
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #31

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #31

Sunday, 30 July 2017
Hi everyone. I know it's rather off the usual time I post this, but hey, I was enjoying another live event video. Live, as in streaming event. So yeah, sorry for being this late. A lot of firsts on that VR mobile game though. Like, I just managed to give them money for in-game premium currency. *laughs* Hey, they deserve it, for the past year that I've been enjoying the love of 18 2D girls. Suck it, Sims FreePlay haha

アニメ Koi to Uso
Having a girl in your dirty-a** room? Nejima, HAVE YOU NO SHAME???!!! I mean, the mother knows haha
Okay, let's talk about this week's episode (#KoiToUso04) which is probably still not a reason for me to watch this show. But we'll see. We now know the government came in for a post-evaluation survey, talked about the details of the Yukari System (nothing to do with Nejima btw), and asked about why they didn't have sex at this point of time. Lol for that, and I hope it will never get to that because I can see the author totally resisting doing anything further than kisses, but still. On other things, we now can confirm Teresaka is lying to herself, and possibly everyone around her (ie. Ririna and Nejima) in order to cover something. That something, we don't know of. As of now, might be something to do with Nisaka. Can't help but think at this point that she already got her marriage notice, and the guy... let's just say we'll know in due time. Anyways, I like how the plot goes at this point, and so long as no one does something as dirty as what that government people said I guess we're fine. I'm just withholding acknowledging this show as being good just mainly due to the scars that is Kuzu no Honkai.
"Like Nejima, I don't want to have any unnecessary boner haha" -Kaineng, 2017
*repeats Ririna's comment in her voice* hehe
P.S. I mean, Nejima has no guts to enjoy camping with two girls plus him but has the balls to ask his friend to join him. I know, right? WTF that's how we make sure you get to **** them both!! Well, just for the memory for one; "the wife" can wait haha
P.P.S. I'm probably giving the ending theme song for this anyway; Frederick (the opening theme) is WAY too hard to give. The recent viewing of a rock festival live video footage doesn't help much. I shall see for myself. And WTF is with the preview did Nisaka get sexed? lol
[My comment on RC]

アニメ Aho Girl
What happens when one tries to defend his boss from being beaten by another when we clearly know the boss is an idiot? I pity the guy who will get beaten ten times over, to say the least lol
The new episode (#AhoGirl04) talks about more stupid stuff, like the new guy Ryuuichi who serves under the idiot wanting - just to clarify so we are not ALL idiots lol - to be friends with Akkun, and he kind of got it? I mean, good thing it ended up like this because now he won't get beaten up that badly too often? Haha on other things, it's the very first time I've ever praised kids being smart (in front of this idiot of course) in my entire life for telling the "bad guy" to do what they say and still, their influence is futile on their fellow mate, and the girls decide to sneak into Akkun's room. Well, you can guess what happened. Sayaka was the insurance and their reason so get out of it unscathed (physically and mentally), the Prez is totally enjoying herself but not enough lol, and that idiot... let's just say she's okay as an idiot. And also, education is perfect, you idiot. Stop influencing your teachers to quit their jobs lol

"We don't want to be pawns of society anymore!"
(Good meme? lol)
[My comment on RC]

アニメ Tsurezure Children
"My mom told me to bring some today" Oh your mother knows stuff can I bang your mom instead? #notMILF haha
The new episode (#TsurezureChildren04) got serious all of a sudden? Remember the joke pair? Yeah they are going out now. But more than that, they got into quite a situation. You guys know of porn magazines? The guy's house got the hardcore one, just in case you don't know. (I speak from experience lol) Anyways, things got real intense (thought I saw a glimpse of another Anime for a second), and I like how the mothers from both sides can read the mood. The Akagi couple strikes again, the smoker is really confused, but then again I think I get the idea here where Akagi is half serious about it and making... Kaji-san (yeah I don't know of her name; "girl" tomboyish characters as they are called don't stick with me) follow with the decision to go out or whatever.Then again it feels kind of awkward but hey, I like the conclusion for this couple, as of now. Minagawa is still teasing Furuya (I almost forgot the name until I remembered the sister lol) about confessing his own feelings (I like the one realisation that he might be duped once again; haha nice one author-san), and I guess now she's playing the faking it technique and clearly, it's working on him. Man, she COULD NOT be more narcissist than that haha. Finally, I don't know of somewhere in your life where you're tasked to pass a love letter to someone else, but hey it kind of worked. Sugawara got ear of how he can be more proactive to confess to Takano someday. because I would like to see this sad relationship bloom. You and I man, we watch this show to see what happens next. From the crybaby girl Kamine is still crying from last time we saw her lol
OMG this is quite literally my reality with the one I like
P.S. This show has more than 100% rewatch value. Which explains my recent purchase of the manga e-book and me watching every episode (and the ones before) multiple times every week haha
P.P.S. But seriously, I need to remember the names by now already. Very hard to write this post every week with me constantly referring to websites and the episode (which was rewatch value haha) all the time.

