Hey, this is a good week as long as we have new shows to watch, okay? But also I got SSRs in DOAXVV so that is just *chef's kiss* haha did you even see how much they have to use large snowflakes to cover up their-

Anyways welcome back again, I hope you are doing well unlike fictional me who is just yapping about the ex lmao, but yeah thanks for asking Kitou Akari's birthday livestream was great. Also a harsh reminder that she has no love live because she hangs out with her live event dancers so much so they know her lol, so if you think your chances of getting her is high... Well, my chances of getting anyone is zero because I don't care so *shrugs* haha.

Then again I am listening to women singing this week, and watching plenty of Anime that heavily feature the beauty of women so don't take my words for it, alright? *laughs* I can be a simp, I want to buy MaiMai's next photobook so bad and break my rules I can't even. *giggles* She dressed up as a nurse and hit me with the syringe on that monthly paid livestream dude, I can do anything for her now. *dabs*

をニパ Ao no Hako
"I'm sure they are just friends! I mean, we walk home together now!" Damn Hina-chan you are digging a lot of holes for Taiki to jump into lol
I'm pretty sure your girl and Haryu-senpai are like, childhood friends or something, don't worry about it. *cringe* Haha in this new episode where the love is stronger than sports but how do you then win the sports without said love hehe (#AoNoHako03), so yeah, you choose sports. *laughs* I mean, that's what Taiki is showing us anyways as he is in this private sports high school here, and it's doing pretty well for him. Add on the boost that is his beloved crush Chinatsu (senpai, by the way), dude, even I will do dumb runs in the evening and do badminton swings by myself so I don't have to go home with her because that will give me a heart attack. *laughs* Yeah, it's romance crush at its finest and I love it, no further comment. *giggles* Even the people around him are seeing this effect, as he slowly trains himself up to get better because in case you don't know the one thing that's most important to be good at sports unless you're a chess player or something lol you saw that put that in the Olympics? Haha, is to be physically fit. And that's why Haryu-senpai here is in a different level. Yeah, also different in level as he's classmates to Chinatsu, and somehow, SOMEHOW, he is more intimate with her. Well, at least to Taiki, in his mind he is thinking they are having s*x with each other already- *dabs* ANYWAYS lol obviously that's not the case because even if we know jack sh*t about Haryu here, we are again reminded of how much Chinatsu cares about Taiki who in turns takes concern about her just because... well Haryu-senpai knows the reason you can ask him. *laughs* Yeah, it's these little things that matter, and damn is it to sweet, even just playing badminton with Chinatsu sounds like a fever dream as the sun goes down but my hype doesn't even for a bit. *giggles* I feel like this episode though is a good round-up of all the misunderstandings Taiki accumulated over time especially if he's doing this every episode it keeps his blood running don't worry about it lol, and in this episode we then know that all his worries are invalid since, ironically why not those classmates have been calling him a sadist LMAO, Haryu-senpai got himself a girlfriend even though he is so bent and unapproachable as he always has. So yeah, he can't deal with a Chinatsu, Taiki, unlike you. *wink* Haha is that a compliment or am I just dunking on him like Chinatsu does every day at school? *dabs* Yes, I meant basketball, remember I said I have to keep the jokes coming? I feel like I didn't do enough though. All in all... I'm just sad Hina-chan is taking second place in this series. *giggles* Because DAMN will Chinatsu be my reason to stay to watch TWO SEASONS of this Anime. Excuse me, Ueshama. *laughs* Also, teenage drama is great, isn't it? Moving forward though, I would really expect that this series follows what most of the lore they did for this episode to be: Talking a lot more about romance and character development and less of sports, bringing in the action and knowing when to stop and/or cut short, and sweet, sweet Chinatsu-senpai. *giggles* Okay that last one is just me but hey, it's a working formula and you got me into this Anime, so you take the responsibility and don't you wimp out like Taiki did so far- *dabs*
P.S. "But you can't stop yourself from falling in love!!" Wow Taiki too real dude, too real "Who actually says that though?" *points at self* haha
P.P.S. "You got home fast, Taiki... Is that because I went home earlier than you and you didn't want me to keep me waiting outside?" No Chinatsu, no he was running from something else entirely and it's not from school *laughs*
[CHINATSU OPENING ANIMATION SPECIAL!! Hehe you are welcome this is how you know I didn't watch the opening sequence]

