
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #48

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #48

Sunday, 26 November 2017
Hey. I really thought of postponing this regular Sunday thing to after my paper on Monday morning but... yeah. I've got priorities, paper. *laughs* I'm so screwed for my closed-book exam tomorrow...


Let's finish this quick so I can go back to memorising more stuff to spit out in about... 14 hours haha

(I seriously need to create a template for this weekly post)

アニメ Just Because!
"I just happened to pass by." Yeah right I just happened to run like, three streets from my house early in the morning to the train station even though I've got nothing on today and I'm not an old geezer haha Eita YOU GOT BURNED! lol
The new episode (#JustBecause07) is back, and man we got a lot of things to think about. Hey, I like this show; you can't stop me thinking about things tbh. Okay, besides the fact that Natsume in middle school is cute af (hehe) (and Eita looks even worse; no seriously why is this kind of thing divergent? lol), we got a little more insight (actually quite some insight) into the past between the couple so that it would make sense for how their feelings for each other are right now. Eita worries about Natsume's run down on luck affecting her life (actually so bad that it came back up because of him, or because it's him), and Natsume... let's just say she didn't forget what she liked about Eita back then, and even so, after Souma, I assume. And in comes Komiya. We thought that it'll be over once the guy who she took a photo of (not the one who called the cops lol) gave her perimission, but apparently she isn't satisfied. And she feels muzzled for some reason. And yes, as expected, she decided to jump into the unestablished relationship, to Natsume's surprise, and her determination to say no. Hey, romance Anime, everyone. If you liked this or have been waiting for this, you just found a watching buddy haha. Anyways, things are getting warm between the young boys and girls, (Morikawa is even thinking of dressing herself up already) and I'm sure it's not only because of the snow, but yeah, I feel something in this episode, really. What happens next? To quote myself whom I quoted from someone else, "your guess is as good as mine". But this time, I have a feeling we're thinking in the same direction.
... I saw a pair of feet on a rug and NATSUME'S GOING TO THINK ABOUT THIS IN THE BATH!!
(Ah, predictive Anime is great Anime haha)
P.S. Haha okay you want that as the intro or "Throw more of them (questions) at me" and I make a joke of Natsume and Eita on the train? *laughs hard* Okay I need to wipe my tears up "motto dashite" is just too much
P.S. Okay because the image above is that, so I will talk about the other one. I wonder where I can get that English textbook. Is it everywhere? I can totally understand what was written, man! Not that their English sucks, but I can understand the Japanese as an English speaker. No seriously, I can find that at bookstores? I'm gonna read one this coming holiday, really. (Yes I didn't choose a bunch of text; thank goodness for that thumbnail, yeah?)

YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM MAKING THIS!!! No seriously, the animation is sketchy as heck tbh (by this point you should know who is MVP this episode hehe)]
Whoever thought of animating this part, you have my thanks.

アニメ Blend S
Man, what can I say. "Man". *laughs*
The new episode (#BlendS08) focuses on the new character we've all been waiting for. "Thanks for all the waiting", she said. Little do you know (well it's rather expected anyway), it's a cross-dress of a guy. Yeah. Just a good reminder that in the Anime world guys can dress as girls easily and female voice actors can take the part of these characters anytime. So, with that, let's talk about plot. Dino the manager is reluctant in hiring some girl that he will never like (okay Mafuyu is on the bottom of his list, but this new one is taking over) that one guy lol and yeah, it's still cute according to all the staff though, so he will have to stay. (I'll refer to the new "girl" as a him now, unless I mention the name) Hideri-chan, however, is blending in nicely. Because he himself wants to be an idol too, it's rather easy to play his own part. Of course the show will never fail to show us the many other sides of this cross-dressing freak (thank goodness because he's on the bottom of my list now) (yes even lower than the guys at the kitchen haha) as seen from Miu-chan finding him on the streets. But seriously, this is really disturbing, this episode. I can't help but keep reminding myself that that girl who is acting cute all this episode is... you know. He has gender problems? Hey, gender equality, ladies and gentlemen. And if you're neither, be sure to go to the toilet that best represents your real identity, yes?
Never thought I'll see pixelation in this show, but there you go again haha
(But seriously, he's doing the handsign for-)
P.S. No romance advances from Dino on Maika-chan, don't you worry. And it will never probably in this show. Manga-wise... I don't know. Probably won't be reading it anytime soon too.

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
No really, why are there that much ice UNDER the surface? I thought ice just floats? Oh well maybe it's like, centuries after our age, so maybe it's a little different I guess. Then again, who mentioned that this is Earth anyway? Hmm... (Okay they did haha)
The new episode (#HousekiNoKuni08) is sad. Real sad. In more ways than other. You thought last week was bad? It's worse this week. Aside from the special ending theme song, the whole episode is still full of surprises. Antarticite gets special attention this episode, as things go from bad to worse. Phos still has her arms off, and putting gold on it doesn't make her more attractive in any way. Good thing is she's changing. At least, for now, she feels the loss of her partners, unlike the many times she was paired with someone else. I mean, take some responsibility for your actions then maybe, maybe, we'll see something happen. I feel like this show is plotted in such a way that Cinnabar's involvement is necessary, despite it being the least likely combination with the group. What's going to happen next? Will the moon people appear at night after all? What will happen next winter?? (lol) Stay tuned to find out. Okay they may not go that far to do another year maybe
Spoilers lol but really "wtf" is my first reaction to this
P.S. "Where we were all born" So it's like, a gem spawner? I knew this show has RPG elements!! *laughs* But seriously it's all gold and platinum it's practically RPG heaven haha
P.P.S. Okay, let's talk a bit about the plot. I have a feeling that the pace of the show is good to be slow, but then again I find myself many a times to be irritated by the silence or the overuse of sound effects only. I mean, some more reactions from the gem people could have been better. I don't know. Phos is either super not emotional or I feel that reactions in this show in general is a little less than other action shows. Kongo-sensei should be the only exception to this (okay maybe moon people too) though. I mean, the moon people trap only slowed him down by that much this episode. Nice try, moon people.

