
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #9

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #9

Sunday, 04 March 2018
If you read that last paragraph before reading this intro again, it'll make sense why I'm laughing as much as Ohara Yuiko is after she, as a fanatic of the show, was sitting beside the voice actress behind the cutest voice of the Anime. Also, can we get the acoustic version of the opening theme for Anime "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san" released in some form? I liked it personally, despite the screw-ups hehe

Yes. I didn't do shit. And next week is term break. I better not live the nightmare of not finishing up my projects because there are two incoming. Get a hold of myself, me. Stop playing games like your life depends on it. Did you guys play Mahinsky before? That game is cool and it's only halfway done! lol let's start

(I love the image hover so I'm going full on this week guys don't miss them, literally)

アニメ Dagashi Kashi 2
Still goes to show, kids, when you're worried about something don't hesitate to ask. Because if you don't, it'll haunt you until you get an answer.
The new episode (#DagashiKashiS208) heavily exploits the fact that there's a woman in the Shikada household lol. No seriously, because two other people in this show do not know of that yet. And no, I'm not talking about You-san and Hotaru-chan haha. Okay, you know. Sayashi brought in many feelings of jealousy and anger all into one wholesome package, and... it kind of let off once she knew the truth. Or to say, the harsh truth, since Saya-chan isn't the one to live in Kokonotsu's house haha. Also, Tou-kun. That's some level of impersonation though, although tbh he ought to check the time to guess whether the friend's at home otherwise we'll really get to see some adult content real soon. All in all, funny episode to get the Endou sisters to familiarise themselves (maybe) with Hajime-san, and I really wonder where this can take us. The convenience store manager gonna bring her back? Hotaru's going to chase her away? Who knows. But we don't have many episodes to go though so I hope there's some conclusion to this part at least.
P.S. Can't help but laugh at the two girls laughing when Sayashi is not biting onto the roll candy. Seriously, those things exist? Man, I need to go to Japan to learn that
P.P.S. Once again, very surprised at the awesome entry that is Tou-kun to the shop. I mean, I'll play along, even if I question that some kid of a gangster lol

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
"I mean, that idiot will be going out with her if he loses again" BOOM GOTCHA NISHIKATA HAHA
The new episode (#TakagiSan08) is nothing close to being funny, but more to the point of being stupid already. Seriously, when will Nishikata learn? Firstly, the typhoon. In many ways than other, he kind of sh*t himself for making himself known to his surroundings, so why bother to hide from Takagi-san who clearly isn't as dumb as those first-person shooter video game AI who can't see or hear around corners? Then, there's the marathon. Yeah. That's the only time I can praise about him to realise the truth. Then again, Takagi-san probably isn't as good, but since the females only have to run a shorter distance... I mean, what was that guy doing when the teacher was holding the briefing?? Geez. Lastly, (ignoring the super lame last part no really #throwback to that tunnel) tickling each other. I was totally expecting him to poke the girl and someone else in the public saw it lol. No, this is not your stalker Anime haha. Then again, if I were him, I'll just tweak it just like how Takagi-san did - to make the other laugh but WITHOUT using tickling - even though I have a feeling I'll probably lose to her anyway. And no, I don't believe a middle school boy like Nishikata can laugh to an ahegao lolol (No? It's not it?)
Literally what every pervert looks like when he is asked is about to touch a female lol
P.S. While Nishikata is worrying about having yet another study date with Takagi-san, if I'm him I'll be worried if I haven't finished my homework by now lol haha I have no life
P.P.S HAHAHA Takagi-san wins this round (and all the other rounds), idiot. *laughs*
[I mean, we've learned enough already, right? I'm re-using the word "again", you know.]

[OMAKE!! She wins every time, that Takagi-san. Even the voice actress behind it, I swear. (FYI she asks us to watch the livestream which will be over by the time I post this; you lose if you don't watch it, and as punishment you're to watch it lol yes please watch it if you have read this)]