をニパ Kimi wa Meido-sama.
"But I don't have the guts to pierce (my ears) myself, so..." Hey Yokoya, just buy those magnetic ones dude, it's not as cool but-
The imouto is not screaming that her brother is keeping a woman at their place? Understandable. *laughs* In this new episode where technically we can't tell Yuki here to use violence on anything other than knives lmao (#MeidoSama03), so yeah, even those have to be on trees. I can't say non-living things or else I'll get cancelled by the nearest nature society in my area so... *laughs* Anyhow, this episode introduces to the sister Riko-chan lol yes I will leave the one and only Yokoya to his family name instead Hitoyoshi is also not that catchy, where this girl... well, she is the definition of "normal" as Yuki-san has pointed out, and she is not wrong. For an Anime girl who looks like she's at 8th grade going by her signature book so that's middle school, she is truly the embodiment of a normie. *giggles* I mean, as a kid yes, but she is more than that. For starters, she just found out that the maid residing at their place is more perfect than her perfect. *laughs* (Yeah I gotta leave some headroom for our best maid here ngl) Well, at least in her eyes she is perfect, even to the point everything Yuki does is cool to her, so all's well is well, I guess. Other than that, we didn't really goof around so much so as be more busy than ever playing around with this new girl, as she bring us to the summer festival... sadly, without the girls on yukata which is truly a shame so how the heck did we get Yuki-san into a school uniform? *laughs* Anyways a little too early on that, but Riko here is more like a kid than just, you know, cute? I mean, she is don't get me wrong FBI lmao, but all I want to say is... she is the bringer of bad tidings. *laughs* No, really, those two walked out of the house and we only got into an accident ONCE. *laughs* Not only did Riko summon a motorbike to herself in which Yuki-san did save her just like how she will eventually save the whole family somehow lol, Riko also caused someone's bag to be stolen- Haha who am I joking, Yuki-san saved the day, dude. *giggles* Yuki also saved this series for simping so hard on that Katsuda sauce and missing on the shooting gallery in the summer festival so I guess she wins. *wink* All in all... alright, this is what happens when you didn't give her a first name, Yokoya. *laughs* But yeah, this is actually a great conclusion to the chaos that has been going on so far. It's as the sister predicted, we have action, we have flashbacks, and we have plot twists! Damn, I really do not know what to make of this Anime, but just seeing the dog haha they are always MVP as long as the camera's on them, and then Yuki-san here... I don't see no reason to not like the series. Theme songs yeah I would argue otherwise, but I might just give those a chance just like how Yokoya is giving the maid a chance. *wink* So yeah, I'm in, and I am starting to notice it's hard to talk about more stuff on this mainly because, and you will of course notice over time, this is a very slice-of-life series... until we had to deal with Yuki's past which fingers crossed, won't be something that'll change the plot line of this...? Man, I can't expect that it can just be bad, but hey, it's good so far apart from the disturbing drawings lol, so we shall see it through! I just want some more Ueshama we got two series here running for her it's like Yuki's addiction to the sauce, dude. *giggles*
P.S. "I couldn't possibly do something as horrible as opening a hole in your flesh, Hitoyoshi-sama" YO HOW WRONG IS THIS *laughs* "Uh, didn't you used to put holes in people for a living?" GOTTEM haha Yokoya best joke of the week right here
P.P.S. "Spoken communication is my strong point. In fact, I speak around twelve languages." Haha Ueshama that's great I can just speak to you in English now lol she can't *laughs* YEAH YEAH try speaking some Spanish dude NO DUBS *laughs*Β 

