
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #32

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #32

Sunday, 06 August 2017
Okay, another week, another... well, I'd rather not talk about how many weeks left until my holidays are over, so let's talk about everything else.

Really, what would I be without all these stuff every week? I need to stop playing mobile games. And then I look at the trailer for the new BLEACH LINE game and I'm crying internally *sob* then again I may not be able to play it so I hope it's that haha *sob*

アニメ Koi to Uso
Wow Nisaka what the heck did you learn in Home Economics lesson? I know I won't be able to make anything good to eat, but you. You reached a new level bro lol
The new episode (#KoiToUso05) talks about their relationships further as the main cast go out to a camping trip. Well, not to say anything is cliffhanger because most of the stuff is, but I'll talk about a couple in focus. Firstly, Nisaka's confrontation to Ririna. He thinks Ririna is now knowing of consequences and thus is being the path to making Nejima and Teresaka living a worse life in the future by potentially, rejecting the marriage agreement. I mean, it's not an unwise choice to reject it, but supposedly society reacts to that if you do. So yeah, and besides from Nisaka, we also know from Ririna that not accepting the "treaty" has no direct consequences because it's technically NOT against the law. But yeah, society thinks you're dumb in rejecting science? Okay, whatever, but still. We can still safely assume that if Ririna has to marry another person in the future he may not be as good/bad as Nejima would be, and that might suck haha. I mean, for starters Nejima will have no chest to stare at in the future lol. Secondly, Nejima's confrontation to Nisaka. Heck, I wished there was some conclusion to that part where the gay stuff happened a couple of episodes ago so I can throw this show out of the window, but no, it's left hanging. It will REALLY suck when I know of the truth by the end of this shoe because I'll live to hate this. So yeah, do it earlier, yes? On the other hand, Nisaka has another thing to cover for the truth because of the first part I just talked about haha. Man, things are getting complicated. Why can't Nejima just f*** Teresaka and marry Ririna to get everything done with? And still, we still don't know what Nisaka is to Teresaka (I mean, "masochist"? I assume they are friends btw), and also! Whatever happened at the end? Whose house was that? Was that a letter of physical health checkup? To who? Okay, I wished I could read up on the manga to find out the truth, but I'll let the story tell next week. So many questions, one (possibly straightforward) answer maybe
I'll save the inappropriate parts for yourself to watch so...
Here's some fireflies. I've seen them too before, so I know it's great.
P.S. "Would you do the same thing if it was me who hurt my foot?" No you'd be too heavy to carry! Haha I'm so going to get beat up by Ririna regardless who I tell this to (Oh Teresaka actually said it too lol I'm a cynical bastard)

アニメ Aho Girl
"Yoshiko-chan is drawn to you because you are so weird!" -Sayaka, 2017 (Honestly, she cannot be more right. Nice one, straight girl #realitycheck)
The new episode (#AhoGirl05) talks about going to the beach. Well, they aren't there yet because it'll be chaos, so... here's more chaos to fire things up lol. Firstly, taking the idiot (and the sister) to the movies. Bad decision. If someone's lucky enough to win tickets to watch a movie, I'd rather go work and earn money to watch with my sister than take the free offer. *laughs* Yeah I like how it always ends up being a dream, and guess who "helped" Ruri-chan finish her homework? Okay, the main point. Firstly, Sayaka is genius. I like how (the author) she explains that Akkun is surrounded by weird people (besides Sayaka herself) because he's weird himself even though he think it's from that idiot. It's not wrong in principle, but I see a loophole somewhere. Nonetheless, it's true to a certain extent, and that is definitely enough to convince Akkun to have some friends for the time being, even if one is a slave and the other is a stalker. (Hey I'd let the Prez/Sumipe/both stalk me anytime xD) (well then again I'll have to be supper ripped so no thanks?) So yeah, that kind of extends to the last part where the mother is involved because, if you forgot about the past few episodes like an idiot *wink*, the mother is sensitive to people getting involved with Akkun's relationship with that idiot. But in this case, strictly Akkun will stop the mother from doing things like this just because he wants to retain some friends. But these friends aren't that easy to shake off anyway, so yeah. It all comes around. Talking about come around, nipples in bras are a thing (lol marker drawn too), and finally we reach the beach episode next. Well, I know it's not going to be fun for starts, so whatever haha
I'd like to show a highlight for this episode, but this... this is just wrong haha
P.S. I apologise to the production for thinking that they'll just dump the same cast to do the movie cast bit I'm so sorry I'm an idiot haha

