
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #13

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #13

Sunday, 01 April 2018
I know it's Joke Day, and I shouldn't be doing this on the day no one takes anything seriously, but yeah, it's also a Sunday. So whatever. I still watch Anime and listen to new songs. Besides, I made my jokes already. Changing my cover photo on Facebook to a random K-pop group is making me new friendships lol

Next year I'll put the Chelsea logo as cover photo haha okay let's start

(Note: The one Tweet on @KlassicNote is my rejection for ever giving a sh*t for K-pop that's why you don't see a cover image change haha)

Once again, sorry for the last post; didn't expect Sangatsu no Lion to be THIS long and I only watched this after dinner should've skipped that nap lol

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
OMG NISHIKATA GOT LAID!!!!!! Haha I know it's just a love letter
Wait, they just move the tables on seat change? WTF? Okay, the focus on the last episode (#TakagiSan12) of the series. I call that "Critical x2", Takgai-san. *laughs* Thanks, Anime. Thanks for ending on a happy note, literally. And I like. Can't unsee the last scene now. Let's go back a while to what happened. Two things happened in summary. Firstly, there's the letter-writing trend in class. This is vague enough to assume anything can happen, and Takagi gave a Valentine's Day to Nishikata for fun, of course. And yes, it's no love letter, but yeah, it still has the image of it. Well, because if she gave a guy the letter, specifically Nishikata, and he says yes, it is no different from any typical case. Nice job, author. Then, there's the separation. Haha, I make this sound worse than Titantic, but considering  they move the tables to prevent STD transfer (lol) I may have to reconsider this analogy. Yeah, this just means the couple(s) won't be sitting close to each other already, I guess. Yep. You wish. After what seems like a dream, Nishikata (and me) woke up to see Takagi-san beside him (and me, to a deja vu of this scene) (I swear I haven't watched this episode before this) just because. Well, I won't reveal all of them here, so be sure to find out yourself. And with the flashback, Nishikata decided to give back the one thing be picked up? Wait, then why in the flashback Takagi still has the handkerchief? #plothole Okay I'll overlook that I can't tell them to change it already. (Or maybe I wasn't paying attention enough) All in all, loved how this ended, and I must say, it is all about Takagi-san. And her sweet, sweet infatuation for the gullible boy known as Nishikata. This, is a good romance show. I know it's involving middle schoolers, but I want to see a high school version. A college version. You know. I want to see them grow up. They do that in all modern-day drama, why not this? *shock* I... I just got teased. #DamnYouTakagiSan
To sum it up, here's the last "Please No Nishikata Manual" tips for this series:
P.S. One of the Joke Day... jokes I got tricked into was the announcement (and full-on change of the website) of a new Anime of "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-chan" ie. the girl as a kid, probably without Nishikata. Clearly, that was going to be a future Anime original (if you knew the three manga serialisations) . Remember how WWW.WORKING!! wasn't a thing like, five years ago? Personally I want Oohara Yuiko to sing the new opening theme song and the new ending themes to be covers of kids' songs haha
P.P.S. Did I say Takagi-san Yukari-chan Mina-chan was MVP of the whole series? Like, did I say that?? Haha you guys don't know how attractive were those eyebrows lol
kick kick kick