をニパ BLEACH: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
"If you (Ukitake) die, what will become of Squad 13?" IT IS YOUR F**KING PROBLEM NOW haha poor Rukia dude
Oh boy UKITAKE IN PAIN LET'S GO haha man am I optimistic about this- Also, is that inflation porn- *laughs* In this new episode where we welcome our next sacrifice *prays* (#BLEACHTYBW29), oh boy how is Tomita Miyu in this series anyways? Haha Miyu-chan said it on her social, I just follow her. *giggles* Anyhow, Miyu-chan was just one of the sisters in the Ukitake family so that's not that important I just learnt lmao LAME haha, but yeah, we are talking about Ukitake's past before uh... we say goodbye to him. Yep. Sad. *sob* But anyways, we will talk about why. Legend goes that Mimihagi is basically a long lost part of the Soul King, which I would believe even till now that this right arm of the King is just so damn detached to his body that it hardly knows about him kind of the feeling you get when your hand gets numb as you rested on it all night without realizing, is (1) not in the vision of The Almighty powers which we will talk about why in the near future, but and that's why (2) is basically developing its own will, and (3) in case you haven't realized how the Soul King now has lost ALL of his limbs... I hope you will connect the dots if you haven't made sense or it OR have never read the source material hehe because I have sorry for cheating, but Ukitake did cheat many years of his soul life in Soul Society thanks to his somewhat passionate parents who lived to see their son through the years, still isn't technically healed to his incurable illness but more like suppressed by the demigod himself. So yeah, imagine that they just share a line, so like, that's what he has to offer in exchange because like who knows how this works anyways, praying to a local god hoping their son will be healed. *giggles* ANYWAYS, the point is that we know now the fundamental reason why he is always never in action but I would argue he did a couple of times just look at all the Anime filler seasons lmao or watch back the fight where he had to fight the old man RIP and released his zanpakuto for us to see for the first time. *thumbs up* Those were great, and throughout his life we have seen many things related to how he works, how he met Kyoraku and being a literal chad for slaying all the puss while still fighting a half-dead dude without much qualms per se *giggles* and this is how they all learnt of the truth. Well, part of it, I'm pretty certain they didn't know about Yhwach and that 1000 year legend that will come true eventually. *shrugs* Haha but I'm sure they had a hunch. Ukitake said goodbye to all his underlings we are so sorry Rukia guess you have to take over the 13th Squad now *giggles* but yeah, Kamikake is this very reverse procedure Ukitake had to master in order to use it in such an occasion, even though no one knows what that occasion was up above, we just knew the worlds were shaking. We are also presented with a glimpse of Aizen Sousuke- Okay, more than a glimpse there's a lot you can do with one's mouth, ankles and one eye haha ah hey I don't want to lose to Kyoraku in jokes you're welcome, it's real cool seeing them explain the Muken area Aizen was currently in, and looks like we will see Yhwach's reaction and Ukitake's eventual downfall next week. *silence* Dammit I spoiled it huh. *laughs* Yeah, not like your dad's vestigial arm will do anything to keep his actual essence alive for too long. So yeah, let's say our prayers right now, and yeah this pace of storytelling is fast ye concise, I can't wait to read back the manga to see what they missed. *giggles* I mean, Kyoraku making those jokes is good enough lol they also just voiced ALL of Ukitake's sisters so that's kinda rad ngl- *sees ending credits* NAGANAWA MARIA WAS IN IT TOO?? *laughs* (See?)
P.S. "I've been asked to introduce people to girls, but not to a sweet cake shop." Kyoraku just SLAYING PUSS even in his younger days, dude, I'm envious. *giggles*
P.P.S. "That's correct. No one can ever replace Kaien." Ukitake is right though. Rukia can attest to that. *laughs* RIP Kaien seriously though his zanpakuto is the only thing that can replace himself "If I cannot handle it alone, then I'll die a quick death. After that, you can assume the caption of your choice." BOOM GOTTEM haha Central 46 is just useless dude they set the rules too isn't it
[SOURCE MATERIAL ANALYSIS!! Well, last week I think I already mentioned how much we missed on Ukitake's lore and how he managed to heal Kenpachi (lol) so this time around they stayed rather close to the material and that's why Ukitake was mentioned with Aizen's reveal, but otherwise we should be good on content... apart from the meaningless fights!! Hey, I am still get used to this "perfection" of source material adaptation, okay? We got 15 seasons of trash 15 years ago this is still unprecedented it has been a while since we saw Ukitake and/or Aizen this cool I can't even]

