
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #47

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #47

Sunday, 19 November 2017
Wow. What a week. Well, guess what? I'm not done yet. Last assignment this semester. And I promise I'll not talk about this again.

But you know what's after assignments? Exams!! *laughs* Life sucks

(My entertainment life doesn't suck though so let's talk about it haha)

(*"Just Because!" had a recollection episode this week so... yeah)

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
I know, right? Wearing so beautifully to go to sleep... man, I wished I could hibernate with them haha
Okay, the new episode (#HousekiNoKuni07) talks about hibernation, and how the gem people deal with them at this time of the year. Since the moon people also depend on light, they will not appear often in the low-light season, which is also a good time for the girls to hibernate. Only sensei and a new character (which I shall not name it for now) (I say "for now" because there's that table) are around to keep watch in the rare case that the bad guys appear, but it seems Phos can't get to sleep as well, considering in past years she's ALWAYS the first to sleep and last to wake up lol. Anyways, she goes on a pair work with that guy, doing all sorts of things like clear snow, remove ice floes and so on. And yeah, Phos is dumb enough to hear their cries. With warning from the teacher that it's crying out to anxiety, it's no wonder that idiot *wink* will fall for it. But seriously monk, them gem girls didn't take lessons on meditation, you know. Saying that won't help. Moving on, it would seem that Phos will be fighting without the hands (I don't know man...) and it will involve the moon people once again, so we shall see. I really like the mood of the show though, to be honest. Not too forceful on the emotional parts too. For example, Cinnabar, Cinnabar and Cinnabar etc. *laughs*
Man, Phos is so cool...
P.S. Phos has GOT to be MVP this week, right?? Well, considering her screen time yeah, but also, her snailing around the snow is the best thing in this show haha
P.P.S. Sorry Bort but you sleepwalking really looks like a scene from one of those lunar ghost month movies here haha okay not like we don't know about someone else's "yearly tradition" already hehe
(Ah then again it's no wonder Kongo-sensei said yes to it since it's only once a year haha CUE THAT TABLE!)
Name of Minerals
Yellow Diamond
Red Beryl

アニメ Blend S
No but seriously, is all the jungle walking thing in the manga? I feel like I should take a look to confirm this absurdness but... haha
As always, this show brings a lot of jokes and joy. The new episode (#BlendS07) talks about a couple of things. Firstly, a change of image. Since Kaho-san is tanned for some reason (no seriously which beach did she go?? lol) and we have Maika working herself out as usual (man, it's just a small cafe how did she get lost?) the manager Dino decided to create a jungle theme for the cafe, making it surprisingly interesting (lol Mafuyu the monkey) and erotic (thanks Miu-chan as usual) at the same time. Then, we have the story of buying strawberries. Well, first things first, some of the supermarkets did show the "Strawberry Festival" sign so I assume there was a sale and things aren't stocked up, but yeah the couple did take their time. And Maika, you're perfect for the job. You as a person... just don't stare at people like that, yes? *laughs* Lastly, the running of the cafe is taking a toll on the staff, and besides Maika who doesn't have acting problems because she isn't (lol), everyone else wanted a new staff to join the crew. Especially Akizuki because Dino is not doing sh*t at the kitchen haha. Anyways, we'll be introduced to the last service staff very soon, and if this is spoilers to you then I don't care because she'll be acting an idol role. I mean, I've had enough of the four girls now already I don't need more seriously that imouto is good enough haha
When life tries to f**k with you lol
P.S. The jokes are really on point this episode tbh especially Miu-chan and her handy notepad haha imagine if I did that for APoL (well I don't anyway I just type into my phone hehe)