アニメ Dagashi Kashi 2
Hmm, let's end this on a serious note. The last episode of the series (#DagashiKashiS212) focuses on the biggest cliffhanger this show has ever given us: The return of Hotaru. And above all things unsettled, they add on to it as if they want this to be a bigger mystery. But in this case, the Anime decided to end things around Kokonotsu, it seems. Hotaru was busy getting herself a company to run (man, this girl), Kokonotsu screwed up his manga interview (heck), Yutaka was the elder brother of Hotaru for some reason (which shouldn't be revealed at this time of the show), and You-san is back. Without a legacy. Because no one wants him now lol. Well, not only that, but hey, if the sponsors need more audience please help do a season 3 to resolve all these thanks! Okay, to production. Again, I blame the lack of time for the episode that this kinds of things are too easily summarised (I mean, "I've got so many questions to ask and in the end I just didn't" is not a good summary) and simplified I just feel it's missing out on something. I guess it's still better than the empty spaces created in the first season of this series where too little was featured in each episode, but this technically didn't make it better. I expected more, Anime. A better ending theme song (ugh), a longer storyline (I guess you can't get too many sponsors squeezed into one episode), and a better conclusion. But hey, I'm not really complaining. But yeah, the only thing I laughed to this episode is that Hotaru hear someone call Kokonotsu the manger. *laughs* Boy did I laugh it out. I guess you just have to see this show with a level of casualness otherwise it's hard to convince to watch this anyway. There is too little content to call if development considering how little it is in season one and how excessive it is in season two. But I'll say it ended on a good note. And that's pretty important. Kokonotsu running in with Hotaru? I'd like to see that! (Yeah it's a figment of my imagination, huh)
What should've been the whole of season two
P.S. Bear in mind I wasn't angry or disappointed, I was just unsatisfied. There's so much going on the show (and the manga) I just want to see this as a proper Anime that is not ridden with sponsorships is it really that hard??? *looks at Japanese bureaucracy* Okay nvm haha

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
I'm like "Hina-chan how can you not know Kiriyama is into BL" lol
Just in case you need a clue of why they don't dare to say "" on Hina-chan's test day, here's a hint. The new episodes to end the series (#3Lion43) (#3Lion44) is surprisingly, played back-to-back. (Well, I consider a day's difference back-to-back), and I don't know where to start now. Okay, since they feel totally different, let's split all the things up to three main stuff: Hina-chan, Kiriyama, and everything else. I'm giving this series a proper sendoff. Ready? Let's start!
The second last episode gives us the final focus on Hina-chan's prescence in Kiriyama's life for the series. And it concluded well, with Hina-chan's graduation from that darned middle school to his high school, and everything else in between that the aunt suspected but didn't come true. But hey, great pair, isn't it? And considering she's not going to grab hold of the great Takahashi who is pursuing his dreams away from town, Kiriyama is a good second choice haha. Okay, not that. But yeah, ever since his departure, Hina-chan has changed a lot. She got into high school, for goodness sake. She helped the family, got over the middle school bullying incident and is visiting Chiho-chan (the REAL victim) from time to time, she got her hair cut... all in all it was wonderful. [Insert moment for me to laugh at the hairstyle] Hina-chan has come far since the first time we knew her as a bubbly and positive girl. She's all grown up, this little girl. And as Akari a bystander (pun not intended, YUKI-san) I feel happy for her.
Can someone put this in the next Playboy magazine?? lol
The artists have gotten WAY too good at this btw
For the main guy, it's a different story. He took a journey back to visit his stepmother (hey she's still your mom), at the right time, at the right location. From the mother's narration it feels like Kiriyama is holding it all in considering (I think we've gone through this in season one) he's the victim of a car accident, but I don't think so. Actually, he might just be a good guy after going through all the trauma. Hey, sometimes, it takes an accident to change us. That's why they are called life-changing events, man. But seriously, as we have probably mentioned before, it's out of respect. To the stepfather who he might cross paths but in the professional career, but to his childhood who might otherwise got awry. Hmm what else... he gained some confidence. And that is real important. Burying the past behind him, living alone, and having help from the Kawamoto family definitely helped him out a lot, and of course people from the shougi field (exceptions do apply) who are with him, from Shimada, his best friend (self-claimed) Nikaidou, and more. All these, he got it through his life of chess. That, you can never get from a broken family. Really, this motivation is something.
Can't have too much Momo so here is more hehe
Well, from the grandpa trying to keep himself alive to pay bills and see his kids get married (RIP Momo's wedding may she marry early to a rich guy lol), Akari going crazy about teenager thoughts (I mean, she is still one she just... works with men), Momo being Momo (haha) and more which went throughout the episode and all, the show ended well by not bringing up too much of shougi, which to be honest is not the essence of the show. This show meant to tell a story. Even though it sounds like a bibiliography for a kid of chess, but in reality it is about the kindness. The struggles. The joy. The pain. And everything else in between which made this story touching and enjoyable. Really, this show would be real different if the stepmother's dream was true haha none of the three kids will do shougi like the father lol