アニメ Tsurezure Children
I mean, you're a real idiot *wink* if your mom knows about someone who likes you and you don't haha that was fantastic
The new episode (#TsurezureChildren05) is just... man I'm still speechless at this point after watching this episode for a couple more times hehe. Firstly, the first couple we got introduced to, the Takase couple. This time, it's in messaging. (Reminds me of the times in Anime "Tsuki ga Kirei", but I guess not) I guess they themselves are having a fun time ignoring everyone else around them (heck, I didn't even notice how the peaches ended up on the girl's room until I noticed the mother hear her say yes to the mail lol) and of course, the confession. I guess it's okay for females to do that? I mean, telling others to deliver love letters on your behalf is also insincere in my opinion, so that's that. Then again, I like how it ended up making both sides die haha. This episode though, we're introduced with a new character Kaoru, who just joined the Astronomy Club but for legit reasons? I'd like to doubt her at this point, for this dere talking to a blockhead of a childhood friend who likes the senpai... well, you know. Very complicated triangle relationship somehow. But yeah, I liked it haha it's awkward as hell. The final part (I'll talk about the end part, chill out) (<= okay I didn't sorry haha) is with Gouda couple once again, where they indirectly confessed to each other over a dropped contact lens, but it's not going too well. Well, as in they are not couple enough, I guess. The awkward breakup-like statement still sounded weird as I hear it from Gouda's perspective, but hey, at least she didn't cry for nothing, yes? God this couple is great. And man, I like this show so much. I mean, I wished I was in high school again, but that... *sob* haha
Ladies, THIS is the face of sadness and happiness.
P.S. This week had a lot more "the end" parts to it, huh. They can't find a way to end the shticks, or is it really the end? OH NO
P.P.S. I don't get it but WHY IS TAKING A DUMP A THING IN THIS SHOW?? Especially the guys; is there some lingo in Japan today that I don't know of??? lol


OMAKE!!!!! HAPPY (this blog only) GENDER EQUALITY DAY! hahahaha
[My comment on RC, which includes the... happiness above lol]

アニメ Gamers!
Wow, a Tendou Karen episode? You're welcome, Anime production. *laughs*
The new episode (#Gamers04) is definitely cementing me towards giving this show as much as I would like play any game, which is... I guess Amano's level? Haha, okay. The episode. After many episodes introducing new characters I'm glad it came back to focus on the main couple as from the beginning. It starts with narrative describing Tendou's perfect student life, and how it has been affected by infatuation in general. (I personally like the narration that's still going even though it's totally opposite to what it says already lol) That, and with an afternoon with the person himself, she finds out how she can choose between getting back to her perfect life or forever be tainted by the person she likes. Personally speaking? Since this is a romance show no doubt I'll believe the author will make sure Tendou quits the Game Club eventually and choose love, but hey, I'm just guessing. All in all, a great episode to show how good this series is, and seeing that next episode is more Tendou-san, I will thank the show in advance. Man, I'm totally enjoying this right now haha especially the opening theme song for some reason
I like how Hoshinomori is a competitor to Tendou.
Then again Tendou-san you are waning in confidence hehe
P.S. What they call it, beginner's luck? Amano has none of that, just like me. Even then, he enjoys playing games, just like me. Man, I see some parallel, but why am I not loved by the most popular girl in school? *laughs* Then again what do I know? Okay whatever it's this show's fault haha
P.P.S. Something you may not have noticed from the narrative is that the AFTER scenes always include timestamps a few minutes later than before and I assume it's to show the lethargic-ness of Tendou, but yeah, very considerate of the details, this show.

漫画 Boku ga Boku de Aru Tame ni.
#Finally someone translated the manga, so I can officially talk about it. (I mean I still understand the newly released chapters online in Japanese, but still) Written by the author who came up with the story that is Isshuukan Friends (I mean, it got a real-life movie), this one talks about a different plot, in a similar setting, with slightly different characters. We are joined by Sana-chan who knows of two friends. Problem is, they look very alike. I don't know about voice because that'll have to take another 5 years for sure (it's coming, right?), but yeah, the two are only differentiated by a pair of glasses, that's all. It's okay for this first chapter (half of it) for now of course, but suffice it to say it's going to be confusing once Shun (the childhood friend, with the glasses) and Ayumu (the new friend and classmate) start being friends with one another. I wouldn't spoil it, but I think I did some time ago from last year because I couldn't resist hehe, but yeah, this is going to be the core of the story. That, and romance. Yes, this is a romance story too. It shouldn't be too surprising that our female protagonist Sana-chan is going to go into greater lengths of confusion and silliness once this takes off, but for now she's halfway there already lol. I tell you, never been looking forward to a start of a Manga as this one.
No he's not looking at the mirror.
Also, best shot of Sana-chan besides the colour page hehe
P.S. As far as I know (till chapter 20) the key at the beginning has NOTHING to do with anything yet. Yet, so don't focus on that too much like that romance Anime with a key, yes? Haha all the keyholes lol

