
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #24

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #24

Sunday, 11 June 2017
I'm SO tired now because I'm dumb enough to spend the whole afternoon playing that K-ON! PSP game and not watching Anime and now I'm binge watching them now haiz

Haha, don't worry, it's only for the ones aired yesterday. Also, I'll talk about why I'm going retro and playing games with a controller this week lol stay tuned

アニメ Alice to Zouroku
Followed the title of the Anime at the opening this time, and probably from now on. I feel stupid not doing so, actually.
The new episode (#AliceToZouroku09) continues on last episode's story, with Hatori-chan. The visit from the twin sisters* went as planned as Sana-chan managed to undo the power, and Zouroku and the others are all just fine. What's not fine is Sana-chan's hatred for revenge. Hating the couple, she seems to have a plot to teach the two a lesson. To not spoil you guys, we start with Ayumu (the guy) next episode. This is going to be fun. On other things, Yonaga and Asahi (*I don't remember the names, as you can see before this) are literally mind blown of the live Sana-chan is leading, taking baths that she never does (because she uses the magic anyway), taking care of household chores and everything in between. Hey, I guess this is the positive part of this show I'll be embracing a lot. Not so much positive is the fact that Hatori has now decided to isolate herself (including her best friend) off the house, only staying within her family. This finally proves to have its downsides, as Naito and the police force have been trying to investigate on her but has always been driven away successfully by her powers. Which brings me to my point last episode, where the police and Ichijou (the one with powers) to have noticed the problem in the town and took action somehow. Turns out we'll need the magical girl's powers in order to settle this. Meanwhile, we're met with the other magical girl, or should I say, "magical queen", as she brings in the punishment to the innocent target that is Hatori's friend. Oh poor guy; please do explain yourself before you get killed by magic lol
P.S. Anyway Ayumu you're going to die by magic so why not save your friend first haha. Well, which will be what he's going to do I guess. He's been searching for Sana-chan for a while now
Damn, that perfect voice sync (kind of, if you hear properly haha)
Sanae-chan is impressed.
P.P.S. And the MVP for this episode is... Sanae-chan!! Hey, bed horseplay may be fun, but getting jealous about it is EVEN more fun haha. Sorry girls; Aki-chan wins this entire series in my opinion hehe

アニメ Tsuki ga Kirei
How can a purely messaging scene be THIS entertaining??? Damn, LINE is great. Okay, all messaging platforms are great. I'm just being biased lol
The new episode (#TsukiGaKirei09) talks about what happens after exams. Well, pretty much everything to round up their last year in middle school. Akane runs her last track meet with her friends and the club, possibly following up with a final outing. Koutarou is worried about his high school stuff, pressured by his parents and stuff, and searching for the idea that is to be a light novel author. (Honestly saying, light novel is no different from literature, the shop guy is right) And I may have just lied until now hehe. Okay, first things first, Chinatsu and Hira are still in thought. And that final outing without Koutarou might just change something. Also, Akane may have to move house, so... going to the same high school with his partner may be a tough move in order to continue track and field stuff. Also, Koutarou's mother is a d*ck. Seriously. The father is the best haha I said it. Then again, it's a lot of endings about to happen, and I trust the Anime to sum up this series up nicely, if not better. On other things, Koutarou's ambush on Akane's track meet is just great, if not fantastic. Really, and he can make jokes. So yeah, this relationship is pretty much cemented already, right?

This episode is sponsored by...
Nope, they didn't spell wrongly. Without the first letter it means "go" in Japanese
P.S. Cannot not talk about the short stories at the back. And that's how Akane's sister got her boyfriend lol. And yeah, if you're too poor don't think of "going to outskirts of town" with your girl using her rich parents' money. If you and the guy don't feel ashamed I do lol

アニメ Eromanga-sensei
Hmm... another character-based episode? Hey, welcome to the harem Anime of the season, ladies and gentlemen.
The new episode (#EromangaSensei10) talks about Muramasa (Senjuu) apparently. The guys are still at the resort, but Elf-sensei's "lifetime" seems to have ended. Well, considering there's her brother Chris and they were here to get work done instead of just play King's Game lol. Anyways, Masamune found out that his biggest fan is right in front of her eyes, and decided to give her his thanks. In return, he helped her to find another dream, so to not stop writing just because there's a novel printer right in front of her already haha. All in all, sentimental, a lot of funny, and plenty of harem. You're welcome, dear otaku audience. *laughs* Anyways, MVP is Sagiri because she plays ecchi every time she appears in an episode, which is every single one lol
What happens when your obsession has become creepy and they tell you to stop.
Damn, this one is funny as heck
P.S. Okay, maybe MVP should be Muramasa because by looking at her bikini outfit in the ending and her wearing kimono without panties she's freaking HOT! *laughs*
P.P.S. Straight other guy is irritating when he's drunk. Is he voiced by a newbie or is he never drunk before? *doesn't bother to search online* haha

