
The Klassic Note Review 2017.06 Issue 2

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The Klassic Note Review 2017.06 Issue 2

Thursday, 08 June 2017
I wished I was here to do a review of Mocho's single No.2, but I'm not. Instead, I'm reviewing two singles. Get the two/2 thing?

Ugh, I'm bad at puns. Let's move on, shall we?

(As usual, I only review Regular Editions. The covers are just for show. See THE PACKAGE for details)

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Toyosaki Aki - Honey And Loops [Single]
Limited EditionRegular EditionAnime Edition
(I know, getting close-ups are tough. On the other hand, Aki-chan dancing isn't all too bad hehe. Oh, and ignore Yuka-chan please haha)

Origin: We should all be familiar with this woman already. Legend voice actress for her uniquely cute voice (haha), a niche singer who was given a music career of her own style emphasising on relaxing tunes, and this time it has all changed. For the second time (first being Kanae Tamae in 2014 I guess) in her music career she sings a lively tune, this time involving what is called a dance number, ie. disco tune. Not that it's modern disco, but it's dance hype. The ones with a standard tempo. And I'll take it. Playing around with her music isn't unusual for once, and this type of releases from this 30-year-old (oops) isn't going to happen much longer. So we might as well enjoy it while we can haha youth is harsh isn't it

(1) Honey And Loops
Yes, the topic song. As mentioned above, it's a dance number, so she has to dance. And if you watched the tie-up Anime PriPri Chii-chan you'll notice she dances the SAME EXACT WAY the characters dance in the Anime. Very, very cute, in my opinion. Other than that, you get a standard Anime ending theme song, not much flare there. Well, apart from the fact she's already dancing and singing a happy tune, taking in a simple chorus and an overall simple and short melody, I can say this song is in the safe category. And hey, I happen to like simple songs, so thanks whoever wrote the song again. Thanks for not making it sound too weird. That, and I'll dance to the chorus any amount of times haha
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(2) Randone [Trekking, in French]
I came in with an impression that this was one of those lovely relaxing Aki-chan songs that I've heard many times, and I'll grow to love this one too, which is also the reason why I didn't hesitate to pre-order this release after hearing the preview. Little do I know I have to say at this point I'm not buying it, and I was rather furious when I heard to the bridge part (not of the trek). At the least, it's not the best song in her list, which was disappointing. On the other hand, the simple melody throughout is making this a lot more palatable than I thought it would be, which is a good sign. Otherwise, you'd be glad to know the lyrics share a similar feeling when going hiking or trekking, which is never as relaxing as this song, seriously. The lyrics are simplistically fantastic though; the song... not so much.
"How far do (we) have to climb, to arrive at (the) destination?
Facing the horizon, what can (we) see?
No matter how far (we) go, how much (we) feel tired
The world (we) don't know of, let's go search for it"
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

Conclusion: Overall your usual Aki-chan single. It doesn't feel like this the first time I had my full review of it when it released, but now I think I'm convinced. It is a good single. If you liked Aki-chan's relaxed style and her songs, the topic song will give you some energy while you can relax away with the B-side. Such a wonderful package, it's no wonder I have to grab myself a copy. You should go take a listen to, and if you haven't liked her, this might be a good time to see her dance to music.

(Wow, I like how I have to read Japanese definitions in order to understand a French word lol. On the other hand, I can't get results for the B-side track name as it is. Seriously, that one guy who produced the whole song.)


音楽 The Klassic Note Review
miwa - Princess/Shan Ran Ran [Single]
Limited EditionRegular EditionAnime Edition
(I wish all the hands extending to miwa is all hers. I can't confirm that though lol. Also, close-ups are great)

Origin: A little less than a year ago in June 2016, singer-songwriter miwa released another single. It might not be much, but this one feels a whole lot different. And with this much tie-ups and a song list you have to listen, kudos to her for making me remember her songs a year later and giving her this single. It was quite a journey, it took an awakening to notice why this wasn't reviewed yet, and here it is. I present to you, miwa's 2016 single "Princess", or actually, it's a double A-side single, something I didn't know last year. Amongst all this mess, I say this single is good. Compared to her latest single which I didn't give, I'm sorry to say miwa-san, your single last year was more interesting. Let's talk about it.

(Note: The Anime Edition has a different track list compared to the other editions. Shan Ran Ran was the first track instead and it's a collaboration with 96neko ie. Release title is "Shan Ran Ran/Princess")

(1) Princess
First things first - the introduction tune. It's a ukulele, people, if you hadn't noticed. That small guitar she holds in her hands during the music video is of the weirdest instrument she has used to present a song, and this one doesn't disappoint. The overall feel of the song is actually real good, and coupled with a simple melody and tantalising lyrics from a girl like her wanting to be princess and waiting for that prince in life, it's no wonder this left that much of an impression in me. It may feel feminine, it may sound awkwardly acoustic especially with that small guitar, but hey, she made it work. And this is pretty fantastic. Pretty, as in this song.
"Hurry up and notice me, I'm the only one waiting
Someday (we) have to meet, dear prince wait no matter what"
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

