
The Klassic Note Evaluation 2015

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The Klassic Note Evaluation 2015

Friday, 01 January 2016
Well I felt that I should do this like, yesterday? But then instinct tells me I'll give a better impression if I did it today. (Or actually, I'm just lazy. So, sorry.)

Anyways, I'm going through the usual like last year - so "last year" I have to refer to that particular post from last year too - "where I talk about the performance of artists which classify to one of the following" which I'll just redefine or I'll be copying my own content:

  1. Artists which I've followed long enough to be mentioned every year so long as they release something, ie. Collection Artists (we have newcomers so this is slightly different)
  2. Names which have appeared for the past year or past few years which are active enough to be mentioned as always (this year quite a lot, so that too)
  3. Newcomers, of course. Especially for the year, who have significant contributions to the results and the list itself. Well, and those who made some one-hit wonders too.
As usual, all dates below refer to the previous year, so I'll make it easier on anyone who's reading this. Not for myself though. *sob* Let's start.

This year is quite an inactive year for quite a number of artists in this category, good thing is I have integrated more artists into the list, which include Tsuji Shion, VELTPUNCH (finally) and Sambomaster (FINALLY), and they have been around for as early as Klassic Note has appeared. Let's talk about how all of them have done.

Aqua Timez - They came in weak, but went out strong this year. Around April they released for consecutively three months three single-track digital releases online, and of course the biggest problem is I cannot buy them if they are not in hard copy. Furthermore, all three of them did not come as impressive as I thought, so that is quite a disappointment. Their latest single also came as a quite bomb to be because when it hit as the Anime Gintama ending song I barely bothered about it.  Then came their 2nd series of BEST albums (if you recall the last time they did this was in 2011), and guess what? To spoil things, they placed all three tracks along with both tracks of their latest single in. Yeah, which pretty much wrecked the requirements for me to give them the thumbs up. Yes, both of them. Nontheless, I gave as many past year songs as I can, and ended up with a conclusion that I'll not give both of them, unlike with YUI (RIP) which I gave both which also followed around the same requirements. Disappointing, Aqua Timez, for just falling down to sales strategies, and of course, their music isn't as strong as before.

Chatmonchy - They continue to grow strong for the revival last year, and this year they released their album along with a single which I barely recall (maybe if I give 3 stars then maybe I will recall), but the album reminds me of their style of music, and that is good news. At least Chatmonchy is doing well on their side. But now that they require assistance from various groups, I can only say this will no doubt influence their style of music sooner or later. Meanwhile, I think I haven't got to watch their 10th year live which I think will be great, and really, Ecchan (the vocals) is there to make sure that this band doesn't die.

Ikimonogakari - Ah, this one. They only released two singles this year. So how? Not much, but the second one is worth a mention. Again it's a double A-side single out of respect for both composers, and I tell you, it's a good single. A good reminder that their composition style did not die off, and that it can take some awards and ranks in the Klassic Note despite little contribution this year. I expect an album next year, Ikimono; don't disappoint me.

SCANDAL - This one too. Well, I mean, they have announced an album next year, so I'm in a relief already. Two singles don't make much, but aren't bad. They are easy-listening as usual, and TOMOMI's inclusion in a B-side of the second single "Sisters" somewhat turned me off (unlike last year), so that one's not on my shelf. Overall still good job, and I hope I get to hear more from them next year with their album in place.

miwa - This one, I have an opinion. She started strong this year with two singles and an album, in which even if I miss the singles I ended up giving them in the album anyway, but that is not the point. miwa, is changing. Like, not for the good. Her singing style somewhat is affecting me, and her compositions have become more... plain. I mean, she is using different music styles to cover the fact she lacks a certain composition creativity, and that gets weaker along the way. I ended up giving another song from her previous live, which was nice enough to keep me company. but the year end single was not impressive. I thought maybe it's just me, but depth is missing in her works. As with always I try to find excuses, but I hope she can come up with new, stronger songs next year. We can but hope.

SPECIAL OTHERS - This one, I have not felt that bad. But then this year, it's not strong either. Like last year, but then with the return of the usual SPECIAL OTHERS and them releasing a 10th year album is of course consoling, but then the quality of the music isn't strong. I can see elements borrowed from previous albums as assistance, and that the verses aren't that catchy like before. Nonetheless, I still think their performance this year still wins artists like miwa and Ikimonogakari, so I have no much of a complain. It's just another year for them, I guess.

Kalafina - I have a feeling, but then maybe it's just me. Kaijura Yuki-sensei has been going strong, well, at least in her field. She releases singles for the girls which are not what I prefer, but then the album this year also said otherwise. I can feel the usual music style from her, but then why did it not appear in the Anime theme song credited singles? Maybe it's just me. But then they have not been going strong, and it's likely due to production. But then it can also be me. I want the good old music they sang, but this year isn't that year.

