
The Dream Record 20170729

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The Dream Record 20170729

Saturday, 29 July 2017
Hey, good morning. I can't believe I'm waking up so early on a Saturday morning for this, but hey, time waits for no one as I'm going out later and I told myself it's going to be worth it. So yeah, who's in my dream last night that is worthy of mention? Read on to find out.

A couple of firsts on this one. Firstly, this is probably my first double-level dream ie. A dream on top of a dream. So my writing format shall be in normal paragraph from where I say I start, and the blockquotes will be the dream in a dream itself. So, in this one, I'll not do any form of interruption in case of any inception confusion lol

Also, I'm tired of tracking how many times I've done this, so for the first time I'm going to use date conventions. I may fix the earlier entries or not, whatever. But from now on this shall be the norm. Okay, let's begin.

"[Dream starts here]
"I was inside a buffet of sorts, maybe in a convention or something because it feels hardly like a wedding. It feels crowded in a room as all of us sit on long sets of benches facing one another. It was time for the second round of food to be served. Many rush to my right to grab for the food that is just served, hot off the kitchen. I say patiently as I waited for my turn and convinced myself there is nothing to rush about at this point. I head on a while later across the room ahead of me, seeing another crowd that has subsided. It looks like the soup counter, it seems, and sitting at the bench with the serving pots is Numakura Manami (without her glasses) staring at the crowd now right behind me as I advance to her table.
I sat opposite her as she was sitting in the bench with her back against the wall. Before it could stand up to look at one of the pots to see if there are any leftovers for me on the soup, she stood up and passed me a portable umbrella which she was holding on her hand, previously under the table. She said a bunch of gibberish (she's Japanese anyway and I'm not) as she hints me by pointing on the subsided crowd behind me and the bowl on her other hand. I have a little nod and it made her smile. She swiftly makes her way to the other counter of food as I looked around the two pots remaining on the counter. One was totally empty leaving little edibles on the bottom, and another which was close to the left side edge where she sat, was less than half filled with soup. I heave a sigh of relief as I quickly did a top up on a small bowl I brought on a tray. Noticing there is also a larger bowl on my tray, I hesitantly took it out and placed it beside the pot, pouring all the remaining on to the container. As I see it fill up till the brim I could not stop myself from the current action until I see it overflowing on the counter for a couple of seconds, which did not seem to wet the floor whatsoever. I then see Numakura Manami come back from behind me. I passed her back the item, she whispered a word of thanks (in English) amongst the noisy crowd. I have a former smile of reply as I took my leave, taking the filled bowl of soup with me.
Returning to my seat, I told myself not to mention a word because she wouldn't understand me anyway. And as I took my seat I then noticed that I forgot to bring the other larger bowl back, and I worry is she noticed it or not. One thing's for sure: Numakura Manami is great!"
I woke up from my dream only to notice I'm in another, sitting beside a group of people who are actively discussing on their trip to Japan which I assume includes me."

Yep, and this is how I woke up, to reality. This last part is also the only things I remember to convince myself in in a dream of another dream. And yes x2, Nu-chan is or special guest for this post. And yes x3, I woke up to the newest song I've given her this year, from her first album, "Hello,Ms.Myself".

Now, let's talk about references. I don't know of any. If any recent encounters would remind me of this dream is also totally unlikely because I've been a stay-in for the past few weeks. Yeah. So I've seriously no idea where the buffet and Nu-chan came from. Maybe it's a time my brain told me to miss her already. Because seriously, not been setting her too active on Twitter recently. Anything happened to her, I suppose? Oh yeah, and I wasn't thinking of her last night, I swear.

Okay maybe I was because I could've get myself to sleep. I don't know.

Cya guys tomorrow for entertainment news, yes? I don't think I'm going to remember another one of these tomorrow morning; we shall see. Until then... I wish you had such good dreams like mine.

P.S. Written using one handed swipe keyboard on my phone for 45 mins. Now that's a personal record for things you should never be doing for long period of time on your bed lol