をニパ Murai no Koi
"Reasoning? I mean, it's the only choice that makes sense." Kiri just shut your damn mouth will ya haha also this series in a nutshell
And that's why Murai's friends can't get laid. *laughs* Because in this new episode where Murai is always right about Tetsuko or whoever that gorilla is lmao (#MuraiNoKoi02), you really need to pay more attention in summer class or else who is going to help stare at the teacher all day? *giggles* Sorry for the jokes but since this what we refer to as "gag Anime" as in I'm not sadist and I'm not going to choke you lol, I gotta keep this momentum up even after watching the lot of shows from above. *dabs* So, what I think this episode is mostly about is long story short, focused on now that we know about "Murai in love" and who he is in love with so yeah title drop, how we ended up in the situation we are today. Well, short story long is that Murai played the game Tetsuko was into and found out Hitotose thinks the same way he does and thank goodness he's the one getting a chick and not the other two because I wonder in my friend group who will be that Murai at some point in the future because it's none of us *cringe* but yeah, that also kind of means Murai knows what to do to advance this relationship, even if it's getting creepy and why is he even here for summer lessons? *laughs*Β  So yeah, Tetsuko is smart enough to evade all his unintentional appearances so far though, which is also why the girl he likes just forgets her glasses which I suppose is also Murai's fetish since he put it back on her and just said lines from the game much to the other's surprise because what better way to bond than to play the girl game your crush is playing? *silence* Welp. *laughs* And that's also why I think this will become a problem real soon as instead of relating to her, he may end up feeling like he is stalking her, adding to another level of creepiness especially when they both notice each other's presence OUTSIDE of school which is kind of weird since Tetsuko only sees Hitotose in her dreams and in game or on her phone when artists she follow drew them so shout out to all doujin artists here (all 29 of them specifically) on their contributions to the shelf in my room because I had the same reactions when I thought of supporting you guys that last year forgoing all monetary sacrifices required to reach this level of otaku and please and thank you for the likes I will love Bluesky more now that you guys want to move away from Twitter in case I intend to stalk you guys and you can't block me. *dabs* Hey that's just a bit of current events don't worry about it great timing though to pad this review lmao, but of course Hitotose Murai (LMAO) (my hand slipped btw) did not intend to get this creepy especially on point on the... not Comiket event haha hey there is Kansai Comitia 71 running this weekend if you are in Japan right now (I am not joking look it up) OKAY OKAY we better stop here I can go on forever this is an Anime review. *giggles* What else did I miss... *laughs* And I kind of understand now why Hitotose is so important to this series besides being the character on topic more important than any of the cast tbh lol, still is there just because of relevancy since it's kind of a thing to ensure they connect. Well, Murai to Tetsuko the other way around isn't really a thing unless you want to mention that Mongolian Chop. *laughs* All in all... Damn. *laughs* And then I get to dance to the ending theme song haha thanks Yabai T-shirt-san I didn't expect to have to listen to this every week now. *laughs* ANYWAYS, damn this is quite an episode. So yeah, I think this is the whole point now which might conclude next week, but let's assume that this is what they will talk about going ahead for now, that Murai is doing this against his will, and he is in Tetsuko's eyes, doing this too aggressively which of course, isn't his intention. We even got a flashback on how, and that's why this is kind of cringe already to be frank, they met long time ago, when they were... younger haha I'm sorry Hikasa Youko I didn't mean to reach this in writing, but if you could shake my hand that'll also be swell. *wink*
[TL:DR; "It's not me that Sensei is looking at." NOW THEN YOU NOTICED?? *laughs*]
P.S. "What in the world could have brought Hitotose into the spotlight over all the other characters? What was it that led to the creation of this divine picture? How is this happening? Is this some kind of reward?" Haha literally me every time I see an idol a doujin artist I like posting something great online- I have no examples on that. *laughs*
P.P.S. "On this day, the ultimate event where otaku gather is being held." I see I see I'm sure you are talking about Com*ket, right? *giggles* "I'm not going home until I get every single publication they have at this convention that's related to Hitotose!" Okay not me I don't go for the one character though I do just go for original characters because it's creativity dude I'm not going to let that die as the world is being consumed by AI-

音ζ₯½Β This Week on Klassic Note
(*Links to Apple Music Japan, in English where applicable)
Oh yeah I did listen to Yabai-san after, well god knows how long and they are ok. How did I describe them? SpecialThanks but worse? *laughs* Somehow, it's like that, but their songs for major is good, and that's how they work I suppose, I really don't like the female vocals. ClariS final(?) cover release did get me somehow so I did give a couple of songs and kind of begrudgingly the new title song too but yeah, the winter one was better imo.Β 

音ζ₯½Β Music News This Week
(*From Twitter/X; Information accurate as of writing)
Even now I struggle to think of what will make my Top 20 songs of the year with cinema staff missing in action and ClariS losing another of their members, I'm just listening to old songs from at least a decade ago now (even at work by the way) *giggles* so let's hope w.o.d. will turn things around. *wink*

I don't know where else to put this but as I watched the ROCK IN JAPAN FES excerpts last weekend as they were aired on YouTube... I think I said it before and I'll say it again, YOSUKE is the next best thing SPYAIR can have. So yeah, if it isn't as good as IKE-san, it is understandable. But if they were to move on, this is the direction, whether I think they are good or not.

音ζ₯½Β Next Week on Klassic Note
And finally the day has come months in the making haha no joke they are 4 and 8 months in the making respectively you can find out why when I talk about them next week, and I'm DEFINITELY listening to w.o.d. first, SPECIAL OTHERS can wait they print out too much music these few years I don't care now. *laughs* Oh yeah, almost forgot about SpecialThanks haha how did I not write that down? *ugh* haha

Oh yeah, Toranoana doesn't like us now ever since the last time we did that Doujinshi Fair so I guess that's the last one! *laughs* They don't accept major credit cards now apparently so welp. *sigh* And that's why we can't have nice things. *giggles* What, I'm going to pay MORE service fees by using a proxy service instead of JUST using a forwarding service?? BRUH. *laughs* Anyways I guess this is all, much has passed but none have made impact for me this week, and with the next package... still in limbo especially considering I can't buy the Shino Ren book from Toranoana anymore and that's why the rant here haha what do you think happened, we might have to do a fanclub run just to make ends meet. *giggles* I know right, I may sound poor but I PROMISE YOU I am not. *laughs* See you guys next time, and until then... there are many under the hood changes here which you won't notice so if they aren't giving you problems, then I've done a good job. *thumbs up*

If I hadn't though, go to your browser settings for your website by tapping the icon beside the address bar if you are on Chrome, click on site data and the bin to clear this site's caches. *laughs* You are welcome for the tip I may have screwed up by caching the homepage to long term storage haha