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
You know, there's always a minimum to how much one has to relieve in order to be consoled by oneself, and it seems Hina-chan hasn't got it out yet. Well, please do then. If it's never enough, do it until you can forget about it.
The new episode (#3Lion28) is all about Hina-chan's perspective on the issue we have so far talked about. Okay, I'll try to be shorter than before because we can't go on for this forever (as much as the show likes to), but yeah, let's talk about it. It's all about curbing the fit of anger, and society teaches us not to exert violence on others, so what so we do? Return the favour, typically. But not many of us are capable of it (for example, if they insult you in some way you just do it back in a similar fashion), and so we cry in agony. In agony of society not giving a damn about what you can do, and what it means to go back to normal after deviating from reality. For reality is nothing but whatever it takes for us to do anything and it being destroyed by the people around us. I think I've mentioned many times that school is a good reflection of society and its events, and it has taken a toll, on Hina-chan. We also have known about Chiho's current situation, and it's not pretty. Which is probably the source of Hina-chan and her anger now, but hey, the discrimination continues. Now that the teacher has seen some light of this "reality", I hope it's not a "it's-your-fault-so-I-shall-discipline-you-and-no-one-else situation, but hey, I think the teacher woke up. To whatever that means to be bullied, to say the least. Anyways, Takahashi - Hina's crush - came by to say thanks, which was probably how all of this started. Still, living in one's world is not a desire, but it's most definitely due to limits. Boundaries set around us making us think being in our comfort zone is okay. It's not. It shouldn't be. Yet it's the best option. I envy those who have not yet been in such a situation in life, you lucky a**holes, but yeah, it's not fun. Justice, is no fun. And of course, ranting about it, is no fun too. So yeah, overall we got quite a light episode to hopefully offset the sadness in this part of the series, but I still enjoyed it though. The irony of being in discrimination. Not to say I'm relieved of it, but I'd like to say "no worries" is the best kind of solution to these kinds of repercussions. Period. I'm done.
When you start dreaming about money lol
P.S. I thought the eating cherries part was a Koufuku Graffiti episode for a moment. Oh, they don't have the mouth cams? Okay then maybe not haha

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapters (89,90) brings us a typhoon. And it's not just a normal typhoon. It's a typhoon that is crazy enough to send people outdoors (no one was hurt in the new chapters) and bring everyone together haha. Anyways, the story. Aside from the games that were in fact just paying for more dagashi (Capitalism in Japan, everyone), the guys decide to stay by since the weather was so bad outside. The dad leaves for some alone time between the four people, which... I must say I'm not impressed. Well, we may not be done yet, and Hotaru's boobs are rather disappointing haha (*brings up glasses*) so we may have more to see. Hopefully. Hopefully it's not d**k haha I'm not gay lol
I've been waiting for this for like, 88 chapters hehe
P.S. Now I SERIOUSLY want the new season of Anime to come soon because of Sayashi hehe I want some dere Nu-chan so bad

[Maybe I'll try to catch up with one manga series (which has stopped airing Anime) a week. Well, not starting this or next week though; I've got exams ahead.]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm... I've been busy for this week, and I've been ignoring a couple of releases which I will not talk about her since I forgot, but let's talk about what we know of first. nano.RIPE's comeback single is... not disappointing to say the least, but to pick them up again proved to be a challenge. So I may be taking their first comeback song which they have been playing on their lives before this first, maybe. I've been listening to other releases though (yes talking about you, Brian The Sun), but not in detail to say the least. Yeah, this was it basically. We'll talk about music more often next week, I promise you.

Next week though, brings us a couple of releases I've seriously been waiting for some time. The two Anime theme songs of the shows I watch this season are going to be out next week. They are Blend S theme songs featuring a bunch of newbie voice actresses which I've talked about it before, and also Just Because! ending theme song, and that, I hope yanaginagi - the composer and lyricist - doesn't disappoint. But we can but hope. My hopes may be too high for these two already though haha. Last but not least is also YUKI's new single, which is why I'm holding to see which theme song I shall give to make sure Sangatsu no Lion doesn't violate the rules of Klassic Note in Anime or whatever that is that I made sure I must do since the beginning lol

In other news, nano.RIPE already confirmed their new single next year, and with the new year coming in there are a couple of new releases actually already confirmed, from ClariS to Kotobuki Minako's new album (apparently she's writing the lyrics for ALL the new songs) to yanaginagi's new album (what great timing haha) to Fuchigami Mai's new album following her solo debut (this one I may not listen though tbh because it's another Lantis). Oh yeah, how did I forget Goose house and their new single next week? Well, because it wasn't good? BOOM GOT THEM haha

Okay, before I conclude, I'd like to talk about #KN10YEARS. It's still a thing, it'll happen, but it may be shortened. It'll probably start the moment I can get the last exam paper off my a**, but yeah, and it'll end by May of next year probably. I forgot how long I took to finish the 5th year anniversay for Klassic Note, but I know this one will be short. A couple of new releases/compilations will be announced by then so do stay tuned. If it's 10 years for something then like many artists out there I want to make it big. Making it big on Twitter though? I may not do so. There's no point for promotion tbh (Hey deal with it it's me after all haha like how many of you knew of the 5th year compilations)

This is it then. Until next week... let me submit my assignment first... THE EXAMS ARE GONNA SUCK!! *laughs* Cya guys next week. Well, at least one will be done by the next time I'm here.

[P.S. *looks at Twitter likes* Oh I forgot about amazarashi's new album?? Yeah, that was one of the ones I said I want to review but I forgot haha]