
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #42

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #42

Sunday, 15 October 2017
Wow. Another week has passed. Really, the worst thing life can do to you is to put that final year project over your head for a year. I have relieved myself of half of all the group assignments I have to deal with this semester and I'm still unhappy. Must be the upcoming exams lol

Okay, not to dampen anyone's mood but mine, let's get going! Spoiler: no new Klassic Note reviews. Tomacchan didn't make it in the list haha

アニメ Just Because!
NATSUME MVP!! Haha, we got to start somewhere. I figure we start from her hehe
The new episode (#JustBecause02) gives us a little more insight, or moreover, a little more story, to what has happened and is going to happen. Souma, that baseball guy, asks his crush Morikawa out... not on a date unfortunately, but coincidentally with the others including Eita the transfer student and Natsume (the other not-couple couple which has problems) and like, with another classmate out on an aquarium trip. Though not much has been mentioned throughout the episode, there is development. Souma gets to know about Morikawa's family (mostly just the twins), and someone remembers that (I assume embarrassing) thing that happened. I mean, what's that bad to have to keep a secret? Being best couple in middle school?? (*wink* Hyouka lol) Anyways, we'll get to find out more in due time. Meanwhile, things are patching up, as they socialise together like high school kids all over again, just that this time round might be their last. You know, that stereotypical ending where everything sucks after high school. I mean, I'm not even complaining. Just look at my life haha
Haha you can clearly tell that they are twins
P.S. I like how soft this show is taking us though; the approach, the detail, and the lack of aggressiveness (okay maybe Souma's "confession" but still) which makes this slice-of-life drama perfect for me to watch. People may hate it, but I'm growing to like this original Anime. Theme songs are great too, and it's nice to have yanaginagi back in my life again. Haha maybe. We shall see.
P.P.S. I say that because yanaginagi sings the opening (and it's Kitagawa - the guy who writes for Hanazawa Kana-chan - who's doing the song) and writes the ending for the three female characters we see this episode. It's okay, I guess. Good enough reason to stay and watch haha

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
JADE FOR MVP THIS EPISODE!! Yeah, that one joke. That's good enough for this show haha
The new episode (#HousekiNoKuni02) talks about fighting, for most. Problem is, fighting, when the sensei is asleep. And the moon people (as I shall call them from now) have brought something new, apparently. A gift. Not a treasure, definitely, as the gem girls are melting under this biological structure. What's more, Phos has been "eaten", if that word still exists in their world. Not even Dia can do anything, or the even stronger Bort. So now what? The monk is technically unbreakable when he's meditating (pun not intended; you know, high level monk meditation vs I'm sorry Jade's arm haha), and there aren't any other methods of fighting...? I mean, there's Cinnabar, but that may just melt Phos with it too, well, along with the school if that is any important. Looking from the shape of the island and how that's the only building, then yeah, they sound like they're in trouble. Still, it leaves many questions unanswered. Remember the gem girls are able to piece themselves together (literally) when they are chipped or broken? What happens if they melt? Is reconstruction still a possibility? Then again, that means all memory will be lost. Well, goodbye Phos. That's the most relatable character we'll see in a show ever. Then again, Phos till this point has been nothing but irritating, and I swear Dia has exerted her utmost kindness towards her (I wish forgiveness for me was also just a hug away), so she better. *laughs* Otherwise, you'd be glad the next episode preview brings us more mysteries, and hopefully, some solution to their current situation. With a... jellyfish snail (?) right at their doorstep, they should find a way out of this soon otherwise they'll have no gems left. Not even for the moon people.
Dia, why like Bort when there's Phos?
Okay I shouldn't have said that haha
P.S. Yes, Takagaki Ayahi is Jade, of all people. Can't recognise her though. Too focused on Kayanon as Dia already hehe I guess I can't recognise as many voice actresses here sound tomboyish. For example, Bort is voiced by Sakura Ayane who is also Kaji-san in Tsurezure Children remember that smoker? haha
P.P.S. As mentioned in the intro, even though I wished that shot wasn't taken too far away so I can GIF it but hey, it's a good joke. And Jade's hardness is... cue that table...
Name of Mineral
(*Yeah from now on I'll refer to the website unless otherwise stated) well you'll know haha
(*Bort refers to - if you didn't find out - the crushed, opaque versions of diamond as a crystal)