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - A single and album won't go amiss this year, but then again the composer's style has changed strongly. Gotch, who is under heavy influence of American music styles, is changing the band style slowly but surely. The single to start the year is totally different from any single they have released, and the album is full of songs which greatly differ from previous albums. Even their topic song seems to not fit their music style so much as before. As I say, maybe it's just me, but then they have not been going strong too. But then there's a good side. I actually like those styles. Well, especially those lively tunes, they got the kick in them. So I won't complain much. Here's hoping next year there'll be NANO-MUGEN COMPILATION again. Lacking of English songs this year, seriously.

sphere and its members - Where should I start... how about that fail of a single? Well maybe not, huh. Let's start with their fan selection best album, and yes it's on my shelf. Two singles after that do show they can have nice songs, and I'm pretty impressed with their performance this year, overall at least. Not all the releases on my shelf, but whatever. It has also gone weak with solo releases, with Tomacchan pushing out another good album being the biggest performance maker this year. Mina-chan is deviating in style so much I'm getting worried for her, and Aki-chan... well I expected an album. I ended up with a single only. Oh well. Which also means next year will only get better.

ClariS - Their revival year did not go strong. Their single to start the year was not strong, and they have gone weaker with the replacement ("graduation") of Alice by Karen. Even the sales show the statistics. Anyway, that aside, at least we know their best album isn't on my shelf (what a pity, but then it's not all from the good old ClariS), and I can only recall their latest single which sounds great. Here's hoping they get more chances to prove their worth, but going from this year, I guess this may dwindle quite quickly over the next few years.

Sambomaster - They have gone strong, and on their 15th year they did not disappoint. They may come off as weak in the first listen, but then if you remember the good ol' rock & roll you'll know they are potentially awesome, just like their 15th year album, and I'm not as disappointed as I was in the beginning. 

Tsuji Shion - She came in strong after years in the quiet, so that is good news. Her release of digital singles maybe a pain to me, but then her release for summer did not disappoint. I can still hear the subtle but strong music style from her and her singing, which is good news. If she wants to finally come up with another album soon, I won't be surprised. But I'll be looking forward to it.

(Really, go for a toilet break. Or you're going to regret this. This is going to get long.
You have been warned.)
Goose house - My mind, is in a whirl. Once I knew of them having to release two albums under two labels separate because of the big boss that is Sony Music Japan, this just shows a deterrence for me. Furthermore, their styles differ greatly in these two albums. Honestly saying, for the first time reviewing such a scale of albums, I must say I'm not too disappointed. But for goodness sake I ended up only giving a couple of songs, of which I did like some of the songs anyway. So that is good and all, and they had to release a Christmas single. You know, just to make me not feel happy about it. I apparently still cannot get into their style, which maybe a major factor to liking them in the long run. Hmm...

Yuuki Aoi - I'm not disappointed, surprisingly, when I decided to pick up her new album which she has not released one in years, and I found myself surrounded by not one, not two, but three of her songs, from like, one only from last year. Impressed I am, and now I know that at least somewhere deep down she does have production who will create the right style for her, unlike what is shown on the surface with quirky styles and melodies. I was wrong, and this year proved it.

PHONO TONES - What is not surprising is from last year, I did not bother to give their limited edition digital single, but then this year when their 3rd album came out I was impressed. Not by the usual music style which I liked, but how much I ended up immersing myself to listen during the summer period, and instead of giving the topic song I ended up giving plenty of the others. If there's someone to fight with SPECIAL OTHERS for instrumental music then this band is it.

Takagaki Ayahi - Yeah, that 2nd full album. It was memorable. I remember listening to this on the train, thinking this wasn't much compared to that song I heard of last year, but then many chances have been given to her to sing normal pop songs which I preferred, and I ended up picking a song or two from the list. Good job Ayahi-chan, but I want more. Not of the other styles, because I miss her singing normal pop songs. Really. An Anime can prove this point. 