(2) Shan Ran Ran
I guess I got stuck with this song for quite too long. But it all started one day when I awoke to this tune, for some reason. I guess the latest single got something to do with it as I listened to it the day before I woke up to this, but still. Turns out this song isn't too bad at all. If you don't mind the once in a while electronic background music, the song delivers a slightly sophisticated yet easy-listening melody and nice lyrics to listen to. The melody may not sound great at first listen, but miwa has taken the effort to make it sound different, if not acceptably unique. Compared to many who have failed to make an Anime (it's "Flying Witch" btw) opening theme song stand out, this one definitely remained in impression, long after I've heard this release.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(3) Kataomoi (8th March 2016 at Nippon Budoukan Live Ver.)
Firstly, the song. This is just a string instruments extended version of the original song "Kataomoi" in 2012. The legend of a song about infatuation and confession, I swear you've never loved a song so much like this one. The extended version merely reiterates, but faithfully beautifies the best parts of the song in the process. Singing along to it for the nth time sure makes it feel very different, as I can express myself just like how she sings it in this live version. This song is truly fantastic, if you haven't heard it before. Never doubted a live version of this song. Ever.
Rating: Not In List, original is 5 stars

Conclusion: This single should have been here last year. Too bad it took close to a year before it finally got recognition. At first glance this is something for miwa to try new things, but actually it's already her plan to make this another release for fans to remember. For once in a while, she can write (and sing) fantastic tunes. This is what makes her special. Do not stop yourself from liking this pop singer-songwriter. She's one of the best that Japan has to offer, and this will not disappoint.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

Thank goodness I don't have to do an Issue 3 (there likely won't be any after this week anyway) and I get to do this on the same day. Seriously, total coincidence. The delays I did to these two releases seamlessly combined into one delivery date for some reason. On the other hand, the second one (with miwa) should've came in earlier so I can get this post done in the afternoon.


Argh, never mind.
Aki-chan's single has the usual her all over the package of course, and seeing her dance poses probably already made a smile on my face, and that's all I need. The special gift is from Gamers Online Shop (because I like the slope of her chest hehe) (on the other hand there's very little print on this photo lol) which, surprisingly, like Animate, come with a complimentary magazine (named "Pro-Ge", or ProGamer) to advertise on releases and stuff. And considering this is the season for all things Anime, I saw a lot of stuff I got interested in hehe
Free bromide with purchase? Seiyuu magazine preview? Anime Eromanga-sensei cover article? What's more, this is FREE?!!

— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) June 8, 2017

Yeah. (You'll have to take my word from here on because I'm lazy to take pictures liao) First is the promotion. Apparently they are running a voice actress photo with purchase offer, and from what I read any 3000yen purchase will earn you 3 points which can be exchanged for an exclusive Gamers edition of a voice actress! God, I wished I ordered three singles before the deadline at 4th. Yeah, it's long over, but what an offer! Second is (which should've been first) Anime "Eromanga-sensei" on the cover! Hey, Sagiri-chan! The issue has two pages (and they only have a dozen pages) dedicated to talking about the Anime in general, and it's not only a good read, but then I know most of the stuff already haha. But still, seeing the Anime just gives such a feel of comfort that it's not just me watching videos every week. Lastly, someone's in the magazine, and this one might take some explanation. Suffice it to say it's promoting a seiyuu magazine named "Seiyuu Paradise", as named in this 'magazine edition', it stars the cover girl for the current month (May), Tachibana Rika! Damn, she looks weird dressed as a gentleman, but hey, that's fanservice for you. (I like. *giggles*) Don't ask me how I knew her; you should've watched her reactions to VR haha
(Below is the Tweet from the promoted magazine)
【お知らせ】現在配布中! 『フロゲーvol.237』の声パラ出張版は~立花理香さんが登場です! 誌面でも好評の “リカ刑事(デカ)” ver.オフショット掲載ー! 是非、全国ゲーマーズ様店頭でお手にとってみてください!! #立花理香 #声パラ
— 声優パラダイス公式 (@seiyu_paradise) May 23, 2017

And yes, you're right. This is only for Aki-chan's single. *laughs*

miwa's single isn't much though, considering I was super late on getting it already. Nonetheless, there's a lot of hands, not a lot of her, and... I guess I'll just take Aki-chan's package haha. Or miwa's music, if you don't mind. Remember what we are here for?

Wow, and this is it! Phew! That's a long post. I better get used to these lengths soon because I'll soon be writing up my plan for #KN10YEARS (yes it'll be a thing) on this blog, so stay tuned. Considering my schedule for the next year (ie. final year in university) I may have to make sure I do this systematically or else I'll miss my mark here and in school. Ugh, I wished I was paid to do this haha. Cya guys next time then, and... it'll probably be Entertainment News first, if I can't figure out how to make the timings for those Klassic Note 10th anniversary posts work.

P.S. I wanted to not interrupt the review any further but, yes, Kuroneko was in it. If you heard the Anime Edition (which I did), you'll hear her in the background. I guess it's not much, but hey, there's collaboration though lol.

P.P.S. Seriously, the mindf**k for a year is serious, miwa's single. I got confused hard on the title of the release because CDJapan gave the wrong title. Should've cross-checked with the official website, which I didn't. Took too much for granted already, seriously. Where's the Klassic Note Spirit? I have to ask myself the reason for my diluting efforts in my passion for music. Is it Apple Music? I hope not.