
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #41

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #41

Sunday, 08 October 2017
Ah, it's the final stretch, everyone. You can start counting down the 12 episodes from now. Oh well, Sangatsu no Lion is an exception as it's a two-cour sequel haha

On life, I'm just terrible. A lot of things are going to go down within the next week, and I'm here talking about Anime. I should be ashamed. On the other hand, I'm just tired. Of thinking. Without solution. I may be in a situation worse than the moon people hunting me, if you get what I mean. I'm no gem girl, but still.

Let's get to it then. No KN10YEARS until... I can get my project on track. Which is not now. Or soon. So don't ask. Okay, let's start.

アニメ Just Because!
Hmm... for a first episode, not too bad.
This first episode of a new series of original Anime (#JustBecause01) talks about final year in high school, and I have a feeling it's going to be like something with music, clubs, school life, and... maybe romance? Okay if there's a lot more of the romance part then it may not sound too much like TARI TARI, otherwise I may start to worry. But knowing that the music production is done by none other than Anime singer-songwriter yanaginagi (yep it's her) I have a feeling this may not turn out that way. Nonetheless, let's see if I can piece this together without having to watch two more episodes. Eita is a transfer student who went out of his middle school social circle because of his dad's work (I know, so stereotypical) (well I use it on my story anyway so whatever) but the reverse direction happened 4 years later, at the final year and final semester of high school. So yeah, he went to a high school back in Tokyo from Fukushima (the reverse during middle school) this time round and he knows that many of his friends are still around. And so the story starts. The last part of this episode will likely be the hint of what might happen in the next few episodes, as we see some characters take their chance to do the only thing they probably haven't done but can do - confess their affection to that special someone. The baseball hitter is going to confess to the Band Club girl, and he knows Eita liked Natsume the ex-chairman of the student council, to set things out. All in all, a rather okay start to explaining the many questions we might pose to ourselves. Why confession? Did Eita ever regret something back then? How will this play on a semester where one can never be as active as they were before? All of this sounds really ambiguous and can throw off many to watch, but as I said, I follow the three-episode rule, and if that fails, at least I'll have great theme songs to listen. No? I haven't given yanaginagi a song in three years? Oops. I shall see about this then.
I don't want to spoil too much, so here is (supposedly) the main girl Natsume.
This one is from the ending, in case you wonder.
P.S. Which kind of brings us to the title of this show, "Just Because!". Looks like we may be anticipating a romance show. This, is going to be fun. Hey, I like watching couples get created at the expense of my entertainment. *sob*
[My comment to someone else on RC]

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
First things first - DIA FOR MVP!!! Haha I knew it was you Kayanon you must be hard right now lol I meant the gem
The first episode (#HousekiNoKuni01) of this... fantasy action series? It brings us an awesome opening theme song (hehe), plenty of cast, and a fine story. As of now, we only know of Phos and her (I assume it's a her; she keeps using "boku" though and she sounds tomboyish) new mission to do an encyclopedia by the sensei (I've confirmed it's the same voice as Kara no Kyoukai's Araya Souren; his deep voice is very reminiscent) which sounds like the most boring job ever when you have others fighting, but may also be the most important. As the healer/doctor mentioned (great skill on piecing them gems up though haha) that so long as we don't know the answer we'll have to fight until we can find a solution, and that may be what Phos should set herself up for. To find a remedy for this predicament through discoveries. Firstly, she has to go around. Well, going around isn't her life yet, but Cinnabar seems to know a lot more considering she has been let a loner, her powers are poisonous (not related), and she is doing the night walk which the opponents do not appear (sorry for Buddhists if you're offended by the show), which sounds like a perfect person to ask for the person who has all the time at night lol. Maybe Phos will come to terms with her mission, really take out a discovery that will help the team of 28 gems to not get ripped by the enemy, and maybe save that lost comrade. Some episode, man. Meanwhile, we welcome a new character introduction episode, with Dia (short for Diamond) taking the main role. I can't wait. This show is really impressive thus far.
Warning: No one was severely "damaged" in this episode. I promise.
P.S. The above paragraph does ignore everything else in production, so I'll talk briefly about it. People will be concerned about animation, but I'm not really. Random Curiosity has mentioned that it is undertaken by an experienced company who knows their way of combining 2D and 3DCG into the show (it's Unity by the way, check their official website/Twitter for proof) and I kind of like it. It feels like video frames are capped at 30fps but I guess it's just more to our perception to think that 2D animation should be smooth. (Well spoilers: it's not) Nonetheless, I think it's impeccable for it to be done this way, and I like it. Cinnabar's powers (the "poison wave") is good evidence that this beautiful animation is here to stay. Can't imagine if it ISN'T 3DCG though; it may took really terrible in comparison.
P.P.S. The hardness thing may unfortunately be used by myself as word puns for the next couple of weeks without me noticing so sorry in advance for those not sex jokes haha. Also, I'll need a chart for gem hardness very soon. Maybe I'll post a link here next week.
(I'll talk about more of the story, plot and theories in later episodes because this episode has plenty to offer, so... I guess I'll have to watch it all hehe)


Okay because I'm crazy despite me having to do everything else in life, I'll start doing that encyclopedia Phos is reluctant to do. Well, I'm Google-ing for answers so I got it easy haha. Well it wasn't easy anyway I can't really find a chart to describe all 28 minerals mentioned here so I decided to do my own here.