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
Ask yourself this because you'll have to someday: What happens if you're done with life?
Finally, the new episode (#3Lion39) asks all of us a simple question: When should you retire? I mean, I haven't even started and I'm still a student lol, but yeah, this is a big question to many. If you haven't been thinking about what life is now, it'll be way too late tbh to think about that when you're old. I'll talk about my life later, but for Yanagihara - the oldest Class A rank shougi player who has been listening to many confessions for changes in life from others - his life is nothing but burden. And I don't mean by physical burden because he's actually better off than Shimada (no really, he is, surprisingly), it's the psychological one. I always appreciate how the show takes a good step ahead to illustrate the analogies (which I assume is in the original work) which will make whatever topic stand out every time it's mentioned (from Kiriyama, to Hina, to this), and that is good, to say the least. That being said, I can't help but think that this show is trying really hard to show us the dark side of life, but for Yanagihara it's not difficult. The answer is simple: I don't have an answer to when, so I'll just do it until I stop. Hey, he may be a monster, he may be might I say a zombie at this point, but if you can't make the decision, don't. And let it live within you until you notice you can. Think about it. You guys all went through this many times. It's just not big enough to mention them all. And as for me? I like to think out of what life has, so that even if I'm done with it (ie. my needs and wants are met, which is never) I won't be staring into the darkness. I have a feeling, that's what my dad is experiencing now after having retired early last year. Yeah, the computer has been his companion since. It's scary, Saku-chan. Please don't be like him. On a lighter note, kudos to enthusiastic Nikaidou (I mean, with all this experience in this title match, who wouldn't?) (Okay the reporters won't but whatever) and I do hope so see a glorious victory. Or even, a proper conclusion, I'll be happy with. Hey, if Shimada wants to collapse now, at least there's the nurse behind the doors lol

アニメ Slow Start
"Let's show our belly buttons tomorrow" -Sengoku Kamuri, n.d.
"Girls in swimsuits studying" nicely describes this new episode (#SlowStart09) (thanks Tama-chan!) which- Oh that's just the excuse they give to their parents? I see. *laughs* So yeah, the rain sucked. Well, good news is, they had a second option, and thanks to Shion-san who walked in to Hannen-san who already walked in to see the girls in swimsuits indoors... well you know, decided to bring them to a pool instead of the beach. Well, better than nothing. But not as good as lychees lol. Still, the girls had a good time (and man is Tama-chan just the comedian), I had a laugh seeing Hana-chan struggle with swimming (no really, we need more people like her in the world; the real world has too many geniuses), and hearing Hannen-san squeal like a girl in the massage room is literally the closest, once again, the closest things you'll get before this show gets adult content rated haha. This show has a lot of laughs and they make you anticipate it (the timing is just 'slow' enough) so I would encourage you guys to try it out (pun not intended, swimsuits) because that's literally the reason why I watched this show. And yes, I'm having a good time, just like them. Man, wait till the friends know Hana-chan's a repeat student lol you think they care?? *laughs lightly*
P.S. Oh you don't have a swimsuit, Hannen-san? Don't you worry 'cos the Anime's director specially prepared one for you LOL
P.P.S. "Are the lychees fresh?" Hmm it depends if it turned brown- Oh sh*t I've been found out? Oops damn you Kamuri-chan haha
I love to see Hana-chan suffer for some reason lol #notSadist

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
I'll just wait for next week considering the... the scans haven't caught up with the Anime I'm just waiting for the Tou-kun part unless that's Anime only

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note

I kind of forgot to give a listen to SpecialThanks new mini-album which is nowhere to be seen on Apple Music so I'll talk about the others I listened to instead. To start things and let me leave this aside first, I've given up in giving SCANDAL new album any more songs. Sorry, girls. Over last weekend I did mention I've given a couple of artists a listen, and yes there are results. Awesome City Club seems to only be good for the one song because someone in YouTube literally commented how they think it's unlike them which is precisely the reason why I gave it a listen. Otherwise... if you like them then I don't. Period. Aimer's new single is okay but I'll just give the topic song thanks to the really short bridge part of the song and overall good melody. LuckLife's new single (in Limited Edition only for some reason) for that Anime movie probably stands out to be the best in the bunch released this week (the gif above is real distracting btw) because it left a better impression but not on the number of tracks I give this week because everyone is still stuck at one which explains why nothing's on my shelf yet. Last but not least, ClariS new single brings us a familiar tune once again hoping to not lose its current audience. Don't worry, girls; I'm going nowhere. For now. Besides, it seems that artists are leaving me faster than I can leave them lol talking about you Chatmonchy *sob*

Talking about collection artists like them, Aqua Timez is due to release a new album, so NEW ALBUM HYPE!! (I mean, they're the only pioneers left) Porno Graffitti is teasing their new album songs due in May if I didn't remember wrongly, Goose house is up for another new single soon in April, FLOWER FLOWER is teasing hard on their new album which is releasing two weeks from now, and I'm getting used to Ryokuoshakai's 1st full album topic song for some reason and I like.

This is it then. It's kind of late and I want to sleep A LOT so cya guys next week then. For now in APoL I'm thinking a lot about main character's back stories for some reason because I've been recently inspired by some RPG maker game I saw online which makes me wonder why can't I just design the stuff for now using that since I can't draw. Oh well, if I have the time to do it it'll not have to stay in my imagination already. Until next time... you BETTER hope I progress with my project(s). Or I should hope. Okay, I should DO. (Audience: That's more like it.) Thanks. I needed that. But not from you guys though. Takahashi Rie-chan would do though hehe haha bye