
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #14

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #14

Sunday, 08 April 2018
Oh yeah, don't ask why I'm posting this late again. Ask my mom. Oh, you can't ask my mom. Well, it's her birthday today, and as celebration she ordered herself (yep) a karaoke session and my family (was forced and) sang with her for like... 2 hours. Thank goodness it's over because you guessed it, they don't sing/listen to Japanese songs. Not like I won't totally embarrass myself by doing so though. Still. It's hard digging up my history of Chinese songs to sing to, considering I forgot almost everything lol

Happy birthday mom. This is the last time I'm singing with you haha

Okay, let's get to it. The new season of Anime has started, and I can't wait to talk about it. Even though thinking about it Random Curiosity probably got it better than this... English-deficient intellect lol. The other two that I've considered will appear next week, so these two shall do for now.

アニメ 3D Kanojo Real Girl
"I was with her the whole time!!" That's TMI, bro. Should've just said who the thief is if you've seen it lol
Hmm... how should I talk about this show. First things first, I'm NOT going to watch this series after all, and I'm here to talk about why. To get the last thing out of the way, the theme songs are... less than passable. Then, there's the starting part. This definitely feels like your usual romance storyline, but if I compare to my experience of watching romance shows I'd rather not give it. Given weird circumstances of just revealing a female in real life to be somewhat of a snob and loner because of that, I don't think it's good enough of a case to watch this (typically because I don't like main girls in shows who are like this I guess), although at the end there's that countdown which if given as a cue to end the Anime series it might still be good, but no. Then, there's the cast. The impact based on the cast (I'd like to blame animation more on this) is not strong enough imo to make me want to watch this till the end, so I'll pass on that. Then, there's development, or plot line, as we call it. It does seem to resemble many romance shows that have appeared in the past, but personally speaking for a 2D guy with actions governed by an Anime character is... really weird for me considering this is an Anime lol (A Marvel superhero would've been more convincing you lolicon haha). And then, there's discrimination. Something I don't think I'll see myself watching this far into the show but I did anyways, but yeah. Considering the two are going out together with your typical cynical class in Anime, it's going to see a lot of problems. That, and then the slice-of-life stuff which of course we'll see... Iroha-san go naked for some reason, maybe. Then again, Tsutsun (lol) doesn't deserve that, that stuff going out with the girl. Maybe it's because I don't feel for the circumstances for the boy who is still a hero compared to his friend Itou (which says a lot about being the real otaku) (no really the ex-classmates story not convincing enough), and that might be the pivot point for me to believe that just given this episode someone who likes 2D stuff would actually care about a 3D girl, even if it came from a pool cleaning session. So yeah, not convinced tbh. Then again, I'm not into these types of storylines, so...
This is all you deserve, Iroha-san.

アニメ Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
"The colour of rainbow is rainbow" WTF WHO THOUGHT OF THAT?? *looks at author*
Unlike the previous show I just watched, this one punches your guts away the moment she sees it lol. No, I'm not talking about the main girl. The first episode of this wonderful Anime original I must say (#TadaKun01) is a good example of what happens when you start licensing your local shows to an international audience. *laughs* Okay, enough about Rainbow Shogun he's made it to the opening quote haha. Let's focus on the main topic: the plot. In summary, you get 4 people. The main guy (Nakamura Yuuichi, if you still can't recognise his voice yet), his joke friend (thanks Miyano Mamoru once again literally THE PERFECT GUY to act such roles), the main girl (who is surprisingly foreign and totally suitable for this role after the first time I hear Iwami Makana from "Gamers!" tbh) and her jerk friend (which brings us to the opening sentence) and you get - you guessed it - a romance show!! Hey, perfect recipe as it is, I have a feeling it'll only get better. Let's talk about the good stuff. You get subtle jokes, crazy fictional references (the book, "always make your heart rain-" okay I'll stop), an obvious plot hopefully with a conclusion (if you still didn't hear the "-sama" reference from Alec-san), a wonderful cat with its own blog (MVP this episode btw) and a basis to share in interests: photography. As you can observe, it runs in the family. Tada-kun's family, to say the least. As for Teresa? I don't know. What we do know is this will be one of the many great avenues for them to socialise, and hey, who says this is not the best way to do relationships? I'm totally in on this show already I'll tell you first, mainly because of the joke levels of comedy that'll keep me around, and the reduced emphasis on what's to come for now. Hey, the girls even "infiltrated" the school; what else of a classic plot line do you want? Don't ask me why because they probably have their intentions for coming here (clearly it's not just an overseas trip), but considering the title of this show I just hope they're here to find a husband? *shock* Oops. Zu-bo-shi? Haha probably not. (Sorry that was a Tsurezure Children reference I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done it)
P.S. "Someday you'll be-" Haha don't you LOVE those truck-drive speech censors?
P.P.S. *hears ending song* *falls down* Yes, ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you (if you didn't read the credits or can't) the main girl's cover of Sambomaster's "Love Song" from 2009. Man, that's old. I know I did get a hint from the official website but I didn't expect it to sound like this tbh
(Okay I know it's from the same guy production team that brought us "Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun" but I don't care. I know of this show even if I didn't watch those from back then. Gives us good reason to say why this one would stand out more and I'll watch it too. So yeah, don't think too much about it. Also, great soundtrack once again from Hashimoto Yukari-san because I've known her since Toradora! already. Concidence?)
What I'm hyped for next week haha
(And no, I'm NOT going to do this every week) (Maybe) (She too cute)
(Okay promise this is the last one: If you love the "dewa" after Teresa-chan explains herself and still wants to go down the drain you're going to love this show)

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapters (122-123) are kind of differently, so I'll summarise them separately. The former chapter is about senbei, and how Kokonotsu managed to convince Hajime-san to the other side (lol) by treating her to specially made dagashi, and yeah, I don't think I've eaten both ways before. The later chapter is a part of the ending to the season two Anime where Kokonotsu tries to rush the deadline to submit to a manga professional, and his friends came to help along with Hajime-san. Man, the bonding when Hotaru-chan isn't here haha
I never look this good.
Even when I'm tired.

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm nothing much has been in Klassic Note this week I guess, and if you've been following me on Twitter (which you totally should, I rarely post stuff now haha I'm just lazy) you'll notice a couple of stuff, from the Anime stuff above to certain weird stuff like replying to Endou Yurika on her recommendation to a new age instrumental artist ichika and I must say... it's real weird. It's totally off-beat, an unusual use of acoustics, and everything else doesn't fall into place at all. Hmm, I'm not into this, I guess. Ajikan's best album probably will come into conclusion next week, along with yucat's new mini-album because she liked my Tweet haha I decided to take a look again maybe I'll give something

Next week brings us ORESAMA's first full album in which I'll probably give the topic song in entry to listening to their whole release which I totally should before giving up. Goose house's new album will also appear next week (w00ts) so maybe I'll get some consolation after going through another crazy week. Really, it's terrible.

This is it then. I'm kinda tired after all the singing (even though I didn't sing much) (and I'm depressed when I notice my singing voice sounds REAL flat lol) so yeah this shall be it. I'm also considering to change back my life to a life of listening to more new songs instead of lurking around YouTube and giving ad money to Google all day lol. But yeah, you get the point. To listen to music requires a mood, and I'm losing a lot of it. Which easily explains why I'm delaying the reviews every time because I just don't make decisions as promptly as before anymore. *sigh* Cya guys next week.