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The two new chapters out this week (69,70) talk about stringed candies (really, I've not idea these exist; must be supermarkets lol) (oh it's me not living in Japan?) and mini cola. Hotaru talk about (like she isn't aware Kokonotsu is) the power of dagashi stores considering the existence of supermarkets these days but have never destroyed the essence of some dagashi that can never exist in packaging, and... someone's secret base is found. Oops. Well, I have a feeling that's just some construction worker's shed or whatever, but hey, someone spent his childhood there, to say the least. All in all interesting chapters.
Well you can guess what happened haha
And what's more interesting is... Anime Season 2 is coming!! Yay! More Hotaru-chan! Haha Ayachi better sing another theme song. Then again, I can see why this show can continue because it has a certain market value (I mean, advertising for dagashi) and that, I'll say yes to. Now I kind of regret reading all these chapters because I'll not be expecting new stuff. Oh well, I'll still enjoy it though, and I hope it will be good. Expected to come out next year, so get your... whatever. "Sweet stash"? Do people call that nowadays?

漫画 Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
The new chapter (53) talk about a flashback, I guess? About Kaori-chan, Usami's classmate and friend. You know, the one with a headband that if I hang her up would kill her? (lol) Okay, the chapter. A little is known about her hairstyle, but she was a long-haired maiden once. Not until she did something for the friend and felt bad about it, I guess with consultation from a mysterious person (I mean, if you don't know who that kid is you're an idiot *wink*) decides to apologise to her friend. Hey, friendship over anything. Even if it means not doing this on your own accord. Well, she'll hardly get this good of a friend already, that's for sure. I mean, I'd like Kaori-chan to be my friend because of her somewhat dirty mind haha
I'd like to spoil Kaori-chan with her long hair, but this will do hehe

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Nothing this week. No, I'm not joking. I didn't get to listen to Ryuokuoshokushakai's 2nd mini-album (because long story short it's a store-only release) (and if you haven't yet listened to the topic song on YouTube you're welcome you're welcome to ask who the cute vocalist is I totally recommend you give a listen to it), FLOWER FLOWER new single is disappointing (sorry yui), all new releases are next week (haiz), and... I didn't search for new songs. Yeah. Sorry. Got mood swings seeing my holidays are going to be over. Life holidays, I mean.

On other news, SPYAIR and KANA-BOON are going to release new albums soon, I've heard Frederick's new music video from Anime "Koi to Uso" (I'm inclined to give it but it's addictive), miwa released a theme song for Disney film no it's just a commercial song but it's Disney's "Under The Sea" for some reason I don't know, and they're still teasing me with Natsukawa Shiina 2nd single cover art. Umph!

Next week brings us quite a few releases. Let's see... Yoru no Honki Dance new single, Minase Inori new single, CHiCO with HoneyWorks new single, Mikakoshi new single? Well, maybe not we'll see. Other than that, maybe I should go find new songs. Or maybe not because the start of the year brought me many songs such that now I'm still at the highest song count ever in Klassic Note. Yeah. We're going to hit another record this year.

This is it, guys. I'm done for the week. Mostly this week I'm spending time doing up Klassic Note and APoL, and yep hopefully I'll be done with that #KN10YEARS plan I've been prepping for some time and a v2 for Chapter 16 next week. I'll do my best. I need to get some momentum going anyway. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I'm tired for some reason. I don't know. Maybe it's time I sleep lesser. I mean, 10 hours of sleep every day is awesome, but I may have to tune my biological clock early.

P.S. Somehow I feel the title things look better like this, as experimented early this year. I'll see if I can keep it up haha

P.P.S. I hope by somewhat typinc slower I can resolve spelling problems from typing too fast oh I don't think it's working I'm still typing too fast