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
The new episode (#3Lion29) teaches us to be concerned of others but also not give too much care to what others are doing. But hey, it's all life, people, so live with it. (I hate myself for making generic statements "as if the world revolves around me" lol) So yeah, let's talk about Hina-chan haha. Akari starts to get worried that Hina-chan and her case in school will turn out to be the next Gozilla film lol which I doubt it will, but yeah, it gets people worried. Kiriyama expresses his intention in being involved if necessary, and receives her thanks. And then, we have the highlight of this episode. No, not Nikaidou; He's fine. Kiriyama meets another opponent, and this one, is as irriataing as he looks. But because his playing style is fast and aggressive, Kiriyama's unpredictive and planned approach (like many other masters would do) gives him his win eventually, pissing his opponent off in the process. And his elders are right; If he wants to live life easier and not lose his budget for this month because of having to stay with this noisy nightmare, at least keep him down, yes? Kiriyama just got some motiavtion in life, we don't need more motivation in the form of anger as trigger, seriously. *laughs* This show is great, as usual. I thank them for lightening up the mood. As usual, Hina's teacher is a dumb, old woman haha
P.S. I thought putting one or more of those "imaginative videos" as thumbnail would be a good joke, but...
*This image was shown in perspective of Nikaidou's imagination (lol)

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
After a good two months of totally forgetting this (lol), the latest chapters (oh "Ciel Ciel" refers to the one with the black butler) (and "other Ciel" is the one that appeared out of nowhere because Yana-chan-sensei thinks it's a good joke haha) are going to make me confused, so let me see if my perspective after reading is still yours. (Who's idea is it to name the twins the same name?? "Thanks, Dad" lol) (oh then again the other one was not referred to all the time; okay I get it now I'm doing a stupid here haha)

The latest chapters (132, 133) talk more about the past of the twin brothers. They talk about a lot of things apparently, about being an Lord Earl of the land, about what they want to be in the future (Ciel Ciel wants to open a toy factory pff), and about things we know that are familiar to what we know of the story today, like hearing of the dad's duties of being a servant of the Queen, and its eventual inheritence. So yeah, a lot of things to understand as flashback chapters, but really informative. Other Ciel gets worried about not being with his brother, and Ciel Ciel... just kind of wants to be alone, which easily explains his attitude towards even Lizzy now. All in all, it leads to the Christmas when they were 10 (if you need a reminder start from Chapter 1 lol), and in the evening when they woke up after having too much fun in the abode... a disaster emerges. Well, we'll leave the fire thing to next week, hopefully? Man, it's all coming around...
I must admit, mother MVP. Nice choice, Earl.
(Also, huge rack unless they padded it lol)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
I'll make this short. I'm disappointed. The two Anime song releases I anticipated due to the overhype from listening to them too much has led me to expect more of the theme songs (you know, simple melodies, less flair, standard song structure etc.) but obviously I've not learned my lesson after 10 years of giving Anime theme songs. So yeah. Anime "Just Because!" ending theme song single wasn't impressive, and I decided to pass yanaginagi on that one and rather blame it on production, knowing that her compositions aren't as effective on others than it is on herself, to be honest. I'm still trying to give one of the theme songs from Anime "Blend.S" theme song single, but it's hard. I'll start from the ending theme first; It's hard to give songs this time of the year as I'm trying to cut costs count. Song count.
This is when i found out I have no feelings towards anyone lol

(Question is asking what does the lyrics make you think of. Choices are in order: family, friends, lover and other)
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) November 26, 2017
(You can go vote first you've got about half a day after this posting; see my Tweet for "translations")
On the upside, Goose house's new single was okay, and I like the topic song now that I have to explain even the lyrics on Twitter haha. YUKI's new single was alright, but unlike the ones on my shelf, I rejected the B-side hard and gave the Anime "Sangatsu no Lion" opening theme song just like how I would give any other Anime theme song, so yeah you're out, Brian The Sun. I also took the chance to finally review Primary's new album as mentioned last week (didn't expect this to "happen" this early lol), and I can say I'm happy. I mean, AFTER you've listened to everything above? I'll be glad I get to hear songs like these already haha

Next week brings us a couple of singles too, but somehow some of them got cancelled because I rejected them on preview stage (yeah yeah go ahead and enjoy your Minase Inori music video you idol nerds), but tentatively it's fumika's new single which is alright as of its preview and Taketatsu Ayana's best album which... I'll likely not focus on the one new song which I immediately turned away from. Ayachi, you don't sing songs like you used to. (Okay I was just joking people write songs for her it's dumb to have expectations) (Same with Anime theme songs written by Anime labels too)

[As usual, check out @KlassicNote on Twitter on my likes to find out the latest stuff before it gets here; We'll talk about some of them next week]

This is it then. As mentioned right in the introduction I need to spend more time playing games watching porn laughing at YouTube videos studying so yeah, I'll stop here. Next week won't be a problem becuase the next and last paper will be on a Wednesday (WHY) so I'll be doing this as usual. I mean, not like this is an exception lol. Cya guys next week, and until then... I need to start doing stuff I want to do. APoL and Klassic Note are just two of the things you know of, and even then "you" are one of the countable number of people who think this guy is interesting.


Bye. *laughs*

[P.S. As usual sorry (not sorry, actually) for not doing the overlays. If it helped in mobile search please do tell. Not here, I mean. Social. Social media.]