
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #10

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #10

Sunday, 11 March 2018
Yeah, six more weeks left before I can stop b*tching baout that thing I call "project". Hey, there are many fun projects in life, but this one I'm getting bored. So better get done with it, I guess. Problem is, I don't know how. And that !@#$% of a Prof is useless. *sigh*

Okay, let's leave that behind us for one day (Sunday, of course), and let's enjoy some entertainment to the fullest, yes? (I'm trying my best to be positive btw don't try me)

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
"Am I about to ask a girl for her phone number?" BINGO YOU IDIOT haha
Watching the new episode (#TakagiSan09) is like witnessing a magician play with his tools: Takagi-san's the imfamous witch of embarrassment, and Nishikata is in that box which can split three ways lol. Good thing is, this guy in the box will be ripped by the end of this Anime so these two will actually go out together haha not spoilers. Anyways, the episode. Nishikata is still as dumb as ever. Been saying it throughout the episode it seems. And with a smart phone, it didn't make him any smarter, clearly. Firstly, he wants to tease back Takagi-san by letting her ask for his number, but hey, she's not that dumb. Clearly, that girl can read minds. Well, minds that are readable as heck of course. Surprisingly Takagi didn't just add herself into the phone when she was passed his phone or that'll be awesome trick to play on him honestly. Well, it's not "Mahou Tsukai Jouzu no Takagi-san" anyway lol. On the other hand, I'm more interested in how it'll turn out if Yukari and Mina will to ask their parents for a phone using their friend Sanae-chan as an excuse because I bet it's going to be Mina-chan that's going to be left out haha. Then again, there's the vocabulary joke. In case whoever doesn't notice who "Itoko-san" is, you're not alone. But yeah, kind of shows how Takagi may (potentially) not have friends in class besides the one guy hehe. Which bring us to the last part of photo exclusivity. Come on, we know that's on purpose, Takagi-san. Nishikata is never going to be able to take a photo of her funny face because he's probably the only one who will laugh to it (I swear, his friends won't even question that first), and yeah, you bet he won't give away your photo the moment you said it's embarrassing. Hey, middle school kids understanding the use of words? Not bad Takagi-san you've been paying attention in class. Also #DamnYouNishikata for having such a life with a female classmate YOU KNOW I DON'T EVEN HAVE SUCH A LIFE IN MY TWELVE YEARS OF FORMAL EDUCATION??!! Ugh, this idiot disgusts me lol
P.S. Ghost stories MVP from Sanae-chan. Congrats. And that's why I don't watch scary movies because these are "scarier" lol
P.P.S. "Someone who exchanges messages with Takagi-san" It's with herself, of course. You know you can send messages to yourself on Telegram? *laughs* Oh they don't use those? Oh well.

アニメ Dagashi Kashi 2
It it pretty irritating seeing webpage creation happening in front of my eyes. Kokonotsu is in high school already, right? Oh yeah I forgot this takes place two decades ago lol
Yeah, they did it. This Anime. This new episode (#DagashiKashiS209) introduces us to (please don't) the infamous webpage programming code (PLEASE!!) that is....!!! Okay, I don't care anymore haha. I mean, I'm in it this much already, like literally right here, so I'll stop. But yeah, I had a good laugh. Makes you wonder how they did it... OKAY I WILL STOP. Anyways, going to the convenience store long enough gives Kokonotsu some "inspiration" of giving the dagashi shop some modern touch, well in this case, provide delivery services. Well, it may and may not work, and let's talk about why. It may just work because there's Hajime-san, and she can spend the time to deliver the goods when possible. Problem is she just forgets, like that Super Ball order she screwed up. It may not, because people won't buy these individually, not to even say in bulk. Just like those kids who are the only patrons in this season of Anime lol, they just want to come here for a quick bite or a quick purchase and then leave. Unless you're Hotaru-chan (HOTARU-CHAN!!!~ *sob*) you won't spend like a month's salary in playing those games until you run out of cash. No really, almost all of us won't. So yeah, which means making a webpage will only serve the purpose of increasing the awareness and appeal of this shop, especially if any idiot in the village did not know of the only dagashi shop in the district. No seriously, you shouldn't stay at home all day lol. Then again, if you're thrown off by the modern symbol that is the convenience store don't you worry; the manager hasn't figured out how to sell sweets yet haha
P.S. Now that I notice that they are stretching one chapter of the manga to do last week's episode, I better say it: I think they have done a good job on making the episodes good. Better than a fast-paced one, and certainly better than a double-length one. Well, I want more though tbh but still
P.P.S. Shoutout to Hajime's voice actress Akasaki Chinatsu for the wonderful performance this episode. But seriously, please stop with the terrible technical term pronunciations in English. Please, just stop. *laughs*

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
If Yanagihara was to be referred to a tree, I say he'll be... a wishing tree!! Haha man I'm sorry I had to make that joke lol so sorry old man
In spite of the repeated flashbacks (damn, seriously), the new episode (#3Lion40) cements the conclusion to the fantastic lead-up of Yanagihara-sensei's back story. (Yeah, calling him sensei now) I won't bother to spoil who won the Kishou Tournament although I think I did, but I'll talk more on the idea of a burnt field as mentioned last week. I'll keep it short, I promise. All the stuff mentioned in the episode is exactly why you need to have something other than your career, even if career is pretty much your life. You can go all out, you can create a legacy on your own life, but remember what happens when that is all gone. Not because you lost your career, but you have to let it go. It's harder to say goodbye when you have to, and not the other way round. Still, that also means even before you retire one should already start thinking on what they want to do afterwards. Teach shougi in the local community center? Go grow a garden of wonderful plants and watch them grow and die before you could? (lol) You know, start planning. I think I mentioned about mine last week, and many more considering the possibilities are endless with the advent of the Internet, there's pretty much nothing stopping you from doing anything in life, especially when you've let off that burden, as and when you want to. So yeah, if you haven't, don't start planning your career, start planning what happens when you don't have one. It's not going to be life if you don't constantly have one, to be honest.
P.S. I had my doubts and I didn't check last week, but yeah, Gan-chan (taken from the ending credits) is voiced by the person who voiced Kurotsuchi Mayuri in Anime "BLEACH". Too obvious already, even disguised as an old man haha that's Anime experience for ya (no it's not)

