chef's kiss* haha alright the new songs are fine too but the album is not going to be my priority. And fhana's MV is just a lyric video essentially wtf happened to them bro

Wait wait I almost missed cinema staff announcing new songs to release? BRO haha

音ζ₯½Β Next Week on Klassic Note
(*Links to Apple Music Japan, in English where applicable)
I mean, we had such a good run with "Soko ni Naru" I feel like we can give them chance with this new album. Heck, they are releasing music videos for their new songs each month so far and I've missed 3 of them so maybe it's time to do catch up! Or not, maybe they will take me by surprise. I'll make sure to listen to GLIM SPANKY and give fhana first though. *giggles* And Sumipe will be for whenever I feel like dealing with her songs. *laughs*

No, not really watching Ogura Yui's livestream now as I do this post I am already 50 minutes late for her 12th year of solo music (wow really?) nor her new live Blu-Ray anyways so don't mind me as I sink in further to find out more weird things about Ueshama instead and how the others found out she wore black lingerie inside in that one livestream. *laughs* I wish I can draw a fanfic or get AI to draw something for me but nah. *laughs* Oh, Yui-chan is releasing a new album in September. *laughs* Yeah, that's how much I don't care. It's hard when you have to deal with so many follows when they all are more involved in the Internet than I am involved in buying doujinshi this morning. *giggles* So yeah, I'll throttle my time from here on so I can actually spend some time coding at my free time like enhancing that conversation module in this blog to show system info like message date! Cool, isn't it? *silence* See you guys next week then, at least I remembered to type the outro this week lmao, and until next time... well, at least Yui-chan here didn't screw up her new album announcement unlike what Mocho did. *laughs* And that's why Mocho is better. *dabs*

Okay something just got into her because apparently the promo photo for her live tour which shows herself and if not so that will be a problem (lol) is making her giggle uncontrollably.

Thank you, Yui-chan. *giggles* OH WHAT she didn't do the "ganbari-mame-daifuku" thing she did back then in Anime lives?? BOO (haha) (see even the fans said it in the comments)