Bear in mind I'm only doing the hardness of gems according to the Mohs hardness scale as mentioned in the Anime, so here it is for now: (characters which are not in focus will be excluded and compiled at the end) (#htmln00b) (Also also also, only the table will move on in the following weeks)
Name of Mineral

アニメ Blend S
I must say, this first episode of a... slice-of-life cafe series (#BlendS01) is turning out to be rather interesting, if not better. (Yes, I only build on watching WORKING!! as my reference lol) Let's just talk about everything in general. "Very appealing", is the phrase I would like to use. The plot itself is simple, as Maika is trying to find her job but ends up showing her cold eyes to everyone she meets, which makes her only perfect for the cafe job. The manager is the main point here, not in romance, but is the fact that the cafe was meant to show many personalities, and seeing Maika doing the sadistic character sounds perfect for the job in the manager's opinion. Well, at first I thought this show was meant to have characters with such persona, but turns out it is all acting, which is fine I suppose. The style of the show goes in between fanservice (yep you don't see undressing in WORKING!!, for example) and some subtle comedy to poke on the characters from time to time, which I guess is fine. I'm more worried at the start that they may force on this part a lot stronger but I guess I can accept it so far. There is emphasis on plot progression though, showing in the first half of the episode Maika showing her cold eyes, her screwing up on work which means pleasure to the customers, and so on. And maybe romance along the way? At least there is a story here, I could say. Otherwise, you'd be glad to know that if all you want is stereotypical Anime characters (though limited) this one has it all, maybe. I'm just worried it'll get too stereotypical it's going to change my opinion of this show. I mean, the theme songs are already disappointing. (If you know of Klassic Note this opinion shouldn't be a surprise to you)
The best selfie ("twoshot" in Japanese) I've seen in years lol
P.S. Maika MVP? Nah, people like a huge rack, so whatever. "Kaho-san MVP" then haha (her voice is familiar though; remember Kana-san in Tsurezure Children?)
P.P.S. To add on, I would say this show offers a lot of content, and is way stronger than WORKING!! would have to let's say, their first season. I'm not expecting sequels here, but if this series keeps on the amount of content every week it'll stay strong in impressions. For once I wonder when the episode is going to end when I'm watching everything until the part where the girls go to the arcade.
[My comment on RC]

AND with Sangatsu no Lion which is airing next week I may have to watch 4 shows this season. It's been some time. I don't want to reject Blend S theme songs though. I have my standards to follow lol

漫画 A Channel
The new chapter (102) must be talking about that hit movie in Japan by Makoto Shinkai- Ah, I better not say it Tooru will kill me if she hasn't watched it yet? Nah, I doubt so. (I mean, it's been so long anyway - I meant the manga) Don't spoil it for me though; I haven't watched that gender switching Anime haha. Anyways, Run-chan has plans to watch it with her best friend but it's not until two weeks. So yeah, Tooru just doesn't want to get spoiled. Unfortunately, it's rather unavoidable as most of the school (even the teacher) has watched it. I know, I never had this feeling before haha. Then again, I wonder why this doesn't happen when I was a student? Must be that I'm not into movies. Or that movies are not interesting enough for everyone to talk about it. Whatever, man. I'm just not into them anyway. Yeah, don't spoil "Kimi no na wa." for me, will you? *laughs*
Well Nagi-chan, it's no spoiler why you've been putting on weight lol

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new slew of chapters (80-82) talk about... okay let's mention about the collaboration. I mean, they just baited Hotaru-chan into thinking about it the second time, right? Well seriously, if it's that good you don't need a new flavour. I guess that's the problem with many food products over the years. My local Oreo company launched thin sliced Oreos recently. I mean, the original ones aren't good enough?? Then, there's the sour thing. Honestly, I like sour stuff, especially if it comes in the form of sweets. Well, maybe only sweets, but hey, it may just be a gender thing. Good for Sayashi though because she's going to eat a lot of that when she gets pregnant in the very far future lol. Still, I really like the simplicity of such chapters in describing a dagashi, and I'm sure the second season of Anime which is airing next year will be as good as the original work. I may not have reached far enough to see the latest stuff though, so I hope I don't get too spoiled.
(Sorry, can't help but clip a page of the comic)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, nothing.

Yeah, I meant it. Nothing this week.

I did nothing for Klassic Note this week. I'm just extending the paragraphs at this point now.

I mean, I was excited about the theme songs of the new season of Anime (or not), but this week... I've done nothing. (Don't relate to my life even though it's very similar lol) I kind of forgot that 7!! best album releases this week (I'll have to listen to it before next Wednesday?), and I'm only looking forward to Tomacchan's new single and two albums which will come out next week. Man,  next week is going to be hectic as hell.

On other things, SCANDAL's new song might be a disappointment ever since I listen to their own compositions... well that's it. I said it earlier: I've got nothing on this week.

Ugh, I'm disappointed in myself in not searching for new melodies already. Then again, everything around me recently has been rather disappointing. I mean, they released the Anime "Houseki no Kuni" opening theme song in full as the first episode aired, and... I regretted listening to it. Totally spoiled my anticipation for the awesomeness in the 90-second clip. Oh well.
I'm in love with this for some reason. I missed this style. It's been a while.

YURiKA new song preview is online!
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) October 8, 2017

Look. Look how enthusiastic I am. And in a couple of hours all hell has gone loose. *sigh*

This is it then. Project mates are pestering about me on progress already. Cya guys next week, and hopefully by then I'll feel better, and not because a new season of Sangatsu no Lion started airing lol