Ah now that I noticed, but technically I'm watching "the length of three shows" every week? Hey, haven't broken the record yet though haha

アニメ Gamers!
I mean, Uehara has ALL THE RIGHTS of hitting on girls, don't get me wrong. But then again, this is the drama this show was going for??
The new episode (#Gamers03) is bringing forth what should be worth watching for the rest of this series, so let's talk about it. Firstly, we are finally introduced the last of our main cast or participant to this love pentagon or whatever we're in now lol okay this one first. Hoshinomori (as I would prefer calling her even though it's long) is also like Amano, a casual gamer who is taking pride over what they like about games. Unfortunately, that also means if they are in conflict no one will give in, unlike... or if I would say so myself, me as a gamer. So yeah, that's that. Problem is, instead of being mediator, Uehara may have dived in too deep into relations considering he dived into games yet again from last episode's realisation, which seems like a problem. He is neglecting the girlfriend (if you remember that he has one), praising the other girl who got her hair cut because of him, and more as we might discover in the future. Amano too, he's picking up girls left and right, talking to previously seaweed-hair girl (lol) and Aguri now. I mean, I can see the build-up for total misunderstanding despite the small clearing of understandings (like mediating between Amano and Hoshinomori, Amano and Aguri), but is this escalated too... extreme? I don't know what to feel of this show besides the fact that they talk nothing but games even though they may be fictional (theories-wise they are not, which explains why there's a degree in gaming in some universities) and I can't help but only focus on the relations between them characters but still shying away considering how it is done so far. At this point I feel as depressed as Tendou-san as to whether to give this show any due credit or not. But for now, I better think of whether to give any of the theme songs or not or both.
That's Tendou Karen on the floor by the way lol
P.S. But seriously, getting away with substituting everything with a 'S' with a 'Z'?? Man, be glad Sony isn't suing this show for anything then again there's Gamers that hobby shop so I guess it's fine lol
P.P.S. OMAKE!!! Because I still like Tendou-san (we'll see how far that goes it's only been since last episode haha) AND Chiaki is MVP this episode 'desu desu' haha

[I may seriously need to consider swapping the order which I watch Anime randomly so I can get a different show on the post thumbnail every week. Or maybe I can find a way to change it otherwise I'll see about it]

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
The new chapter (130) (and sorry for being late as always) has told us that... everything is a lie. Well, a very well concealed lie, Yana-sensei, and I commend you for that. Remember other Ciel? *Spoilers start here* Yeah, there were supposed to be two. (Audience: WHAT????) Yep, the mother had given birth to twins. Not like there is any technology to know of such a thing in the 20th century, so there you go. Plot twist. Not that the current Ciel has a brother, he was the evil heir. Not that Sebastian and Tanaka ignore that, but that it's just been followed by the orders of current Ciel. Then why? Why all the problems now? What has that got to do with the stars? And the blood donation? Did current Ciel dry out his twin brother only to be revived by Bravat? So that now we have to call Bravat the hero now? Ah, so many questions, and only the next chapter will tell us then. I shall wait patiently, Yana-sensei, for you will enlighten us on why you decide to reveal such a fact only now.
Since the chapter is all spoilers and you cannot skip images...
This one is spoiler-free haha
P.S. Hey, I'm glad this story didn't end up to be like Detective Conan where it's going to be that one guy for life. In here, we now got two haha or maybe not who knows who will be dead on the ground this is literally a descendant thing like those dramas lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a week for releases, I would say. Amamiya Sora's new single is surprising to say the least. The topic song is quite a tease the last time we hear her sing a sensuous song from her 1st album ("Feather Rondo", by the way). But also being her first non-credited single the single tends to disappoint with the B-side, which by the way, is worse than your "typical Anison title", in my opinion. (Damn, who writes these songs?) PHONO TONES collaboration with Adam at (yes that's the cat's name lol) has led to release of two singles this week, and hearing both of them on Apple Music I think I prefer the former's music style compared to the latter's piano heavy and lack of punch in the music. Yeah, they both don't sing, just in case you wonder. I've also quite recently got a listen today to Ogura Yui's 2nd album which has Anime "Tsurezure Children" ending theme song (just in case you wonder why on Earth I would listen to her lol), and... I'm not a fan of Tamura Yukari back in 2010, I won't be a fan of her successor in 2017. And that is not to say I shouldn't give the song. I'm trying to ignore her singing, and trust me, it's hard.
Can I just assume whoever liked Tamura Yukari also likes Ogura Yui now?

By the way what happened to Yukarin did she stop singing last year?
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) July 30, 2017

Next week brings us FLOWER FLOWER's long awaited new single (not that I've heard anything of it yet) and Minase Inori's new single ever since her 1st album in April, and also Anime "Tsurezure Children" opening theme song which no doubt I'm rather hyped for. But talking about hype I can never be more hyped than being in an online community enjoying the entertainment from that VR mobile game (see above) I've been playing for a year. Never regretted sideloading every single update from not Google Play Store for the past year.

On other other news, KANA-BOON and SPYAIR are releasing singles later this year, TrySail's new album topic song sounds like s**t haha (sorry, girls), Yoru no Honki Dance's new song was great (can't wait for it two weeks down the line), and more on my Twitter account likes if you ever follow this idiot on social media. Okay, please do follow? I'm just here to provide less opinion and more information anyway. Trying to keep it clean, yes?

Alright I shall stop here. It's getting late and I've got a lot of maintenance things to do scheduled on Sunday too from adding new songs to the list to backing up my computer and so on. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... really, don't know anything? Follow celebrities on social media? Don't know who to follow in Japan and love voice actresses? Try looking at my following list for a start.

P.S. "Starbucks' strawberry flavour is the same colour as my lips", she says.
— 悠木碧【公式】 (@staff_aoi) July 29, 2017
I would like to point out the number of likes she got since she posted it yesterday haha UMPH may Yuuki Aoi-chan post (large image) selfies on Twitter this often till eternity so I can put her as my phone wallpaper hehe