Kuso Iinkai - Well, them? They didn't disappoint. What's disappointing is no one actually appreciates them as much as I do, which is sad. Their mini-album in summer and single in winter are all fabulous releases, but I never got to listen to them, only to be able to rely on music videos for satisfying my desire for listening to more of their rock style. I could've given more, but limitations forbid me to do so. Maybe a new album next year can salvage this, yes?

cinema staff - This? I guess, like many others, I just cannot get used to their music styles. Mainly because they don't have good songs. Their album was not that fantastic, and the two EPs released close to the end of the year aren't good enough. All I can say is, they are the type I can remember, but not be impressed. cinema staff-san, you guys got a lot more to do to make me impressed, I guess.

fhana - Wow. Their album started strong, and their single topic song did not disappoint. Other than that, I tried hard to give songs from the album which did not do much, and I did not give anything else on their single as usual. I wonder when any of their releases can be on my shelf.

negoto - Been quiet this year, negoto-san, and I only took one song from their album. Their latest single in June has been neglected by me completely, and overall it has not been much for them. Well, if it's about them doing performances then I don't get to watch them, okay?

fumika - Ah, this one. Also, neglected her latest single, and only from the album I only picked a couple of songs, and it's not the latest topic song. Well, at least another of her singles which supposedly should be on my shelf last year is finally on my shelf now, so that's a good thing.

Taketatsu Ayana - Only one single isn't much to say about, but then it's her 2nd credit on Anime, and she is doing well. She is also starting strong with another Anime-credited single (which I will also watch) and it isn't disappointing. Here's hoping her next year will be more active than last year.

Hanazawa Kana - Following her success of new set of singles from last year, she ended up with a single for a movie theme song of a show she stars in which I have yet watched (don't know why *sob*) and the album which, on the same level as Aoi-chan, I am impressed. I took more songs than I expected I would, and I must say I want more. At least production did well this time to give her better and more catchy songs to sing to, which made me pleased with her performance this year.

nano.RIPE - They aren't disappointing this year, despite being at this part of the list this year. (It's not in order, anyway) Their two album release, one being the singles' best at the later part of the year, totally displays their music style which I'm starting to take a liking too, and that is good news. Kimiko is not disappointing as an uprising composer, and their songs are just nice to listen to. Here's a thumbs up to a good job for this year! Just... make it better, yes? Not much in the Klassic Note rankings, apparently, unlike last year...

KANA-BOON - Starting with a Naruto theme song this year (*sigh*), but then their performance this year isn't disappointing. I've been encountering them and reviewing their three singles for the year, and they aren't disappointing. Many a times I was missing them just by a bit to have a couple more songs on my list, but that also shows their composition style can vary a lot, which is good news. This totally throws off my impression of the album at the start of the year which is rap-heavy. Or quick-paced, like what Aqua Timez can do better, I guess.

THE ORAL CIGARETTES - This is also another contender. A coincidence listening to their emotional topic song on a single this year definitely threw me off my impression of them, and after getting used to a couple of songs a strong yet "high" song came in to deepen my impression of them this year, especially it being an Anime theme song.

TrySail - This one too. If they released two singles on their debut year and both can be on my shelf, that's something. I guess compositions do matter, but then after that I am still impressed that Ten-chan (Amamiya Sora), Mocho (Asakura Momo) and Nan-chan (Natsukawa Shiina) can perform this well. Their next single is under way next year, and hope we get to see a new album to cement their position as yet another idol group which I will be watching closely on.

7!! (pronounced as Nanae) - This year for them it's all about ballad songs it seems, as past year songs from them do not display the slightest of such a style. But then they did a good job this year, just brushing against the entrance of my list this year, trying to impress me the second time after a successful first attempt. I was tempted, but then the second single did not stay on my shelf, unfortunately. Nonetheless, a valiant effort, and I wish I can hear more of a different style from them next year, and hope I won't be disappointed by then.

Scenarioart - This one came of as one of those alternative rock artists I don't want more of, but then a single changes my mind this year, and I view them in a different light. A female as a drummer is certainly unusual, and their music style is in one of those days I was wanting a different melody and <insert famous alternative rock artist here> came in to make my year. This is one of those times. Now I say it I want more. Actually, I expect more, and then probably I'll be impressed by them. For now, good job, and I look forward to more of them in the future.

Sayuri - Coming from the bushes, she came in strong this year as a debut year, singing for an Anime theme song, and impressed by her music, I think she'll do well in her next single.. which is next year. Here's hoping she doesn't disappoint, but then it's possible if she doesn't write all of her songs. Her compositions sound great though, I must admit.

I guess this is all then, my hands are tired. The rest which are not mentioned but are mentioned more than usual in the Twitter account is not my fault, but then I'm tired, and they are not worth mentioning... yet. I think it's fine, and I think I maybe critical a lot more this year compared to last year, so here's hoping I can change in the new year, yes?

[P.S.: If you want New Year Resolutions... they are not here. Nor will I be doing any. Because my mind is in a blank. That's not good. So I'll probably mention a thing or two obligatory stuff this weekend on Entertainment News, and if you don't see it there... just ignore me.]
[P.P.S.: APoL is on hiatus until I can think of a solid storyline I WILL BE IMPRESSED WITH. Cya guys soon, and happy new year.]