アニメ Blend S
Wow another wonderful episode, I must say. The new episode (#BlendS02) talks about a couple of new things. Well, don't ask for plot development, please. It's your usual slice-of-life comedy. From Maika rehearsing her sadist role which she practically doesn't have to, meeting of foreigners trying to speak English English (not a typo because this is a Japanese cast lol) to fighting for a new menu item in the restaurant, this show has everything. I also like how I've been consistently understanding the jokes as they were coming, like how Mafuyu saw Maika fondling with Kaho-san if I may put that wrongly lol, how the manager just dies after eating the sadistic parfait, and that seriously overkill of a fight scene between Mafuyu and the manager (manager RIP)... it's laughs all around. It may be overdone, and it's quite similar to this show's animation company Aniplex who has done WORKING!! before, it's no wonder I feel right at home with this show. Hey, not too much rated stuff, plenty of jokes, and nothing but male customers will be sure to make this show clean of any other competition. That is unless, you're here for the girls too. I won't say I'm one of them, but I agree with Akizuki that we need some yuri action- What? I didn't say anything lol
Just a nice reminder that if this were done the other way round it'll not have THAT much of an effect lol
P.S. I seriously thought in the drawing of sticks we'll see the manager cheat to be in a team with Maika I guess not huh the manager is not that desperate haha
P.P.S. Although Mafuyu is not wrong, I guess Maika can stay less opinionated at this point considering there are tons of people around her making decisions for her because her decisions kind of suck according to what she came up for a parfait. Nonetheless, she should start thinking about making right decisions soon. Like working in this cafe for example lol

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
They make you feel right at home with the new season but WHERE ARE MY KAWAMOTO SISTERS?! *saw end of episode* YES!!!
The new episode of the season (#3Lion23) brings me a quote directly from the episode by the main guy Kiriyama Rei himself. It goes as "If I wasn't careful it felt like something was going to leak from my eyes, so I used every ounce of will to hold it in". Yes. My opinion of the comeback of a new season. At first I thought this would throw me off as much as I think of the show when I watched this at the start, but no. I got right into it as quick as the introductions start kicking off. It was also really reminiscent of all the characters to be mentioned, and to finally see some focus on our potential other main "antagonist" (well I wouldn't say that) Souji Meiya and his first match this season of the show. But yeah, it's the feels of shougi and life all over again. And if you have not been missing that, I have. It's all I have waited for for nearly a year, and I'm glad it has all come back together. All in all, the theme songs are nice, the soundtrack by Yukari-sensei (I started from her music in Anime "Toradora!") is great, the story flows well back into pace once again without talking too much about introductions as they shouldn't... it's all back to business, I guess. Next episode sounds a lot more overwhelming than this emotional episode has to offer, so I'll be looking forward to more drama again. Next time make sure we get more females in the episodes, yes? Old men in this show are boring lol
(*Crying words in background)
Me when I haven't made any progress on my final year project lol
P.S. I'm also glad to see the season happily welcoming the club activities segment with shougi and science mentioned in balance in this first episode of the season. Feels like they staged it, but yeah, it's all in all very nice. Hey, we needed more from Kiriyama's life besides shougi, and here it is. I'm satisfied haha

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapters (83, 84) talk about... a lot of weird things. From human transformation (I swear this won't make it to the more practical "sponsored" Anime lol) to looking at more of Hotaru (oh damn I wished they'd take it to the next level) (Kotoyama-sensei, please?), there's everything to enjoy from just two chapters. One new sweet was only mentioned on the chapters, and the other was them playing traditional games again. I say "traditional" because we are all staring at the modern ones already, and I would like to bring back the focus on these games we so see as fun like, a decade ago. *sigh* It's great being in the countryside, where things don't change. Yeah, Kokonotsu also wished Hotaru-chan will never change. I agree with him hehe
Again, never wanted to put too much text for a thumbnail, but I sense Kokonotsu boner haha
P.S. DUAL LAYER SKIRTS MVP!!! She needs to do that more often tbh the weather's hot in the countryside haha