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
Oh good, the season ends next episode. Phew. I thought they are going to leave us hanging with such a cliffhanger. Get it? "Hanging"? (Audience: Ugh...) Sorry I know it's a bad joke
The latest episode (#AttackOnTitan36) talks about Erwin chasing after the running Armoured Titan, of course, with Ymir and Eren on it, and this time round, with Christa. Then again, it's not about that. Most of the stuff surrounds on the understanding of taking sides, as Ymir tries to convince (this it the first time I ever used this word so affirmatively) (also because the target's an idiot) her about taking this side, because as mentioned before, Christa can help reveal more secrets within the walls to the outside world. Then again, the guys don't have much time as the Scouts led by Erwin is coming in. Despite part of him being eaten he still insists the (mostly dumb) soldiers to get Eren back. Him, with Mikasa, managed to get Eren back only to be flung Titans (I shall not spoil on how this happened) by Reiner (as a Titan) and everybody landing in pieces. Amongst all this chaos, someone - or should I say some beast - appears before Eren. Yeah, what is he going to do, now that we don't remember what happened four years ago when this series started? Lol guess what this season is going to end and we may not get season 3 very soon, so...
And suddenly the nanny-nanny-poo-poo things came into mind lol
(And no the one outside is not a Titan)
As far as I know Eren WILL get to know of the outside Titan human world, so yeah, the outcome will be pretty definitive in ensuring Eren leaves the place. Ymir and Christa I don't know, but chances are they will too. On other things, the Titan we saw as a cliffhanger? Chances are this is the game changer. Who it actually is that thinks Eren's mother tastes great? Your guess is as good as mine. (only the previous sentence is spoiler-free lol)

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapter (63) talks about a mechanical rock, paper, scissors machine. (I say this because I don't want you to know we here use "scissors, paper, stone" lol) Running out of things to play especially if you live in the suburbs and cannot afford a game console because your dad doesn't work hard enough or accept that offer from the biggest sweets company in Japan (lol), Kokonotsu and Tou-kun are in search of something new. Cue Hotaru and that heavy heck of a machine, and they pretty much gambled all their allowances with it, I bet. Sayashi is well-off after just one round though lol
Dagashi Kashi video game lol
(What is this, the '90s?)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Lineup for June 2017 in Klassic Note:

Currently, all but negoto. The preview I heard in whole from Apple Music, it was disappointing. Oh well.

Okay, this week first. I just came back from a small awakening ride (because I just woke up lol more on that later) and I'm listening to theses guys:
Maybe it's just me hitting "the wall", but this is awesome.

Be ready to be touched by "Sunrise In My Attache Case"
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) June 11, 2017

I know. Weird band name. But they know Japanese. And now, they know me. (see Tweet for details) On other things, Asakura Momo's new single was SO CLOSE to being on my shelf so I can finally have said I reviewed each of the three TrySail members' solo releases. But oh well, maybe next time. Talking about reviews, I've recently reviewed Aki-chan's latest single (at last) and miwa's single... from last year. *laughs* Okay, I'll stop digging on her new single. Haha sorry miwa if your new single reminds me of something from last year lol

As mentioned above, next week is THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new single ie. their turn to show their new music, and for now, the Anime ending theme song is sounding quite nice. Be sure to check out my YouTube playlist to find out more. This, and some other things I recently gave too that are available online. I mean, if you don't subscribe to a streaming service like me. Then again, even that proves unable to cover all ground anyways, so...

This is it then. This week I took the sales online in local sales event (it's called GSS if you're interested) around the country and discounts for branded products are at an all time low. So I decided to experiment on two things: Get myself some luxury audio experience, and try out #controllerlife for once in my keyboard-mouse life. (I did have my first hand experience on a PS3 controller back when I was at my friends house though, so that got me interested) So I got myself a Logitech controller and a Razer headphone. (#budgetlife) But hey, all is well, just that now I've transitioned from playing with standard games (GTA, Mafia III, No Man's Sky etc.) that can support controllers to emulators. Which explains why I've been playing with a PSP emulator on my big screen for the whole afternoon. I think I got neck pains for playing a concentrating game too long (K-ON! game was a rhythm-based game) with the hot sun shining in my room, and by now my body feels hot so I think I got the summer heat in me now (this is not a joke) and I'm feeling feverish. And I have to do running for the whole of next week.


Maybe I'll pop a couple of Panadol pills and go have an early night, if this isn't early enough. Cya guys then, and until next time... if I feel okay I'll do up a post or two. I may have just changed my plans for doing #KN10YEARS.
(No seriously, this needs to be a thing haha)