アニメ Slow Start
No seriously WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE YOU EIKO-CHAN!!! #DamnYouEroJKEiko haha
Never thought I'll tear up for this show again, but yeah here we are. The new episode (#SlowStart10) talks about secrets, biases, and life. Yeah, the last one, of course, shall be my focus this time round. I mean, the secret won't matter as the teacher mentioned to Hana-chan anyway, and what's wrong with the teacher treating the oldest student in class to ice cream anyway? Okay, about Shion's story then. I knew they won't play the easy card on Hana-chan's reveal that early. Instead, we have an even more intriguing story. Turns out we didn't even notice that Shion has been the landlady and literally been doing this full-time because... she doesn't have any other jobs. Yeah. Welcome to reality, people. Still, thanks for the flashback, and I think it's rather obvious how much of a change in life Shion did to Hana-chan, as if they were the only ones who can rely on, as relatives and as soulmates. Hey, we are all just alone, aren't we? And I guess this show has shown that clearly ever since the start. I don't think it's a bad thing, considering that Hana-chan then made a lot of friends and they had such a good time together. Quality over quantity in relationships, people. And that, I still think, is most important with humans. But hey, I'm just totally envious that Hana-chan has so many people around her who are concerned about her, who care for her, and who want her to grow. Damn, it sucks to be a man lol okay better stop those gender stereotypes. But seriously, the world in this show is slow, but at least it's sensitive, and most of all, it's gentle. Things, we'll never appreciate.
P.S. But really, to answer Hannen-san's question, it should be in. Then out. And in. And out. Until when? Well that... Oh, we talking about shirttails? Oops. *laughs* I mean, just flip a coin already lol
P.P.S. I mean, if someone gave me a gift just for being a listening ear... I need to reincarnate as a woman haha well I mean I can still do this and probably get one I guess

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The "new" chapters (116-117) talk about the recent episodes, but not as detailed as the Anime I guess. Sayashi doubts on Kokonotsu's new housemate and finds out it's just because of that useless piece of trash of a dad not being around so someone could tend the shop, but now she has a new job: making the dagashi shop Internet-appealing. I guess that's food for thought for even such a simple, traditional shop, so that's going in the right direction to be honest. Other than the Anime, we found out from here that Sayashi did end up having a bath before she hears Hajime-san was doing it in Kokonotsu's house lol, and the two did because of the website, start taking deliveries around town. Spoiler: the website thing in the original was as stupid as it was in the Anime haha
FYI you guys know there are jobs like this? Where your job is to just tend the shop?
Never did them though lol
漫画 Nagasarete Airantou
In the new chapter (156) we talk about "the eye of Kairyuu-sama", as depicted by the grandmother of the island. They are beings who are born out of imagination of the spiritual form of the old woman (lol) and possess special abilities which are different from their original kind, whether it be penguins or chickens or sharks. And with their use of abilities they exhibit a change in spiritual energy, as mentioned by Machi-san (the one at the shrine, the older one), regardless of how small it is. What is she going to do with those deductions? I have no idea. But suffice it to say it may be linked to the existence or even, the continuous existence of Kairyuu-sama itself. Hey, no wonder Machi-san was this interested. Can't help but, I guess.
Man, the penguin can read Japanese, English AND French mystery novels?
That's more than I can ever do haha

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was a dull week in Klassic Note. Well, it has kind of been for the year already and I don't really know why (*wink* Project), but I'm still listening, if you have been looking at my Twitter account. Sangatsu no Phantasia's new single wasn't that impressive considering I only gave the one song which was the best of the list too. I went back to that mini-album which I reviewed a month ago to give Friends another chance, so I took another song. Turns out it's not easy giving even their newest song considering they love to rap a lot and I'm rather shunned by that. And don't ask me why UNISON SQUARE GARDEN's new single is not around yet. I'm still using this to determine whether to give which theme song for the Anime "Sangatsu no Lion" to fulfill my minimum requirements for watching it lol

In recent news, congrats to new album from SPECIAL OTHERS (ACOUSTIC, but still, please) Ryokuoshoku Shakai's 1st full album is off to a great start which will release next week, Goose house has an album confirmed for April, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is going to release their new best albums by the end of the month (one normal, two "stemmed from the blog of Gotch" the vocalist of the band), and I finally got to listen the live audio recordings (on Apple Music) of Aqua Timez's newest live. It was great. Twitter can help me prove that.

This is it then. Man, don't know why it's so, but I feel a sense of satisfaction when reaching this point. I feel like the week is over once I finish this. Well then again my week finishes after every Wednesday technically so... *laughs* Okay, finish those project(s) first, yes? Cya guys next week, and until then... Instead of introducing new songs, why not go back to listen some of the older ones I've heard? Remember those times when I was happier than now? lol

[P.S. Don't know whether to write this here or in another post, but I'll keep this dream recollection short. I was in a team-building game with someone I don't remember. We were in a vertical cuboid room (high ceiling, square floor) and water is filling up through the water inlet at the corner. I climbed up to turn the hose on the other side in order to hit the buttons of the inlet to turn it off, and supposedly the teammate was to block the whatever beast which was trying to block the buttons I was trying to spray on. Huh, weird dream. We're running for our lives too.]