漫画 Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
Haha the-one-guy-who-we-still-don't-know-his-name makes an appearance! I still don't know his name btw haha I'm sorry bro
The new chapter (56) talks about the unlikely scenario which results in the biggest enjoyment Usami has ever had - being serviced by Uchimaki, her crush. Why is that important? Because apparently everyone saw or even heard about it (details in the thumbnail below), and now she can't work with her left hand due to... you read the chapter. And it gets better. I'm not going to spoil it for you, but as her friends have noticed she's having a great time, so we don't have to worry that much. On the other hand, the we-don't-know-guy is quite a big part of this chapter somehow, so you can see what happened. No, there aren't two guys who want to pull her pants down HAHA GOTCHA (don't worry I didnt hehe)
If you want to say it to someone in Japanese it's "suki ni shiro" [好きにしろ] haha
(And that is where it all started...)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow if this week isn't a bonanza compared to the super dull period in Klassic Note that was last week. I've exceeded my capacity to give up to FIVE RELEASES this week, and giving them all gives me a relief for all the music I had to listen this week to be honest. And that's not all in the lineup, but we'll talk about that later. Firstly, releases this week. Yoru no Honki Dance's new album is okay as I try to give a couple of songs not including the topic song somehow because it didn't stay in my mind after a couple of listens apparently. SPYAIR's new album delivers quite well, but mostly average songs make it hard to give even a couple of songs, but I still got to it somehow. It's also the last of the releases this week I gave because of such hesitation I had throughout the week. 96neko released a new album (thanks Google) after that single I gave in March, and it sounds rather impressive to be honest. Never thought I would give the other side of her singing in this way, but hey, I got to start somewhere. Now I may have to go listen to her earlier releases; I'll see if I have the time for it.
What the heck is with this super cute song?? ktkr

Oh, I haven't heard of this side of 96neko before? Oops.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) October 12, 2017

Tomacchan's new single is rather disappointing considering it's an Anime theme song (Mocho's from the same Anime will be worse I assure you), but I still gave the topic song nonetheless. And this, is still somehow better than the other releases this week. Lastly, I finally gave a listen to 7!! best singles album where featuring all their single topic songs (and a couple of other songs not in singles) I ended up putting three songs in the list. I guess I like their style somehow. More on the later style though; their early style is a little deterring. I don't know why, don't ask me.

Over the weekend as I was cutting the live performances from (if you need to know) ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2017 (yes, it's this year), I ended up giving (besides Suchmos) Shishido Kavka just the one topic song from her latest album. Other than that, I don't think I'll like her style considering this vocal is also a drummer and she sings kind of electronic rock songs with beat music inclinations. Well, that's just me, but yeah, I'll consider that in the upcoming week. I need more time for that because it's today recent.
No not that weird guy dancing. I meant the song.

Sounds old fashioned with techno, but Shishido Kavka is something.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) October 15, 2017

Next week, I like how my Wednesday is a holiday AND I DON'T HAVE ANY NEW RELEASES TO LISTEN!! DAMMIT!! Well, I'll go explore on the recent reel I got from my Klassic Note net haha

This is it then. I still gotta do up everything else. Oh yeah, the KN10YEARS thing, huh. I totally forgot though. Well, no promises next week too because I've got more assignments to clear. Yeah, #unilife ladies and gentlemen. Cya guys next time then, and until then... I hope you're living an easier life than me. If so, go watch more Anime and listen to more Japanese songs, yes? They are the fuel for my hectic life so I'm sure it'll work for you. I meant that in general. Not like you have to watch lame slice-of-life Anime or listen to boring Rock music. Yeah, I'm talking about you. Hmph!

See you next week. *laughs*

P.S. Because this is kind of rated so I won't say it in Twitter: Whenever 96neko sings in the song "Maji de BI BI DA BOO" from her new album "my beloved beloved lover" [大好きな大好きな恋人] I keep reminding myself of my left hand haha Happy Girlfriend Day everyone lol