To sum things up, I don't want this to end. Unfortunately I can't find any more supporting evidence to say there's a season three. *sob* Now I'm feeling sad. I really want this to go on. Forever. Is this it? For canon material? Hmm maybe, but I just feel like it's missing something. But hey, as a grow-up story, it'll never end, isn't it? *shock* I see. Then this is good enough. I'm satisfied. I may just have gone way too much to ask for more. I mean, look at how long is this already; I'm crying more than Hina-chan has ever cried in this show lol okay I'll stop

P.S. "What if the fever doesn't go down?" Then we're FUCKED!! lol okay just joking Hina-chan you think too much you'll be fine
P.P.S. Kayanon's Akari's "kya" for MVP this series haha I'll leave it to find out where it is yourself hehe
(Okay let's give this show a little rant. WAY too little animations already tbh. I think you noticed that too at the Kiriyama trip to visit the stepmother, but hey, if it's for storytelling it works I must say so that's the least of our problems)

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
Ah, so they took a later chapter and adapted into the Anime. And boy have I saw that animated. The new chapter (121) played on the game that Tou-kun was supposedly playing with Kokonotsu: the debt-collecting game. Well, just that the new hire Hajime-san know nothing about it so haha you can see the problem. The familiar 8-figure chocolate dagashi appeared for once (if you never had that you have no childhood), and yeah it probably didn't have that dramatic of an effect as it had on Tou-kun as it had on me I have no recollection of that stuff lol I only eat Rochers haha

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
I think this segment will be wonderfully summarised by the end of my report drill and the Moment I specially made on Twitter featuring the stuff I heard on Apple Music this week.
Apple Music/iTunes fact: You don't have to buy anything to listen to a preview (of up to 60 seconds) of anything I recommend. So yeah, go ahead and hit on those links now.

“This Week on Apple Music - Week of Mar 28, 2018” by @KlassicNote
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) March 30, 2018
I'll give a short summary. yucat's new mini-album didn't hold up as much as I thought it would be because I might just reject the one song I was about to give too, SOROR's new album which literally started from me hearing the one song from Kouno Marika was rather disappointing because it was remastered ie. the styles for electronic music will change drastically in this case, and yeah, I might just be skipping the album version and going with the single version. On the other hand, I found a couple of melodies I might just want to give. Reminds me of sasakure.UK's album I gave back in 2013 which... is probably better than this because of the music style maybe. Cocoro Auction's new full album (and finally under major label, not independent) was kind of okay, but way different than I imagined. Maybe they've moved on already? It sure was hard to give them songs based on melody, but even then the style is such a turn off. I miss those melodies I give with a mellow mood; kind of what I was here for in the first place. Well, next time then. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new best album features one new song, and despite it being very Ajikan it still doesn't go down my alley. I mean, that single from last year was way better.

Outside Apple Music, we also have a couple of releases to take note of. Hayami Saori's new single (for Anime "Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc") was okay in the topic song and I seriously thought the second review of the year would be this, but I'm keeping my wallet for now hehe. Anime "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san" ending theme album also came out, but now after what I've heard from the final episode I've regretted not voting for the last ending song in the Twitter polls posted earlier this week. Well, I don't really watch Anime on weekdays and this airs on Monday nights literally the night before I go to school for the week... you get the point. I'm not giving these though because to be honest they aren't as good overall, and I've given Ikimonogakari and Chatmonchy. So oh well. Takahashi Rie (better known as "Rieri") sounds great in this though. We getting the solo artist career soon?

This is it then. Again, sorry for the late post. I got to go for prayers (not church btw) in the morning and I had to wake up early so half the day was burnt. And even besides the long weekend with Good Friday over here it's still not enough to touch on the stuff I missed (not written here, I mean) because of schoolwork. And I'm not even done yet. Three presentations pending, a buttload of assignments... this month is going to be crazy. Cya guys next week then, and until then... oh when the new Anime coming out? I better check simulcast dates first then. Bye!


— 悠木碧【公式】 (@staff_aoi) April 1, 2018
Nice joke. Aoi-chan. No really, the shot has got to be awkward. Then again, I think I took a shot at that already haha no I was joking this is not enough for my standards (oops)

P.P.S. All Joke Day tweets are image archived because they will disappear in... like 6 minutes maybe. Yes, including my tweet.